Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 83

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 83: Two Bedrooms
In a flash, all of Zhang Siyi's memories are on hyperdrive. There are somany subtle coincidences between Zhang Siyi and Gu Yu that he is starting to believewhat used to be thought of as random inextricable phenomenon are as if by fate,linked.
There was the cactus ball and the overtime work day when he woke up to a sensationwhere he found Gu Yu looking at him. Also, Gu Yu's tape measure gift. Eventhough Zhang Siyi started with a white-lie of only playing the violin for a personhe likes, Gu Yu unexpectedly asked Zhang Siyi to play the violin for him. Therewas Zhang Siyi's properly preserved pumpkin in Gu Yu's bedroom, and the generousNew Year's red envelope, and of course the increasingly suggestive ambiguousWeChat interactions……
As these thoughts percolated in Zhang Siyi heart and mind, he had to facethe facts. When Fu Xinhui asked him that time after KTV, Zhang Siyi immediatelyrejected the idea because 'Gu Yu had a girlfriend'. However, this problem wasno longer an issue as the girl wasn't a girlfriend, but his sister.
Even Gu Yao admitted to Zhang Siyi that she suspected her brother was gaymore then once. Although he doesn't know the specifics of why she felt thatway, if Zhang Siyi combined this fact with Gu Yu's actions during the True or Daregame, then it makes sense that Gu Yu would choose dare when Zhang Siyi askedhim who he liked.
…… The answer is on the horizon.
Zhang Si Yi stole a glance at Gu Yu while he was driving. His face was softand yielding, yet focused and taut. It is a handsome face that very few girlscan resist.
If Gu Yu really likes himself……
Then he can try too…….
With a man…….
A relationship…….
Right? (o////o)
Things are growing…… Oh, Zhang Siyi, what areyou thinking about! (&////&)
With his heart feeling like it was going to explodefrom his chest, Zhang Si Yi quickly withdraw his gaze. Where does he get theconfidence to presume there is interest in Zhang Siyi? Gu Yu's abilities aresuperior and he makes more money and he is better looking….. Liking him? Notpossible!
It is said that when you like a person, peopleoften over think the actions of the other person in order to convincethemselves, the feeling are mutual. This is typical attention bias.
Zhang Siyi is a very self-aware person who knows exactlythe type of girl he can attract and pursue for a serious relationship. If heapproached a girl and was rejected, it's just a moment of slight embarrassment thatcan be harmlessly laughed away. However, Gu Yu is a man. If there is amisunderstanding, then how will he put his face forward in the future?
Slumping in the seat in distress, Zhang Siyi didn't want to think about it further. Since he wasn't in the mood to chat, he also used the excuse of being sleepy to end their conversation.
At the same time in the backseat, Gu Yao was continuingher analysis of her brother's love mystery. Through their conversations, Gu Yaoconfirmed that Zhang Siyi is very curious about her brother. Curiosity isprecisely the beginning of all love; a good sign!
The most recent new info: Zhang Siyi gave herbrother the pumpkin!
Is this a coincidence? No!
Judging from her brother’s cherished memories ofpumpkin lanterns, Gu Yao had long suspected that this was a gift from hissweetheart. Together with these observations over the past few days, she hasalready made a conclusion. All the signs where there, but she still wanted tofurther test her hypothesis to confirm whether or not her brother was in lovewith Zhang Siyi and if Zhang Siyi reciprocated his feelings. Mainly because, ZhangSiyi’s last reaction made her doubt herself. _ (: З”∠) _
Although itis true that Zhang Siyi is very curious about her brother, his probing onlystays at a normal level. He also was quick to point out that the jack-o-lanternwas just a happenstance, and not a specific gift.
It is hardto believe, but is this relationshipher brother's unrequited love?
….. No way! Her brother is lovesick?
When Gu Yaowas younger, she thought her brother was such a perfect person. He was like anemperor picking out his concubine; a flock of fancy girls to patiently wait tobe chosen as a girlfriend. In her eyes, his standards were so high and mighty thathe could never take the initiative to talk about relationships and love in thislife.
In thislifetime, Gu Yao would never have guessed her brother would have a period ofunrequited love. Poor brother; never meeting someone to like and single foralmost thirty years. It's so rare to fall in love with someone, and thatsomeone can't feel it! But think about it. There are thousands upon thousandsof different people in the world. So-what if a man meets a man. Can that not bea romantic story too?
Zhang Siyi seems to be a very normal boy. Its probably very difficult to emotionally disengage from thestandard inherit upbringing.
Gu Yao sighed and began to worry about life….. For her brother's sake, she must think of something and keep trying.
At five inthe evening, they arrived in Haicheng. Since Zhang Siyi previously said he hadsomething to do with his friends at night, Gu Yu didn't say anything else. Withonly a slight wave of his hand, he silently dropped Zhang Siyi off at hisapartment and left with Gu Yao.
Standing inthe cold wind feeling abandoned, Zhang Siyi watched the dust get kicked-up asthe Lexus drove away on the road. He felt numb as his brain couldn't computethe emotional rollercoaster he experienced throughout the day. He turned hishead and looked at the large pile of packages and bags sitting in front of his apartmentbuilding and sighed. As if today's emotional ride wasn't enough already, hestarted to feel angry at the lack of curtesy. Gu Yu couldn't spare an extra fewminutes to help him with the luggage?
Since hisfriend wasn't home, there was no one to help him move his belongings upstairs.Zhang Siyi took multiple trips and half an hour later, he was able to moveeverything into his apartment. As previously mentioned, Fu Xinhui came by theplace earlier to drop off Cheer-Up. When Zhang Siyi saw the dog, he wassurprised at how much Cheer-Up grew over the past couple of weeks.
