Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 180

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 180: Reconciliation
Lying motionless on the bed breathingheavily, from the throes of passion, Zhang Siyi's mind was numb from pleasure. Playingwith Zhang Siyi's earlobe, Gu Yu was still on top of him. After a long time,Zhang Siyi regained his senses and wiped his red, moist eyes. With a hoarsevoice, he complained: "Asshole."
Due to their charged emotions and heightenedfeelings from their fight, they were unusually intense in bed. Moving his lipsalongside Zhang Siyi's neck slowly, pausing here and there, Gu Yu kissed him tenderly.He said: "Who told you to start a fight?" At the base of his neck, Gu Yu suckedparticularly hard, leaving a punitive mark.
Zhang Siyi muttered: “Who wantsto argue with you……"
“You didn't?….. Because of myrefusal to help your classmates with the company, you immediately threw a fit anddecided not to eat. You know that my hands are tied, and yet you put me in adifficult position and asked me anyways. I don't want to fight with you, but Ican't compromise. You think I don't care about you……What did you tell me todo?" Gu Yu looked up at him and sighed helplessly. He brandished his hands to looselygrasped Zhang Siyi's neck and squeeze. He whispered: "I'm so furious with you thatI could kill you."
When enough pressure was on his throatto feel his breath being affected, he swatted Gu Yu arms away. Gu Yu, such aproud man. Being forced to sit on the stairs for an hour and a half and then pleadingwith Zhang Siyi was completely unexpected behavior. In that moment, it showed howindignant and dire Gu Yu really felt.
Now that their negative emotions werevented, they could finally calm down and discuss it further. Zhang Siyi grabbedGu Yu’s hand and gently gave him a peck on the lips then complained:“Clearly your attitude is too bad and unsympathetic!”
He continued: "Being two years older, SuYuan is very mature. When we were abroad and new to the city, she showed usaround and taught us where to go and what to avoid. She helped us with registrationand getting the proper documents for foreigners. She even helped me get a localbank account set up. Not only that, Su Yuan was exceptional with her academicstudies in college. She would take time out of her busy schedule to help whenwe asked. She gave us tips and helped us organize our coursework. She showed usthe best places to buy materials for classes. Whether is was something aboutschool or life, she was always there to help make things better. She is a very good-naturedperson. When I see her doing poorly, I really want to help her. At least comparedwith my schoolwork, she always scored higher than I during University. I wouldn'thave asked you if I didn't think she would be a capable member to Borderless's designteam. It's not hard for you, is it? If you could interview her and see, Ithought you would be able to understand. Instead, I got cold water poured on myhead. How can I bear it and say nothing?"
In quiet contemplation, Gu Yu listenedto Zhang Siyi. When he finished, Gu Yu explained why he rejected him in the firstplace: "Siyi, the situation at Borderless isn't fairing any better than othercompanies. This past year, large scale projects have been on the decline. Althoughyou may not be aware, there are many projects that stall during theconstruction process and are abandoned partially completed. The uppermanagements kept those facts about a crisis away from their employees in orderto maintain moral. Otherwise, it could affect the whole company's performanceand productivity. At present, the company can maintain the current salary andbenefits of its employees because there is an investor behind the company. SinceBorderless is a smaller design firm that strives to put out quality workinstead of focusing on quantity, the company hasn't been affected as much asother places. At 20 people, we have a cohesive group of talented individuals.It is already saturated. There is a risk of breaking a team's cohesion when hiringnew people, especially with less than a year's worth of work experience. I amtoo busy right now to bring in another new person. Think back to when you firststarted. How long did it take you to work on a simple task? Let alone, a bigproject? Do you know how much I expect from you? When I thought you were readyto be on your own, you even made a beginner mistake calculating area not longago." Thinking about it, Gu Yu pinched ZhangSiyi's chin.
Zhang Siyi’s heart lurched. Now thathe heard Gu Yu give a detailed explanation, he understood why Gu Yu was soangry. Not only that, then Zhang Siyi said, 'don't humor me'…. That was Gu Yu'slast straw.
Gu Yu continued: “I don’t know howother companies run their business, but at Borderless, instead of simply employingsomeone to 'work for the company for a base wage', we recruit people and train themas independent talents. As a result, every single person who is looked at, mustbe carefully considered. Even though it's only been a year, no matter how muchability you think she had while studying, it is already in the past. Since differentenvironments have different effects on people, her current ability is unknown.If she were to begin at the company, she might be fine for a while, but whatwould happen if she no longer felt comfortable with the work that was given toher? What would you do? Would you be responsible for her? For the company? Youwould just feel more stressed about it."
