Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 172

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 172: Moderation
After several month of contact with GuYu, Zhang Siyi realized just how large a gap there was between them. Not only wasGu Yu's endurance greater than Zhang Siyi's, in the short amount of time thatthey were together, his kissing skills rapidly progressed. In addition, Gu Yu was well versed with ZhangSiyi's sensitive areas and phycological boundaries. He knew just what to do to teaseand tantalize Zhang Siyi. Gu Yu's methods made it seem like he was an experienceddriver for many years.
If Zhang Siyi wasn't seriouslythinking about it, he might have forgotten the fact that Gu Yu was a virginwithout any practical experience. Will he ever get the chance to tease Gu Yu aboutsomething other than singing and playing Era of Music? (=_=)
Gu Yu's preparations were quitecomprehensive and their purposes were obviously understood. However, there wasone thing Zhang Siyi didn't quite understand. Isn’t that the gourd he boughtfor Gu Yu? Watching Gu Yu put a condom on the gourd then squirt a dab oflubricating gel on it, Zhang Siyi heart started to race in panic. He had a badfeeling…..
Sure enough, Gu Yu patted the pillowand said: “Come here, lie down and lift your legs. I'm going to use thegourd."
“Wait, what!?" Oh my god! Whydoesn't he use his finger? Does Gu Yu like sex toys? But it's a gourd!
Gu Yu: “You are too tight. If Ipenetrate you now, you will get hurt.”
“But…” Zhang Siyi was alittle resistant.
Gu Yu kissed him and said in a softreassuring voice: "Don’t be afraid. It is to make sure you arecomfortable.”
In a bit of shock, Zhang Siyi brain wasfuzzy and he felt like he was being hypnotized. Out of trust for his lover, hesubmitted. Zhang Siyi understood just how gentle and considerate Gu Yu was of hisfeelings. If Gu Yu said it was for his benefit, then it would certainly begood, right?
Due to Gu Yu's careful treatment inZhang Siyi's delicate rear, his back hole was no longer taut and closed. Evenso, Gu Yu used a lot of lubricating gel and made his entire buttocks slippery.When Gu Yu spread the gel around his opening, Zhang Siyi unconsciously moaned.
Blushing, Zhang Siyi felt ashamed, butwhat made him even more ashamed was Gu Yu's next move.
At first, Zhang Siyi felt the pressureof the gourd covered with a condom against his opening. Then, with a gentlepush, it slowly slid inside.
“Relax, imagine the feeling ofdefecation, a little harder…”
Taking advantage of Zhang Siyi’s enlargedsphincter, Gu Yu pushed the gourd smoothly into Zhang Siyi bottom until it washalf way inside.
A burning sensation could be felt inthe moment of penetration and Zhang Siyi cried out: "Ah!" Instinctively, heclenched his ass and as a result, the gourd was stuck half way. For the moment,it didn't feel painful since the gourd wasn't as wide at his rear entrance ascompared to the portion inside of him.
Even so, the sensation of the gourdinside wasn't like a finger. It was very uncomfortable and he wanted it out. ZhangSiyi lifted his head to peer down. Like an animal laying an egg, Zhang Siyi sawonly half the gourd sticking out of his body. It was both erotic and funny.
Gu Yu also found it funny. Wetsquelching noises could be heard as he used his fingers to wiggle the gourd.
Zhang Siyi: “…” (o/////o)
Blushing, Zhang Siyi used his foot topush Gu Yu: "Go away!" Zhang Siyi tried to escape.
Gu Yu firmly grabbed his ankle withone hand and pulled him back and with the other hand, he reached for the gourdand turned it. The gourd smoothly rotated and applied pressure to the interior tissues.Involuntarily, Zhang Siyi moaned erotically.
“What do you feel?” Gu Yuasked with a mischievous grin.
Without expression, Zhang Siyi flatlyreplied: “It's uncomfortable. Take it out.” Zhang Siyi felt like hehad been thoroughly toyed with…… with a gourd no less!
Having heard Zhang Siyi elicit a moanof pleasure, Gu Yu continued to tease him. Grasping the gourd, he quicklyturned it right and left.
Even though there was some pain at themouth of his hole, the gourd continued to rub against his prostate. Collapsingon the soft bed, Zhang Siyi let out a series of erotic moans: "Aah, aah, aah…"
“Tell me the truth.” Gu Yu grinned.
