Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 79

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 79: Voice
Money can't buy him the spiritual satisfaction and security brought about bythe things he wants.
Yes, money is important, but Zhang Siyi is not so poor as to give up hisdream in order to survive. Compared to He Chengtian and Shen Hao, his income isindeed insignificant. When he thinks of his coworker, Lu Qiao who continues tosupport his family with his wages and compares his other friends in theindustry, he salary isn't bad.
Therefore, the answer is very clear. Zhang Siyi won't leave Borderless toaccept He Chengtian's job invitation. However, Zhang Siyi didn't want to stepon the good intentions of his friend by refusing him on the spot, so he told HeChengtian he would think about it.
After the wedding banquet, He Chengtian gave Zhang Si Yi his mobile phonenumber. He warmly invited him out when they got back to Haicheng. Soon after heleft, Shen Hao drove Zhang Siyi home then rushed to meet with the constructionsite supervisor. Seeing him so busy, Zhang Siyi didn't have the nerve to askhim out for drinks.
When he arrived at home, his Mother was sitting on the couch watching TV.Tiered, Zhang Siyi feebly walked across the living room to slump down onto thesofa next to her and asked: "Where's Dad?"
Mother Zhang pointed upstairs and scoffed: "He has been obsessed recentlywith watching the news on the internet. He spends over two hours on thecomputer!"
His Mother is a woman who is advancing-with-the-times. Five years ago, whenZhang Siyi taught her how to use the computer, a door was opened into the newworld. From then on, she changed from a traditional Chinese woman into a mysteriouslady.
In the early years, while other people were worried about the mindless timechildren spent on the internet, Zhang Siyi was worried about his Mother notbeing able to extricate themselves from the network.
During that time, Mother Zhang spent every night until two to three in themorning on the network. His Father endured it for a while until he finallycouldn't take it anymore and exploded. Combined with the time she spent on dutyat the hospital and with her addictive behavior on the net, it was like livingwithout a Mother. At that time, his forty-year old Father felt alone and ifthey didn't have a housekeeper to cook meals, they surely would have starved todeath under his Mother's lack of supervision.
After the intervention, Father Zhang sent Mother Zhang to an etiquetteschool for one month. Zhang Siyi's Mother also tried to drag his Father intothe water and wanted to share her experience with him but thanks to hisFather's stubbornness and old-fashion ideals, any progress was halted. Sincethen Mother Zhang sought her own knowledge groups and outlets on the internet.In contrast, Father Zhang acted like he was bitten by a snake. For a long time,he regarded the computer as a savage beast that needed to be kept away toprevent contamination. Without the ability to change, his inflexible Father wouldsoon be out of the times.
Only his Mother had the capacity to slowly coax his Father out of his ownanti-information-age sentiments. The proof of her success upstairs is reflectedon Mother Zhang's proud face. Zhang Siyi smiled: “Why don’t you teach himto go on Weibo?” He can look at the headlines. The hot search is morefun."
His Mother took an orange and started peeling it: "I have been on Weibo andthe information isn't conscience. There are too many people arguing every day.He won't necessarily like it. It's better to let him figure it out for himself fora little while." She split the orange in half and gave it to Zhang Siyi: "Howwas the wedding?"
Zhang Siyi sighed and remembered the excitement of the day. He told herabout He Chengtian and Shen Hao. “Mom, do you think I’m superuseless?” Although he knows what the clear choice is in his heart, hecan't help worrying about his choice. Will he regret his decision to refuse thepotential of all that money?
His Mother paused and said, "Sisi, I'll tell you something."
Zhang Siyi: “What is it?"
Mother Zhang patiently said: “After more than a decade ago, yourfather just became a director. At that time, in order to go ahead withconstruction, many projects had to be signed by your Dad. Every day, whethersomeone wanted approval faster or because they wanted to overlook mistakes, personscame to his door to give him gifts like money, real estate, company bonuses……All to 'help' him make decisions. Do you know how much will power a person hasto have in order to resist so many temptations?”
Zhang Siyi was surprised at the new information that his Mother spoke of.
Mother Zhang: "Because he stuck to his morals so diligently, he offended morethan one person and was denied promotion. Until your Grandfather who was at thetop acted, he stayed in a position where there was no real power for manyyears. I also thought that his disposition would limit his career in his lifebecause it was difficult in this Chinese society to move up again. But he stayedclam. He told me that a person has to love the life they live in order to be atpeace in both spirit and mind."
Zhang Siyi was astonished! He did not expect his archaic and overbearingfather to say something so cool!
Looking down at the oranges, Mother Zhang bowed her head. She slowly said:“I was touched by his words and I was dead-set on following him. Even ifhis ideals inhibited his career, I know we can solve anything together. I willbe a person to support this home."
Zhang Siyi: "……" Ohh, so romantic!
His Mother peeled off the remaining half of the orange and handed it toZhang Siyi. She looked at him and said: “Sisi, you are alone in Haichengand Mom is very worried about you. I can understand your father’s intentions. Wehave never looked forward to your wealth and never expected you to become a richtycoon. He and I hope that you will be able to stand on your own two feet as anindependent man. As long as you are both earning an honest wage, and arehealthy and happy every day, in both spirit and mind, that is enough."
