Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 169

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 169: Don’t Give Up
Chapter 169:Don't Give Up
Thinkingabout Gu Yu's story, Zhang Siyi took a moment to ponder yesterday's events.When talking to the tree, Lu Qiao directed his hostility towards Zhang Siyi.Even though Lu Qiao clearly was against homosexuality, he didn't seem to hateGu Yu, only Zhang Siyi. In the final analysis, it was because Gu Yu's skillswere vastly superior to Lu Qiao's.
Zhang Siyi:"I thought he was a friend of mine.”
Gu Yu:“Perhaps before, when you were just starting at the company, you didn'tpose any threat to him, but now is not the same. He felt threatened by the rateat which you progressed because it was much greater than his own."
Gu Yu'swords reminded Zhang Siyi of the mentality he had when Tai Fei first joined. Itwas quite similar. Having his position threatened by a new person, Zhang Siyifelt an inexplicable hostility towards Tao Fei. Once Zhang Siyi saw his skilland realized Tao Fei wasn't recruited for the same level of work that ZhangSiyi was assigned to, his competitiveness disappeared.
Now thatZhang Siyi could related to Lu Qiao feelings, he didn't feel as bothered byyesterday's matter.
Gu Yu:“Mood swings vary from person to person. Some people are even keel, whileothers get upset over the tiniest infringement. When feelings become even moreexaggerated, the person might act paranoid and think that others are lookingdown on them.
Zhang Siyiwanted to defend himself and eagerly exclaimed: “I never looked down on LuQiao!”
Gu Yulaughed: “I was just giving an example. You didn't look down on Lu Qiao,but he came from a poor family with low self-esteem. Inevitably, hissensitivity towards other people's comments is high and likely would blow themout of proportion. Do you remember the conversation you had with Tao Fei on thesubway when we first arrived in Osaka?"
Zhang Siyiremembered. Tao Fei mentioned the fact that it was the first time Lu Qiaotraveled by plane. "But it was Tao Fei fault for making him upset, not me. Itried to help!"
Gu Yu:“But Lu Qiao didn’t know this. What he saw was your close relationshipwith him. As a result, he placed you and Tao Fei into the same class of people."
Zhang Siyi:“…” The source of the problem was in fact, the outspoken mouth ofthat Dead Fat Peach!
“It'sjust that Lu Qiao found out we are together. Since he doesn't agree withhomosexuality, it gave him a reason to hate and discredit you." Gu Yu turnedhis head to look at Zhang Siyi: "Luckily, he didn't do anything about it, so noharm was done, right?"
Zhang Siyiis still fearful. If Lu Qiao spread the news around, he and Gu Yu woulddefinitely have to leave the company."
Gu Yu softlysaid: “Getting back to BB…… He hated me for the first year at universitywhich I didn't understand at the time. Later, I heard he fell ill and took aleave of absence from school."
Zhang Siyialmost laughed out loud: “Really?"
There wasno use gloating over it. Gu Yu sighed and said: “Two years ago, I wentback to see a history of architecture professor whose class I was in. Theprofessor was very kind. It was said that when BB was feeling depressed, heoften visited the professor to chat. When I went back to visit, the professor hadshowed me a letter written by BB and in the body of the letter, BB hadexplained why he hated me."
Zhang Siyi:“What was the reason?”
Gu Yu:“It was because of one day in art class, I had mocked him for his baddrawing."
Zhang Siyi:“…” Shit! For that reason? What kind of grudge did he have!
Gu Yushrugged: “I have forgotten what I said exactly. Maybe a little joke, but Idon’t think I would have ridiculed him.”
Knowing GuYu, Zhang Siyi also thought he probably said something very sarcastic, but GuYu isn't the type of person to act out of spite. Besides, what is the matterwith a little sarcasm? If you can't handle the stress from a little criticism,you will have bigger worries in life!
"After theincident, he treated me as his imaginary enemy and targeted me at everyopportunity. Since he couldn't beat me, he slowly pushed himself over the edge.When he dropped out of school, he returned home for treatment. As part of hisrecovery, he wrote a letter to the professor and even though it wasn't directlyto my face, he apologized to me in it. The professor thought I might have helda grudge for BB so the professor quietly showed me the letter in hopes I couldlet go." Gu Yu paused. "In fact, I never let the things he did bother me……"
Zhang Siyi chokedback a laugh. His admiration for Gu Yu was ever increasing. Making a vow in hisheart, Zhang Siyi decided he must be like Gu Yu and let his inner strengthprevail. Never let the demons in.
Drinkinghis milk, Gu Yu swallowed then continued: "Regardless, I was very grateful the professorshowed me the letter. After reading it, I felt like I understood human naturebetter. Do you think BB was hateful? In actuality, he was rather pathetic."
Zhang Siyinodded. He knew that Gu Yu didn't purposefully scorn BB, rather it was BB own phycologicalissues that caused his own despair.
Gu Yu:“Last night, when we heard Lu Qiao crying woefully at the tree, BB immediatelycame to mind. Perhaps in the same way, he felt desperate and his mental plight wasat a precipice. A more effective way to help, was to approach him instead ofletting him solve the problem by themselves."
Nowschooled, Zhang Siyi sighed with relief: “I'm not angry at Lu Qiao." Oncethe anxiety in his heart was laid to rest, Zhang Siyi suddenly felt cheerful.The mood was instantly revived.
He lookedup and chugged the remaining milk. Since there was no one around in the morning,Zhang Siyi mustered up his courage and quickly leaned over to kiss Gu Yu.
Gu Yu:“…”
Zhang Siyigiggled at the imprint of milk of his lips on Gu Yu's face.
Gu Yuturned to gaze directly at Zhang Siyi eyes and used his finger to suggestively wipethe milk towards his mouth slowly. As his finger was close, he stretched outhis tongue erotically and enveloped his finger by his mouth, thereby removingthe milk.
Zhang Siyi:“………” Fuck! Too explicit!
Red-faced, inorder to maintain his self-control, he took a few steps back away from Gu Yu,then turned around and quickened his pace.
WatchingZhang Siyi's escape, Gu Yu thought to himself: "He dare tease me outside!" Atthe prospects of retaliation, Gu Yu smirked.
When theyreturned to the inn, many members of their group were mulling around the lobby,ready to go. In a rush, Zhang Siyi went back to his room to get his belongingsfor the day's activities.
As Tao Feiwas walking downstairs, he yawned and noticed Zhang Siyi coming upstairs. Hereached out to mess with his hair: "Where did you two go last night?"
Zhang Siyi:“Ah?"
Tao Fei:“I didn’t see you guys last night. Did you come back to the room at all?"
Zhang Siyi:“When we came back, you were already asleep. This morning I woke up earlybefore you did." As he was telling Tao Fei, Zhang Siyi anxiety rose as he sawLu Qiao’s figure behind Tao Fei's.
Tao Fei wentto greet Gu Xiao and with slouching shoulders, Lu Qiao went straight to ZhangSiyi. Lu Qiao was tightly holding something unknown to him.
Zhang Siyididn't hide and tried to look as calm as possible.
Lu Qiaohanded Zhang Siyi an orange bottle cap. Zhang Siyi looked down at it and felt moved.He looked up at Lu Qiao and put his hand onto Lu Qiao's shoulder. Zhang Siyismiled and said: "What do you think? Don't give up!"
Lu Qiao grinned. Due to his lack of sleep, his eyes were a little red and swollen. Regardless, his bright attitude was a stark contrast to his earlier behavior. He smiled: “Will do.”
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