Turning bright red, Zhang Siyisurrendered: "It…. feels… good. Aah, aah, aah…….."
For Twenty minutes, Zhang Siyi enjoyedthe sensations from Gu Yu's loving touch and his passionate kisses. All thewhile, Gu Yu continued to tantalize him through his bottom with the gourd.
When Zhang Siyi's moaning becamelouder and more frequent, reading Zhang Siyi reactions like a book, Gu Yupulled out the gourd. Zhang Siyi's climax was near.
When the gourd was removed, Zhang Siyilet out a loud, heavy moaning cry. This time, it was not because of pain, butbecause of disappointment.
Now empty, the pleasure accumulatedthere by the stimulation of the gourd was halted. Zhang Siyi was desperate tofill that area again.
Gu Yu let Zhang Siyi turn over ontohis knees. Pressing his shoulders down and raising his hips, Gu Yu reached forhis ass and pulled him close. Everything was ready.
Zhang Siyi thought the posture wasvery shameful. Especially after Gu Yu pushed his shoulders down and lifted hiships. It made him feel like a female beast in heat. However, men are animals thatconstantly think about their lower body. Indulging in lust, Zhang Siyi longabandoned his integrity. Instead, he was very excited for Gu Yu to fill him up.-Surely, Gu Yu would feel better then fingers and gourds, right?
In order to prepare Zhang Siyi psychologically,Gu Yu took a moment to rub his hard rod between Zhang Siyi's butt cheeks. Hedidn't expect the urgency and seduction with which Zhang Siyi demonstrated bytwerking. Muffling a chuckle, Gu Yu smiled and held Zhang Siyi’s hips steady. GuYu began to penetrate him slowly.
As Zhang Siyi was deeply filled, hesighed in gratification. In comparison to Gu Yu's finger and the gourd, it wasa different feeling. Pulsating with heat, Gu Yu was thicker, longer, and deeper.Although penetration was a little painful, Zhang Siyi experienced anunprecedented sense of satisfaction.
Clearly feeling the warmth and contoursof each other's body parts, they were connected, not only physically, but by theirsouls.
Gu Yu also felt that way. When Zhang Siyi'shot inner walls enveloped his hard shaft, he forgot to breath. An unmatched senseof warmth welled up inside of him full of love for Zhang Siyi.
After thoroughly entering, the two mensighed in relief at the same time. Pinned by Gu Yu's hot organ, Zhang Siyi daremot move. In order to make sure Zhang Siyi wasn't in any pain, Gu Yu remainedmotionless. In a soft voice, he asked Zhang Siyi if there was any discomfort.
Zhang Siyi was more impatient than hewas worried: "It's not hurting. It feels good."
Gu Yu smiled and said: “Then I’mstarting.” Finally, he no longer had to endure and slowly moved his hips rhythmically.
Feeling as though the disruption inhis climax was long enough, Zhang Siyi couldn't wait anymore. He twisted around and demanded: "If you are aman, then fuck me. I'll give you a friendly tip, hurry it up!"
"Aah… aah…. haa… haa…ah, ah, Ah, AH!" Afterthe first few thrusts, Gu Yu suddenly increased the speed.
Zhang Siyi was hit by a wave of intensepleasure. Although exciting, he felt overwhelmed: "Ah, ah… too deep… ah, ah…. slow…go slow…"
“Fast or slow, what do you want?”Gu Yu narrowed his eyes and chuckled. As he continued thrusting hard into ZhangSiyi, he made slapping sounds against Zhang Siyi ass. Each time, Gu Yu slammedinto Zhang Siyi sensitive point inside, he elicited erotic grunts. Lost in lust,pure instinct took over. No longer paying attention to Zhang Siyi wishes, Gu Yuthrusted harder and faster.
“Ah… No, I can’t… Ah! Stop…Ah!” Zhang Siyi couldn't stand it and tried to move forwards a little bit,but Gu Yu grabbed his waist immediately, preventing his escape. As he pulled ZhangSiyi backwards, he thrusted forwards, penetrating him even deeper!
Caught between pleasure and pain, ZhangSiyi's sensitive point was forcibly rammed. Completely exhausted, his erotic gruntsturned into cries.
Zhang Siyi wondered why Gu Yu suddenlychanged. Clearly, a few minutes ago, his gentle rhythm was frustratingly slow,but now, although the pleasure building from his prostate being prodded wasgood…..
