Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 90

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 90: Inquiry
By his reluctance to agree, and lack of communication, Zhang Siyi thoughthis hints were enough for He Chengtian to understand his intentions. Zhang Siyididn't expect him to continue asking about the job proposal. On one hand, heliked the sincerity that He Chengtian offered, but on the other hand, it madeZhang Siyi feel more embarrassed. He really had to say it straight to his face!
“Brother Tian,” Zhang Siyi put down his chopsticks, “Thankyou for your invitation, but I've decided to continue to do architecturaldesign.”
"Why?” He Chengtian was very puzzled. The workload is a huge gap. Thesalary is so poor. Zhang Siyi choose the harder path. Is he stupid?
It's rare for Zhang Siyi to thoroughly explain his views so seriously. Helooked at He Chengtian in the eye: "For the same reasons I told you last time.I like to do architecture. I know my income would be lower than if I acceptedyour offer, but I am fulfilled everyday by working in a field that I like. Tobe honest, I spent many years in University studying architecture and I don'twant that time to go to waste. Although five years is not long compared to mylife time, it's a very important beginning for me. From when I was a childuntil now, my Father always said I was a three-minute person. It's only from mycurrent situation that I understand what he was referring to and now I think hewas quite right. An elder once told me, there is limited time in one's life andthere isn't much time to select a different path for oneself. I'm alreadytwenty-four. I can't act like a child and stop just because there is a hill infront of me. This isn't a small trifle. It is the first time I feel seriousabout something and want to pursue it. I want to grow in the field and make adifference and become a valuable person."
After speaking for a long time, Zhang Siyi sincere words transformed theatmosphere at the table from a cheerful one into a solemn one.
He Xueying had her chin leaning on her ten interlocked fingers whilelistening to Zhang Siyi. Recognizing his passion, she had a newfoundappreciation for him.
Now that she heard Zhang Siyi explanation, Gu Yao confusion with HeChengtian previous remarks were cleared. He wanted Zhang Siyi to change jobs.Looking at the earnest expression Zhang Siyi had, she understood why herbrother liked him. He and her brother and her father are in a separate class ofpeople.
Only He Chengtian was still frowning by the end of the speech. He was alsomoved by Zhang Siyi words however he had his own beliefs: "Maybe you are still tooyoung to know that society can be very cruel. Many classmates of mine expressedtheir dreams just like you, but in the face of hardships, they crumbled. Fewpeople can persist in their ideal career. In the end, everyone chose to getrich." He Chentian sighed. Waving his hand, he said: "Since you have told meso, I understand you have made up your mind. I encouraged you to change jobsbut I see that it won't happen."
Zhang Siyi is afraid his rejection will leave some friction between them.He hurriedly added: "I know that you have my best interest at heart. For so manyyears, you have not forgotten me. You think that I don't know what this opportunitymeans, but I'm very honored for that offer. Perhaps after struggling for anothertwo years, I will regret my decision. When I come crawling back to your door,please remember to give me a bite to eat."
Being somewhat subdued, He Chengtian smiled at him.
An hour before the movie starts, they left the restaurant and the four ofthem decided to stop at the café near the cinema. Not ten minutes later, Gu Yuarrived. He was wearing an unbuttoned beige trench coat that Zhang Siyi hasnever seen before and a black cashmere sweater as well as snug fitting darkjeans with shiny, black wingtip shoes. He looked like a runway model; stylishand handsome.
Gu Yu looked around the café and saw them at a table then slowly walkedover. Gu Yao spotted him, stood up and beckoned: "Brother, over here!"
His calm, cool, and collected approach attracted the attention of othersnear him. Zhang Siyi was watching him intently. Feeling dumbfounded, he neverknew a man could be so attractive and sexy. His brain went blank. His heart, hedidn't know he had a heart! Since breaking through the psychological barrier oftwo men being together, the feelings Zhang Siyi had for Gu Yu intensified.
He Chengtian also recognized Gu Yu the moment he entered the café. Hedoesn't need a good memory to remember the person who crushed him for threeyears in high school not only in academics but also as the high school idol. Hefelt the plethora of mixed emotions wash through him with a multitude of expressionsto show for it; from horror to disbelief to composure and at the end to chokeout the words: "This is……. Your brother!?"
Gu Yao smiled and said: “Yes. Let me introduceyou to him. My brother's name is Gu Yu.”
In the heart of He Chengtian existed a luxurious grassfield, swaying in the gentle breeze, illuminated by the glow of a warm sun;both perfect and peaceful. However, now the ground was muddy, pitted and ruinedas there was a stampede of horses galloping through his majestic field. Hecould only hold onto a lone tree still standing with all his might. Shit! Whydoes Gu Yao's brother have to be Gu Yu!!! (╯‵皿’)╯(┻━┻
Gu Yu's eyes swept over everyone and paused atZhang Siyi's dazed expression for a moment then turned towards He Chengtian'sbody. He generously reached out and smiled: "No need to introduce, I know him.He Chengtian, isn't it?"
Puzzled, Gu Yao didn't move: “What? How doyou know him?”
Not wanting to look any longer, Zhang Siyiquietly raised his hand to cover his eyes.
