Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 103

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 103: Canceled
Aftersubmitting the drawings to the HVAC department for final air conditioning and lightingconfiguration, Zhang Siyi was completely relieved. Once the evaluation wascompleted, Zhang Siyi only needed to make minor adjustments to the plans.
Feelingsmug, Zhang Siyi was gloating in his accomplishment and with excessive energy,he was swiveling his seat back and forth. When he set his mind to it, just likethat, the work wasn't difficult and it was finished. – Ha! Top that Tao Fei! Let's see who is his favorite now!
Zhang Siyinearly jumped out of his seat when he heard the loud cry from Tao Fei. Separatedby three rows of large desks, the distance was not close. Not knowing whathappened, everyone raised their heads up from their work to look around.
Wanting toknow more, Bi Lele slid her chair across the room to find out what happened thenquickly rolled her chair back to her desk to report: "Wow! The new designer,Tao Fei, created a high-rise commercial center. It's super cool!"
Hearing BiLele's excitement, Zhang Siyi felt irritated. Cool is not the standard forjudging the quality of a design. Since Borderless Group A has always been the moreconservative group between Group A and B, anything could be 'cool' whencomparing them to the normally conservative Group A.
However,Zhang Siyi can only speculate on the design style of Tao Fei by virtue of hiseducation and not from personal experience looking at an example of Tao Feiwork.
Theprestigious University in the UK that he graduated from was known for designstyles that were radical and not mainstream. Due to the University's fame,Zhang Siyi and his classmates visited the graduation design exhibition. Marvelingat the artistry in the exhibition, the designs were extraordinary, likebuildings out of fairy tales or from another planet.
However,these types of buildings were rarely built. It wasn't because they were bad,but because they were so controversial. The research and material explorationneeded to solve construction problems were greater than constructing thebuilding itself, resulting in those works to be too difficult to achieve. InZhang Siyi’s eyes, this issue is contrary to Gu Yu’s relatively pragmaticphilosophy.
Therefore,as soon as he heard Bi Lele's 'cool', instinctively he was not optimistic. Ofcourse, he could not absolve himself of his preconceived hostility towards TaoFei.
Zhang Siyiwas conflicted. Including Zhu Hongzhen and Yuan Zhicheng, his colleagues aroundthe room were very excited. Wanting to know more, they all craned their necks overfor a peek and asked: “How cool is it?”
Bi Leleexplained with a gesture: “Rounded edges, curved lines, and long shapes,like a glutinous rice cake. Each layer of the plane is cut out and forms naturalshaped bubbles.”
Everyone"Crowd: “…”
After hearingBI Lele's description, everyone was even more curious. While Zhang Siyi sat athis desk, holding his ground, everyone else got up and went to look at the TaoFei's design. After a brief time, one byone, everyone went back to their own desks looking thoughtful.
Zhu Hongzhen said thoughtfully: “It is verygood. A bit of Zaha style**.”
YuanZhicheng said: “I think it is Ma Yansong’s style**. Isn’t it like the MonroeBuilding**?”
ZhuHongzhen shrugged: “Isn’t it the same thing?"
With excitement,Bi Lele replied: “Our group finally has a dynamic designer.”
YuanZhicheng: “Are you saying Group A designs are ugly?”
ZhuHongzhen said: “Economically constructed buildings that areenvironmentally friendly have a tendency to be simple. There isn't much you cando to get around it."
Be Lelenodded: "Now that we have Peach Brother on our side, Child Labor team will besurprised!"
Yuan Zhichengraised his eyes and asked: “When did you give him a nickname?”
Bi Lele:“It's not me. The people next to Tao Fei are calling him Peach Brother. Heseems to be as big as Ji Feiyu.”
Zhang Siyi:"……" - Even if it's a slang term, whydoes Tao Fei get to be named sexy brother when I get named Auntie Four! Ah!Fuck, it's not fair!
Noticinghow quiet Zhang Siyi is, Zhu Hongzhen wondered if he wasn't feeling well.Normally, Zhang Siyi was very outgoing and liked listening to office gossip,but now, he has been acting so gloomy and dazed that he is robotically drawingat his desk without interest in his surroundings.
Zhu Hongzhenthought Zhang Siyi was more nervous about his project because of its difficultythen initially anticipated so Zhang Siyi didn't have time to speak with others.In contrast to his thoughts, at dinner the other Day, Zhu Hongzhen asked Du Ruiabout Zhang Siyi's project and learned that it wasn't the case at all.
Only recentlyhas Zhang Siyi plunged himself into his work as if he was avoiding something.Was it something difficult outside of work? He couldn't talk to coworkers? Wasit the stress of Tao Fei's presence? But, isn't this reaction just too much?
Looking atZhang Siyi in this way, Zhu Hongzhen is a little worried for his colleague. He stillprefers the foolish, usually curious and occasionally lazy Aunt Four. ZhuHongzhen couldn’t help but ask: “Four, why don’t you go see Tao Fei’sdesign?”
Whilelooking at the computer with a serious face, pretended to be working hard, ZhangSiyi perfunctory replied: “I am a little busy right now. I'll go see it later."
ZhuHongzhen: “Oh……"
Listeningto the description of Tao Fei's design, he knew it was strange and won't bebuilt, so he never planned on looking at it. Furthermore, he was the man who finisheda set of construction plans ahead of schedule. Last year at the meeting, SecretaryWang mentioned they were planning on breaking ground in April this year. Soon,he will be an architect with actual works!
