Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 150

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 150: Match
Afteran hour of walking, they decided to head back to the villa. Once they returned,while Gu Yu offered tea to drink in the living room with Father Zhang, MotherZhang rolled up her sleeves, put on an apron and called Zhang Siyi to thekitchen to help start preparing an early dinner.
First, thetwo dealt with the food-stuffs that Zhang Siyi's family brought with them.Since the fried fish was partially prepared, his mother schooled him: "If itsthoroughly cooked when you store the fish in the refrigerator, then it won't betasty when you reheat it later. When you want to eat it, take out the fish, puta little oil on it and set it in a hot pan."
Zhang Siyinodded vaguely and intended to turn back to Gu Yu to tell him, but his motherinterrupted: "Normally, who cooks?"
Zhang Siyi answeredwithout thought: “Gu Yu.”
Pausing amoment, Zhang Siyi's mother seemed a little surprised and asked: “All thetime? And that isn't a problem? “
Zhang Siyireplied as a matter of fact: “No. He cooks and I wash the dishes. Hiscooking is better than mine."
Hearingthus, Mother Zhang wondered how there can be such a perfect man; handsome withstrong work ethics and the ability to cook and do housework…. Why, it just likethe characters from one-of-those-books….
Zhang Siyiinterrupted his mother's thoughts: "It's not like I do nothing when he cooks. Inormally help him prepare the food too."
Mother Zhang:"……” – These two childrenlive together like a married couple……… – Oh, no! Xu Ruqin, don’t think aboutit. Do I want him to get involved?
Mother Zhangcoughed lightly, and asked: “Isn't Gu Yu's sister also in Haicheng? Withso much food, why don't you ask her to come over for dinner tonight?"
Startled,Zhang Siyi froze and instinctively replied with reluctance: "His sister’sschool is far away from here. It takes more than an hour by subway.” In fact, there is nothing wrong with asking GuYao to come over and eat. The real problem is the motivation behind hismother's invitation.
However,his mother was very insistent: "It is only four o'clock now. Since Haicheng isa big city, an hour isn't really a lot of time to travel. There is plenty oftime for her to travel here for dinner so hurry up and ask her.
Feelingawkward, Zhang Siyi looked out of the kitchen and asked Gu Yu unenthusiastically:“Hey. My mother would like your sister to come over for dinner.”
Pausing hisconversation with Zhang Siyi's father, Gu Yu looked up and calmly replied:“Go ahead and send her a message and ask."
Zhang Siyi:"……" – Gu Yu didn't object? And with no excuse to refuse? He could havesimply said 'my sister may not be free' …ah!
Feelingdepressed and duty bound, Zhang Siyi pulled out his mobile phone and sent amessage in their three-person group chat: “Calling the revolutionarycomrades.”
…… I hope Gu Yao won't see it…don't look, don't look, don't look…… not for another two or three hours beforeyou check the message!
Gu Yao:“I'm here! What does the Division want?"
Zhang Siyi:“Wow! You replied so quickly!”
Gu Yao:“Ha-ha. I was just chatting with friends. What's up?”
Zhang Siyi:“Are you free now?”
Gu Yao:“What?”
Zhang Siyi:“My parents are here visiting and my mom would like it if you came overfor dinner.”
Gu Yao:“Why do I feel that Auntie has ulterior motives? (→_→)”
Zhang Siyi:“Your feeling is not wrong. (=_=)”
After ahalf-minute, Gu Yao replied: “Ok. I'll pack up and come right away."
Zhang Siyi:“!!!” Even knowing there are 'ulterior motives' she still comes!?What is she thinking!?
Returningto the kitchen, Zhang Siyi was dismayed: “She said she will come rightaway."
Mother Zhangtook a look at her son and didn't understand her son’s resistance and depressedmood. She took this opportunity to remind him of exhibiting proper politebehavior: "She isn't just anyone. She is Gu Yu's sister and he asked you tomessage her. Stop moping. It is one thing if she can't come, but another if youcontinue to act that way."
Zhang Siyi:"……" Well, his mother has a point.