Relaxing his furrowed brows and maintaining hisown dignity, He Chengtian stood up to shake hands with Gu Yu: "Yes is it. Ididn't expect to meet you here."
Gu Yu's appearance has captivated He Xueyingattention. She asked: "Brother, who is this? How do you know him?"
He Chengtian couldn't control his twitchingfacial muscles. He forced a smile: "High School classmates."
Gu Yu pulleda chair from the neighboring table over and sat down. He looked straight atZhang Siyi and asked: "Help buy a cup of coffee and a latte for me."
Zhang Siyi:“…ok.”
Zhang Siyigot up and walked toward the bar to order the two requested drinks. He pulledout his wallet before he reacted. His sister was present, so why didn't he askher? Zhang Siyi went to get the drinks without question like a hypnotizedperson!
Although hedoesn't know why he reacted without thought, he felt extremely happy. This typeof intimate request and response can only be freely asked by someone with aspecial relationship. (&////&)
With a happyface, Zhang Siyi leaned on the bar waiting for Gu Yu's coffee. When the coffeewas ready, he took it back carefully and put it in front of Gu Yu.
Gu Yu seemedanxious to hold the cup: "Thank You." As he reached out to take it, Zhang Siyididn't have the opportunity to retract his hand. As their skin touched, a cold,hot feeling burst through Zhang Siyi like electricity. His fingersunconsciously flinched…. How…. what happened.… with one single touch, ZhangSiyi felt like he was going to burn up.
Oh my God!This is a terrible predicament. He wanted to escape from Gu Yu presence…….(o////o)
During thetime it took Zhang Siyi to buy coffee, Gu Yu and He Chengtian madeintroductions and explained their history. Neither of them expected to have asister and neither of the sisters would have guessed their brother were highschool classmates. The world really is small!
When theonly person that connected everyone together came back, he was very nervous,but seeing everyone getting along, he felt somewhat relieved. During theirdiscussion, He Xueying learned that Gu Yu is Zhang Siyi's boss.
Gu Yu's abilityto direct the flow of conversation is excellent. The stable and harmoniousatmosphere is opposite of Zhang Siyi's imagination. The only tension he coulddetect was the unconscious shaking movement that He Chengtian's heel was doingthat highlighted his anxiety and depression as he was looking back and forthbetween Gu Yu and Gu Yao. He Chengtian rubbed his forehead. Why must her brother be Gu Yu!
Since themovie is starting soon, the issue of tickets and seating came up again. Farapart from one another, there was a set of three tickets in the front and twotickets in the left rear. Who’s sitting with whom?
As the dayinitially was He Xueying's invitation with Zhang Siyi, normally it would seemhe and his childhood friends would sit together and a brother and sister pairshould sit together. However, Gu Yao created this opportunity for her brotherand He Chentian was watching Gu Yao with obvious intentions. Coincidentally,the two of them came up with the same idea…. Draw Tickets!
Gu Yucasually said: "I'll hold them." He held the five tickets out, and in a circle,everyone picked. Gu Yu took the last ticket. At the end of the draw, everyoneshowed their tickets at the same time. He Xueying and Gu Yao took the rear seatpairing and Zhang Siyi and He Chengtian draw seats in the front.
HeChengtian: “…” (=皿=)
He Xueying:“…” (=_=)
Zhang Siyi:“…” (=///=)
Gu Yao:“…” (=w=)
Knowing histicket was one of the groups located in front, Gu Yu glanced at the middle positionof the three and calmly said: “Let's go in.”
When theywere entering the theater, He Chengtian followed his sister inside and reachedfor her arm then whispered to her: "Here, change your ticket with mine."
He Xueyingturned a blind eye: ” Are you still afraid that your purpose is notobvious enough? Such resolute actions will scare the little girl away. Bepatient!"
This personwas certainly not his own sister! He Chengtian grumbled about her unwillingnessto help him.
Inside thetheater the girls sat down in the back row while the three men walked forwardto find their seats. Almost everyone in the theater were either couples orchaperones accompanying little girls. The three men together walking throughthe theater and sitting down in a row attracted a bunch of curious eyes.
HeChengtian: "……" Why did I go out today? How did he get into this mess? Whyis he sitting with two other guys watching “Cinderella”? And one ofthem was his most hated nemesis in high school? (O..o)
Zhang Siyi: "……"What happened to dating two girls? Why has it become a date with two men?(o..o)
After Gu Yusat down, he took off his coat and put it on his hand. Before the moviestarted, there was a ten-minute preview with many commercials. The three men staredat the screen with no expressions, until the last half-minute of the previews.Gu Yu tactically said: "He Chengtian, I heard from Siyi that you wanted him tobecome your assistant."
HeChengtian: “…”
After 10seconds, Gu Yu looked at Zhang Siyi and smiled: “You won't go,right?”
Zhang Siyi: “…” The advertisement ended and the lights in the house were dimmed to black. The permit for the release license appeared in the middle of the screen followed by the opening of Disney's title. Looking intently at the screen in anticipation for the start of the film, the audience calmed down. Even if He Chengtian and Zhang Siyi wanted to say something, they couldn't.
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