“Uh… ah, ah, mn…..” Fuck! Is Gu Yu's waist equippedwith a motor? With such rapid thrusting, Gu Yu quickly reached his climax.
Gu Yu pulled out of Zhang Siyi’s bodyand gently turned him over. Just when Zhang Siyi thought he could slow down andfind his release, he saw Gu Yu's erection. Not giving Zhang Siyi a momentsrest, while watching Zhang Siyi's face, Gu Yu raised Zhang Siyi's leg andentered him again.
Exhausted, Zhang Siyi issued a longmoan. His thought processes couldn't keep up with current events. Wait… What? How?Shouldn't there be a break? With eyes full of desire, Gu Yu stared at him fervidlyand began a new round of thrusting.
“Aah… um… aah, aah!” Animal!I'm not a thing! Can't you be fucking gentle! (╯t皿t)╯︵┻━┻
Zhang Siyi eyes were red and his sensitivehole had become numb and sore. On his abdominals, some transparent mucus hadflowed out of his hard organ. His need has become unbearable, but Gu Yu onlycared about himself and didn't touch Zhang Siyi.
Even with prolonged stimulation frombehind, Zhang Siyi wasn't able to reach his climax. As a man, he also wantsattention on his hot, throbbing piece.
Feeling both plaintive and resentful,Zhang Siyi felt like he was left hung out to dry. Involuntarily, trying tofinish through self-sufficiency, he lifted his hand in desperation. However, watchingZhang Siyi's movements, Gu Yu easily slapped his hand away.
"No… let… me…. touch….” Incoherent,with unspoken calls for help, Zhang Siyi also thrusted his hips.
Continuing his ramming, Gu Yucommanded in a low sensuous voice: "Call me Gege."
With nothing but the need to climaxfilling his mind, Zhang Siyi was without reason. He eagerly shouted: "Gege….Gege!"
Without stopping his own vigorous hipmovements, Gu Yu reached out to help Zhang Siyi. He has been on the verge of anorgasm for some time. It only took the briefest of Gu Yu's caresses before ZhangSiyi felt the wave of euphoric pleasure overtake his senses. As he finally foundhis release, his whole body trembled.
Zhang Siyi's strong spasm gave Gu Yu theultimate feeling of pleasure as he also followed suit with an orgasm.
Once again, tears of passion flowed freelyfrom Zhang Siyi swollen eyes. Although he was upset at being bullied, when heturned to look at Gu Yu, his happy and satisfied expression made Zhang Siyi feelaccomplished.
Panting, Gu Yu remained inside Zhang Siyi.He leaned down and embraced Zhang Siyi's still trembling body closely.
“Are you okay?” Gu Yuwhispered.
“I'm good….” Zhang Siyi respondedin a hoarse voice.
Gu Yu smiled and thought to himself,heh, this so-called straight man, born to be mine only.
Playing with his soft and sagging bodypart, Gu Yu said: “You’re still too fast, you cum as soon as it's rubbed.You have no self-control. It looks like for the next time; I'll have to makeyou endure it longer."
“…..Bastard!!!” Blushing, ZhangSiyi scolded him.
Gu Yu raised his eyebrows and pushedinto Zhang Siyi’s body, causing Zhang Siyi to grunt.
Zhang Siyi regained his rationality andrecalled his enthusiastic moans and cries. He was so embarrassed, he felt like dying.Trying to separate from Gu Yu, he wriggled his body and said: "Hey, get out…"
Enveloped by Zhang Siyi warmth, whenhe tried to shimmy away, Gu Yu's body naturally responded. Becoming hard onceagain, he said: "Don't move around. Move again, and we will go for round three."Gu Yu thrusted and pinched his waist threateningly to make his point clear.
Alarmed, Zhang Siyi turned pale. Therewas no way he could handle another round as he was now swollen and sore. He daresnot move again. Before retreating, they lay together for some time. Gu Yuleaned over and kissed him tenderly
Together they washed in the shower. Inorder to help clean Zhang Siyi thoroughly, Gu Yu inserted a finger: "It's muchsofter now. My finger easily slid all the way in."
Zhang Siyi was so angry, he snapped: "Yourbig dick was inside for so long, of course it is soft!! Really!? Is that allyou think about? My ass is still hurting!"
