Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 101

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 101: Entrust
Since FuXinhui personally came to ask Zhang for help, it shows him how much faith andtrust Fu Xinhui had for Zhang Siyi. No matter what personal feelings Zhang Siyihad for the dog, his only choice was to help his friend and say yes.
When therealization of being alone settled in his mind, Zhang Siyi went through aseries of complex emotions. Three years doesn't sound like a lot, but who knowwhat will happen in the future. He could be tied to the stupid dog for the nextfifteen years! …… Aaaaaahhhhh!
Zhang Siyisuggested: "Do you want to get together with Jian Hai before you go and tellhim about going abroad? “
Fu Xinhuishook his head no: "If I tell him, he will inevitable ask about my familyaffairs, and although we are classmates, his relationship with me isn't thesame as mine is towards you. "
Zhang Siyican understand. Fu Xinhui doesn't want to air out his dirty laundry and heprobably doesn't want any sympathy from others.
Fu Xinhuicontinued: "And besides, everyone is very busy. We have not gathered for a longtime. If here is anything to talk about, we can use WeChat. It's not necessaryto talk in person."
Zhang Siyiwanted to refute, but when he thought about it, what Fu Xinhui said was true.
The smallgroup of friends became acquainted with one another through their time atUniversity studying architecture abroad. Even though they were very close inthe past, when they returned to China, the number of times they all mettogether was less than three. It's not like they aren't friends anymore, buteveryone had their own life to live so naturally people have drifted apart.What Jiang Hai said months ago about gathering less in the future because ofeveryone's busy schedule, Zhang Siyi didn't know how prophetic the words wouldbe.
Zhang Siyimentioned the Turtle Club and joked with Fu Xinhui: "How did your rent-boyduties turn out? Did you find the experience worth it?"
Fu Xinhuilaughed out loud: “I went a few times before my family's financial problems.I met a friend who studied abroad in Australia. I also contacted her and askedher questions about the University situation there."
Zhang Siyi:“Oh? Well, that is something at least. I was worried you were beingcheated!”
Fu Xinhuismiled and poured more wine. He said: “I didn't spend a lot of time there.My conversations at the club were all superficial. Even if I wanted more, Iwasn't able to give more.
Zhang Siyi:“What do you mean?
Fu Xinhui:“I went twice and both times, every person I met asked me what I did. Ihad nothing to respond with so I told people I was learning architecture. Eventhough that is what I said, I still didn't feel connected to the industry. It'slike architecture was only part of my imagination."
Zhang Siyinodded and remembered the time Gu Yu asked Fu Xinhui the same question andasked why he didn't work and Fu Xinhui didn't have much of a reason to respondwith.
Fu Xinhui:"Before, I thought networking with people was most important, but now I don'tfeel that way. What is most important is my own strength because strength isthe capital to make friends. If you don't prove your worth, people aren't goingto care about you."
Whilesipping his wine, Zhang Si Yi listened attentively and he was quite touched.
After a longtime, Fu Xinhui casually asked Zhang Siyi how he had been doing recently.
Thinkingabout the emotional turmoil he feels because of Gu Yu, he had a sudden impulseto tell his secret to his best friend.
He opened hemouth to say something then hesitated……….
His mindflash through his recent thoughts about Gu Yu's current attitude and Tao Fei'sappearance at work. He wasn't sure if Gu Yu liked men, let alone whether or nothe could be with him. Unlike talking about a man’s romantic feelings for a woman,it isn't an easy topic to confide in with a friend. It could very well be onlyZhang Siyi's secret love and with the time, the rising and falling tide in hisheart could subside and be calm. At that time, he could just pretend like itnever happened. But once he said it, no matter whom he said it to, it meantthat he was out of the closet and he could never go back.
…..….. As hewas about to say something, Zhang Siyi furrowed his brows slightly. He smiledand said: "I am doing good. Everything is basically the same."
Fu Xinhuinodded, and the conversation of the two men turned to other topics.
The twofriends chatted for the whole night filling their stomachs with wine and food.When the meat was finished and the side dishes were empty, as if they couldsense each other's sad feelings, they stopped using their chopsticks at thesame time. This is the last opportunity they could eat together for a long time.
At eleveno'clock, they scrambled to get up and pay. Out of habit, Fu Xinhui stoppedZhang Siyi: “I'll pay!”
Zhang Siyialso stopped him and said: ” Will you stop trying to be a hero in front ofme? I can handle a hot pot!"
The two ofthem wrestled over who will get to pay, but eventually Zhang Siyi swiped hiscard through the machine first, robbing Fu Xinhui of his opportunity to pay.
Aftersettling the account, they stumbled out of the restaurant and knowing it wasthe last few minutes together, they had each other arms around their shoulders,huddling close together in front of the shop to wait for a taxi.
Through theglass window, the waitress could see them help each other with their coats andsupported one another while waiting for a taxi. She could no longer bear thesight and turned grumbling to herself: – Whycan't I find a good man!?
Fu Xinhuisaid: “I'll entrust Cheer-Up to you…”
Zhang Siyi:“…”
With hishand, Zhang Siyi gave his shoulder a squeeze: "Don't worry. When you come backyou will be able to see your dog alive and well!"
Fu Xinhui'svoice is a little hoarse: “Brother, you take care!”
With redeyes, Zhang Siyi also said: “Brother, you take care!”
