Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 59

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 59: Assistant
Feeling ecstatic, Zhang Siyi's face was hot andhis heart was sweet. He rushed over to get into the car with Lu Qiao following.Gu Yu gently patted Lu Qiao shoulder and encouraged him: “You have donevery well.”
Lu Qiao clasped his hands into one fist and witha praying motion he looked brightly at Gu Yu: "Then we have a holidaytomorrow?"
Gu Xiao can’t laugh, nod way: “Put,afternoon to the company you can pack things back.” “He said,lowering his voice,” in fact, every employee left to the last day can get500 of dollars of red envelopes, back to me and personnel say, let them sendyou in advance. “
Nodding, Gu Yu said: “Let’s go! When we getback to the company will be able to pack up things in the afternoon." Loweringhis voice, he said: “In fact, every employee who stays until the last daycan get a red envelope of 500 yuan with approval. I'll let them give it to youin advance.”
“Yeah!” Lu Qiao excitedly jumped intothe car and punched Zhang Siyi in the shoulder."
“Ow! ow!”…… You’re crazy!”
As usual, the Chinese meal destination wasarranged by the City officials and unlike previously, they went to the localhotel located in the center of the city. Perhaps for the Secretary, the feastin the hotel is more formal and classier, ​​but Zhang Siyi, who is used to eatingat hotels, feels that the meal isn't as good as a homemade one.
After the meal, they rushed back to Haicheng andarrived at the company in the evening. Lu Qiao was first to pack up his thingsand receive the red envelope for New Year's then he said goodbye to Zhang Siyi.The added holiday days are counted after the year and the next meeting won't beuntil after the Lantern festival.
While packing up his desk, Zhang Siyi was thinkingabout Gu Yu proposition and payed attention to the movement behind him. Does hediscuss his stay over with Gu Yu? When does he go to his house? Do they eat dinnertogether? Where will he sleep? Does he need to bring anything? And so on. Hehas been waiting for Gu Yu to come out first so he can ask in a more roundaboutway.
When Gu Yu left his office, he saw Zhang Siyimotionless at his desk: "Why haven't you gone back?" Zhang Siyi hurriedly gotup, opened his mouth to say something. Gu Yu didn't give him the chance torespond. He raised his eyebrows in question: "Or do you want to come home withme today?”
Zhang Siyi: “… I didn’t!"
Why can this guy say such flirtatious thingswithout batting an eyelid!?
Gu Xiao smiled, greeted Zhang Siyi together to goout, while walking said: “Evening go back to have a good rest, tomorrowget up to clean up the luggage, go back to the new year this half month, thefamily should clean also clean, Haicheng the climate wet, bed linen quilt putlong easy to taste, can wash on the wash, come back to re-set …”
Gu Yan smiled and walked with Zhang Siyi togetherout of the office. He said: “Go back home and rest in the evening. Tomorrowget up and pack your luggage then clean the house. Since the holiday time islong and the weather in Haicheng is humid, make sure to wash and pack up thelinens so they will be ready to use when you return."
Zhang Siyi listened in silence, inexplicably feelingthat Gu Yu's words were beyond the scope of a boss's concern, but more like aclose brother, or a master… cough. “I know.” He commented,interrupting him.
Gu Li immediately stopped. He didn't realize hewas talking to Zhang Siyi. He smiled and said: “I have forgotten that youhave lived here for so many years and your self-care ability should still bethere.”
Zhang Siyi: “…”
As the two entered the elevator, Gu Yu continued:“I have a younger classmate, who is very smart, but an idiot. Last year,he graduated and went to Haicheng to rent a small house. The winter monthsaren't like the capital. He doesn't pay much attention to personal hygiene. Lastyear, he returned to his hometown of Shandong. When he came back, he called meand said that his family's quilt pillows were all hairy and green.”
Zhang Siyi: “Hey!"
Thinking of the scene, convulsing, Gu Yu laughedout loud.
