Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 129

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 129: The Great War
The forcewith which Gu Yu used to seal his lips with Zhang Siyi's own, wasn't just asimple kiss. Biting him and sucking Zhang Siyi's lips hard to the point ofpain, it was more like a declaration of sovereignty.
In theprocess of being kissed, Zhang Siyi was like a thermometer that was suddenlyplaced in boiling water. From the soles of his feet to the top of his head, hequickly flushed red.
Witness toit all, Tao Fei never expected Gu Yu to give him such a spicy scene.
At beingkissed in such a way in front of another person, Zhang Siyi felt ashamed.
“Youshould have known that we were together. Taking his pictures and putting themonline for your love photos and then finding an excuse to sleep with him. Whatthe hell are you doing?” The veins on Gu Yu's forehead were throbbing ashe grabbed Zhang Siyi's wrist. As much as he was trying to suppress his anger,the volume of his voice exposed his heart's temper.
Theemotional deception of Tao Fei petty actions was too unbearable. Although Gu Yuknew that Tao Fei was joking, Zhang Siyi did not and the idiot may reallybelieve him and thus, become entangled with another person. The thought ofZhang Siyi fretting over what to do about the other person's unrequitedfeelings made Gu Yu want to smack the iPad over Tao Fei's head.
By theirshocking reactions, Tao Fei finally got what he wished for; to anger Gu Yu. Hecouldn't stop himself from laughing out loud: "Ah-hah-hah-hah-Ah-hah-hah-hah-ah!"
Surprisedby the news that Tao Fei likes him and combined with Gu Yu's sudden kiss, ZhangSiyi nearly fainted. After hearing Gu Yu's comment about Tao Fei alreadyknowing about their relationship, not only did he feel stunned, but he alsofelt confused. Damn it! Will someone tell him what the hell is going on!
Cracking upin laughter, Tao Fei looked at Gu Yu without fear: “Hey, brother, yourreaction is so fierce. Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'm just joking!"
Zhang Siyi:"……" Wait, Tao Fei was joking?
Continuinghis laughter, Tao Fei choked out: “You just heard Zhang Siyi's praise.Ha-ha-ha-ha. Oh, so beautiful, capable and can cook! Ha-ha-ha, but I did not expect you to be his femaleah!"
Zhang Siyi:"……" Shut the fuck up!
Gu Yuinterrupted him with a scowl: “You took the joke too far. Is it so fun tobully Zhang Siyi?”
Tao Feisnorted and straightened up his back then retorted: “I thought of you asmy brother and best friend. I came to you after graduation. You know everythingabout me, yet what about you? I am left to my own assumptions and devices tofigure you out. Who told you not to be frank with me? If you like men, so what?Will that change my opinion of you!?"
Startled,Gu Yu stared at Tao Fei with a blank expression. -Is he acting like this because I didn't give him enough attention?
Since Gu Yuremained silent, Tao Fei felt more confident in his assertion: "How can you beso sure I would guess correctly!? Even if I fucking guessed, how can you letyour boyfriend get into bed with me? You're not embarrassed? I'm fuckingembarrassed!"
Even thoughit is absolutely unbelievable that Tao Fei felt embarrassed, he certainly felttroubled. Since Gu Yu wasn't upfront with him, Tao Fei felt like he wasn'ttreated as a friend. Feeling mistreated, he continually poked at the fireseveral times in order to find a sense of existence and belonging
Tao Fei added:“And last night…. Did you really think I went to sleep? Doing those thingsbehind my back…. Do you think I really wanted to know? You made me suffer!"
Alreadyfeeling overwhelmed, after listening to Tao Fei's speech, Zhang Siyi felt the10k hit and sprayed blood everywhere. Thisfat peach was only pretending to sleep last night!!!! Fuck!!!!
Aftercalming down a little, Gu Yu felt the situation was kind of funny. "This matteris not…" Even though Gu Yu's tone finally returned to normal, his expressionremained dead serious. Holding Zhang Siyi hand, he stated: "Let me formallyintroduce Zhang Siyi. He is my love as shown on social media in the photo ofour shadows. In the future, do not ever play that kind of joke with him again."
