Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 126

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 126: Listening
Layingsidewise on the bed, Tao Fei pretended to sleep. Trying to confirm his suspicion,he closed his eyes and listened intently because he wanted to hear what Gu Yuwould say to Zhang Siyi after he came out of the shower.
At first,he also heard Zhang Siyi explain in a low voice about the places in their photos;Intercontinental Hotel, Dali, the private Inn…. but halfway through, Zhang Siyisuddenly stopped.
Tao Feistrained to hear more details. Huh? Why did he stop?
Afterhearing a rustling sound, he assumed they went to bed. – Eh? Even if one of them wants to sleep, doesn't someone normally announceit? What about, 'let's go to sleep first', or 'it's too late now'? There is norhyme or reason!
Tao Fei wasjust pondering the issue, when he heard Gu Yu softly say "continue."
Then ZhangSiyi began to talk again with a voice even softer than before.
…… Eh? TaoFei is even more confused! – If theywanted to continue their conversation in bed, they should have said 'let's liedown.' Maybe through eye contact or signals that they were able to lie down together? ……. or something like that. (=_=)
Listening toZhang Siyi voice, Tao Fei began to imagine the position of the two men togetherleaning against the bed. When two people lie in a bed together, Tao Fei thought'sdrifted from work related activities to perverted ones.
There, again!The sound stopped!
When ZhangSiyi's voice stopped, Tao Fei listened carefully. There was a soft hhmm.
That hum……What is it? Like being tickled? But it came to an abrupt end.
Tao Fei'sheart was like a cat claw. He is eager to know what Gu Yu did to Zhang Siyi.Did he kiss him?
He guessedit right. In a short while, there were a few soft sounds emanating from the twoon the bed next to Tao Fei. Quiet sounds like a cat slowly licking milk,accompanied by an occasional swallow were amplified countless times inside thesilent room, making the noises particularly clear in Tao Fei's ear.
How could a27 years old man not know what that sound is? Damn it! They’re kissing!
Fuck! Evenin front of Tao Fei, they dare. It's too presumptuous!
Originally,Tao Fei thought that kissing was the extent of the two people's unrestrainedactions. However, he didn't expect further more exaggerated actions afterwards!
The soundof their breath grew heavier as they kissed followed by the sound of frictionfrom the sheets and accompanied by Zhang Siyi’s increasingly louder and overflowing'hhmm.' It was once again suddenly muffled and followed by Gu Yu's lowlaughter, affectionate and gentle.
Listeningto the magic sound, Tao Fei almost had a nosebleed!
Shit!Obviously the two are men, but Tao Fei did not care about that. Instead, hefelt rather aroused! It turns out that he's a pervert who likes to eavesdrop onpeople making out.
The frictionsound was getting more frequent and louder. Tao Fei didn't know exactly whatthey were doing, but he could clearly hear Zhang Siyi's breath getting fasterand the 'hm' becoming more distinct. Every sound made it very difficult for TaoFei to endure.
Tao Feignashed his teeth and thought, endure? – Fuckno! I've heard everything!
“Ahh, mm….”
….. Fuck! Don't youthink, you would wake up someone who just fell asleep?
….. Toopresumptuous! Too presumptuous! Do I even exist? (╰皿╯)
The more TaoFei listened, the more irritable he became and the more he wanted to scare themby jumping out of the bed.
….. But if that’sthe case, wouldn't it be a problem to have pretended to be asleep for so long? No,no, you must be calm! Gu Yu is definitely doing it deliberately. If I revealmyself now, then I'm only playing into Gu Yu's hand. Maybe he was waiting for thisexact moment to look him in the eye and frankly declare 'yes we are lovers.' After,they would be able to show their love in front of him at any time!
At thethought of it, Tao Fei felt a hundred claws scratching his heart! After all hehad prepared to make Gu Yu feel out of control, how could Tao Fei let Gu Yugain the upper hand in the end?
Hold back,Tao Fei, the test of patience is reserved for future victory!!! If he doesn’tjump up, he can always do something else, right?
Slowly, TaoFei turned over and for a moment, the whole room was quiet. Not even a breath couldbe heard. Gloating, Tao Fei smirked. – Hey!Hey! Hey! You are scared, right?
That’sright, Zhang Siyi was scared. Scared out of his wits! Jesus Christ, what thehell are they doing? They actually did something like that in front of anotherman!
Still ontopof Zhang Siyi body, Gu Yu's deep eyes were full of desires for him. Althoughthe two were only kissing and rubbing, Zhang Siyi felt more excited than everbefore! Since there is a third party involved in this kind of situation, ZhangSiyi really felt like it was both too inappropriate and shameful. Zhang Siyiquickly acted and gently pushed Gu Yu away, thinking that it would end.
