Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 134

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 134: Protocol
Even in theonslaught of Zhang Siyi questions, Gu Yu remained silent. Gu Yu wouldn't saywhen he got sick, or why he wasn't willing to tell him. Worried over Gu Yu'shealth and feeling anxious, Zhang Siyi pressed down Gu Yu's shoulders anddemanded an answer: "Don't you care about me?"
Gu Yu froze.He was reluctant to speak: “I don't have …”
With tearsswelling up in the corner of his eyes, Zhang Siyi was so angry that he wantedto throttle him. He sternly questioned: “Why didn’t you tell me? Am I notyour boyfriend?”
HearingZhang Siyi passionate tone, Gu Yu felt touched. He looked at Zhang Siyi like itwas the first time meeting him. After a moment of silence, Gu Yu admitted:“It has been three or four days. At first, I only had a slight sorethroat. I thought it would go away soon, so I didn't care about it too much. I thinkI overestimated my resistance.”
Zhang Siyi:“……” Three or four days? God! He never even found out! Was he toocareless, or did Gu Yu disguised it too well?
Indeed, becauseof their fight, Zhang Siyi hasn't spoken to Gu Yu these days and as a result, hedidn't discover Gu Yu's abnormality. Thinking it might be partially his faultfor Gu Yu's illness because he hadn't been home at night to keep each otherwarm, Zhang Siyi was dying of guilt. Even though he wasn't the sick person, hewanted to cry.
Sometimes,those who were accustomed to putting up a strong front, will forget how toexpress their fragility. Gu Yu is no exception. Until now, he continued topresent a calm façade and controlled appearance. Gu Yu paused then raised hishand to touch Zhang Siyi’s head. Comforting Zhang Siyi, he said: "I didn't tellyou because I didn't want you to worry. Small colds will resolve itself in acouple of days without a fuss."
Faced withthe facts before him, Zhang Siyi was distressed and wanted to punish himself. Inretrospect, Zhang Siyi regretted his absence. Would it have been so bad to gohome for one of the nights and sleep? He would have been able to help Gu Yuearlier. Zhang Siyi felt like he was the one that tortured Gu Yu.
“I’msorry! It’s all my fault!” Zhang Siyi put the blame on himself. He grabbedGu’s hand and caressed his face, repenting: “I’ll never stay overnight inthe company again. I’ll come home to sleep with you every day.”
Thinking thereason Gu Yu was angry was because of this, he did not expect Gu Yu to shakehis head and say: "I'm not angry with this…… I'm angry at you……" He endedhis speech abruptly as if he didn't know what to say.
Zhang Siyiclung to his hand and asked: “Why are you angry with me? Just tell me! Ah!”
He sighed,and looked Zhang Siyi in the eye: "It's because of what you said to me: Don't mindme. Go on ahead without me."
In the past,when employees volunteered to work overtime, Gu Yu was very pleased. Since theywere both adult men, they didn't need special care at night like women normallywould. Nevertheless, now it is different. It is the first time Gu Yu felt acontradiction in maintaining a divide between work life and private life. SinceZhang Siyi is both a subordinate and a lover, Gu Yu wanted him to succeed as anarchitect, but at the same time, the more Zhang Siyi progressed with his work,the less time Zhang Siyi had to spend with Gu Yu at home.
Gu Yu knewthat Zhang Siyi was working on an important project, so he changed his ownschedule around to facilitate Zhang Siyi work. Gu Yu woke up early to walk thedog and then make breakfast for him. Also, he waited in his office for ZhangSiyi to finish his work in the evenings so they can ride home together. Gu Yuhoped by doing these little things for Zhang Siyi, Zhang Siyi would have morefree time to spend with him.
However,when he heard Zhang Siyi say, 'Don't mind me' he felt like his efforts weren't acknowledgedand the life he worked hard to create was rejected by Zhang Siyi.
He tried topersuade himself to behave like a rational adult, but he couldn't stop himselffrom becoming angry. He was also angry at himself for getting angry at ZhangSiyi's statement which made him feel like things were out of his control andthus, he didn't know how to cope. Therefore, the only solution he could thinkof was to set all his feeling aside and wait until Zhang Siyi finished workingon the project.
