Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 173

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 173: Fart
Today wassupposed to be another ordinary work day, however Zhang Siyi and Gu Yu quarreledat the office.
Now thatthe hotel project had reached its final phase, execution of the design wastransferred to the construction company. While Zhang Siyi was working onvarious small projects, he was required to provide a series of data statisticsfor the construction company. Unknown to him, Zhang Siyi had made a carelesscalculation and sent the wrong figures.
With thecompletion of the tourist hotel project, Gu Yu was hoping to deepen Zhang Siyiknowledge by letting him begin a larger independent project. Today, theconstruction contract was handed to Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi's mistake wasdiscovered for the first time. He was immediately called into Gu Yu's office.
Gu Yuforcibly slammed the documents on his desk with a loud bang and loudly snapped:"How is your area calculated? How did you not notice this beforehand? The totalarea of the villa construction is over thirty thousand square meters. You havebeen working here for over a year and yet you have so little a common sense?The plans are signed and stamped. Do you understand the amount of losses thecompany will incur now?"
Standing inhis office, Zhang Siyi was silent. Out of shock of being yelled at, he didn'tknow what to say. Since the start of his employment, Gu Yu has never criticizedhim so harshly. Since he hasn't experienced Gu Yu's disapproval in such a longtime, it was psychologically hard to accept.
The seriesof expressions that flashed across Zhang Siyi face conveyed a variety ofemotions from surprise and shock to anger and resentment. Zhang Siyi was lostin thought:
……. Isn’tit a common mistake for the area to be miscalculated? Isn't it normally checkedby multiple people? What about the people from the construction company? Thereare many people involved so it isn't just my fault. Employees have mademistakes before, but why am I singled out and being judged so severely?"
Not knowingwhere he went wrong, Zhang Siyi's confused silence and disapproving expression atfeeling unfairly treated provoked Gu Yu to explain: “If you can't managethis little thing, how am I supposed to safely hand over a bigger project?"
Forgettingthat they were in the office, out of habit, Zhang Siyi addressed Gu Yucasually. In return, he snapped at Gu Yu angrily: "Since you don't trust me,then don't give it to me!"
Slightlyscowling, Gu Yu clenched his jaw in anger which made the muscles taut and theveins bulge in his neck.
Full ofgrievances, Zhang Siyi glared at him. Both stubborn, they were in a stalemate.
Fortunately,the deadlock was broken as Tao Fei entered the office. Breaking the silence, hebrazenly spoke up. “Yo, what’s going on? You guys are arguing so loudly thateveryone outside can hear you."
Gu Yucoldly said: “We weren't fighting."
Zhang Siyi turnedhis head and stared at Tao Fei. –Yes!We weren't fighting because Gu Yu unilaterally blamed him!
When theymade eye contact, Tao Fei winked at Zhang Siyi and let him leave the office first.Now that Tao Fei has been with Borderless for a few months, his temper hadleveled off. To the surprise of others, the current office disturbance wasn't causedby Tao Fei.
Withlingering negative feelings, Zhang Siyi felt like he was ready to blow his top.Eager to calm down, he poured himself a cup of coffee then walked to the diningarea and sat down at the edge of the room. Alone, he was lost in thought.
Not longafter, Tao Fei came over gleefully. He took delight in witnessing the abilityto provoke Gu Yu to such an extent. Knowing Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi faught, hefelt fulfilled and asked: "What are you doing? You can't possibly be angry withGu Yu?"
Withoutexpression, Zhang Siyi glanced at him and explained: “I made a statisticalerror with the hotel area.”
Incredulous,Tao Fei asked: “Really!? He blew up over a mathematical calculation?"
Zhang Siyibowed his head: “It seems to be the case.”
Even TaoFei felt that it was a minor issue and didn't understand why Gu Yu treatedZhang Siyi so harshly.