Gu Yu: “……….” This little demon.Does he not know how provocative his words are?
Trying to be gentle, Gu Yu moved hisfinger around to help make sure the inside was clean. Unconsciously, while tremblingin Gu Yu's arms, Zhang Siyi voiced a few erotic sounds.
Utterly enticed, Gu Yu couldn't helpit. He picked up Zhang Siyi, pressed him against the bathroom wall, and insertedhis now throbbing manhood.
Incredulous, Zhang Siyi gasped. “You…!!”Wide-eyed, he stared at Gu Yu.
“Sorry, you are so seductive, Ican’t help it.” Standing up, Gu Yu held Zhang Siyi's ass and enthusiasticallyrammed him. Soon, only vague gasps and erotic cries emanated from the bathroom.
That night, Zhang Siyi practicallyfainted. He went to sleep feeling exhausted. The next morning, groggy fromwaking up, he was confused momentarily. Even though his legs were apart, hecould feel something between them… yes, he was woken up.
He’s crazy. Is Gu Yu possessed by ademon? From last night until now, it was the fourth time and his ass was dyingas a result. Doesn't Gu Yu's dick hurt? Gu Yu used to abstain and be soconsiderate. What happened!?
Perhaps it was precisely because of themultiple times yesterday, this morning Gu Yu was exceptionally slow and patientlyslid himself in and out of Zhang Siyi's body and thus, Zhang Siyi was slowly tormented.
Whenever Zhang Siyi wanted to resist,Gu Yu kissed him gently and continued to coax him until he submitted. Thistime, he really will be traumatized! Zhang Siyi decided he was better offsleeping in his own room for at least a month! However, on the day he decided,Gu Yao came.
Recently graduated, Gu Yao found aninternship with a company nearby in Haicheng. In order to save money, sheconsulted with her brother about living at his apartment for an extended periodof time.
Zhang Siyi vaguely remembered during abusy time after returning from Japan, Gu Yu mentioning his sister potentiallyliving with them during dinner. Since his sister knew the true nature of their relationship,despite their nightly activities, he didn't think much about it and left theissue up for Gu Yu to decide.
Coincidentally, she arrived at a timewhen Zhang Siyi wanted to hide! Fearing every night, he reluctantly moved intoGu Yu's room.
It is not that Zhang Siyi disliked theintimacy, in fact he desired it. However, the change in Gu Yu was too quick andthus, Zhang Siyi was caught off guard. He didn't know how to adapt.
Since that night, Gu Yu tasted ZhangSiyi every night. As the saying goes, 'too much of a good thing'…… Severaltimes, he wanted to refuse, but Gu Yu always said something like, 'just a kiss',or 'just a hug' and trusting his lover, Zhang Siyi would easily heed Gu Yu'srequest. At the beginning, Gu Yu would keep his promise, but now, Gu Yu wasbasically saying it to deceive him.
Feeling so loved by the man he desired,while Gu Yu focused his attention on him tenderly, it wasn't like Zhang Siyicould do nothing. Inevitably, Zhang Siyi returned his feelings and once he initiatedany of the slightest amount of interest, Zhang Siyi was pushed down onto thebed.
Night after night, even when hissister was next door, Gu Yu didn't have any restraint. Ultimately, since ZhangSiyi didn't dislike it, he willingly accepted Gu Yu's advances. However, it wasZhang Siyi who had to endure and refrain from crying out. Does Gu Yu not knowhow hard it was for him to stay quiet?
Last night, Zhang Siyi was stimulatedfor so long that he couldn't prevent himself from crying out. While there were somenights Gu Yu forced Zhang Siyi to cry out husband, there were other times when ZhangSiyi was forced to call him gege. Remembering the details of each night madeZhang Siyi feel so ashamed, he could die.
Unlike his previous energetic self,now Zhang Siyi has to take a nap during lunch time at work, otherwise he wouldfaint from exhaustion in the afternoon. He even complained to Gu Yu about hisback hurting, but Gu Yu didn't take him seriously and sent him 'pocket money'instead.
The first time it happened, Zhang Siyifelt stupidly happy because he received a thousand dollars! Once he calmeddown, Zhang Siyi wanted to smack himself - How could he left himself fall tothis point!?
One day in August, while walking hometogether, Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi got a message from Gu Yao. She had called totell her brother that she had overtime work and would be coming home late sothey shouldn't wait for her to eat dinner.
