Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 29

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 29: Family
When his father appeared, the initial happy and relaxedatmosphere disappeared.
Although it was a beautiful reunion dinner, his father'sattitude made Zhang Siyi unable to relax at all. In addition, his mother helpedhim serve his soup: “Eat quickly while it's still hot. It has fresh fishfrom this morning."
When his father saw his mother serving him, he frowned.He took the chopsticks and pointed them in the direction of his mother: "Doeshe have no hands? How old is he? He can get his own bowl of soup! He is spoiledby you!”
“…” Sure enough, Zhang Siyi had a long faceand was most disgusted to hear his father say this. Has he been spoiled? Hismother loves him. Is this not a mutual thing? Why is he always a ruin in hisdad’s eyes! At a very young age, Zhang Siyi quickly learned his father's rules.When his father spoke, he couldn't talk back otherwise there would be direconsequences. His father was extremely overbearing!
Feeling resentful, his mother murmured: “It's rarefor him to come home and you can’t even say a few words!” Can it be hisfather is simply upset at not being served first? "Good Comrade Zhang, I willalso give you a bowl." His mother also took a bowl of soup over to her husbandsmiling. She thought to herself: "You big people are so small, drink more soup,talk less!"
While his mother went to placate his father, he and hisfather started peeling crabs. She continued: "He successfully graduated fromEngland and found a job in Haicheng. Where is it that I have spoiled him? Isn'tthat pretty good? Your mouth is like a tofu knife, always cutting him down. Oneof these days when you get old, he won't bother coming back." She gave ZhangSiyi a look suggesting that he pour wine for his father.
Even though Zhang Siyi was so unenthusiastic, when he sawhis mother trying so hard to reconcile with his father on his behalf, hepretended to be good and respectful son to his father and poured a glass ofwine for him.
With a condescending tone and a self-importantexpression, Zhang Father asked Zhang Siyi about his work in Haicheng.
He wanted his father to recognize his own efforts, so hebriefly said a few things about Borderless and his salary. He continued todescribe the big Z-City project in detail from inception to winning and thewhole wave of ups and down in between. He deliberately talked about his teamand colleagues more than himself and focused on Gu Yu's determination to seethe plan through. Finally, he told them that Gu Yu was the person whointerviewed him.
His Father ignored Zhang Siyi bragging side, listen veryseriously, occasionally nodded and ask a few questions. For example, when ZhangSiyi mentioned Gu Yu, his Father asked him carefully about his age, hiscollege, his work history, and so on…
When he heard about Gu Yu being a high school alumnus andNingcheng's college entrance examination champion, his Father put down hisglass and gently said: "Oh? It's him."
Zhang Siyi said excitedly and asked: “Do you knowhim?”
Father Zhang nodded and said: “I have seen him once.”
Zhang Siyi was excited: “When was that?”
Father Zhang said it was a few years ago at a designcompetition. At that time, it was the project of Ningcheng. When Gu was awardedthe prize, the award was typically handed out by an official; Zhang Siyi'sFather.
He drank some wine and praised him: “A very good,calm young man.”
Zhang Siyi listened to his father’s compliment of Gu Yu,as if he was more than happy to be praised. He couldn’t help but talk moreabout him: “Look, he actually won the bid against the Design Institute. Isn'tit amazing?"
While Zhang Siyi was talking about Gu Yu, he didn't knowthat his expression was the same as that of Bi Lele when she daydreams of theBoss.
His Father grunted and said: “Generally this kind ofinternal situation is not usually so easy to subvert. It must be that there aredifferences at the top and the people who can make decisions are temporarilychanged ahead of time. You must have a leak."
What do you mean, leak!? Zhang Siyi suddenly was angry andwanted to refute.
His father turned to say: “But even if you didn’twin the bid this time, the style and attitude of the surname Gu will definitelyhave a future. If the eye can see his intention, he will remember him. Theeffort is not in vain. Just look at the opportunity to come.”
Zhang Siyi listened to his father’s words, and rememberedthe sentence that Gu Yu responded to himself in the toilet that day – the roadof architecture, not what you did now, you can see the results in the nextmoment. Zhang Siyi had a faraway look in his eyes for a moment.
His father's voice pulled him back: “I remember thatyou were clamoring to learn architecture, it seems it was because of him?”
Zhang Si Yi was startled, there is such a thing? He toldhis father about it?