When theboth taxis arrived, Zhang Siyi quickly took out his mobile phone and snapped a selfiewith Fu Xinhui under the dim streetlight. Then he watched Fu Xinhui get in acar and leave.
When ZhangSiyi arrived at home, he was feeling lost. Zhang Siyi looked at the carefreedog then picked up his phone and took a picture.
Although heset his self-prescribed status to 'closed' for, for the sake of his bestfriend, he opened WeChat and posted to his social media.
“HeartlessHan, don't worry! I will take good care of your son! I I'll be waiting for yourreturn!" [Heart]
There aretwo photos below the text, one is the selfie with Fu Xinhui, and the other is thestupid dog.
Afterhitting the post button, he turned to his history since it had been five dayssince he looked at his social media page. There were countless people praisinghis 'closed' state. Out of the many, he noticed Gu Yu's icon. Wow, for thefirst time, even Gu Yu posted a compliment in his circle of friends! His Motheralso sent a thumbs up.
Looking overhis history, he is noticing the 'new' button being continually highlighted asnew information is being added to the top of the page. It rose to more then 30 postsin just two minutes!
Zhang Siyithought angrily: – Do these people havenothing better to do then look at their mobile phones every minute? What thefuck!
What ZhangSiyi failed to realized was, the location he uploaded his recent post to andthe fact that he also, was a member of the group.
Ren Meng:“If you are going to say you aren't gay, I will be first to say that I don'tbelieve it! [Mocking]
Jiang Hai:“I don’t believe it either!" [Wiping perspiration]
Tian Yujing:“+10086! [Heart] [smirking]”
Su Yuan:“Oh My God. You have a son! You didn't really develop feelings?" [Wipingperspiration]"
Xue Wenhan:“Hey you two. It’s really easy to make people think you are gay.”
Zhang Siyiwas so pissed off that he wanted to pick up his phone and smash it. They areonly there to tease and comment on his photo. Why is no one asking where Fu Xinhuiis going? Does anyone care?
Aside fromhis closer friends, there was a mass of comments below, all of which wanted toexpress their opinions whether they were good or bad.
UK Universitystudent: “I suspected that you were a pair, but I didn't know it was true.In short, bless you.”
High schoolclassmate: “This is … Zhang Siyi, are you gay?" [Terrified]
Junior-highschool classmate: “According to the picture, I can now visualize thecharacters in my romance slash novel. [Smile]”
"……"Fuck you! (╯‵口’)╯(┻━┻
Zhang Siyicouldn’t help but reply in the public screen: “We are just pure friends!Brotherly love! Don’t misunderstand!!!”
Even afterhis message, there were a few more jokes and replies expressing doubts belowhis own. Zhang Siyi collapsed on the sofa and decided he wasn't going to care.He sighed and grabbed his phone to turn it off, but instead, he was shocked tofind Gu Yu's message. The tone was very different then what Gu Yu normallyposts to his social media page.
Gu Yu:“If you don't want others to misunderstand then you should only send the informationfor him to see.”
Seeing GuYu's message, Zhang Siyi sprung up out of the sofa and stiffly sat up straight.Deep in thought, intently concentrating, Zhang Siyi contemplated the message hewas going to respond with. Another message notification popped up……
Gu Yu:“In addition, I thought you were closed. It’s only been five days. Did youfinished drawing the blueprints?”
Zhang Siyi:“……”
Gu Yu reallyis Gu Yu. No matter what. Gu Yu doesn't forget to stab him with a needle!
Feelingdepressed, Zhang Siyi pretended he didn't see Gu Yu's message so he didn'treply.
Checking thechat history again, many people sent private messages. Now, there wasn't ashortage of inquiries looking for information about Fu Xinhui. Zhang Siyireplied to their closer acquaintances about Fu Xinhui plans to go abroad.
Anotherdialog box popped up. This time, it was He Xueying. Zhang Siyi opened thewindow and read her message. He would never have imagines what she asked: "Isthe person in your circle of friends named Fu Xinhui?"
Zhang Siyiwas surprised: “How do you know him?"
He Xueying:“I met him at a party and exchanged contact information.”
Knowing whattype of financial background, she had, in addition to the information that FuXinhui said earlier about meeting someone who had been to Australia……Is shethe friend that he met? When Zhang Siyi asked, He Xueying confirmed his guess.
Once again,the world was so small. From her brother, He Chengtian meeting his classmate,Gu Yu, and then with He Xueying meeting Fu Xinhui, coincidences are everywhere.
Now that HeXueying knew Zhang Siyi was friends with Fu Xinhui, she asked him about FuXinhui's current travel status. Additionally, since she had been in Australiabefore, Zhang Siyi entrusted He Xueying with helping Fu Xinhui understand Australiancustoms and introduce him to friends.
Afterdealing with the entire list of social media postings, Zhang Siyi thought aboutthe two sentences that Gu Yu wrote to him. He was his boss speaking to hissubordinate, nothing more.
With mixedemotions, Zhang Siyi reluctantly sent a private reply to Gu Yu: "I overlookedmy closed status because my best friend is leaving."
Looking at the large living room, Zhang Siyi felt the weight of all his worries on his shoulders. In addition to his unrequited love, he now has twenty days to pack and move with a dog. Thinking about the large task in front of him, Zhang Siyi felt even more depressed.
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