The factthat the area was wrong was indeed Zhang Siyi's carelessness, but wasn't it becauseGu Yu made excessive demands at night and assigned him multiple tasks all atonce? He was very tired and as a result, he had made an error.
Feeling alittle dazed, Zhang Siyi held his hand over his face and sighed deeply.
Tao Feiglanced at him and asked: ” How Are you doing?"
Zhang Siyilooked up: “What?"
Tao Fei:“Your feelings."
Zhang Siyithought of his nightly activities with Gu Yu and felt a little flush. It wasdifficult to say: "Hmm.…"
Tao Fei:“Since returning from Japan, it doesn’t feel like your relationship isgood."
Zhang Siyi:“…” That was the façade that Gu Yu wanted people to see. Zhang Siyididn't clarify Tao Fei's wrong assumption.
Even thoughTao Fei didn't know the situation, he offered he emotional analysis. Holdinghis chin in thought, Tao Fei said: "Has the period of love ended? Now, has allof his previously invisible shortcomings been exposed?"
Startled, ZhangSiyi was a little surprised at Tao Fei's analysis. It carried a bit of truth.He really didn't see any of Gu Yu's shortcomings, but now that they have beentogether for several months, some of them were exposed like his bad performanceplaying Era of Music, and his inability to sing.
The mostserious was Gu Yu's insatiable desire. To be honest, if Zhang Siyi knew it aheadof time, he might have really backed off. Compared with Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi wasvery conservative and more simple-minded and 'pure' with his thoughts aboutrelationships. If he had acted with his ex-girlfriend like Gu Yu had with him,Zhang Siyi would have already had years of intimate experience.
It was alsostrange that Gu Yu's true nature was hidden so deeply. Step-by-step, heskillfully laid out a plan and set a trap for Zhang Siyi. Unbeknown to ZhangSiyi, he foolishly and happily followed Gu Yu all the way into a cage. Now, itwas impossible to escape.
Aside fromthese points, in every aspect, Zhang Siyi thought Gu Yu was exactly like theman he appeared to be. A mature, calm man that was strict and kept his privateand public life separated.
Zhang Siyifinally shook his head and said to Tao Fei: “Today was my fault.”
Gu Yu ishis boss. If not for being his boyfriend, Zhang Siyi would never have talkedback. It proves how close a relationship they truly have.
After calmingdown, Zhang Siyi thought about what Gu Yu had told him previously; the highhopes that Gu Yu had placed on him and how much he wanted Zhang Siyi tocatch-up as quickly as possible. For this reason, putting his faith in ZhangSiyi, Gu Yu assigned him jobs in order to help train him and let him grow as anarchitect. Zhang Siyi was well aware that the things Gu Yu did, he did it for him.He has long been grateful for his guidance, but instead of recognizing this fact,he told Gu Yu that 'I don't need your concern'. Gu Yu's anger wasn't surprising.
It's justthat people are emotional animals and in the face of a hard truth, their reactionswill surface suddenly without control. In this way, today's events, rather thanaddressing things calmly, it proves how immature, childish, and petty Zhang Siyireally is!
Zhang Siyisighed. He wanted to understand. Now resolute, he went back to his desk to fixhis error and recalculated the area. Uponhis completion, he took the initiative to send his results to Gu Yu. Gu Yupromptly sent a letter back to Zhang Siyi asking him to relay the newinformation and apologize to construction company.
Finally, bythe end of the day, the mishap was successfully resolved without furtherproblems and both Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi were able to leave the office on time.Traveling by subway, they quietly went home together to eat dinner.
However,that night, putting Zhang Siyi on the bed, Gu Yu began to settle the matter…….
"Oh, how bold!How dare you talk back to me at work. Are you the boss, or am I?"
“Who gaveyou permission? Hmm….." Gu Yu gave Zhang Siyi a meaningful look. "I've told youbefore how much I want you to catch-up to me. But then, you say not to bother.Is your heart wavering? Should I not be worried and angry?"
