Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 130

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 130: Gourd
Waking upthe next morning, Zhang Siyi slipped out of bed to wash up in the bathroom.When his eyes met with Tao Fei's, they both stared at one another in hostility.In the next moment, the atmosphere instantly softened. It's not uncommon forboys to resolve their emotions by physical means. More often than not, once theirpent-up frustrations were laid out in the open, boys become close friends.
Tao Fei andZhang Siyi are also the same. Now that Gu Yu had another person close to him, TaoFei felt his friendship with Gu Yu was threatened and he didn't want to be leftbehind. In these last few days, both Gu Yu and Tao Fei pushed each other'sbuttons to test the bottom line. Once the truth was revealed and emotions werevented, the gap between the three men disappeared.
Standingnext to each other at the sink, happily brushing their teeth, Zhang Siyinoticed the bunch of products on the counter that Tao Fei had before him. ZhangSiyi relished in the thought that Tao Fei also had to maintain his face throughthe use of skin products. By Tao Fei's own admission, without care, this twenty-seven-year-oldbeautiful man would lose to the years and soon become an old, sorrowful uncle.
In silentcommunication, they both turned to glare at Gu Yu's natural beauty with envy.
Tao Fei:“Have you touched his face? What does it feel like?"
Zhang Siyi:“It’s very smooth and much softer than you think…” The softest arehis lips. They are super soft! (*/ω\*)
Tao Feinodded in Gu Yu's direction: "I also want to touch…”
ElbowingTao Fei in the side, Zhang Siyi quipped: “Fuck off!”
Tao Fei:“You guys really haven’t had sex yet?"
Zhang Siyi:“No……"
Tao Fei:“Why not? You don’t want to? Or does he not want to?”
Zhang Siyi:“Cough. Well, we both want it, but…”
Jokingaround, Tao Fei lightly punched Zhang Siyi's torso like a boxer giving him aone-two punch and said: "I know! Your attempts at seducing him have failed!"
Zhang Siyi:“……”
After TaoFei finished, he squinted and looked at Zhang Siyi: “But that isn't souseful now is it? You are undoubtedly on the receiving end." (→_→)
Zhang Siyi:“Damn it! What!"
Tao Fei:“In front of my brother, you are a little sheep. He definitely wants tofuck you. You won't give in?"
Staringblankly at Tao Fei, Zhang Siyi was speechless. If Gu Yu wanted it, he wouldn'tresist. Not because he had to give in, but because he likes Gu Yu! Zhang Siyiwas willing to make concessions and sacrifices as long as his sweetheart washappy……
“So,you haven't had sex because you aren't ready yet. Right?” Tao Fei bluntlygot to the heart of the matter. He quickly followed up with: "Are you stupid?Haven't you ever thought about fucking him?"
Zhang Siyi:“Poof–!"
Tao Fei:“Are you not also a man with possessive instincts? If I were you, I’d wantto fuck my brother! Not only is he, super handsome, very rich, and now adirector, he is also so domineering! You are nothing compared to him, but inbed, you can pin him down underneath you, and drive your shaft into him. Lethim moan and beg for you……"
Listeningto Tao Fei speech, Zhang Siyi eyes glazed over, deep in thought. He pinched hisnose closed in fear of a torrent of blood flowing out.
"Justthinking about it, I'm getting really exci…." Feeling the pain on the top ofhis head, Tao Fei suddenly stopped midway through his sentence. He covered hishead with his hand: "Ow!"
Zhang Siyiturned his head and saw Gu Yu standing behind them and holding the palm of hisown red hand. He didn't know for how long he had been standing there. Gu Yulooked at the nearly brainwashed Zhang Siyi and threatened: “Don’t thinkabout it.”
Zhang Siyishrank his shoulders and nodded his head obediently……. I won't. Theexpression on Gu Yu face was really scary.
Afterwaiting for Gu Yu to leave the bathroom, Tao Fei straightened up and slappedZhang Siyi on the back: “Why are you listening to him?”
Stunned atTao Fei's action, Zhang Siyi rubbed his back with his hand. It was a long timebefore his brain caught up and reacted — Shit!It’s Gu Yu who hit you. Why are you taking it out on me?!
Havingpacked up his skin products, Tao Fei exited the bathroom and Zhang Siyifollowed. Gu Yu addressed Tao Fei: “Do you want to follow me and makemoney?”
