Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 184

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 184: Cake
Afterseeing the front desk girl send an “ok”, although relieved a little, ZhangSiyi dared not relax his vigilance. While guarding the mobile phone, hefrequently looked up at the entrance, as if Bai Rui would come at any moment.
Severalemployees that have returned from their lunch break were gossiping about thestranger in the lobby.
"There is along-legged man in a trim suit holding a huge square box in one hand standing infront of the Borderless poster."
A fewcurious women went to go peek and gasped in surprise at what they found.
When BaiRui realized there were people looking in his direction, he flashed them a warmsmile.
“……Ah, ah, so handsome!!!"
“There is a foreignvisitor?"
"Go and ask whohe’s looking for!"
“Yougo, you go.……"
Whichperson would take the initiative to go over there and talk with the handsomeguy? As several girls continued to coax each other, a 'ding' sounded, theelevator door opened and Tao Fei walked out.
He had justreturned from buying a soft drink from the downstairs convenience store. Whiledrinking, he started walking towards his desk, but stopped at Bai Rui: "Who areyou? Looking for someone?"
Bai Ruipointed to the poster with Zhang Siyi's sleeping picture emblazoned on it andsmiled: "May I ask if Zhang Siyi is in?"
"He…….“Tao Fei looked at Bai Rui suspiciously for a few seconds. He turned tothe edge of the landscape wall and shouted in the direction of the designdepartment: "Zhang Siyi! Someone’s looking for you!"
Bai Rui:“…..”
Looking athis computer screen, Zhang Siyi was deep in concentration and almost had aheart attack when he heard Tao Fei's shout.
……Fucking dead fat peach! I'm gunna kill you!
After TaoFei's enthusiastic roar, as if he was about to watch a movie drama unfold, heexcitedly turned around and looked Bai Rui over.
Dreadingthe confrontation, Zhang Siyi got up reluctantly and walked over. As he passedthe receptionist, she shrunk down in her seat, hiding slightly and said: "TaoFai got to him first. It was out of my hands!"
Zhang Siyiwiped the sweat from his forehead. Whether it was good or bad, he could onlysolve the problem himself. When he arrived in front of them, he first gave TaoFei a meaningful look and shot daggers. Then, he pretended to be surprised atseeing Bai Rui: "Oh, its you! Why are you here?"
Bai Rui repliedwith a smile: “I sent you a WeChat message. You didn’t see it?”
“What message?”Zhang Siyi took out his mobile phone to look at and acted surprised: “Ah!I'm busy and must have missed it!"
Tao Fei:“……” A good exaggeration of acting. (→_→)
Zhang Siyi:“…..” Acting is hard! Gu Yu save me! (兀a兀)
As if thegods heard Zhang Siyi's inner cry, he heard a 'ding' and the elevator dooropened. He looked over and heard his low voice flow out of the elevator beforehe saw him. Zhang Siyi was ecstatic and shouted towards the elevators: “DirectorGu!!!"
Tao Feilooked over at the elevators, sipped his drink then glanced at Zhang Siyisideways…..
Both Gu Yuand Tong Heyi appeared in front of them.
Slightlystartled by Zhang Siyi's loud cry, he regained his composure and noticed thegroup of three blocking the hallway. He came face to face with Bai Rui andasked: "Who are you?"
Although ZhangSiyi took the initiative to introduce Bai Rui calmly, Zhang Siyi couldn't stop hiseyes from darting back and forth: "This is my classmate's boyfriend."
Gu Yu immediatelyfrowned and his hawkish stare targeted Bai Rui.
Since itwas apparent that the issue had nothing to do with herself, Tong Heyi noddedslightly to Gu Yu, excusing herself, and walked back to her office.
Out ofpoliteness, Bai Rui formally introduced himself: “My Name Is Bai Rui and Iam here for a personal matter that involves Zhang Siyi." Bai Rui extended hishand to Gu Yu: "If he can spare a few minutes….."
Gu Yuloosely grasped his hand, shook it once, and faintly replied: “GuYu.”
Just as Gu Yu said his name, Tao Fei felt a strong chillthat sent shivers down his spine. Trembling in excitement, the show was aboutto begin. He sipped his drink and watched their reactions.
As Gu Yuarrived, Zhang Siyi sighed in relief. He gestured: "This is the design directorof our company."
Noddingunconcerned, Bai Rui waited for Gu Yu and Tao Fei to leave. After all, he hadalready explained to them that he was looking for Zhang Siyi and had nothing todo with the other two.
However, the twomen stood side by side with no hint of moving like watchdogs.
Gu Yu'scommand surprised Bai Rui: "Zhang Siyi, get back to work."
Even moresurprising, with no objection was Zhang Siyi quick "ok" and obedient departure.
Then, Gu Yulooked at Tao Fei: “What are you looking at?"
Tao Fei:“Um……"
Gu Yufrowned impatiently: “Get back to work.”
Tao Fei smirkedand walked away feeling disappointed.