However, GuYu stared at Zhang Siyi and remained motionless. Hearing no further sounds fromTao Fei, Gu Yu lowered his head and kissed Zhang Siyi gently at first, thenquickly deepened them and kissed him passionately.
The immediaterebound of emotions after being disrupted were more intense then they initiallywere and thus, made it even more difficult to suppress!
In the lovinghands of Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi never had any resistance and self-control. Under GuYu's active offensive, Zhang Siyi was swept away by the languor of sweettorment and another wave of soft erotic sounds issued forth.
Clutchinghis heart, Tao Fei vomited a pile of Old Blood.
Waking upthe next morning feeling gloomy with dark circles under his eyes, Tao Feilooked over at the two men who were rather busy for more than half the night.
ZhangSiyi's head was leaning against Gu Yu's neck. According to the contour of the bodiesunder the quilt, it was clearly evident that the two men were embracing eachother. Even asleep, they had an expression of satisfaction and love.
This damndog food. Go to hell !!!
Not longafter Tao Fei got up, Zhang Siyi and Gu Yu woke up to the sounds of the waterrunning in the bathroom.
Waking upin each other arms, Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi looked at each with affection. WhenTao Fei did not come out, Gu Yu kissed Zhang Siyi’s forehead before hoping outof bed and getting dressed. Zhang Siyi blushed, grabbed his soiled underwear hiddenbelow the mattress and put them into the trash.
Aftereating the hotel’s hearty breakfast, there was no time for Gu Yu to tour Lijiang.The three went to the airport to catch their flight to Xishuangbanna.
Tao Fei wasin a bad mood. Irritably, he spat: "Why did you arrive here last night if wewere going to leave the next morning? You could have just flown directly toXishuangbanna to meet us and saved a trip."
Gu Yu glancedat Zhang Siyi and calmly said: “Getting a good night sleep was well worththe extra trip."
Tao Fei:“…” Gu Yu is not planning to hide anything from him at all?
With aguilty conscience, Zhang Siyi coughed and looked away to the side.
Arriving inXishuangbanna in the afternoon, the local temperature is higher and wascomparable to the heat of Haicheng. The airport was very busy with many tourgroups flooding the area. They traveled more than a few hours north to reachtheir destination in a tea growing region of China at the Jingshan Boutiquehotel. ** which was built into the surrounding tea gardens and hills. TheJingmai Mountain Range ** boasts the oldest tea-leaf producing tree in theworld.
Tao Fei'soriginal plan was to take a charter to Lancang, but because of the manytourists, there was high demand and the price was too extreme. Instead, Gu Yurented a car and they drove themselves to Lancang county.
Since TaoFei did not have a driver's license and Zhang Siyi had little experience drivingon tight mountain roads, Gu Yu had to drive the entire time. The journey tookmore then three hours along a very narrow road which contained many elbow bendsand turns. Even though the driving was rather arduous, they arrivedsuccessfully before dinner.
At a steepprice of 4000 yuan a night, Tao Fei was reluctant to reserve two rooms andtherefore, the three of them stayed in one room with two double beds again. Like the Intercontinental Hotel, each of therooms had large floor-to-ceiling windows and balconies. The difference endsthere as the view from the balcony is not Dianchi lake, but tea fields andmountains instead.
While lookingat the rich green colors, Zhang Siyi listened to the wildlife outside and soakedhimself in the fresh air of the rainforest. As he took a deep breath, the fragrantsweet-smelling tea enveloped and relaxed his soul making him not want to work.
Gu Yu viewedand inspected the decorations of the hotel and said: “The simple style andplant colors are really vibrant.”
Looking atthe thatched villas with banana leaves, Tao Fei asked: ” Is this roof theDai style?”
Gu Yu:“Yes. The main materials of the Dai-style buildings are bamboo and wood,but in recent years there are some reinforced concrete structures. Did you seethose strange houses on the way in?"
Tao Fei:“You mean the blue roof?”
Dai-stylehouses are based on nature with mainly bamboo used at its construction materialand thus, the structures easy blend in with the natural surroundings.Contradictory to tradition, on the way inside the hotel, the they spotted a fewconstructed homes with blue and white roofs.
Gu Yu:“My guess is that the local farmers built them using modern materials toimprove the quality of the houses. Although the house maintained the traditionalshape with wide eaves and a steep roof, the color was rather incongruous.
Tao Fei:“I also think the original colors of bamboo and grass are more beautiful."
As theywere discussing Dai-style differences, next to them Zhang Siyi was covering hisface. For so many days with Tai Fei, neither of them spoke about architecture. Onlynow when Gu Yu appeared, was he conscious of being an architect.
That night, while discussing the ways of preserving the characteristics of national building culture, the trio ate gourmet Dai dishes in the hotel's restaurant that was situated inside a glass pavilion overlooking the tea fields.
T/N:Jingshan Boutique Hotel:
Site about Pu'er Tea:
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