Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 65

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 65: Underwear
Gu Yu coyly smiled: “Since you have experience, willyou teach me?”
“What!?" Zhang Siyi can't believe what he justheard. There are a bunch of girls fighting over you and you still want to knowhow to charm them?
Gu Yu: ” Then tell me how you got yourex-girlfriend."
Zhang Siyi: “Oh, that……." This question is notdifficult to answer.
Gu Yu interjected: “Your ex is the one whoaccidentally spilled coffee on me?”
"Yes, that’s her, ” answered Zhang Siyi thencontinued to explain: "We met at a social party through a classmate. When Icame back from my first summer vacation abroad, my friend asked me to come, andshe was there.……"
Gu Yu interrupted him: "How can you tell that she wasinterested in you?"
Zhang Siyi: “She was always staring at me andtalking to me.”
Gu Yu: “So if you stare at someone it means they areinterested? I often see you staring at me."
Guilty, Zhang Siyi defensively said: "…… That must beyour delusion!"
Smiling, Gu Yu replied: “Oh…”
Zhang Siyi: "……" Just 'oh' huh? Why does it seem likeyou are laughing at me!?
Gu Yu: “You continue.”
Clenching and releasing the edge of the blanket, Zhang Siyitook a few deeps breaths to calm his nerves. "After that initial meeting, weexchanged contact information. I asked her out to see a few movies and eatdinner. On one beautiful night, at the end of a date when I brought her home, Isang her a song and asked her to be my girlfriend. She accepted."
Gu Yu raised an eyebrow: “That's it?”
Zhang Siyi: “That’s it. What else is there?”
Gu Yu: “You didn’t play the violin for her?”
Zhang Siyi: “Uh, no.” Why does Gu Yu rememberhis nonsense? (=_=)
Gu Yu: “Didn’t you say that you will only play theviolin for the person you like?"
Zhang Siyi quibbled: “Just because I said I play itfor the person I like, it doesn't mean I have play it for them. At that time,she was already interested in me without having played it, so I didn't feel theneed to."
Gu Yu: “So… it was easy to win her."
Discontent, Zhang Siyi screamed in his mind then plainlystated: “It's not difficult to win a girl! Take them out for dinner, givethem a few gifts, and make a little romance. As long as the person you like issingle, and they aren't a Fool, they will surely come."
Gu Yu was silent and did not speak.
Realizing Gu Yu might use these means to pursue theperson he likes, he felt jealous. As an afterthought he muttered: "You are sucha great person and look so handsome, there is no way people don't like you."
“Is that right?” Gu Yu smiled softly: “It'sa pity. The person I like may be a Fool. “
Zhang Siyi: “…” Is Gu Yu in unrequited love?
Gu Yu lamented: “But this situation isn't badeither. I like, they like… the boring process is too simple and maybe it'staken for granted. With a little difficulty, the feelings are more deeply affirmed,and the result will be sweeter."
Left to his own fantasies for a moment, holding his ownshoulders, Zhang Siyi heart is ready to explode. “Is it time for me toask?”
Gu Yu yawned: “More questions? You don’t want to goto sleep?"
Kicking his feet inside the quilt, Zhang Siyi was impatient:“No, you asked me a lot, but I haven’t asked back yet!” Zhang Siyistripped his clothes. There is no way he wants to end the game now! ╰(╰皿╯)╯
Gu Yu heard the tonein Zhang Siyi’s voice change and said: "Ahem, really? Then you aren't allowedto quit. Tonight, I will play with you until you beg for mercy."
Zhang Siyi:“…”
Gu Yu: "Ask me threequestions first, then it's my turn."
Given threesugars, suddenly Zhang Siyi is happy to fly again! Zhang Siyi wanted to ask himabout who he likes again, but he is afraid that Gu Yu will become suspicious ofhim, so he decided to avoid the topic. He stayed away from emotional questionsand instead asked him about his financial resources. "Can I ask you about yoursalary?"
Gu Yu: “Justmy salary from Borderless?"
Zhang Siyi:“Do you have any other salary?”
Gu Yu: “Is thisthe second question?”
Zhang Siyi: "……No!"
Gu Yu: “Oh,if you are asking about my salary from Borderless, the monthly income is 20,004before the tax, not counting bonuses.”
……So much! Thebasic salary is almost two or three hundred thousand a year! And Zhang Siyiknows that for architects at the top, the salary is nothing. The big money isearned from project bonuses. He is so curious. What to do….
Zhang Siyi:“So how much is your total income?"
Gu Yu:“There are ups and downs. Do you want to know this year, last year or theyear before?”
Zhang Siyi:“This year …”
Gu Yu: “Morethan 800,000.”
Zhang Siyi:“!!!” Although, it's not like his friend, Shen Hao, from home, it isstill a lot; ten times his own! 800,000 is also nouveau rich! (╯°Д°)╯
Gu Yu reminded him: “This is the last question.Don't let this opportunity pass by."
Why does he feel like he already wasted hisother questions? Zhang Siyi thought about it for a few moments. His emotionswere a mess and he felt extremely tangled. Finally, he choked out a question: "Whatdo you think of me?"