Turning ablind eye, Tao Fei smirked and said: “It's your fault for not being honestand speaking up earlier. Don't blame me for making fun of him!"
Sittinghelpless, Gu Yu just wanted to relax, but suddenly he felt a strong forcebeside him. Like a cannon, Zhang Siyi grabbed a pillow and quickly jumped outof the bed and smashed Tao Fei hard.
Venting hisanger, Zhang Siyi swatted him hard over and over again while shouting: "Damnyou! I'm so easy to bully! I'll bury you! Fuck you! Rotten fat peach!"
Gu Yu:“…”
Both theanger he felt from learning of Tao Fei's fake sleeping last night and the embarrassingfeelings that he accumulated from Gu Yu's bold actions, found an outlet and TaoFei was the target.
"Ow" TaoFei yelled. He was sent scurrying and flailing and put up his arms to defendhimself. He also grabbed a pillow and retaliated: "You rebel you! I can takeyou on all day! Who the fuck called you stupid! How can you be so gullible! Youhave a problem with my teasing, what about my brother? I'll tell you; you arean idiot to follow him forever!"
Gu Yu's eyetwitched. Tao Fei wasn't any more mature then Zhang Siyi! – How can these two be so childish?
Furious, ZhangSiyi continued yelling: "I was deceived because I trusted you and thought youwere my friend!"
Ducking anddodging each other, both Zhang Siyi and Tao Fei continued to swing their pillowsat one another. As the pillows hit each other and bounced away, Tao Feicontinued shouting: "Why am I the only target? Who was the one that remainedidle!?"
Tao Fei wastrying to overcome Zhang Siyi's outburst. In the corner of his eye he saw Gu Yugrab a pillow. He hastily shouted at Zhang Siyi: "Winners have the surname Tao!You won't fucking win when you already have the surname Gu!"
Gu Yu:“…!” Thinking he was going to help Zhang Siyi, Gu Yu grabbed a pillow,but then thought less of it and silently put the pillow down.
Half anhour later, standing on the beds, the two were breathing heavily. Zhang Siyihands were tired from swinging his pillow around and stopped momentarily.
Taking amoment respite, Tao Fei said: "Truce……" and made the first step to surrender.He sat on the bed and began to tidy up the pillows and bedding.
Zhang Siyi clenchedhis teeth and stared at him, unconvinced: “No! There isn't a winner!"
Dumbfounded,Tao Fei stared at Zhang Siyi and said as a matter of fact: "You're fucking exhausted,what else do you want?”"
Holding thepillow, Zhang Siyi replied: "Lets rest for two minutes and then continue!"
Acting outa death scene from a drama, Tao Fei cried: “But I want to sleep so I'll admitdefeat.”
Alert forTao Fei's ploy, Zhang Siyi didn't agree: "No! Only I can judge the winner! Youare cheating!"
Tao Fei:“……”
Sighing, TaoFei cried: “Help me brother! Bring back your little psycho! I’m going tobed!!!"
Leaning againstthe backboard in bed, Gu Yu calmly continued to focus his attention on the workhe was doing on his iPad. He glanced at Tao Fei and stated: "When you getyourself into trouble, you have to solve your own problems."
Annoyed, TaoFei retorted: “Don't blame me for using a heavy hand while I bully him!"
Looking atTao Fei questioningly, Zhang Siyi wondered what he meant. The 'dead' fishsuddenly jumped up and grabbed a pillow. Tao Fei swung the pillow at Zhang Siyiforcefully then jumped on the bed and tackled him. He continued to smack ZhangSiyi ass with the pillow and shouted: "I'll give you a happy ending tonight! Don'tyou like it? Won't you accept?"
Pinneddown, Zhang Siyi didn't understand where Tao Fei's energy came from.
After aseries of seven or eight shots, Gu Yu couldn't help but intervein: "Ok, ok.That enough now."
