Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 81

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 81: Anecdote
His Mother turned to look at him unsmiling. With the appearance of Gu Yao,a beautiful girl with a pedigree, of course she will think of her son's future.Zhang Siyi sighed inwardly. The world isn't like the novels he just read. Its onlynatural for his mother to curry favor towards a girl. It would never cross hermind to think of the other Gu family member present.
His Mother believes that making an impression on the girl is as good as if ZhangSiyi did it himself. She wants to promote Zhang Siyi value in Gu Yao eyes. Whenhis Mother looks back at the siblings in her living room, she views her gift asa bargain investment compared to the value of the prize when the two familiesbecome one.
After looking at the expression on his Mother's face, Zhang Siyi didn'thave to ask his Mother directly for an answer. He knew right away what she wasthinking. Feeling anxious, he was articulate: "Don't think about it for onesecond. I have nothing to do with his sister!"
His Mother glanced at him and frowned: "Maybe there is nothing now, but don'tyou want to have something in the future?"
Zhang Siyi: “……” Sure enough. It'sjust as he thought.
Leaning close to Zhang Siyi ear, his Motherwhispered: "Since Gu Yu is so outstanding, his sister must not be far behind. Ilook at you two together and see a perfect match……"
Exasperated, Zhang Siyi scolded his Mother: “Mom……!”
“Okay, okay. I know.” His Mother sighedand patted her son’s head. "It's just a joke. I understand you can't force thesethings so don't feel pressured. I think the girl is cute and this brooch fitsher style. Can't I give it away if I want?"
Zhang Siyi had nothing to say to his mom. Sheshook her head helplessly and sighed bitterly. She gave Zhang Siyi a forcedsmile before heading over to entertain the guests.
Hanging his head, Zhang Siyi felt a little guilty.He wants his mother to be happy and if by giving away her own belongings makesher feel good, then why should he care? His strong reaction towards his mom surprisedhim. He doesn't understand why it bothered him so much.
Looking at Gu Yao sitting on the sofa, she reallyis beautiful. With delicate facial features, and a calm outward appearance, sheis absolutely the type to be liked by everyone. If Zhang Siyi had met her sixmonths ago, he would have tried to pursue her. However, now with the thought ofher being Gu Yu's sister…… only one word comes to mind: impossible!
He didn’t want to be a brother-in-law… Isn'this mother a rotten woman? Why doesn't she indulge in fantasy at this time instead?No, no, no, no. Crazy thoughts! (=////=)
Wanting to go back and have time to clean hisapartment, Zhang Siyi didn't want to stay for too long. After chatting for abouttwenty minutes, Gu Yu suggested they head out.
Mother Zhang helped moved the luggage into thecar. She pointed out which items were specially prepared for Zhang Siyi andwhich packages were for Gu Yu. Accepting the packages, Gu Yu unceremoniouslyexpressed his gratitude and simply signaled to the two passengers, then droveaway in silence. This time, Gu Yao had already taken the front seat so naturallyZhang Siyi went to the back seat.
Not having seen Gu Yu for a while, his defenseswere down. Now that he has appeared in front of him, he can't help but think aboutthe expression 'little-fox-kissing-small-kitten'. Imaging Gu Yu kissing the topof his head, he once again could feel the heat in his body rise. While staringat his mobile phone, Zhang Siyi tried to make himself shrink into the corner ofthe backseat of the car. Quietly, he listened to Gu Yao talk with her brother.
Gu Yao: "When do you think we will arrive?"
Gu Yu: “Probably around four or five.”
Gu Yao: “Did you leave enough cat food forlittle black and floret?"
Gu Yu: “Unless the two stupid cats broughtthe whole neighborhood with them to eat, the two big bags of food I left ismore than enough to feed them."
Gu Yao: “Ha-ha-ha! A New year's dinner forthe cats! It’s so funny! Hey, do you know if they had a baby yet?”
Gu Yu raised his eyebrows: “They are both male.”
Gu Yao: “What? Didn’t you say it was acouple last time?"
Gu Yu rhetorically replied: "Because two malescannot be one, right?"
Gu Yao: “……”
Zhang Siyi: “……”
Gu Yao changed the topic: “Are you going tocook at night?”
Gu Yu: “Well, now with so many dishes tobring back, you can just cook rice to go with them to eat.”
Gu Yao: “Yes. Brother Siyi's Mother is verypolite and gave us a lot of food stuffs. It's probably enough to feed us for aweek.”
Gu Yu: “Mmm, Hmm…”
Gu Yao: “Brother Siyi, do you want to eatwith us tonight?”
Zhang Si Yi weakly rebuffed them: “No, thankyou. I made arrangements with friends for later."
Gu Yao took out the brooch his mother gave her andsaid: “You know, I'm so embarrassed. Even though I met your mother for thefirst time, she gave me such a beautiful thing. It really is special. I have awool shawl I bought two years ago in Taobao that will match perfectly. Makesure you thank her again for me."
Zhang Siyi was very polite: "It’s all right,don’t worry about it.”
Driving steadily on the road, they arrived at theentrance ramp onto the thruway without any issues. Shining brightly through theglass windows, the sun made the interior of the car feel warm and cozy. Gu Yaoyawned and put the brooch on the palm of her hand to watch and play with thelight that was reflecting and refracting from the crystals. She asked: "Brother,this is rather heavy. Do you think this is pure silver?”
Gu Yu only glanced at her and coldly replied: "Whatis it that you have to whine about? Shut your mouth and get some sleep."