Zhang Siyi listened attentively to GuYu’s words. Now with mixed feelings, he thought his original idea was too naïve.From Gu Yu perspective, it was much more complex than it seemed! Feelingembarrassed, he covered his red face with his arms in guilt.
Gu Yu rubbed his head and said:“Also, many design companies prohibit the recruitment of people from thesame background. Since you two were abroad in the same class, your experiencewas too similar. Your designs ideas inevitably would overlap and cause unnecessarycompetition between team members. As a result, the balance of workingrelationships of the team would crumble and cause internal divisions and strife."
Zhang Siyi revealed his face anddefended his friend: “Su Yuan isn't that kind of person.”
Gu Yu stretched out a finger to blockhis lips and interrupted him: “Whether she is or not, I am the designdirector of Borderless. The first thing I must consider is the company’ssituation, followed by you. Did you already forget what happen in Japan with LuQiao? If I recruit your classmates into the company, what do you suppose he wouldthink? How about when Tao Fei began at the company? Did you not suspect me of preferentialtreatment?"
Zhang Siyi frankly admitted "Uh-hmm."When he first heard Tao Fei address Gu Yu with such familiarity, it was obvioushow uncomfortable he felt.
Gu Yu: “Isn’t that right? That iswhy I asked you if she had the ability beyond Tao Fei. If she could showcaseher abilities to prove her worth as Tao Fei had done when he first came to thecompany, then people would understand why she was recruited. Otherwise, if Irecruit a common newcomer, people will start to suspect the impartiality of theemployment."
“I’m sorry…” As helistened to Gu Yu explanation, the more Zhang Siyi realized of his ownignorance and capriciousness. He lightly kissed Gu Yu and wrapped his armsaround his waist, pampering him. Zhang Siyi looked up at him coyly and softlysaid: "I know you have your strict principles and I don't want to embarrass you.I'm sorry I took you for granted."
When Zhang Siyi argues, he fights likea lion with his claws out, ripping open hearts. But, once the quarrel passes, ZhangSiyi is like a soft harmless kitten, waiting to be petted. Witnessing his lover'scontrasting mood swings, Gu Yu just wanted to cry and laugh.
This incident made Gu Yu learn abouthis own faults. If Zhang Siyi hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have learnedabout his 'cold and unsympathic attitude' that his lover perceived.
Gu Yu reached around this 'cute kitten'and embraced him. Gu Yu pulled him close and asked: "What about your classmate?Why don't you let her have an interview?"
“It's not necessary.” Gu Yuexplained the reasons for refusal so clearly. How could Zhang Siyi still bewillful?
In fact, when he was downstairs, hehad already figured it out. For the sake of his friend, he jeopardized hisrelationship with Gu Yu and regretted it.
Discouraged, Zhang Siyi gloomily replied:“I didn't offer any commitments. I'll let her know that Borderless isn'trecruiting."
Listening to Zhang Siyi’s somewhatfrustrated tone, Gu Yu offered: “In fact, it's not like I didn't want tohelp you help her. I have been in this business for a long time after all and Iknow a lot of peer businesses. If she has the will to change companies, let herprepare a new resume and portfolio. When it's ready, we can meet, and I canassess her capabilities and recommend a company that she is suited for. Maybeit could change her current situation."
Elated, Zhang Siyi's heart was happy:“Why didn't you say so from the start!?"
Gu Yu: “……” Becausesomeone just blew up at me……
"All right! I will tell her later!" With botharms and legs, Zhang Siyi wrapped himself around Gu Yu and squeezed him hard andexcitedly kissed Gu Yu’s face a few times. In between kisses he spoke: "Say so earlier!….. I'll have a better attitude…… I won't be angry! ….. You see…. I'm not unreasonable…. right?"
Gu Yu laughed. He didn't want tomention how much of a temper his little fool had. He simply wanted to love him,and it seemed, these days, he spoiled him too much.
Like wives seeking forgiveness on in aTV drama, talking coquettishly, Gu Yu raised an eyebrow and asked: “Baby, didI do a bad thing?" With light caresses, he slid his hand down Zhang Siyi'sabdomen and fondled his region tenderly. Zhang Siyi part was quickly ready formore.
Zhang Siyi twisted and twisted and triedto get out of Gu Yu hold. He couldn't escape from Gu Yu talented hands. He calledout for mercy: “Enough is enough! I don’t want…”
Continuing his rubbing and smilingbroadly, Gu Yu snorted: "…. Just be honest."
The argument between them made Gu Yu fully understand Zhang Siyi soft-hearted character. If he was too rigid, both would end up getting hurt. Zhang Siyi Enjoyed the sensations for a moment until he suddenly remembered the previous text messages. He sat up and asked: "Why did you give those girls my number? Am I a hotline?"
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