As Tao Feistopped, Zhang Siyi used the opportunity to strike back a few more times.
Frowning, GuYu ordered Zhang Siyi: "Come back to bed.”
Even thoughZhang Siyi was feeling resentful, when he heard Gu Yu request, he held hispillow close and reluctantly climbed back into the bed. He mumbled: "But I waswinning."
Settlingdown next to Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi complained: "How can that androgynous fat peachwin anything. It isn't scientific! If you hadn't called me back, I would havewon."
While ZhangSiyi was still muttering, Gu Yu looked at him and mercilessly gave him thefinal blow: "It is not likely. Tao Fei was the president of the university's KarateClub."
Zhang Siyi:“…” What?
Gu Yu pattedZhang Siyi sweaty head: “He was nice enough to not let you lose so badly."
In the secondbed next to them laying down, Tao Fei's ears were red. He snorted and broughtup the blankets, rolled over and waggled his ass at them.
When Zhang Siyithought about it, he still felt unwilling to concede the end. Tao Fei's anticsprovoked him again. He used his last bit of strength to prop himself up on hisforearm and shout at Tao Fei: “You might have destroyed me, but I willnever admit defeat!”
Tao Fei: "……"Fucking retarded!
Gu Yuhelplessly pulled his bear child back and quipped: “OK, Gu Siyi, don’tplay with the little boy's temper.”
Zhang Siyi:“…” – What? What did Gu Yucall me? Gu Siyi? Fuck! Even Gu Yu is bullying me like the dead fat peach!
Partiallyturning his head and looking at him sideways, Gu Yu reached out to caress ZhangSiyi's cheek. Gu Yu's reassuring and soothing touch slowly relieved Zhang Siyianxiety until his tension dissolved and finally, he felt relaxed.
Zhang Siyisuddenly felt Gu Yu's hot breath tickling the side of his neck. In soft wordsonly for him to hear, Gu Yu said: "We are in love."
Rememberingwhat Tao Fei said earlier, Zhang Siyi blushed a deep red, like a tomato. He wasafraid to think what would happen in three months and felt stupid for asking,so he kept his mouth shut.
He didn'texpect Gu Yu to ask the very thing he was thinking about: "How do I know ifafter three months, you will come to regret your choice?"
Eyes wideopen, Zhang Siyi was very surprised at Gu Yu's admission. Normally, since Gu Yuwas so calm and collected, he didn't expect him to reveal such insecurity whenfaced with feelings in their relationship.
Reachingout, Zhang Siyi hugged Gu Yu closely and murmured: “I won't ever regret lovingyou.”
Smiling, GuYu slowly turned over and easily put the exhausted Zhang Siyi under his body.He lowered his head and tenderly kissed him good-night.
Feeling GuYu's soft lips on his own, Zhang Siyi quickly lost the ability to think forhimself. Since his pillow fight with Tao Fei physically exhausted all hisstrength, he couldn't resist Gu Yu at all. Feeling Gu Yu tongue slip into hismouth, he involuntarily released an erotic moan.
HearingZhang Siyi moans of pleasure, undoubtedly encouraged Gu Yu to plunder hisobject of love more intensely. The gentle exploration of each other mouth's,trigged tremors of desire. Pressing the tips of their tongues together, Zhang Siyilet out another soft hmmm….
“Enoughof that! Let no one sleep! Tao Fei’s roared and flung a pillow at them hittingGu Yu on the back.
Gu Yu:“…” (=_=)
Zhang Siyi:“……” (o////o)
Ten secondslater, Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi couldn’t help but laugh.
Tao Fei: "……"It’s too much!!!
Although itisn't enough, Gu Yu had to restrain himself. He slowly leaned down and laiddown next to Zhang Siyi on his side with his leg and arm over him. He placedhis head on Zhang Siyi shoulder and hoarsely whispered in his ear: "Siyi, mypatience…… Maybe it isn't as good as you think."
Zhang Siyi:“…”
Saying "good night", Gu Yu kissed the side of his face. Retreated back and laying down he left Zhang Siyi hung out to dry.
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