Gu Yao: “……”
Zhang Siyi: “……”
The lasting silence and lull of the car madeZhang Siyi feel rather drowsy. Just as he started drifting off to sleep, themobile phone vibrations in his pocket, startled him. He glanced at it and was surprisedto see that Gu Yao sent him a text message.
Gu Yao: “Do you think my brother is angry?" [grievance]
Zhang Siyi: “……Hmm?”
Well, he did feel like the barometric pressure inthe car was low, but Zhang Siyi thought it was due to his personal emotional conflictand not because of the brother and sister duo sitting in the front.
Gu Yao: “When we get to the service area soon,change positions with me."
Zhang Siyi: “Why!? I don’t want to!"
Gu Yao: “→_→”
Zhang Siyi: “I sat next to him last time so now it's your turn to sit next to him.One person at a time is fair."
Gu Yao: "Do you want to hear about my brother's childhood stories?" [Evil Grin]
….. Stories? There are anecdotes revolving around Gu Yu?
Zhang Siyi remembered the time months ago whenhis Mother initially talked with Gu Yu on the phone. She divulged many of ZhangSiyi childhood deeds and he always felt, by doing so, she inadvertently gave GuYu a bad impression of Zhang Siyi. Now, faced with prospect of hearing Gu Yu'sblack history, his spirit rose. Maybe the stories would alleviate the pressurehe feels when thinking about the perfect and unobtainable Gu Yu in his heart.
Zhang Siyi: “Yes! Pray tell! [Cackle with Glee]
Gu Yao: "Ifyou want to hear it, you have to switch places with me!"
Zhang Siyi: “Ok, Ok. Deal.” This should be worth it.
Gu Yao: “Most of my brother’s anecdotes happened before I was born. Since he is so much older than me, I've onlyheard them from my father. The only early memories I have of him are of his attemptsat bullying me, you know……" [Dripping sweat]
Zhang Siyi: “I understand……" [Dripping sweat]
Gu Yao: “Listen to my Dad's story: When my brother was six, he went to my Grandma’s house and an old man in the village gave him a pumpkin."
Zhang Siyi: "……"
Zhang Siyi: “Where is your grandmother’s house?”
Gu Yao: “In the countryside of Ningcheng. My grandfather was a carpenter and my grandmother was originally from the big city. For familyreasons she fled her home to marry my Grandfather in the countryside. That is along story for another time…."
“Hmm, ok. As you were saying about the pumpkin……" Zhang Siyithought about his own pumpkin that Gu Yu preserved with nitrogen in the sealedbox. Is this a coincidence? However, he thought about it further and he couldn'tbelieve a six-year-old would even understand what nitrogen is, let alone theidea of preserving a pumpkin at that age. He was very curious now: "What aboutit?"
Gu Yao: “Since the pumpkin grew to a more cylindrical shape with a hue moreyellow gold then orange, it was unlike regular pumpkins. Also, when the sun shoneon it, it reflected the light in an unusual way that made it seem like the skinglowed. As a result, the elder told the six-year-old Gu Yu that the pumpkin wasspecial."
Zhang Siyican image the scene of Gu Yu spotting a unique pumpkin growing in the gardenand asking about it, thinking it was treasure. It is like finding a piece ofsea glass on the beach as a child. With its smooth edges and mysteriousappearance, Zhang Siyi always thought of them as treasure sent by the gods. IfZhang Siyi saw such a distinctive pumpkin, he too would think it was treasurefrom the gods.
Gu Yao continued: “Moreover,the old man that gave it to him was a special resident of the town who had nowife nor children. Although he was in his forties, his hair both on his head andon his face was completely white. Because he was tall and thin with a longwhite beard and very white skin, he looked like a legendary elf character outof a story book."
Beingimmersed in the story, Zhang Siyi imagined Gu Yu as the protagonist receiving thesacred pumpkin by the old master and thus his cultivation adventure begins.
Gu Yao: “When my brother brought it home, my father said he wouldn't letanyone touch it. Every night he would sleep with it and every day he would carryit around with him."
Zhang Siyi: “Heh.” The development in his imagination was completely different! (≧▽≦)
GuYao: “One day, my aunt came to our house and saw the pumpkin unattended. Shedidn't know it was my brother's baby, so she cooked it."
ZhangSiyi stifled a laugh: “Ha-ha-ha-ha! And then what happened?"
GuYao: "When my Father learned of what happened, he discussed the issue with mom,and decided not to tell my brother. When he came home from Kindergarten, helooked everywhere for it, but could not find it so he sat on the couch forlorn.Mumbling out load about his worries, my father heard him say that the pumpkin mustbe out to play and will be back later."
ZhangSiyi covered his mouth: “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ……” OMG even Gu Yudid something so stupid!
GuYao: "Even though he ate pumpkin that day, he didn't react until a day later!"
Followingthe story Zhang Siyi asked: “And then what did he do?"
GuYao: "He asked Dad why they ate his son. My Father couldn't help but make up astory so he told my brother that the pumpkin was now in his stomach and after along time he will give birth. Then it will call him Father!"
Continuinghis muffled laughter Zhang Siyi asked between breaths: “Ha-ha-ha-ha…… Whatdid he say? Ha-ha-ha-ha……”
GuYao: “My brother really believed it! For a long time, he would rub hisbelly and ask Dad every day when his son would come out!"
In the backseat, with tears streaming down his cheeks and shoulders shaking, Zhang Siyi is desperately trying to prevent himself from laughing out loud.
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