Zhang Siyi was also laughing at the same time. SeeingGu Yu like this, Zhang Siyi knew that his concerns are not only directed athimself. Zhang Siyi thinks he probably is like this with everyone.
Exiting the building, Gu Yu said: “OK, whenyou are finished tomorrow, give me a call,” and waved his hand goodbye tohim.
Zhang Siyi returned home and went downstairs withFu Xinhui to eat and talk about the New Year’s plan.
“When are you going back to your own house?You’re supposed to be there for the new year, aren’t you?" Asked Zhang Siyi.
Fu Xinhui: “Of course. I went backyesterday, but we haven't had our meal yet, so I waited for you."
Zhang Siyi smiled and said: “What are you,my mother? You didn't need to wait for me. What about Cheer-Up?"
Fu Xinhui glanced at him and addressed himwithout reproach: “I'll bring him with me by car." Although his sisterhates dogs and his mother has some allergies he is uncertain. However, since Cheer-Upis still small, and he isn't shedding much, Fu Xinhui thinks it'll work outfine, especially if dog stays in his room.
After he finished his thoughts, he asked aboutZhang Siyi's plans. When hearing Zhang Siyi was going back with Gu Yu toNingcheng, he didn't say anything about it. He only nodded and offered a toast:"Happy New Year in advance!"
Zhang Siyi raised his Cup: “Well, Happy NewYear! Wishing us all the best in the coming year!
Early the next morning, while Zhang Siyi wasstill asleep, Fu Xinhui took Cheer-Up and left first. Like Gu Yu said, hecleaned up everything. After hanging up his washed clothes and bedding to dryon a rack in the living room, it was three o'clock in the afternoon. At thispoint, he felt is was still too early to call Gu Yu. Instead he checked overthe apartment once more then rummaged through his closet to take out his mosthandsome and expensive down jacket. Thinking about New Years, he went to take ahot bath. When he was finished it was close to five o'clock, almost time fordinner and a good time to call Gu Yu.
When the phone rang twice, it was connected, andZhang Siyi said he was all packed and ready to leave.
Gu Yu asked: “Do you have a lot of luggage?Do you want me to pick you up?”
Surprised Zhang Siyi replied: “No I have aroller-suitcase. I'll take a taxi over."
Gu Yu: “OK, I send the address to you overWeChat.”
Zhang Siyi opened the phone and looked at themessage he sent: “xxx road xx get far Mountain Garden 28."
Zhang Siyi opened the phone and looked at themessage that Gu Yu sent him: “Zhong Road xx, 28 Yuanshan Garden”
Shit! Yuanshan Garden? Isn’t that the famousvilla area of ​​Haicheng?
Last time, when Gu Yu mentioned the area where helived, Zhang Siyi vaguely associated it with Yuanshan Garden. I didn’t expectit to be there!
The section of the garden was built in the 1920sand 1930s. It belonged to the border crossing area and there were many foreignnationals and celebrities living there. The villas of Yuanshan Garden combineChinese style with national architectural styles. There are some uniquefeatures. Some of the celebrities’ former residences have been developed andreorganized into local cultural and tourist attractions. They are also open tothe public. This street is often used as a backdrop in photography shoots andfilms.
However, most of the houses there belong to thegovernment. They are leased to merchants or commercial businesses by thegovernment. Even if they have money, they may not be able to live there. RememberingGu Yu mentioning it's his friend's house, Zhang Siyi is surprised. Does Gu Yu'sfriend have such a background?
Soon the taxi came, and he was on his way. Gu Yusent him a message. The house isn't easy to find, so he will wait outside onthe street for him.
All the way from his place to Gu Yu's, Zhang Siyifollows the navigation. His curiosity is piqued. After the last turn, he seesGu Yu wearing a blue-grey coat standing on the side of the road in thedistance. Behind him is a is a Chinese-style mansion with French neoclassicalstyle. The pure white walls, exquisite wall columns and engraved line cornersmake the perfect scenery for a perfect picture of the most handsome person.