When the dogsaw Zhang Siyi coming back, Cheer-Up excitedly rushed at him and enthusiastically circled around him. Zhang Siyiaffectionately petted the dog's head: “Well, well, be good and don't slobberall over me….. Fuck! What did you do tomy sheets!"
Before heleft for the New Year's break, he hung his sheets up in the living room to dry.He saw them on the floor in a messy pile. As he approached them to pick thesheets off the floor, he noticed a clear odor of urine on them.
“Cheer up …%¥#……!!”
Zhang Siyiis not amused. Gnashing his teeth, he gathered the soiled sheets into a balland threw them away in the trash. He looked at the little devil sitting beforehim. Cheer-Up was giving Zhang Siyi the most innocent, adorable, cute look as possible.
Thinkingabout the ill-fated Fu Xinhui, Zhang Siyi gave up his urge to pull the dog's hairout. Instead he patted his head and patiently said: "How many times have wetold you not to pee at home? Do you think I'm your good-natured father? I don'tknow when he will be back. Be careful so I don't throw you out!"
Cheer-Up movedhis body closer to Zhang Siyi, tilted his head and lifted a hind leg than sprinkledtwo drops of urine on Zhang Siyi's foot.
Zhang Siyi:“……”
With the dogdownstairs waiting, it took Zhang Siyi another two hours to wash the apartmentand unpack his luggage. During this time, Fu Xinhui called to let him know he wasunable to go out to dinner with him at night.
Zhang Siyididn't find it surprising as he never received a reply to his text to Fu Xinhuiearlier while driving back. He didn't say anything about his past text andinstead, he calmly asked Fu Xinhui about his family. Fu Xinhui said they werestill dealing with the situation and there was nothing new to report.
Zhang Siyi spoketo his friend on the phone: “You are busy with your family issues. Don'tworry about me."
He thoughthe could wait until Fu Xinhui gets back to talk to him about his problemsregarding Gu Yu and his own sexual orientation. He wanted someone to help himanalyze the situation and come to a conclusion so he could make a plan aboutwhat to do. But now that Fu Xinhui is riddled with family problems, he doesn'twant to bother him with his own entangled feelings.
Zhang Siyiconcern isn't something he can easily talk about with others. After all, it isabout his own sexual orientation. If he talks to someone who isn't trustworthy, once the matter is voiced, his image will be completely destroyed. Hangingup the phone, Zhang Siyi collapsed on the sofa laying down. Looking at theempty house, he felt even more desolate.
First, JiangHai found a girlfriend and moved out and now Fu Xinhui is away because of his family.In the future, in this large three-bedroom apartment, will he always be alone?
Well……There is a dog.
Zhang Siyisighed and turned on his side to see Cheer-Up laying lazily on the floor andnot laying in his cozy dog-bed. He couldn't help himself say: "Stupid dog."
Zhang Siyipaused for a minute and whispered: “Do you think he likes me or not?”
Cheer up:“??”
Rolling ontohis back on the couch he placed his forearm on top of his brow and muttered tohimself: "Actually, I kind of like him……"
Cheer up:“…."
Zhang Siyisighed, sat up and looked at the dog. He firmly admitted: “Well, it's notkind-of-like. I like him more than my ex-girlfriend or anyone else. This is thefirst time for me to feel in love…… But he is a man."
Cheer-Upstood and leaned over.
Feeling despondent,Zhang Siyi looked up at the ceiling: “Do you think I'm gay?”
Seeminglylike he wanted to comfort Zhang Siyi, Cheer-Up arched towards his leg.
Zhang Siyitouched his head and said: “Forget it. How can you know when your littleguy isn't yet developed?"
Suddenly,Cheer-up lifted his front paws onto Zhang Siyi leg and thrusted his hips.
Zhang Siyi:“………………”
Go to hell,you stupid dog! (╯’□’)╯︵┻━┻
After dinnerand a bath, Zhang Siyi returned to his room to arrange his bed to sleep withoutsheets. He will have to buy some new ones later. Looking at the cactus on thewindow sill, Zhang Siyi thought with its bright green color, it looked much better.He stuck his finger out to poke it. The chassis was stable. It's alive! (⊙o⊙)
Since Zhang Siyi was so excited, he wanted to show Gu Yu right away. Holding the flowerpot carefully, he snapped a few photos. Eagerly waiting for Gu Yu's reaction, he sent the best looking two in WeChat.
Ha-ha-ha! Now, you can’t blame me anymore, can you?
Afterwaiting for 10 minutes, there wasn't any response from Gu Yu. Zhang Siyithought he missed the text, so he sent another one: "Boss, the cactus is doingwell!" He followed up with a 'kitten-selling-cuteness' expression. After sendingthe text Zhang Siyi face-planted into his pillow and rolled around on his bed.
Calming downafter a minute, Zhang Siyi checked his phone again, but there was still no reply.He looked at the time; after 10pm. Is he taking a shower? Or is he talking withhis sister?
Frettingabout it for another few minutes, Zhang Siyi gave up any pretense and sent amessage to Gu Yao: “What are you doing?”
Gu Yaoquickly replied: “Playing the game, Radish Defense. What’s thematter?”
Zhang Siyi:“How do you still play that? I finished it in one day, even the custom map."
Gu Yao:“If you have something to say, then say it!"
Gu Yao: "Don’tget in my way of clearing the map! " (#‵′)凸
Zhang Siyi:“Cough, where’s your brother?
Gu Yao:“He is in his own room.”
Zhang Siyi:“Don’t you sleep in his room?"
Gu Yao:“What!? I am also an adult, a pure flower. How can I sleep with mybrother!”
Zhang Siyi:“… So where do you sleep? The couch? "
Gu Yao: “What do you mean the sofa? Of course, I sleep in my bed. My brother has two bedrooms at home!”
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