Zhang Siyi wanted to hear something positive.After all, he has been working hard, however now, lying in bed next to him withthe quilts separating them, why does it feel like he is suggesting somethingelse?
Gu Yu was silent for a moment and laughed:“You?”
Zhang Siyi: “……” o////o
Gu Yu shrank deeper under the covers in bed andwhispered: “I'll choose a Dare."
Zhang Siyi: “………” Fuck! Youwant a Dare for this kind of question!? Is it so difficult to give me an evaluation?
Gu Yu naturally took off his pajama pantsthrew out of the bed and then said: “Tell me how high the floors are of thesehouses: low-rise residential, multi-story residential, middle and high-riseresidential, high-rise residential, super-high-rise residential.”
Zhang Siyi did not react: “What?"
Gu Yu: “This is my question.”
Zhang Siyi: “Shit! You can't ask this? You’rebreaking the rules!"
Gu Yu: “How am I breaking the rules? Ididn’t ask questions you don’t know. I remember I told you to write these thingsdown last month.”
Zhang Siyi was speechless and thought about itwith great concentration. He said: “Lower 1-3 floors, multi-story houses4-7… Oh no, it seems to be 4-6 floors, middle and high-rise houses 7 to…11Still 12?"
Gu Yu: “You didn't write it down?”
Zhang Siyi: “…” is over, heforgot!
Gu Yu yawned again and urged: “Come on,say it.”
Hands covering his own face, Zhang Siyi said:“I forgot. I choose a Dare.” He has no clothes on, what else can GuYu do? Can't be something as insane as sleeping without a quilt for one night?
Gu Yu whispered: “Is sleeping naked insomeone else’s home good?”
Zhang Siyi suddenly reacted, and he was caughtin a hole! No wonder Gu Yu had no problems with taking off clothes. Becausethis is his house! But he is a guest and like Gu Yu said, is it normal forpeople to be naked in someone else's home and lying in the same bed? How is itnot shameful? He was so stupid to follow Gu Yu's example! It's too much!
Gu Yu turned his head and smiled at him andasked: “Would you like to wear a piece of clothing?”
Zhang Siyi: “What?”
Gu Yu explained: “For your Dare…. I will giveyou something to wear."
Zhang Siyi is alert. Is Gu Yu so kind? “Ok……”
Gu Yu “heh” smiled and said, “holdon” and reached outside the covers to the neighboring table, exposing halfhis body.
Just as Zhang Siyi thought that Gu Yu was reachingdown to get his clothes, he heard a drawer being pulled. After a few seconds, asmall piece of clothing was stuffed into Zhang Siyi’s quilt along with the coolair.
Zhang Siyi reached around until he foundsomething. A pair of underwear, but this is not his underwear……
He stammered: “Whose are these?"
“Whose can they be? Of course, it ismine, rest assured, washed, and cleaned,” Gu Yu gently and softly said.Then, in a commanding yet soft voice he said: “Put it on.”
Zhang Siyi: “…” Wearing someoneelse's underwear?
Fuck ! …. Fuck !! …….. Fuck !!! ……..
Why does it feel more shameful than wearingnothing??? Zhang Siyi felt his whole body burning up. He struggled for a while,desperately trying to resist, but this was a game and they both agreed to therules. With great shame and disgrace, he mechanically and obediently put on GuYu's underwear. His body reacted unexpectedly.
No, “bro,” you don’t have to goalong for the ride! t////t
Come on, think of Aunt Chang! There are AmidaBuddha Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddhastatue ……
Hoo, hoo, finally calmed down.……
“Are you dressed?" Gu Yu confirmed with asmile. "You just asked whose underwear it is, no now it's my turn to askagain."
"……" What the hell, that was a question?Flinching, Zhang Siyi doesn't want to play anymore. He doesn't know why Gu Yu isdeliberately letting him feel so terrible. But Gu Yu did not stop. Zhang Siyialmost collapsed when he heard what was asked: “What do you feel as astraight man wearing another man’s underwear?”
Zhang Siyi: “…”
Putting his elbow on his pillow, Gu Yu curiouslypropped up his head with his hand to see Zhang Siyi's expression. Scared, ZhangSiyi shrank further into the bedding and shouted: “I surrender! I concededefeat! I’m not playing anymore! I want to sleep!”
He was too naive to think that the scope of aDare in this bed can't do him harm, but he was very wrong. Zhang Siyi forgotthat his opponent was Gu Yu. A black-belly bones of a man! It's just one bed,but Gu Yu has made him suffer extreme distress!
“Don’t you want to play? “Gu Yu grinned at the two eyes peaking back from under the quilt. Although,it's dark and Zhang Siyi's expression is hidden, the vision of tear stainedcheeks is too stimulating, too enticing that it only makes Gu Yu want to teasehim further. "What did I just say?"
What did he say? Zhang Siyi thought back andrecalled their conversation: ” …. you will accompany me to play unless Ibeg….?" Gu Yu, what kind of bad fun isthis?
Gu Yu looked at him tenderly and said: “Beg for mercy, come, cry Gege to me, and I will let you go.”
Zhang Siyi: "……"
The author has something to say: Write this chapter when feel like a good pervert ah …(*/ω*)
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