Hearing his Mother's words, his emotional stress over the last few daysfound an outlet and tears fell from Zhang Siyi eyes: "Mom……"
His mother reached out to softly pat his head: "If you are trying and can'tseem to make any headway, you can come to us for help. There is nothing youcan't tell us about. We are forever on your side."
With his head leaning on his mother's shoulder, Zhang Siyi sniffed back histears and softly said: "I didn't mean to cause trouble. That is, this year… Isent too many red envelopes to my cousins and now I don't have any money."
Mouth open, his Mother stared wide-eyed at him. She didn't know whether sheshould laugh at him or cry. With criticism she said: "What? Why were you actingso vain that you sacrificed your wellbeing? Look at yourself, you are a mess!"
Zhang Siyi grumbled about his mother. In the first place, he didn't want togive red envelopes to all of his cousins.
Mother Zhang asked: “So how much money do you have now?”
Zhang Siyi: “Two-hundred remained, but yesterday at Gu Yu's house, hegave me a two-thousand red envelope for New Year's."
Mother Zhang was surprised: “What!? How can you take his redenvelope!”
Zhang Siyi looked feebly at his Mom: “I didn’t want to take it, but Idon’t have money.”
Pursing her lips closed, his Mother was silent. She got up off the sofa andwent to her purse to take money out of her wallet and wrapped it. She gave itto him as an impromptu red envelope: "Don't let your father know."
“Mmm-hmm!" With a smile Zhang Siyi squeezed the red envelope.
Listening upstairs for a long time, Father Zhang sighed, shook his head andwith a broad smile on his face, snuck back to the study.
In his bedroom, Zhang Siyi counted the money in the red envelope he justreceived from his Mother – wow, another two thousand! The gift money sent outtoday is back! He quickly opened the book-keeping app, entered the proceeds,and giggling, he admired the rising numbers. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thinking about Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi took out his phone and opened WeChat. It'sbeen a day since they communicated so he took a few minutes to think of what towrite: "Boss, I went to a friend's wedding today and met with one of your highschool classmates."
Not a second has passed and Gu Yu reply appeared: "Hmm…?"
Surprised at the speed at which the message was returned, Zhang Siyiwondered if Gu Yu was simply watching the phone: "His name is He Chengtian. Doyou remember him?"
Gu Yu's next reply was relatively slow compared to the previous one: "Whois that? I don't remember."
Zhang Siyi: "……" Are you fucking kidding me!?You remember the Kong Ming Lock that you gave me nineteen years ago, but youdon’t even remember your high school classmate who, for three years, was atyour heels on the exams?
Gu Yu asked again: “What does he looklike?”
It seems like he really doesn’t remember…….Zhang Siyi described him a bit and told Gu Yu about some of He Chengtian's secondplace history.
Stimulating his memory, Gu Yu replied: "Oh, it'shim."
Zhang Siyi:“Do you remember?
Gu Yu:“Well, he was like an anti-Japanese gangster you see on a TV drama thatacted like a boss picking on the weak with a group of boys following himaround."
Zhang Siyi:“………" This… this summary. Hefeels like he should say something in He Chengtian's defense.
Gu Yu asked:“How come you met him?”
Zhang Siyi:“He was the eldest brother of my childhood playmate who lived next door.We were at a wedding of a girl we knew when we were kids."
Gu Yu: "Oh,then you are not one of his little brothers?”
Through thescreen, Zhang Siyi can feel the contemptible tone of Gu Yu and defensivelyrebuked: “I am not!”
Gu Yu:“Did you mention me? What did you say?"
Clearly, itis a simple question without ulterior motives, however, Zhang Siyi has thefeeling of being tortured. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. While he hesitatedon what to respond with, the phone suddenly rang with Gu Yu's call.
Zhang Siyihurriedly pressed the answer button, holding the phone he stammered: “You,why are you calling?”
Gu Yu's lowvoice came from the phone: "With all the necessary typing to explain, I figuredit would be easier to talk, so I called you instead."
Zhang Siyi: "……" (o////o)
Gu Yu's toneis playful: "You didn't say bad things about me again, did you?"
Zhang Siyiwas shaking: “No, no. He told me about your very good grades and that healways placed second in the exams. So, he's kind of…."
Gu Yu:“Bitter?”
Zhang Siyi:“Well, pretty much.”
Gu Yuchuckled and casually said: “There isn't really any difference between thoseat the top rankings, whether it was second, third, fourth place…. How can hestill be bothered by something that happened so long ago?"
Zhang Siyi:“……” What to do… As a good childhood friend, he supposed feelbothered by Gu Yu's attitude, but he doesn't. Ah!
Now serious,Gu Yu asked: “What else is going on? If you deliberately mention thisperson to me, then there must be something to tell me about."
Getting straight to the point, the pressure on Zhang Siyi builds. Especially because he heard Gu Yu hoarse voice ask him so directly.
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