Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 31

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 31: See Them Off
After saying goodbyeto Shen Hao, Zhang Siyi wandered home. Learning about his friend's currentlifestyle, he felt apprehensive about going out and socializing with other oldclassmates. He didn't want to get mocked and suffer 10,000 points of damage.
Zhang Siyi has beenresting at home the last two days. Since his vacation time is running out, hedecided to head back one day earlier. This weekend is his birthday so hismother was expecting him to stay home: “Why don'tyou have a birthday at home and then go?”
Zhang Siyi said: “No. It's too hecticto leave on Sunday. Besides, I made plans with my friends to have a birthdaydinner." Also, he didn't dare stay at home for his birthday because he didn'twant to deal with his father. His mother would inevitably throw him a grandbirthday and then his father would complain and make a scene about it.
His mom asked about his friends:“Are you having dinner with your friend that returned to China with youand now rent an apartment together?"
“Right. We three male studentsrent a house together," replied Zhang Siyi, feeling stressed now that he knowswhat kind of books his mother reads in her spare time.
Mama Zhang: “Oh……"
His mother asked thehousekeeper to prepare Zhang Siyi's birthday longan egg flower soup in advanceand after lunch he went upstairs to gather his things and came downstairs withhis hands full. He saw a pile of things at the entrance of the house. He wasshocked: “What is all of this?”
Zhang mother said:"This is your Father's unit citrus. We have eaten too much so you can take therest. There is also fresh shrimp and crab paste. You bring it with you to Haicheng,so you can eat well for the next several days."
Zhang Siyi put hispack and violin case down next to the pile of 'sweet-burden' and exclaimed: "Butit's so much, I can't bring all of that!"
“Oh, aren't you driving to the station? I'll get Mr. Wang to help. "ZhangMama screamed and was looking for Wang Hao to help bring these things to thecar. His father came out of the study and frowned at everything in front ofhim.
His mother immediately greeted him with a smileand took the cup away from his father's hands. She said softly: “Our sonhas to go. Let's send him off together!”
His father pointed at the pile of big bags and said seriously: “Youhave given him so many things to go to Haicheng! If I am going to see him off,what will others think?"
Mother Zhang explained: “It’sjust some fruit and food, what is the problem?” Besides, this is what Ibought with my own money from your Welfare Unit. Its not robbery, how can I not share it? Thedaughter of the old Le family also works in Haicheng. They let their driverpersonally come to pick her up every week. You are too careful all the time,you act like we are doing something wrong!" Feeling sad, Zhang mother choked upa little. This time she made no compromises. While placing the tea cup down sheturned her head to wipe the corners of her eyes.
When Zhang Father Saw his wife'sappearance, he instantly raised his hand in surrender. He wasn't enthusiastic,but he relented and said, "Just this once." Then he went to go change hisclothes.
Zhang Si Yi didn't think it was a bigdeal. He didn't realize it would cause such a commotion between his parents. Zhang Siyi was going tocomfort his mother, but his mother turned to him quickly, and gave him avictory pose.
Zhang Siyi:“…”
His mother is notonly a rotten woman, but also a top-notch acting lady… o(╯□╰)o
After changing into adark colored, casual outfit, Father Zhang, helped bring the packages to thecare. Zhang Siyi also took a bag, and hedid not dare to say anything behind his father. His father personally drovethem to the station. Sitting in the back, he and his mother talked quietly.They parked the car in the lot and had to walk to the station entrance. Hisfather personally helped him carry the bags of items to the ticket counter.
There were a lot ofpeople coming and going on Saturday. Zhang Siyi's eyes were sharp, and suddenlyhe saw a familiar figure in the crowd. Surrounded by a scarf and carrying ablack backpack…. Gu Yu!!
Zhang Siyi blurtedout and called to him. Gu Yu looked back and saw Zhang Siyi’s family of three,and he also stopped.
His sight rested on Zhang Siyi for twoseconds then turned to the middle-aged man with the most domineering posture tohis side. Gu Yu walked quickly over.
“Zhang … Secretary?” Gu Yusaid with uncertainty. He was surprised to see Zhang Siyi. Zhang Siyi felt embarrassed as he did notexpect Gu Yu to directly called out his father’s title!” Even though it'sbeen so long since he saw Secretary Zhang, Gu Yu still remembered. His memoryreally is impeccable.
His father remained calm. HearingZhang Siyi call out to Gu Yu, his father immediately guessed who this personis. He reached out to Gu Yu: “What a coincidence, you were also home tovisit your family?"
“Yes”, Gu Yu answered then humbly said:“Zhang Siyi is your son.”
Father Zhang said: “Zhang Siyihas been working in Haicheng and has come home to visit the past couple days.He has talked about you in admiration."
Gu Yu took out his wallet and took a business card from inside and handedit to Zhang, respectfully. “If you have any questions, please feel free tocontact me.”
While watching the exchange, Zhang Siyi couldn't help but think about howhandsome Gu Yu demeanor looked.