“Huh?"Tao Fei took a moment to digest what was being said then his eyes shinedbright: "Of course!"
Gu Yucoldly responded to him: “Don’t ever let me see you talk like that to ZhangSiyi again. Don’t bully him.”
Making apromise, Tao Fei nodded and nodded and nodded: "Hah! That was just a joke! Iwon't say any more in the future. You won't have to worry!"
Zhang Siyisighed and looked at Gu Yu: "I want to make money too."
Gu Yucaressed the back of his head: “Honey, you can rely on your bedroom skills.”
Tao Fei:“Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha…”
Zhang Siyi:“…” Fuck! (╯‵皿’)╯(┻━┻
Afterbreakfast, the three men drove to the ancient village where there was a Pu’ertea factory nearby. There, they learned about the production process of Pu’ertea and could buy the tea directly from the manufacturer.
When ZhangSiyi asked about the price, he was full of regret. He was shocked to hear itwas one-fifth the price of the teas he purchased earlier on his trip. If thenews wasn't enough, the factory worker added insult to injury and explained: “Theteas sold in stores outside are originally from the factories here. Themerchants add pleasing layers of packaging and boxes then tack on processingfees. The price can increase tens or even twenty times the actual cost."
Seeing howcheap the tea was here, Zhang Siyi felt like buying some to take advantage ofthe cheap price and ease his regret. Before he paid for it, Gu Yu saw throughhis intention: “You want to buy more?"
Withemotion, Zhang Siyi replied: "The tea is so cheap I want to make up for theloss money on the earlier expensive ones."
Wonderingwhat kind of logic Zhang Siyi was using, Gu Yu scolded: "The Pu’er teas yousent back are enough for us to drink for five or six years and you said youwant to buy more? Do you want to go back and open up a tea shop? The best wayto stop losing money is to stop spending it immediately!”
Eloquently,Zhang Siyi retorted: “If we can’t finish drinking them, we can always givethem away.”
Gu Yu:“Do not think about how cheap or expensive something is before buying it!You must first think about the use you have for it. There is a limit on theamount you can give away…… You haven’t made much money yet, and all you’vebeen thinking about is spending it all day long.
Zhang Siyi:“……”
Hearingtheir interaction from nearby, Tao Fei looked at Zhang Siyi with sympathy. Aman like Gu Yu is great as a friend and boss, but as a lover, even Tao Feicouldn't stomach such behavior. Even though Zhang Siyi might be blinded by lovenow, when the love period is over, will he be able to endure Gu Yu'soverbearing character?
In the Jingmaimountain range, there are many preserved minority villages inhabited by theHani, Dai, Yi and other ethnic minorities. In the evening, the three went tovisit the nearby Lahu village, which is also a fairly old minority.
This time,Zhang Siyi was prepared to take extensive notes in his journal. After taking aphoto of the place, he carefully recorded the materials, colors and mainelements of the local dwellings in his sketchbook.
In localmyths and legends, the locals believe that their ancestors came from gourds andas a result, because the gourd was regarded as the embodiment of theirancestors, it became their national mascot.
Afterlistening to the local guide's explanation, Zhang Siyi and Tao Fei couldn’t holdback their burst of laughter. Doesn't that mean they are the offspring of thegourd?
However,the Lahu people’s belief in the “gourd” is very serious. The gourd enablesthe betterment of lives of the people as it is not only a food source but alsothe gourd is used as a tool. It can be used to store water and wine. It can becarved into a musical instrument. They are also used as utensils andcontainers. Almost all the men in the village have ornamental gourds hungaround their waist and what's more, homes were also covered with ornamentalgourds both small and large.
Inside oneof the villager's home, Zhang Siyi saw a gourd that was made into a tea pot andthe other various containers. He thought they were really ingenious and could seehow special the gourds really were.
While Gu Yuwent to the toilet, he could not help himself and bought a pile of gourds. EvenTao Fei said nothing and didn't stop him.
When Gu Yucame back, Zhang Siyi was afraid Gu Yu would scold him again. Acting like hewas doing something wrong, he quickly turned and tried to hide the gourds hepurchased.
Looking at Zhang Siyi in bewilderment, Gu Yu angrily whispered to Zhang Siyi: "Black sheep of the family." However, since Zhang Siyi bought the gourd, Gu Yu graciously accepted it. With a thoughtful face, Gu Yu stroked the gourd that was unusually long and slender then grinned wickedly.
T/N: Wiki:
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