His Father recalled: “You went to high school thatyear and said there is a T University construction director to give a lecturein the school, called Gu Yu. That day you were very excited and said you wantedto learn architecture."
Zhang Siyi doesn't remember at all. When did his fatherremember so much? How can he remember this kind of thing?
Father Zhang seems to have expected Zhang Siyi’sforgetfulness and said: “You have been a three-minute person since youwere a child. You have learned Taekwondo, learned violin, and learned fencing.Which one has persisted? Originally, your grandfather gave you this name. Iexpect perseverance. This time after graduation and looking for a job. I didn'tthink you would successfully get on track. Maybe the young man named Gu is reallythe person who can take you down the right road."
Zhang Siyi felt elated. He only heard the most importantwords "Successfully get on track". Did his father just recognized his hard work?
When he learned that Zhang Siyi was working with Gu Yu, FatherZhang seemed to be relieved. He glanced at Zhang Siyi again and said:" Learnfrom others and be receptive of good advice."
Zhang Siyi nodded again and again: “Hmm!”
His father wasn't used to seeing Zhang Siyi have such apositive look. His could not help but sigh again: “And, remember to below-key, don’t talk about your family in front of outsiders.”
Zhang Siyi waved his hand and said, ” I know, Iknow!"
The atmosphere of this meal today is the best it has beenin a few years. After dinner, Zhang Siyi felt relieved to go upstairs to hisroom. Zhang Siyi pounced on the bed and rolled on it happily.
Zhang Siyi hasn't come back for a long time and suddenly felthomesick. The English text book he used to study with during the summer, thearchitectural extracurricular books that he bought before, the basketball inthe corner of the room… Everything seems to remind him of his time growing up.
He could come home every day to his room with clothesneatly tucked away in his closet, bed made, and clean room. It's like ababysitter. In contrast, now Zhang Siyi comes home to his apartment to a messyroom, a mountain of clothes and rent to pay. Although he is feeling somewhatnostalgic, he only sees the expression on his father to know that he doesn't wantZhang Siyi to be home. He sighed.
He found his old violin that had played for many years. Inhis youth, he performed at the school art conference in junior high school, buthe was not professional enough. After going to high school, he said that if he wasbusy with school, he wouldn’t play the violin anymore. Thinking back to hisyouth Zhang Siyi admits that the real reason is because he was lazy. He didn'twant to take the time to practice every day. Once he let go of an activity, he didn'twant to pick it up again. His father is right. He really is a three-minutecharacter.
Zhang Siyi took out the violin and placed it in positionon his shoulder. Because it was not used for a long time, the peg was a littledamp and difficult to turn to tune the strings. He warmed up a little and hismuscles started remembering how to play then he tried to play Cannon. With abunch of broken notes and poor bowing, he stopped in frustration. He liked theidea of maybe practicing after work to relax. Zhang Siyi sat down andimmediately put the violin in the doorway and planned to take it back with him whenhe returned to Haicheng.
Looking at his closet, Zhang Siyi suddenly saw somethingand pulled out a bunch of strange books… Wait, what are these?
“Mom-! Mom–! Come up!” After a few minutes,Zhang Siyi screamed a few times outside the door.
Mama Zhang heard her son's summoned money upstairs: "What?did you call me?"
When the mother arrived at the door of the room, ZhangSiyi pointed to the books: “This!?" Awkward!
His mother reacted quickly. Panicking, she pushed her soninto the room and closed the door and grabbed the book: "You can't see thiskind of thing!"
“Are these your books?” Zhang Siyi had thoughtthat his mother would say it was her cousin's, but he did not expect it to behers!
She whispered: “I watched it online, it was very interesting,so I bought a book to read!”
“This is all messy!” “The sweet malesecretary of the president”? “What should I do if I am seen by astraight man next door?” Zhang Siyi didn't want to know anymore. “Youdon’t want to watch those messy things online!”
His Mother covered her son’s mouth: “Keep it down,keep it down! I put it in your room because I don't what your father to know!"
Nearly hysterical, Zhang Siyi tried to stay calm:“Then how can you put this kind of book in my Room? What if Dad sees?"
Mother Zhang shoved the pile of books into the deepestpart of the closet and said: “He won’t come into your room casually.”
Unexpectedly, his mother is an old rotten girl andsecretly hid the evidence in his room.
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