His Father glanced at the businesscard and put into a safe pocket then responded in a polite way: “When wespeak on the phone you can call me Uncle Zhang.”
Zhang Siyi's mother waspatiently waiting on the side then stepped forward when she saw them finish andgave a box of citrus to Gu Yu. With agentle voice she said, "I wish we had more time for proper introductions. Heretake Siyi's box of Citrus."
Gu Yu refused: “No, thank you Aunt,but I will help him carry it home. I'm going the same direction anyway, so it'snot a problem."
Holding Gu Yu’s hand, Mother Zhangpatted it: “Don't be so polite. We are from Ningcheng and thus, are likefamily when you are out of the station. I see that you are more mature than Siyi,so I will also ask you to take care of him in the future. I might have giventhis gift in the moment, but if you don't accept it, I will have to give you aneven bigger present next time."
His Mother leaves noroom for argument, so Gu Yu reluctantly accepts and thanks her. Zhang Siyi inwardlysighs. Even though his Mother is an oldrot, he hopes the light in her eyes is from the enjoyment of making a personalcontact and not because of something else. (=_=)
The train is getting ready to leave sothey don't have more time to talk. Gu Yu helped Zhang Siyi with half of thepackages and then said goodbye to Zhang Siyi's parents. Before leaving, Mother Zhangreached Zhang Siyi and whispered: “The fresh grapes in the red bag and thebox of crab paste and shrimp are also gifts.”
Zhang Siyi: “Iknow……" Gu Yu is a big bargain!
After watching thetwo of them leave and move towards the train platform, both of Zhang Siyi'sparents left. Gu Yu looked at the time and found the ticket gate smoothly. Theconductor that checked the tickets was already moving forward through the crowd.
Zhang Siyi followed behindGu Yu and asked, “What a coincidence! You bought a ticket for G750X’s traintoo?"
Now that Gu Yu hasmet his family, Zhang Siyi felt both afraid and excited. He feels apprehensivebecause he doesn't want to be treated any differently now that Gu Yu knows hisfamily background. But he is also getting excited because it is just the two ofthem together and meeting so coincidentally is like magic.
Gu Yu: “This trainis the fastest.”
Zhang Siyi asked:“But the weekend isn't over, why did you decide to go back today?"
The two of them linedup and slowly moved forward to get onto the train. Gu Yu turned his head andlooked at him: “Why are you asking so many questions?”
Zhang Siyi:“…”
“If I want to goback, then I will. What other reason do I need?" Gu Yu simply explained. Hepulled his ticket out and glanced at it. "What is your seat number?"
Zhang Siyi looked at histicket: "Mine is 5-12a.”
Gu Yu then asked: "Doyou want to change seats or should I?"
Zhang Siyi was startled.Gu Yu is asking him to sit together? “Well,I’ll change it.” How can Zhang Siyi feel good about making his boss changehis ticket! He took the initiative to follow Gu Yu to his seat.
Gu Yu put thepackages neatly on the shelf and let Zhang Siyi sit next to the window while GuYu sat in the aisle. Soon, a middle-aged woman was standing in the aisle lookingat them. Gu Yu took Zhang Siyi's ticket and politely asked her to switch seatsto 5-12a. Du Rui was right, Zhang Siyi thinks. Privately, Gu Yu is very gentle.With his demeanor and looks, no one can refuse him.
After the train gotmoving, Zhang Siyi wanted to find a topic to talk about with Gu Yu, but hismobile phone suddenly rang. Gu Yu looked at it and said to Zhang Siyi:“Your fathers sent a text message and asked us if we got on the train ok.”
Zhang Siyi:“Ah?”
Gu Yu handed the phone to Zhang Siyi’s direction and raised an eyebrow andasked: “Are you ok?”
Zhang Siyi touchedthe nose, a little awkward: “He is sent it to you. You reply."
Gu Yu typed out astring of words on his mobile phone. Zhang Siyi was staring at his slenderfingers to see, thinking, why is his father sending messages to Gu Yu and notto himself?
Who the hell is oldComrade Zhang’s son? Why does it seem like Gu Yu is his babysitter?"
After a while, GuXiao’s mobile phone shook again. He looked and suddenly smiled. He leaned overand tilted his phone to let Zhang Siyi read the contents.
Father Zhang had madea speech and in it, he said that Zhang Siyi was usually playful and didn't dothings seriously. He has no perseverance, and his determination is low. If itwasn't too much of a bother, he asked Gu Yu to discipline him and guide him. Healso said that he didn't need to be too polite and to tell Zhang Siyi honestlyif has not done something well.
Looking, Zhang Siyijaw-dropped, then he closed it and clenched his teeth. How could he talk aboutZhang Siyi like that behind his back! It’s too much! He doesn't know what Gu Yuis typing.
Laughing, Gu Yu replied to his father then put his phone away then he sighed: "A long way to go hmm."
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