Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 194

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 194: Sister Control
The momentof excitement started to waiver. Shit! Why does his emotional baggage continue tocontrol him? Will Gu Yu's shadow influence him for the rest of his life. Focusinghis mind and inspiring his fighting spirit, even if it was detrimental to his immediatepsyche, He Chengtian abandon his reservation and decided to chase Gu Yao.
When she wasthe one that initiated contact, even if she was Gu Yu's sister, no matter what herbrother could do, she was her own person. If Gu Yu tried to interfere, he couldstill say "screw you!"
As theysettled into the living room, her small hand had made contact with his briefly.He Chengtian thought she was flirting with him. Keeping that in mind, he pusheddown his painful past and continued to calmly eat and drink.
During dinner,the two old classmates spoke about their respective work situation. Unlike thelast time they spoke to one another, Gu Yu didn't offer any retaliatory remarks.In fact, He Chengtian thought he was rather polite.
Nowsatiated, Gu Yu went to get the pot of tea to help with digestion.
He Chengtiancollapsed on the sofa and sighed with satisfaction. He watched Gu Yao sittingcross-legged on the carpet, stroking the big Dog. Zhang Siyi was rummaged througha bag of nuts. The comfortable environment around him made him relax and a pleasantsense of fatigue washed over him. Gu Yu wasn't annoying at all.
Sipping hiscup of tea in hand, He Chengtian understood why Zhang Siyi choose to follow GuYu instead of himself. Gu Yu's presence was a calming force and as long as hewas around, one couldn't help but feel at peace. It was the temperament of atrue leader.
As histhoughts drifted, He Chengtain wondered why he hated Gu Yu in the first place.Was it because he was young and competitive? If he had simply admitted hisdefeat, rather than clinging to an imaginary foe, would they have become goodfriends? … However, it wasn't important to pursue the answer anymore. Now, theywe able sit together for a meal and talk about each other’s lives like friends.
Since He Chengtiandrank two glasses of wine, he couldn’t drive home. Instead, he paid forovernight parking and hailed a taxi. In any case, it wasn't a problem becausehe would have to come back tomorrow to bring Gu Yao to work.
After HeChengtian left, Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi went out to walk to dog. Gu Yu asked: "HasBai Rui contacted you?"
Havingforgotten about it, Zhang Siyi was momentarily startled. Then he began to tellGu Yu about his conversation he had with Bai Rui on the subway.
Gu Yu wassurprised: “You admitted that you have a boyfriend?” “
"Yeah. Ithought it would be like a slap in the face if I told him directly." Zhang Siyipulled on the leash and said: “He even wanted to know your number!"
Gu Yusuddenly laughed.
Watching GuYu laugh so happily, Zhang Siyi felt a little dumbfounded. Soon he started tofeel irritated and questioned: "What are you laughing at!"
Gu Yulooked at him in the eye: “Just because Bai Rui said he wanted to meet me,why are you so nervous?"
“Whatcan I do? Let him be a good friend?” Zhang Siyi couldn’t stand other menthinking about Gu Yu.
Gu Yu: "Whateverhe has to say to me, you will see it too, right?"
Zhang Siyi smackedhis own forehead. Right, how can he be so stupid? Previously, Gu Yu had usedZhang Siyi's phone to reply to Bai Rui. There was no reason Zhang Siyi couldn'tdo the same and use Gu Yu's phone.
Smiling, GuYu raised his hand to rub Zhang Siyi's head. “In any case, deleting himhas saved you from over thinking about such trivial matters."
That night,Gu Yu put into practice the promise of the evening and punished Zhang Siyi for 'selling'his sister.
At first,Zhang Siyi also quite enjoyed it, but after a long time, he began to call out 'don'tand 'that's enough'. Unbeknownst to Zhang Siyi, showing his weak side onlyexcited Gu Yu more. Not only was he 'punishing' Zhang Siyi for his sister'ssake, he was also excited because of Zhang Siyi's jealousy. Gu Yu was so incrediblyhappy that he couldn't control his raging heart.
Zhang Siyididn't know the real reason. He only thought it was because of Gu Yao.
Afterward, ZhangSiyi was lying motionless aside Gu Yu. While listening to his complaints, Gu Yuhelped wipe his thighs and butt with a warm towel. Zhang Siyi grumbled: "Whyare you so controlling? You wanted your sister to find love and I found acandidate and yet, you used me to vent your anger. I should have just changedjobs when He Chengtian offered and made lots of money…. AH!"
Gu Yusmacked him hard on the ass. Eyeing Gu Yu intensely, Zhang Siyi moved to protecthis rear.
Gu Yu gotup and hung the towel on the side of the chair. Playful, Gu Yu asked: "Gu Yaois going to marry out and you are going to marry in. What is there to be jealousabout?"
ZhangSiyi’s face quickly heated up: “Who, who is marrying in?!"
Pinchinghis chin, Gu Yu covered him with his body then whispered: “You. Gu Siyi.You haven't recognized it yet?"
Zhang Siyi:“Don’t talk about … Mmn, mm."
His protestwas quickly stifled by Gu Yu mouth and the sound of his voice quickly turnedinto a series of ambiguous sucking noises.
A few dayslater, at noon one day after Tao Fei finished up a project, he invited ZhangSiyi out to eat lunch. The two took the elevator downstairs and were discussingwhich restaurant to go to. In his peripheral vision, Zhang Siyi caught a glimpse of a silver-whitesports car on the road near the company. He turned to look at the car moreclearly.
Tao Fei wasalso a fan. As he turned to take another look, he quickly called out the modelof the car: “Wow! A Porsche 911!”
The car…..where has Zhang Siyi heard of it before?
As he waslost in thought, the driver's side window lowered and Zhang Siyi was able tosee who was inside. It was Bai Rui! Now that he saw Bai Rui get out of the car,he remembered Su Yuan mentioning in the group chat that Bai Rui drove a Porsche911.
With TaoFei standing next to him, Zhang Siyi saw Bai Rui looking in his direction,smiling.
Zhang Siyiwas shocked. He thought the business between them was finished and didn't thinkBai Rui would continue to look for him.
“What’sthe matter?” Tao Fei squinted his eyes and asked: “Is that the sameguy who gave you a cake?"
Feelingirritated, Zhang Siyi turned to leave and grabbed Tao Fei then said: "Don'tlook at him!"
Tao Feiturned his head to wink at Bai Rui then turned back around and hooked his armwith Zhang Siyi's. He asked: " Hey, who is that? Brother's rival? Tell mehonestly."
Zhang Siyi:“…..” This dead fat peach is really too observant! Feeling a littleafraid of Tao Fei's insightful intuition, avoiding a possible misunderstanding,he quickly started explaining the situation.
Over lunch,Tao Fei listened and laughed: “Haha! So, the guy still doesn’t know whoreally is your boyfriend."
Zhang Siyi:“Well….”
Tao Fei:“And then you deleted his contact in a hurry?”
Lookingdownward at his food, Zhang Siyi said: “Yeah…”
Tao Feitouched his chin: “Do you think he came back today to find you?"
Zhang Siyilooked up: “Don’t scare me!”
Tao Fei narrowedhis eyes and grinned mischievously: “If you don't want to say anythingspecific, I'll help you toy with him."
Zhang Siyi: “…”
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