Nevertheless,he still waited every night for Zhang Siyi to return home. Even if it wasfoolish, he left his door open incase Zhang Siyi would remember there wassomeone waiting for him at home.
Zhang Siyireally felt stupid. He didn't think Gu Yu would be angry over what he said.Previously, Zhang Siyi was only thinking in one direction 'I work hard, but youare still angry'. Thinking back to the moment in Gu Yu's office, he did changeafter their dispute and now that he can see the issue from another angle, ZhangSiyi realized his remark was rather hurtful.
Quickly,Zhang Siyi wanted to smooth things over and explained: "I didn't mean anythingby what I said. I know that your time is valuable and since you alreadyadjusted your schedule to walk the dog, I felt sorry about it. I thought I washelping you by letting you go home early without me.
Reaching outto Zhang Siyi, Gu Yu caressed his face and said: "Siyi, at work, unless I'mpersonally responsible for a project, I rarely stay with employees to workovertime. I stayed late with you only because you are my boyfriend."
Zhang Siyi:“……”
Feeling self-conscience,Gu Yu paused: “Of course, no matter how late it is, I am willing to staywith you because it is something I want to do from the bottom of my heart. Atyour request and my denial to stay, I just assumed you would also make a littleconcession for me. Even if it was just for another hour or two, if the subwaywasn't running, we could take a taxi home together. I'm very glad to see you working so hard."
“I’msorry! I’m sorry …” Zhang Siyi pleaded feeling both guilty yet warm. Alwaysmisunderstanding Gu Yu, how can he be such a complete idiot?"
Covering ZhangSiyi's mouth with his hand, Gu Yu stopped him from apologizing: "I was alsowrong. I'm used to being strict in the company and treated you as an employeeinstead of listening. I didn't have theright words to say, I just…. I want to spend more time with you."
With moistureaccumulating in his eyes, Zhang Siyi was moved to tears. Who said the wordsaren't right? If those aren't 'the rightwords to say', then what is?
Having both theirminds and souls connected, the two of them watched each other with affection thansuddenly burst out in laughter at the same time.
Well, if thetwo had been able to patiently explain and communicate better from the start, theywould not have gone through such a torturous period for so many days later.
Leaningover, Zhang Siyi laid down on Gu Yu's body a wrapped his limbs around him likea koala bear and whispered in his ear: "Can we avoid a cold war in the future? Sometimes,I just don't understand so if there is something wrong, you have to tell medirectly, and explain it. Ok? Ignoring me the last few days has been liketorture."
Gu Yu caressedhis back: “Ok.” Now, he will be able to recover fully and feel goodabout their future.
Teasing, ZhangSiyi innocently asked: “Who continues the war and who is the puppy?"
Gu Yu:“……”
Zhang Siyi:“Why don’t you Talk?”
Gu Yu:“Hmm … Good."
Acting poutyand petulant, Zhang Siyi quietly said: “I missed you very much! Although I'vebeen very busy, I can't stop thinking about you. I've always wanted to talk withyou, but we were in a cold war and you were ignoring me so I was angry. I alsowanted to show you my progress and designs. Even Tao Fei complimented me."
With obviousflirtatious movements and inviting tone, pressing his body closer to Gu Yu, ZhangSiyi was eager for Gu Yu's praise: "Okay, you are great."
Zhang Siyi: "……"Why does his perfunctory comment sound so pretentious?
Gu Yu pattedZhang Siyi’s ass and said: “You should come down first. I am being crushedto death….” Since Gu Yu was weak from illness, the one-hundred-forty-poundsof youth crushed him. His desire to hold onto Zhang Siyi was fruitless.
Zhang Siyihurriedly got up and nervously asked: “Are you taking your medicine?”
Gu Yu:“Rest assured, I know to take care of myself…… It is you I have toworry about. Hurry and get into bed with me. Go wash your face and brush yourteeth. I almost choked to death by your bad breath."
Zhang Siyi: “……” Ah, hell! Moved for only three minutes! This bastard let me feel so warm for a while only to let me die!
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