Haicheng’s summer was very hot andhumid and today was an unusually hot day. Even though the day was spent in anairconditioned office, Zhang Siyi felt sweaty simply from the short walk fromthe subway station to his house. Since he couldn't stand the uncomfortablesticky feeling from sweating all over, once Inside, he rushed upstairs to takea shower.
Because the weather was so hot, even GuYu was too lazy to cook. Instead, he decided to order cold noodles and had itdelivered. Since the AC was near thesofa, he brought the food to the coffee table and sat down comfortably in theliving room.
By the time Zhang Siyi finished withhis shower, he saw the food laid out on the coffee table. With wet hair and thepleasant scent of shower gel wafting from his skin, like a hungry locust readyto devour, Zhang Siyi walked quickly to the table solely thinking about fillinghis empty stomach.
Gu Yu was watching him intently.Before Zhang Siyi could reach his destination, Gu Yu grabbed his wrist, pulledhim to the sofa, and pressed his hardness against him, indicating his need.
The speed with which Gu Yu made hisadvance astonished Zhang Siyi. One second, he was looking forward to eating, andin the next, he was trapped under Gu Yu. He was in a state of disarray. To top itoff, Gu Yao had come back early!
As Gu Yao entered the door, shegreeted the dog. Hearing strange sounds, she looked in the direction of thesource - Zhang Siyi's bare legs were wrapped around Gu Yu's waist, and between themwas a fully clothed Gu Yu, except for his pants slightly pulled down.……
Both of them looked at Gu Yao with embarrassmentand had no time to react.
Seeing the scene on the sofa, Gu Yao yelped.Instantly covering her face, she ran upstairs and said: "I'm sorry."
Afterwards, Zhang Siyi just wanted tobury himself in the ground. Mortified, he couldn't face her and in WeChat, hetold her: “I’m sorry.” That’s right, the person who should apologize wasZhang Siyi. He felt guilty letting a newly graduated sister see such an eroticscene……
Unexpectedly, Gu Yao replied: "It'snothing, I'm used to it." And followed up with: "It was my fault since I didn'tcall ahead of time. I am the one who had moved in and invaded your privatespace."
Zhang Siyi wondered: “Wait, whatdo you mean by being used to it?”
Gu Yao: “Well, because you do itevery night next door and I can hear you crying out……" (&_&)
Zhang Siyi: “…” Ah! (╯‵□’)╯(┻━┻
In the face of further embarrassment,Zhang Siyi made up his mind to formally protest to Gu Yu! The next night beforegoing to bed, Zhang Siyi sat down with his legs crossed: "Yu, I want to talk toyou about the way of adult men to adult men."
Zhang Siyi seldom called him by hisgiven name. He is used to calling him, Gu Yu or Boss, and sometimes Gu Yu hasasked Zhang Siyi to call him gege. Since he felt too ashamed of the latter, he wasn'twilling so he had only said it a few times when Gu Yu forced him in bed.
Amused by his proper tone andhilarious phrasing, Gu Yu couldn't help but sit next to him and kiss him: "Whatdo you want to talk about?"
Putting his hands on Gu Yu's chest, ZhangSiyi immediately pushed him away: "I'm serious. Let's talk."
Gu Yu smiled at him: "About…..?"
With a stern expression and exactingtone, Zhang Siyi said: “I don’t think we can go on like thisanymore.”
Gu Yu expression finally changed. Hefrowned: "What is wrong with our relationship?"
Zhang Siyi: “Don’t you thinkyou’ve done too much lately?”
Gu Yu was puzzled: “What have Idone? What do you mean?"
Zhang Siyi’s face slowly reddened:“Don’t pretend to be stupid! I am talking about sex!”
Gu Yu visibly relaxed: "What's theproblem?"
Feeling irritated over Gu Yulaissez-faire attitude, he demanded: "I'm serious! I think we have to be a littlemore restrained!"
Gu Yu sighed: “Let me ask you…..Do you like or dislike doing it with me?"
Zhang Siyi: “……. Like."
Laughing, Gu Yu reached out to rubZhang Siyi’s head: “That’s not a problem. Fool, we are still young. Whatis wrong with wanting to do it?"
Zhang Siyi blushed: “But I think it'stoo much. It is a little uncomfortable.”
Gu Yu: “I can’t tell when you arehurt. If you aren't feeling well, you should have an uncomfortable performance,but you never really refused me.”