Seeing Zhang Siyi getting out of the care, Gu Yuwaved at him. Following Gu Yu, they finally arrived at building 28. TheShikumen style entrance is very small and crowded in the middle by the twoadjacent buildings so it's difficult to find.
After entering the gate, there was a small yardwith moss climbing up the stone walls and a stone road. At 5 o’clock in theevening, it was a little dark. Zhang Siyi looked around in a circle and vaguelysaw a big water tank in the corner of the yard. Nothing else was clear. Gu Yuhas already opened the door to greet him. Entering the door to change shoes, GuYu put on a pair of elegant cotton ones and passed another to him. He took hissuitcase and placed it on the wall.
Zhang Siyi is like a cat who tentatively entersnew territory. He is in deep thought and curiously asks: “What about yourfriend?”
Gu Yu said: “What friend?”
Zhang Siyi: “I thought you told me you wereliving in a friend’s House."
Gu Yu crossed his arms and replied: "The house ishis, but he doesn't live here. I live alone."
Zhang Siyi: "……"
Gu Yu took off hiscoat and hung it on the hanger. He turned to go inside: “OK, come in, don'tbe like a thief standing in the door."
Zhang Siyi: "……"
Unlike Zhang Siyi’simagination, this old villa is not a stepping stone that will squeak with muddygray walls that have not been painted for a few years. It looks like it hasbeen renovated recently.
The floor is coveredwith carpets, and the plain fabric sofa in the living room has no TV. Instead,it is a row of bookshelves. Standing on the side of the warm-colored floorlamp, the color layout of the space is very comfortable, and it comes from thedesigner’s hand.
There are a fewreeds and cattails in the black long bottle in the corner, which is quitebeautiful.
Zhang Siyi turnedhis head and found a calligraphy word hanging on the wall. It was the firstpart of the sentence that was hung in Gu Yu's office. Seeing these words, histension suddenly increased. It remined him of standing in Gu Yu office waitingfor his evaluation and criticism of his own work. It didn't make Zhang Siyiparticularly feel relaxed. He hasn't quite digested the fact that, Zhang Siyiis completely inside Gu Yu's territory. Thinking he is surrounded by all thingsGu Yu; his heart is racing again! o////o
He doesn't know whattemperature the room is, but he is feeling hot. He put his schoolbag down andunzipped his jacket while silently scolding himself: "Stupid, this isn't theoffice. Gu Yu is not your boss. Think of him as an ordinary friend. Stop beingso nervous!"
Gu Yu washed hishands and slowly rolled up his high sleeves while watching Zhang Siyi and asked:“What do you want to eat? Can I cook for you?”
Zhang Siyi:“………”
So good, so gentle, thetenderness, such care…… Zhang Siyi feels the full force of Gu Yu's charm.
“I, I… willit be too much trouble for you? We can eat outside instead.” Zhang Siyistammered.
Gu Yu replied:“These two days, the restaurants outside have been closed. Anyway, I havesome ingredients in the refrigerator. If you don’t mind…”
“I-I, of courseI don’t mind!
Zhang Siyi wasanxious to take a stand. Gu Xiao nodded, smiled and asked: “Then you siton your own for a while?”
Zhang Siyi politely:“Do you want to help?”
Under normalcircumstances, Zhang Siyi felt that the host would refuse the help of theguests. I didn’t expect Gu Yu to simply bow down and said, “Well, thencome over and help me wash the dishes.”
…. What!? I’m justsaying it to be polite! Motherfucker!" …… Damn it!
Zhang Siyi took offhis hat and jacket and walked over to the kitchen. Since the kitchen was notequipped with warm water equipment, his hands were frozen after washing thedishes for ten minutes.
When his handsstarted to warm up again after finishing the wash, Zhang Siyi felt like it wasalmost OK. However, Gu Yu did not give him a break and handed him three eggs: "Breakthe eggs.”
Zhang Siyi: “…” (╯#°Д°) How can you do this! Aren't you supposed to cook for me?
The author has something to say: Sweet cohabitation… I wrote a beginning! _(:з”∠)_
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