“Ah! Iwas wrong…… I won't…………"
Gu Yu bullied himthree times in anger before saying: “Your performance at work has been alot more mature than before and that is very commendable. As a reward, I'll letyou go."
Despite feeling like he was abused to death, ZhangSiyi couldn't say a word.
Early thenext morning limping to work, Zhang Siyi clutched his waist. Even though Gu Yu'snoble and glamorous appearance was restored, he continued to abuse him at night.One word could be used to describe the situation: Unforgiving! (=_=)
The littleenergy that Zhang Siyi had left by the end of the work day was completelydrained by Gu Yu at night.
Unlike their'love-period' in the beginning, lately, the two were often seen arguing and bickeringover something. Even though there was constant friction between them, their relationshipwasn't distant at all. In fact, with their nightly 'deep body connection' and constant'grinding together', their relationship was becoming more intimate than everbefore.
One eveningfor dinner, in a large pot, Gu Yu stewed ribs and radish and made a soup. Havingcooked the radish until it became crystal clear, the sweetness of the root vegetablewas infused with the meat. Zhang Siyi couldn't wait to dig in. He wolfed downthree bowls in one breath.
Later thatnight when he was in bed with Gu Yu, his stomach started gurgling. As thenoises became louder and louder, Gu Yu stopped and asked: "Are you alright? Doyou have to fart?"
Zhang Siyigroaned and said: “Don’t provoke me, otherwise I'll fart on you!"
Gu Yugrinned and said: “Reassured, I am blocking you so you can't releaseanything."
Zhang Siyi:“Damn, you bastard……"
Afterwards,Gu Yu was afraid that Zhang Siyi would 'leak' so he leaned down to his ear andjokingly asked: "Do you want me to hold you and take you to the bathroom?”
Red faced ZhangSiyi exclaimed: “What?! No! Gu Yao is next door!”
Gu Yu:“I can send her a WeChat message telling her to stay in her room for thenext ten minutes."
Zhang Siyi:“…… ” Shit! That isn't the issue! The point is, does he need Gu Yu'shelp? Can’t he just hold it?
Since he wasalready on his hands and knees, Zhang Siyi twisted and tried to crawl away: "Goaway!"
Preventinghim from moving, Gu Yu wrapped his arms around Zhang Siyi and held him close: "No.I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it in."
Zhang Siyi:"……"
Trapped byGu Yu, Zhang Siyi was starting to feel angry. Suddenly, he belched loudly.
Gu Yu:“…”
Zhang Siyi:“…” Fuck! Is he only able to expel the gas from the top? Σ( ° △°|||)_
The roomfell into a strange silence and a second later, unexpectedly, Gu Yu burst outlaughing!
Feelingashamed, Zhang Siyi tried to get away by taking advantage of the situation. Asa result of the movement from Gu Yu shaking in laughter and Zhang Siyi desireto break free, a string of sounds emanated from Zhang Siyi behind.
WatchingZhang Siyi, Gu Yu laughed even more loudly. Twitching, he collapsed on the bedlaughing uncontrollably.
Zhang Siyi neversaw Gu Yu laugh so hard that it was entirely unlike his outward image. Immediately,Zhang Siyi felt angry out of embarrassment and couldn't bear it any longer.
“Fuck!Gu Yu unexpectedly shouted. Clutching his nose, he rolled over off the bed togo open the window.
Zhang Siyi got his way, and laughed without restraint…
Gu Yugritted his teeth and said: “Don't look at me. I won't pick you up!"
Sincebelching, Zhang Siyi has lost his composure. Turning to look at Gu Yu he quipped:"Who is afraid of who?!"
Of course, inevitably Gu Yu would have to 'punish' Zhang Siyi again. Despite Zhang Siyi's anger, Gu Yu always had a way to appease him and together, they would always fall asleep peacefully…….
Being able to act so brazenly in front of one another just shows how close and in love with one another they really are.
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