Zhang Siyi explained: “Because I likeyou, I can’t bear to refuse you…”
Pausing a moment, Gu Yu tilted his head:“You mean, you gave me the wrong idea and let me think that you wanted me?”
Listening to Gu Yu's smooth voice, ZhangSiyi automatically nodded at him. Thinking about it, he quickly shook his head:“Oh, no, no. I just think we are doing it too much. It would be better ifwe did it less frequently."
Raisinghis eyebrows in question, Gu Yu asked: “Six times a week is too much? Ididn't ask you to have sex three or four times a day to be considerate of you. Iwant do it more because I like you. Can't you understand?"
Zhang Siyi was shocked. Three or fourtimes a day! It turned out that Gu Yu hadn't reached his peak!
He was so scared he stammered: "Y, youweren't like this before."
Gu Yu: “Why not? Before, I masturbatedto you every day."
Zhang Siyi felt dumb. He couldn'tcomprehend what was being said. As he recalls, during the truth or dare gamethey played last year, Gu Yu said something different. He asked: "But when wefirst met, you were quite restrained."
Gu Yu: “That is because I didn'twant you to dislike me. You used to only look at girls. Suddenly, you wouldhave sex with men? If you had any aversion, it would be difficult to reverseyour mentally. But I think you are adapting very well now. Every time, you quicklybecome passionate. Just the other day, you were so soft, I was able to directlyin……"
Embarrassed, Zhang Siyi interrupted:“Shut up! Don’t say it!”
Gu Yu smiled and said: “What isthere to be embarrassed about? Get used to it."
Zhang Siyi: “……”
In the few months since the start oftheir relationship, Gu Yu wasn't only just retraining himself. He was keenlyobserving Zhang Siyi in order to grasp Zhang Siyi's personality. He wanted tounderstand what made him angry and what made him happy. Not only did Gu Yu wantto understand Zhang Siyi's mental condition, he wanted to discover all of ZhangSiyi's sensitive parts on his body.
Calculating Zhang Siyi every reaction,Gu Yu pushed him incrementally, testing his bottom line. Therefore, ZhangSiyi's protest has no chance of winning from the beginning. But he still didn’tgive up and continued to protest: “I feel very tired in the afternoon atwork. Sometimes, I have a backache."
Gu Yu: “That’s your physicalstrength. You should exercise and strengthen your core. How can you be so tiredwhen I am the one doing all the work? I'm not tired at all."
Zhang Siyi: “…..”
"You used to toss and turn all night.Now, your quality of sleep is so much better." Gu Yu pinched his smooth face: "Lookat you, no more acne."
Zhang Siyi: “…………”
Gu Yu gently patted his cheek and said:“Rest assured, you might think you can't bear it, but I understand youperfectly and know your limits."
Indignant, Zhang stared at him. – Youknow nothing!
After dismissing Zhang Siyi accusation,Gu Yu leaned forward to continue his 'homework.' Panicked, Zhang Siyi tried topush him: "You…. What are you doing? We are having a discussion in the ways of adultmen."
Laughing, Gu Yu smiled and overwhelmedhim: “Let me tell you what adult men do.”
Zhang Siyi: “No, no. I'mprotesting! ….resisting…. aah…. aah…."
The sweet night life kicked off andZhang Siyi’s rebellion failed.
Even though Gu Yu is precisely the one who made sure Zhang Siyi couldn't get his way, Zhang Siyi didn't feel bothered by it. Not matter how much GU Yu bullied him, Zhang Siyi loved him. In fact, Zhang Siyi doesn't honestly care because he gained pure happiness from Gu Yu’s attention.
Unlike their nightly escapades, duringthe day, their relationship took on the illusion of a 180-degree turn. Since theirfeelings and desires were fully vented at night, there relationship was veryrestrained during working hours and thus, they were able to maintain a properdistance.
Even at work, due to his deep responsibilityof love, Gu Yu's demands on Zhang Siyi were harsher than ever for two reasons.One, as explained to Zhang Siyi when they first started their relationship and two,the incident with Lu Qiao during their trip. It served as a warning and let GuYu realize he couldn't act rashly.
Although Zhang Siyi knows the truth and can understand that his approach can protect him from criticism, for such a clear division of treatment from night to day, occasionally, Zhang Siyi really hated it.
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