Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 105.5

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 105 extra: [Small Theater] 005: First Love Article – Gu Yu
Gu Yu doesn'tknow when it happened, but now, he habitually checked up on Zhang Siyi socialmedia page every night at bed time. Since Zhang Siyi posted a 'closed' status,he was not expecting any news on Zhang Siyi's home page. Gu Yu was verysurprised to see the new post:
“HeartlessHan, don't worry! I will take good care of your son! I I'll be waiting for yourreturn!" [Heart]
Seeing sucha note, Gu Yu suddenly sat stiff. With the two photos and the caption, does itreally not lead to misunderstandings?
AlthoughZhang Siyi has personally denied any type of intimate relationship with FuXinhui, Gu Yu couldn't help but feel jealous.
In ZhangSiyi mind, will Gu Yu only have a professional relationship as his Boss?
Maybe ZhangSiyi used his photo simply because of the artistry of the photograph and nothis image?
…… Am I being toofull of it?
It was onlywhen Zhang Siyi posted another message, "We are just pure friends! Brotherly love! Don’tmisunderstand!!!” did Gu Yu feel relieved. At the same time, he also felt annoyedbecause of how much his mood could be swayed by Zhang Siyi words. He impulsivelytexted Zhang Siyi back.
Gu Yu:“If you don't want others to misunderstand then you should only send the informationfor him to see.”
Afterwards,he felt that his message revealed too much of his inner turmoil so he quicklyfollowed up with another message to deflect Zhang Siyi attention.
It wasn't untilthirty minutes later that Zhang Siyi messaged back.
Zhang Siyi:"I overlooked my closedstatus because my best friend is leaving."
Gu Yu:“Where is he going?”
Zhang Siyi:“He’s going abroad.”
With hisheart pounding in his chest, Gu Yu's replied: “So, what are your plans? Areyou ready to move?”
Zhang Siyi:"I have until the end of the month."
Gu Yu: "Areyou going to find a roommate?"
Unlike hisusual self, Gu Yu impulsively offered: "If you don't mind, mo……"
As he wastyping his message, Zhang Siyi sent another message, interrupting him: “SinceI have the dog, I am not sure if I will be able to find a roommate so I'llprobably just find an apartment for myself."
Looking at ZhangSiyi's text, feeling embarrassed, Gu Yu deleted his half-typed message.
After along time, he sighed. Although he was in a bad mood, he held onto a glimmer ofhope: "If there are any difficulties, you can tell me."
If ZhangSiyi really likes him, he shouldn’t be able to refuse his help, right?
However, inthe next few days, Zhang Siyi did not ask for him at all. Not only that, ZhangSiyi was working hard everyday independently. Not only was he drawingdiligently without the need of outside help, he was also looking for a place tolive.
Gu Yu wasalways paying attention to him. Witnessing his behavior, the last few days madehim feel like perhaps, being liked was all just in his head.
– Even at timeslike this, Zhang Siyi doesn't need me.
Gu Yu wantedto invite Zhang Siyi out to lunch so he could ask him about his current situation,but he was never at his desk. At one point, he used the internal communicationsoftware to send him a message. He was trying to arrange a time when he and TaoFei could get together to chat, but Zhang Siyi said: "I will be out looking foran apartment."
Once,twice, three times. Gu Yu tried, but then gave up.
When heasked Zhang Siyi about his work progress, he would always give a perfunctorily curtresponse: "Still drawing." He understood that Zhang Siyi was very busy lookingfor a house, so perhaps there wasn't much progress with his work and sincethere wasn't a rush, he didn't press Zhang Siyi further.
Afterhearing from Secretary Wang in the morning about the project's cancelation, GuYu called Zhang Siyi into his office with a heavy heart.
To hissurprise, Zhang Siyi actually finished all of the blueprints with the help ofDu Rui.
Gu Yu wasvery angry: “You have drawn to this point? Why didn’t you show it to mebefore?”
He cannotunderstand why Zhang Siyi didn't ask for his help.
…… Why does he want to do everything alone?
…… Do I mean nothing?
Although hedoesn't like to mix his personal business with work, Gu Yu couldn't help butdirectly ask: “Have you been avoiding me lately?"
Gu Yudoesn’t understand what has made Zhang Siyi act like this.
Could it bethat Zhang Siyi reacted to his liking for the same sex and felt repulsed, so hedeliberately kept his distance?
When peoplelose hope, they are prone to desperate thoughts and Gu Yu is no exception.
He took adeep breath to help calm himself down. First, he announced the suspension ofthe project to Zhang Siyi. Although he was just as uncomfortable at the momentas Zhang Siyi was, Gu Yu choose to comfort him first. When he heard Zhang Siyisay he wanted to be alone, Gu Yu let him go home to rest.
…… I was worriedabout him. At night I called Zhang Siyi, but I couldn't get through.
…… I sent chatmessages and not one reply.
Gu Yu feltshocked when he learned Zhang Siyi hadn't shown up all morning. Gu Yu felt likehe went into a dark labyrinth, meandering aimlessly without an exit in sight.
Spring didn'tcome.
Winter camefirst.
Gu Yu hadto go find Zhang Siyi. Showing up at his door, he wouldn't leave until he hadthe chance to talk to Zhang Siyi openly. No matter what the answer was, Gu Yucouldn’t continue to be patient.
However, he didn’t expect Zhang Siyi to actually say he would quit.
At thatmoment, Gu Yu completely lost all his composure and wit. Negative feelings of frustration,disappointment, and anger welled up inside, but the most frightening feeling,was the panic he felt at the idea he was going to lose him.
… “Are you serious?” When he heard his trembling voice, he didn't want to reveal how fragile he really was. His world was about to collapse. Instead, Gu Yu used all of the negative energy he had inside to prop himself up then he lashed out.
It turns out that Zhang Siyi's so-called love is so vulnerable.
Yes. As GuYu likes Zhang Siyi, he wants Zhang Siyi's attention, but in a flash, Gu Yu hasbecome nothing to Zhang Siyi but a passer-by.
Gu Yu paused and lowered his voice: "You are very disappointing."
[End of 005]
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