Bai Rui:“…..”
Finally, GuYu crossed his arm on his chest and stared down Bai Rui: "Mr. Bai, unless it isan emergency, in general, we at Borderless aren't allowed visitors that arenon-work-related, even during lunch breaks. Your intrusion may affect the workof employees, please understand.” As he talked, he pointed to the group ofpeople watching them. The women blushed, turned back to their tasks and scattered.
Bai Rui wasstunned. The employees diligently just listened to the director and he doesn'tallow visitors? What kind of company is this?
Gu Yuraised his wrist to look at his watch. He said: “I'll make an exceptionfor a few minutes since you are here. What did you need Zhang Siyi for? Tell meand I'll pass it along."
Feeling alittle embarrassed, Bai Rui handed Gu Yu the box and said: "This is for Zhang Siyi.I'll trouble you to give it to him."
Expressionless,Gu Yu flatly said in a concise manner: "I see."
Bai Rui:“……”
Glancing atthe box, Gu Yu calmly explained: “If you are here to drop something off,you can leave it at the front desk. Also, there is a courier service downstairs.Employees can pick up items after work hours."
Bai Rui:“………”
Gu Yulooked up at Bai Rui: “Is there anything else?”
Shaking hishead back-and-forth, no, Bai Rui offered a stiff smile: "Sorry for theintrusion. Thank You."
Gu Yi smiledweakly: "You're welcome."
After watchingBai Rui leave, Gu Yu's face revealed obvious hostility. With the wind under hisfeet, like the king of Borderless, he purposefully strode to his office withthe box in hand.
……. Coming here to flirt? Just who's territory do you think this placeis?
Gu Yu didn'tgive the box directly to Zhang Siyi. Instead, he brought it back to his officeand then sent him a message to come in.
Zhang Siyirushed into the office and nervously asked: “Is he gone?”
“Yeah.”Gu Yu took the cup of tea from his desk and took a sip. He signaled with hiseyes and used his chin to gesture towards the box: "He gave it to you.”
Zhang Siyibreathed a sigh of relief. Knowing what could have happened, he angrilycomplained to Gu Yu because Gu Yu didn't have his cell phone with him.
Gu Yupicked up his mobile phone and quickly glanced at the chat record and missedcalls. He thought Zhang Siyi antics were funny but at the same time, he wasangry. In his short absence, this little fool was almost toyed with again. BaiRui wasn't a person who was easy to deal with.
Zhang Siyilooked at the box and was curious: “What is it? Why did you accept it forme?”
Opening thebox, there was a fresh cream cake inside and written on top in English-scriptwas the words 'coffee payment' in chocolate sauce.
ZhangSiyi's mouth twitched: "Why did he give me a cake? I don't like sweets."
With coldeyes, Gu Yu sniggered: “I guess he thinks you are a little girl.”
Zhang Siyi shiveredwith goose bumps: “What!? I'll giveit back!”
If RenMengyu knew that her boyfriend gave him a cake, how could he explain it! Fuck,how did he end up in such an awkward situation!
Gu Yu saidindifferently: “Well, if you don’t want it, divide it amongst yourcolleagues."
Zhang Siyigrimaced and asked: “What reason do I have to invite everyone to eatcake?”
Gu Yu chuckled:“I need to make an excuse for you as well? Just find something simple like…. your classmates gave you a cake.”
“Oh…”It's the first time Zhang Siyi felt his IQ drop.
Just asZhang Siyi was about to leave his office with the cake, Gu Yu stood up andstopped him: "Wait.” He got up andwalked around his desk, and extended his hand: "Give me your phone. He will probablycontact you soon. I'll take care of it so you don't have to worry."
Zhang Siyididn't doubt him and gladly gave Gu Yu his mobile phone.
Gu Yu kissedhim: "OK, don’t think about it and leave it to me. Concentrate on work.”
Zhang Siyi:“Hmm…”
Hearing theinfectious cheers of his subordinates from outside his office, Gu Yu reluctantlysmiled then sighed.
Not twominutes had passed when Zhang Siyi's phone buzzed again. Bai Rui sent a message:"Did you received something?"
Gu Yu grabbedZhang Siyi’s phone and responded: “Hmm.”
Bai Rui:“Do you like it?" [Smiles]
Gu Yu:“I'm at work and haven't seen it yet. What's the mystery?" [Surprised]
Bai Rui:“Ah. You will know when you open it."
Gu Yu:“Okay.”
Gu Yu setthe phone aside and ignored it despite the many times the phone buzzed. After anhour, he picked the phone up and read the texts.
Bai Rui:“Earlier, was that man from your company the director?”
Bai Rui:“Was he always so difficult? He wouldn't even let me see you."
Bai Rui:“The environment of your company isn't very open.”
Bai Rui:“Are you busy?”
Gu Yu chuckled a bit and replied: “Busy, yes." As the game of cat and mouse began, Gu Yu got 'busy' and continued to text Bai Rui.
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