Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 164

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 164: Worries
Even thoughhe wasn't really expecting anything to happen, Zhang Siyi was struck in theheart by Gu Yu's seemingly simply but in fact, profound action.
Yes, the pointis not on the tying of the shoelaces themselves, but rather, the process oftaking one knee to the ground.
Zhang Siyiasked himself whether or not it was possible for him to kneel down like Gu Yuhad to tie his girlfriend's shoes. The answer was, no. He would even feel embarrassed to kneel in frontof his parents to tie their shoes. From a young age, boys are taught to stay strongand show no weakness.
Perhaps whilejoking with friends, one might do it, but not after such a serious discussion. ZhangSiyi found Gu Yu's prostration extremely shocking. For a few seconds, he feltas though he was restricted by in an invisible barrier and couldn't move.
Zhang Siyifelt himself fall in love with the man before him all over again. If, in thatmoment, Gu Yu had asked him to marry, he wouldn't hesitate and say yes.
The fainttouch on his foot, like an electric current, spread from his toes, throughouthis limbs and to his scalp causing him to tremble.
After hewas finished, Zhang Siyi naturally extended his hand to Gu Yu to help pull himup. When Gu Yu accepted his hand, Gu Yu was gazing up at him affectionately andlike a prince kissing a princess, Gu Yu planted a kiss on the back of ZhangSiyi's hand.
Zhang Siyi wasreminded of the dream he had during the movie 'Cinderella' where he grabbed theprince's hand and asked him if he liked him or not……
With apounding heart, Zhang Siyi felt like he was going to drown in his emotions. Foronce, he was thankful for Gu Yu's silence, otherwise with further stimulation, hethought he might faint!
Hisfeelings at the moment were so hot and sincere that Zhang Siyi quickly embracedGu Yu and kissed him after he stood up. However, because they were both menstanding outside in public, Zhang Siyi felt his anxiety rise and as a result thelonging he felt couldn't be satisfied right now. Even so, he felt truehappiness that one feels when their dreams come true. Ecstatic, he held himtightly and affirmed; he wouldn't let Gu Yu go for the rest of his life.
Drunk, notonly on alcohol, but on love, the two of them remained in each other's embrace andkissed deeply. The night air of Kyoto, saturated with sweetness, wrapped aroundthem.
Whiletaking a stroll through the ancient roads, they held hands and relished therare opportunity to be affectionate together outside. Like a fool, they stoppedhere and there and kissed each other as if they were the only two people in theworld.
Gu Yu:“I thought your secrete plans with Ji Feiyu went smoothly."
Zhang Siyi:"What plans? I just thought of that punishment on the fly. If I had known aheadof time, I would have told you. If I told you, would you have written 'lie' onmy hand still? And even so, you disregarded your own rule and said you liked mein front of everyone. That Fat Peach too! Were you guys in collusion?
Gu Yulaughed and smiled at him: "It's not…. It's just…… I can't hold back. Anyway,being part of the game, I didn't think it was a big deal. People took it as ajoke and no harm was done.
Zhang Siyi:“You scared me to death!”
Gu Yulooked at him and leaned over to his ear and whispered: “When you kissedme, I was hard.” He planted a hot passionate kiss on Zhang Siyi lips.
Zhang Siyi:“………” (o////o) Gu Yu, this rogue!
After separatingtheir lips, Zhang Siyi asked: “Do you believe in Tao Fei's 'love period'theory?"
Gu Yusmiled: “You are my first love. What Tao Fei said isn't allowed."
Zhang Siyi:"……"
Zhang Siyi'ssilence prompted Gu Yu to continue: "Our experience is the same, don't youthink?"
Zhang Siyi:“Even though I went out with one other person I think what you said is true.Don't be angry, but when I was with my ex-girlfriend, I felt at that time thatI liked her very much and……"
"Hey" ZhangSiyi called out "why are you pinching me!? I told you not to be angry… hey…help… I was wrong! I was wrong!"
Laughing, ZhangSiyi squirmed and begged for mercy. He tried to move out of reach, but Gu Yu pulledhim close instead. As Zhang Siyi was being held in Gu Yu's strong embrace, he pleaded:"Okay, okay…. I didn't like her. I only like you.”
Continuing toprod Zhang Siyi's sensitive waist, this time with gentle caresses, Gu Yu staredat him.
Zhang Siyidare not move. He knew enough not to say more positive things about his pastwith his ex-girlfriend: "In retrospect, our best time together was only thefirst few months because there was less contact when I went to the UK to study.The difficulty in maintaining long-distance relationships……"
Gu Yu:“So, what is it that you are trying to say?”
Zhang Siyilowered his eyes and whispered: “I am afraid that after the first fewmonths we are together, you won't like me anymore."
Gu Yu smiledbroadly. It seems he wasn't the only one suffering from his own doubt. Thislittle fool was also afraid. While Gu Yu was afraid Zhang Siyi would regret hisrelationship with him, Zhang Siyi was afraid of being tossed aside.
“Do Ilook like the kind of person who only likes new things?” Gu Yu asked.
Zhang Siyishook his head. Even though he knew it wasn't the case as the old tape measurethat Gu Yu gave him was his evidence, Zhang Siyi's insecurities out-weighed hisrational thought.
Gu Yusoftly said: “According to Tao Fei's theory, since this is our third monthtogether, we are supposed to have cooled down already. Will there be a timewhen suddenly, like the ending of a magic spell, where we will think the personbesides us isn't who we thought they were and our emotional ties cease?
Zhang Siyishook his head again. How could it be?
Gu Yu added:“Although we have had our fair share of squabbles these last few months, wewere able to resolve our problems every time. As a result, our understanding ofeach other became better and our feelings for one another are stronger. As weget to know each other more and more, there will be fewer unknown elements betweenus and thus lack freshness. Which, by the way, are very normal changes in a relationship.I understand that life is long and that the feelings between us may changesubtly over time into responsibility and affection for family." Gu Yu clenchedhis hand and softly asked: "Do you think that is boring?"
Zhang Siyi:“No.”
Zhang Siyiis obsessed with the calm and peace of mind that Gu Yu brings into his life.Wherever Gu Yu is, he is his soul's safe harbor.
Gu Yu sighedwith relief and said: "It is good to be accepting of things for the future. Inany case, I don't believe that our relationship will be any different afterthree months."
In fact, incomparison to his normal stoic and calm demeanor, the strong impulsiveness andloss of control that Gu Yu felt from time to time was difficult to restrain. Ifhis impulses were due to the love period, then Gu Yu was wondering, if when hisenthusiasm settles down, how will they continue?
Gu Yu calmingtimber of his voice soothed Zhang Siyi. Not only did Gu Yu quell any uneasinessin his heart, but Gu Yu's attitude and maturity made Zhang Siyi adore him evenmore.
Brimming with love and affection, Zhang Siyi wanted to shout it out to the world. He waned to tell every female that secretly coveted Gu Yu…… Your male god, he is my love!
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