Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 100

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 100: Metamorphosis
The tone inwhich Fu Xinhui spoke, made Zhang Siyi feel guilty like he was on trial for'taking another man to our home' and 'letting the other man touch the head ofthe ex-husband's son.'
Ah, what amess! (=_=)
Zhang Siyi coughedand said: “He helped me with driving practice, so I made him something toeat at home as thanks. You aren't here. It is just me and the dog and braceyourself, it's actually kind of lonely."
These twosentences are separate, but that is not the case in others’ ears. At the sideof the table, the waitress collected the used dishes before the next course wasserved and brought them back to the kitchen: "There is a couple on the tableover there…. the ex-boyfriend is complaining about the new lover going to theirhouse. What is wrong with this world when the most handsome men are actuallygay!?"
Squintingat him, Fu Xinhui was speechless: “Say… Why are you explaining somuch?”
Zhang Siyi:“…”
While habituallyputting the vegetables and meat into the pot first, Fu Xinhui apologized:“Recently a lot of things have happened and for a long time, I did notcontact you. I'm very sorry about that. Let me explain little by little."
Zhang Siyinodded repeatedly, waiting for him to talk!
As aresult, the first thing Fu Xinhui blurted out was a bombshell: “Our familyis bankrupt.”
Zhang Siyi:"…… What!? How can the family be bankrupt? Why don't you pay off the moneyyour uncle owes?"
Fu Xinhuitook another sip of tea and said: “It’s not as simple as you think. Myuncle offended too many people so they went after us. The bankruptcy isn'trelated to those people. I remember telling you before that my dad gave myuncle part of the company in the past. The problem is a result of my uncle'sdebts which put financial pressure on the company and caused a credit crisis."
Zhang Siyi:“Well, you also said that your company’s listing has encounteredproblems.”
Fu Xinhui:“The credit crisis caused the company to stall operations. We owed thebank a large sum of money as well as the loan-sharks. Now, all the family’sfunds have been frozen, including the villa we live in. Since its mortgaged, itwill be liquidated by the bank to pay off the debt.”
Zhang Siyi:“…”
Zhang Siyidid not expect the things that happen to people on TV, to happen one day to hisbest friend.
People canget rich overnight, but also, they can lose everything overnight. Since birth, FuXinhui lived in a worry-free, luxurious environment. Now that his family hassuffered such a big turn of events, Zhang Siyi doesn't know if he will be ableto bear it.
Zhang Siyiasked again: “What about your sister?”
Fu Xinhui:"Remember I told you about the bodyguard that beat the man, right? The policequestioned my sister and investigated for a couple of weeks while she was indetention. Since the surveillance was cut, there was no evidence and no matterhow many times they asked, there was no answer. My father used his connectionsand got my sister out. But you know… that kind of place isn't a place for a woman."
Fu Xinhuicovered his face: "All because I am like this. I feel so guilty"
Zhang Siyihesitated: “Did you reconcile with her?”
Fu Xinhuinodded and said: "She used to hate me, but I never took the time to try andimprove my relationship with her. All I ever did was avoid her. After sometime, she started resenting me and also, I misunderstood her. She has a strong,overbearing character, but no matter what, we are brother and sister."
Fu Xinhuismiled and said with emotion: “It's true. In the face of adversity, peoplegrow stronger. Although our family has no money now, I feel that together, weare better then what we were before."
Contrary toZhang Siyi’s worries, Fu Xinhui seems to be taking his family problems instride. His attitude has become more positive than it was previously.
Zhang Siyiwas somewhat relieved. He curiously asked: “If the bank took your houseaway, where is your family living now?"
Fu Xinhui:“Living in my brother-in-law’s house.”
Zhang Siyi:“Your brother-in-law?”
Fu Xinhui:"Yes when my sister fell in love, she bought my brother-in-law a house as aValentine's Day gift. Since the three-bedroom house was in his name, the bankcould not take it away. Although it is small compared to our original house,the crisis is over. My parents, sister and brother-in-law and I live under oneroof. Although crowded, it's good and is a different kind of feeling. Hehe."
Zhang Siyialso laughed and said: “When your family encountered this situation and yourbrother-in-law did not leave, it seems that your sister’s eyes are quitegood.”
Fu Xinhui:“Yes, although their wedding ceremony could not formally be completed, inmy parent's heart, he is already their son-in-law.”
Zhang Siyi:“Ha-ha! …… What about your uncle?