With thisself-inflating sense of satisfaction and recognition, Zhang Siyi opened a webbrowser. He looked around him and saw everyone busy with their own work so he cautiouslytyped in the search…… Monroe Building…… What does it look like again? Hmm…….
Beingcompletely absorbed in what he was doing, he jerked with fright when hesuddenly heard his name being called by Gu Yu from behind: "Zhang Siyi……"
Gu Yu tonewas very serious causing Zhang Siyi to think his internet usage was discovered.He quickly cancelled the web browser window then turned around to face him.Seeing his solemn expression, Zhang Siyi was taken back for a brief moment,then thought to himself: What is there tobe afraid of? I have finished my project.
“……Come to my office.” Gu Yu flatly commanded, then turned and went back.
The more ZhangSiyi thought about his Boss coming out of his office to personally ask for himinstead of using the internal private messaging system, the more his anxietyrose. He took his completed stack of blueprints that were just printed thismorning and walked into Gu Yu's office.
As ZhangSiyi entered Gu Yu's office, he saw Gu Yu sitting at his desk with a slightfrown which made Zhang Siyi a little nervous. He handed over the thick stack ofdrawings and said: "I have finished the plans for the office building thismorning. I didn't get the chance to tell you earlier but, these are the latestdrawings."
With Du Ruiguidance, Zhang Siyi was very confident in his own plans. The righteous and solemnexpression he carried seemed to say 'Ihave completed the work! See how great and diligent I am?'
However,when Gu Yu listened to Zhang Siyi speak, his brows furrowed deeper.
Gu Yuslightly moved his lips, but remained silent. As Zhang Siyi handed the drawingsto him, Gu Yu looked down at the stack of papers in his hands.
One by one,from the plane sections to the details, Gu Yu looked very carefully at eachpaper. Every so often he would take his pencil and hesitate, as if to make corrections,but ultimately, he wrote nothing.
Zhang Siyidoesn't know if there are either problems with the drawings, or if Gu Yu has aproblem but doesn't want to make a mark on his drawings.
After notseeing Gu Yu for nearly half the month, Zhang Siyi greedily soaked in Gu Yu's being.He inspected Gu Yu intently, from his fingers holding the pencil, to his pronouncedwrist bones, the clean cuffs of his shirt, though his powerful arms hiddenunder his sleeve, into his shoulder revealing his collar, and his sexy throat.He could feel himself heating up and waiting in anticipation for approval……
“You……”Gu Yu suddenly raised his head and asked: “……have drawn to this point?Why didn’t you show it to me before?”
Gu Yu'sloud and firm voice brought Zhang Siyi out of his reverie. Even though Zhang Siyiwas surprised, he calmly explained: "Since Du Rui helped supervise, I let herlook over my work. You were always too busy, so I was going to show you afterthe HVAC department configured the air conditioner."
The moreZhang Siyi spoke, the more his confidence grew, and the more correct his logicseemed to be. Gu Yu was busy with a business trip for four days. Then he was busyall the time with the Tao Fei. He is also busy at company meetings and other tasks.What spare time does Gu Yu have to meet with him for feedback?
Gu Yulooked straight at him and asked bluntly, “Have you been avoiding melately?
“…..”Zhang Siyi panicked and instinctively denied him: “I didn't…. Why should Ihide from you?”
Gu Yu'seyes locked onto Zhang Siyi preventing Zhang Siyi from avoiding Gu Yu line of sight.With his fingers tightly clasping the stack of papers, Gu Yu replied firmly: "Ilet Du Rui teach you some basic common knowledge because she has a lot ofexperience drawing construction plans and is able to oversee your progress, notso she can make the final decision for you. In the meantime, I sent a messagealmost every day asking for your progress report and every day, you said youwere still working on the plans, but now, you suddenly say you are finished?"
Defensively,Zhang Siyi retorted: "It's not the same……"
Gu Yusuddenly interrupted him: “Zhang Siyi, with work, communication is mostimportant. What is the matter with you recently?”
Zhang Siyi startedturning red with anger. -How can you say Iam avoiding you when you and Tao Fei are inseparable!? I fixed it myself and saved you the trouble!
Admitting itto himself, he was being somewhat unreasonable, however unless he hid his innerturmoil from Gu Yu, he is afraid his feelings would be revealed and Gu Yu wouldcome to resent him.
Gu Yuexhaled wearily and put down his pen. He set aside the stack of drawing and saidquietly: "The office building will not be built.”
Zhang Siyi didn’treact: “What? Why?" He thought Gu Yu's blunt verdict was because he wasangry with him.
Then Gu Yuexplained the reason: "I got a call from Secretary Wang this morning. They receivednotification from the State to suspend any construction being done in the nameof the government and thus, this set of drawings are no longer needed."
The shockto Zhang Siyi was like having a bucket of ice water thrown on him. Now pale,the blood drained from his face and he sat still. Because of his recent emotionturmoil, for the last two weeks, Zhang Siyi ignored his feelings and focusedhis energy into both work and finding an apartment. Even though he wasexhausted, he thought as long as he worked hard, the achievement at the end wasworth the struggle.
With hisimproved drawing skills and steady progress, Zhang Siyi had become stronger andself-confident. As long as he continued progressing, he doesn't feel like heneeded anyone. But at the last minute, in the moment he was about to see astaged victory, his goal suddenly disappeared.
Without making a sound and sitting motionless, Zhang Siyi felt the world collapse right underneath him and a black abyss swallowed him whole. What is the meaning of his employment? What status does he have in the company? He didn't know what to do. He didn't know anything.
Zaha style:
Ma Yansong style:
Based on the description, I think this is the Monroe Building the characters are referencing.
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