Just asMother Zhang was plating the final dishes for dinner, at nearly six in theevening, Gu Yao arrived. Today, she was wearing a pale pink dress that wassimple and elegant. On her feet, she wore a pair of small jade sandals. Withher facial features, big eyes and clothing choices, together they made her lookexceptionally cute. Zhang Siyi didn't understand why Gu Yao, this elf-likebeauty hasn't found a boyfriend yet. It is simply unscientific!
Since thesmall table that Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi usually ate at wasn't large enough foreveryone, Gu Yu had raised the extension arms on the sides to make the tabletop larger. Now, there was plenty of room for all eight dishes and five people.
“Good Uncleand Aunt." Gu Yao politely greeted Zhang’s father and mother first.
ZhangSiyi's father has never seen Gu Yao before. He has only heard about her fromMother Zhang who once said she was like an angel descended from the heavens. Hethought she was exaggerating, but upon looking at her, he could see for himselfthat she wasn't. Gu Yao really appeared to be a mythical being.
Gu Yao noticedthe golden retriever at her side and excitedly said: “Ah! Doggie!”
Watching GuYao cheerful and undisguised, lively nature, Mother Zhang was once againreminded of the ideal daughter-in-law; a perfect match. Zhang Siyi's mothersmiled broadly and asked: "You haven't seen this dog?"
Petting thedog, Gu Yao answered her: "Well, I have been busy with my thesis at school andhaven't been back here since Zhang Siyi moved in.”
MotherZhang enthusiastically and warmly gestured: “Come here and let's eatfirst.”
During themeal, Zhang Siyi's father showed obvious curiosity for Gu Yao. He rarely evertalked while eating, but today was different. Throughout the meal, heconstantly asked Gu Yu questions about his sister; how old she was, where shewas studying, what subjects…. The information that one normally enquires aboutwhen trying to make a match for a son.
Looking athis Father's extraordinary soft facial expression, Zhang Siyi felt soembarrassed he could die. He didn't understand what Gu Yao was thinking.Earlier, not in the group chat, she texted him and said she could help, butthis is too much. How is this helping? It is only making his parents confused!
Afterdinner, Zhang Siyi went to the kitchen and washed the dishes feeling distraught.For a long time, he could hear the bout of laughter from the living room as hisfather and mother continued to talk with Gu Yu and his sister.
Feelingindignant over current events, Zhang Siyi took out his anger on the dishes androughly handled them. Gu Yu came in silently and walked behind him to kiss hisear. Startled, Zhang Siyi jumped in fright and quickly looked behind: "What areyou doing!"
Gu Yu pinchedhis helpless face: “Don’t pout. Smile.”
Zhang Siyi:“……” With his parent's behavior, how can he laugh now!?
Gu Yupatted his shoulder and said: “I know what you're thinking and I'll talkto you later.” Afterwards, Gu Yu returned to the living room.
When ZhangSiyi finished washing the dishes, he walked to the living room and sat withthem on the couch to join in on their discussion. After a while, Zhang Siyi'sparents decided it was time to head back to the hotel to rest. As his parentswere gathering their belongings and everyone was putting on their coats, ZhangSiyi took the opportunity to walk to dog and got out Townhouse's leash.
When theywere leaving, Zhang Siyi's mother worried: "It is half past eight already. GuYao's school is so far away. Is she going to go back this late?"
Gu Yusmiled and said: “Auntie, rest assured. I won't let her go back this lateat night. The room where Zhang Siyi is now living was originally setup as aplace for my sister to come visit. Zhang Siyi, come to my room tonight andsqueeze in with me."
Zhang Siyi:"…… Oh."
MotherZhang was very satisfied with the arrangement: “That's right. It is notvery safe for a girl to be traveling so late alone."
Sayingtheir good nights, Zhang Siyi sent his parents off and the three of them walkedthe dog. Zhang Siyi glared at Gu Yao: "Hey! What were you doing!? You knew whatmy parents were thinking and you deliberately made them misunderstand."
Gu Yao didn't appreciate being yelled at: “You're wrong! My brother called me!"
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