Fu Xinhuisighed: “Under the pressure of our family, my Father finally gave up theidea of using connections to get him out. My sister also insisted that my uncleaccept the consequences. He would only end up harming others again.”
Zhang Siyiwas relived: "I was worried that you really had nothing left!”
Fu Xinhui:"Even if there isn't money and we don't have a house, my father has friends andconnections. They recognize my father's true character and they also know myUncle was the problem."
“That’strue.” Zhang Siyi nodded in recognition then asked: “So what are yougoing to do next?”
Fu Xinhui:"My father said there are people still watching us so we can't rush things.Since the bank is liquidating the family's estate, my parents are busy withpaperwork and procedures."
Zhang Siyi:“After everything that has happened, why didn’t you contact me?"
Fu Xinhui:"Well, everything that has happened so far has been beyond my expectations. Inever told you because I didn't know what to say. There isn't much you can helpwith other then to simply listen."
Zhang Siyiquickly replied: “That’s how you treat your best friend? Even if it's justtalking, then talk to me!"
Chuckling, FuXinhui poured a glass of wine for him: "Forget it. I know you are busy with work and don't wantyou to worry about me. Over this past month, I have worried about our moneyproblems, my sister, and my parents. Although compared to the safety of myfamily and loves ones, I am not very concerned about money. For this reason, Idid not want to bother you in fear of your life also being threatened. Since itwould greatly add more stress on me, I couldn't bear it. I also have taken thistime to contemplate life and other things. It's not easy to say it, but I don'tknow how to live. Everyday feels like I am in a movie without a directortelling me what to do next."
Taking amoment to inspect Fu Xinhui more thoroughly, Zhang Siyi saw how gaunt andhaggard he looked. At the same time, he has matured and now, hope is written onhis face and light shines from his eyes. It is as if Fu Xinhui has experienceda rebirth.
Suddenly,he remembered his father’s New Year’s evaluation of Fu Xinhui about the need totake care of himself. Only he will be able to stand up on his feet and moveforward in life."
After threemonths, at the same restaurant in the same seat, Zhang Siyi is very happy. Herehe witnessed Fu Xinhui metamorphosis.
Gentlytapping the glass together, they gave a toast, then gulped down the wine.
Fu Xinhuisaid: “I can’t continue renting a house with you.”
Afterlistening to so much, Zhang Siyi expected this result. Fu Xinhui may not beable to spend as much money as before. "It's all right, you don't need to rentit. Since I can't afford to live there alone, I'll move out and find somethingsuitable." Zhang Siyi calmly accepted the reality.
Fu Xinhuinodded: “There isn't a rush to move out right now. I spoke with thelandlord about my intentions to withdraw from the rental contract. It was ayear lease and it ends in June so there is one more quarter left however, Inegotiated a deal with the landlord to let you stay until the end of the monthand terminate the contract early without penalties. The landlord was easy totalk to since the property is in a good location and easy to rent."
Zhang Siyi breatheda sigh of relief: “Twenty days gives me time to find an alternativesolution. If you had told me I had tomove right away and since I'm not prepared at all, I don't know what I wouldhave done…. Oh, yeh. I still owe you rent for the next month.
“No,forget it. I have caused you a lot of trouble and you have helped me a lotalready." Fu Xinhui gave Zhang Siyi a brief smile and said: "There is one lastthing you can help me with."
Zhang Siyi:"Ok."
Fu Xinhui:“The reason I won't rent a house with you is not only because of myfinancial problems. It is because I am going abroad soon.
Zhang Siyiwas caught off guard: “WHAT?”
Fu Xinhuiexplained: “My father is afraid that the nefarious people will go after meso he raised some money to send me abroad. One reason is to avoid the mob, butalso to learn new skills. Recently, I went with my sister to learn about herwork as an investment manager. I felt like finance was much more interestingthan architecture. I applied to a University in Australia and once the visa isissued, I can leave at any time."
Zhang Siyi wasshocked: “This is too fast!”
Fu Xinhui:“So, Cheer-Up … Please continue taking care of him."
Zhang Siyi:"……" Holy shit, he’s going to be a dog babysitter for the rest of his life!
With hishands clasped together, Fu Xinhui looked at Zhang Siyi with a pleading face andsaid: "I'll be back in three years at the latest. Cheer-Up is a lucky dog andwill bring you happiness and good luck!"
Zhang Siyi: “………” Lucky? Are you out of your fucking mind!
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