Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 271: Work...

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Since it was almost time for lunch, Vahn headed toward the kitchen where he came across Milan, Tina, Emiru, and Maemi preparing lunch for everyone. They each noticed his presence and Vahn just smiled and nodded before walking over and saying, "Let me help out today." Tina had the briefest hint of a forlorn look in her eyes so Vahn just casually reached out and gently stroked her head across the ears once with a subtle amount of calming energy in his palm. She tilted her head with his movement and pepped up a little bit as Vahn grabbed some vegetables and started skillfully dicing them up.Milan gave him a gentle smile and began cleaning the other veggies before placing them in a pile for Vahn to dice. Vahn swiped over the diced bits toward Tina and she began to neatly arrange them into portions for each meal. Emiru and Maemi had been watching from the side while peeling potatoes and had somewhat envious expressions when they saw Vahn ’pet’ Tina. They had heard a little bit about his ’prowess’ and were very curious about if the rumors were true. However, it was very difficult for them to approach Vahn because he didn’t express any direct interest in them after their arrival. They had some mild expectations on the first night and even hoped that Vahn would visit them in their quarters.Ever since he saved them, the twins had some mild delusions about living happily alongside the kind and handsome boy that saved them. Though they hadn’t mentioned it, both girls had actually dreamed of moving to the City to escape the monotony of their tribe. They thought their greatest chance at happiness would be to find a rich and handsome boy and become his maidservants. Even if they couldn’t become his wife, they thought they had an advantage since they were twins and could serve the same man together.Now that Vahn continually showed them kindness and even gave them a large allowance to purchase clothing, both girls were wondering what they could do to close the distance between him. Since he obviously had a number of women, they were hard-pressed to come up with ideas to draw his affections. Though they didn’t discredit their own looks, Vahn was even involved with actual goddesses and wasn’t someone they could easily approach with their background. There was also the matter of their ’senior’ named Fenrir who seemed like she might legitimately ’devour’ them if they stepped out of line. Whenever they saw her glowing, scarlet, eyes, both girls felt a primal fear inside of them and couldn’t help but back down even though she seemed much younger than them.After the five prepared lunch, they took it out to everyone that had been waiting inside the dining room. The order had changed up a bit and Haruhime had swapped seats with where Ryuu sat earlier. Hestia still had the spot to his right and Vahn noticed that Preasia had perpetually claimed the spot directly across from him. Since her affection had slowly been building up, Vahn knew she had some kind of ’thoughts’ about him but he decided not to worry about the future and just live in the present. There were too many matters on his plate to worry about how he would deal with another girl and Vahn realized it wasn’t actually a bad problem to have in the first place. He would simply lay down the same guidelines as he had for Haruhime, Lili, and other girls and let nature takes its course.During lunch, the girls talked about everything they had bought and Vahn, as casually as possible, glanced over to confirm that Haruhime was actually wearing panties now. She stuck close to his body and like to wrap her tail around his waist but retained most of her elegance and continued to each lunch while making polite conversation. Vahn noticed that Hestia seemed to be acting a little strange but she refused to answer when he asked if anything was wrong. Instead, she gave a strange sounding laughter and muttered something under her breath that he couldn’t hear.Of course, this didn’t stop Hestia from leaning into him a bit and periodically asking Vahn to feed her bits of food. Their small actions drew the attention of everyone at the table, but nobody asked him to feed them as well. Even Fenrir, the person some might expect to ask to be fed, was already being fed by Milan from the outset. She couldn’t hold utensils with her paws and almost always ate food offered to her by other people since her table manners were rather lacking. When Milan and Tina weren’t around, it usually fell to Vahn to tend to her during meal times.After lunch was beginning to wrap up, Ryuu looked over and asked, "Vahn, what do you have planned for this afternoon?" Vahn was curious about what Ryuu wanted and didn’t actually have anything planned at present so he said, "I hadn’t decided yet so I’m open to suggestions if there is something on your mind." Even though he had been talking to Ryuu, Vahn noticed a strange reaction from most of the girls that made him squint his eyes slightly in curiosity.Ryuu nodded her head and said, "I discussed the matter with Hestia previously, but I’d recommend you update and check everyone’s Status Board within the Familia. If you have the ability to identify hidden skills, the sooner we learn everyone’s hidden potential, the better it will be in the future. I’d also like you to chest my Status Board if possible so I can change my training methods accordingly."Vahn’s brows raised slightly and he seriously considered Ryuu’s words. He had told both her and Hestia about Haruhime’s hidden Innate abilities and expressed they needed to be kept a secret from the wielder or it would be harder to awaken them in the future. Even if he couldn’t tell the girls themselves what hidden skill they might have, Ryuu would be able to help guide them in the future. As for Ryuu herself, she placed a lot of trust in him, so Vahn would be able to help guide her along the correct path even without revealing anything. Since Vahn was very interested, especially in any characters related to the original plot, he decided to agree without offering any form of argument.Though there weren’t any outcries, Vahn noticed a shift in the atmosphere of the room and Preasia had actually turned her eyes away from him and was staring at Hestia. Realizing what she must be thinking, Vahn stated seriously, "Preasia, you don’t have to worry about joining the Familia or anything so soon. Focus on your recovery for the time being and don’t let any feelings of fear and insecurity guide your decisions. You’ll be able to stay here for as long as you wish so please consider everything seriously..." When he started talking to her, Preasia turned her attention back to Vahn before eventually nodding her head and saying, " say so..."Tina had also seemed like she wanted to volunteer to join the Familia based on the momentum, but decided to keep her words to herself after she heard Vahn’s words to Preasia. Milan noticed her actions and gently patted her head before whispering, "Don’t worry, we’ll be able to visit more often in the future. Until you’re older, there isn’t any benefit to getting the crest since you can’t enter the dungeon yet. Vahn also wants you to enjoy your youth a bit, so take it slow and have more fun." Tina nodded her head in response and finished up the rest of her food before everyone started cleaning up.Since it was a good opportunity, Vahn actually gave measuring tapes to Milan, Emiru, Maemi, and Haruhime. Though the girls gave him strange looks, Vahn explained that he needed everyone’s measurements for if he was going to make armor for everyone in the future. He could have taken the measurements himself, but Vahn left the work to the experienced hands that knew a bit of knowledge regarding tailoring and sewing.While they were busy recording everyone’s measurements, Vahn waited in a room with Hestia and Preasia as they waited for the girls to come in one at a time and have their Status Boards checked. To make matters easier, with the exception of Mikoto, all of the girls had changed into small black dresses that were very cute, but also completely open at the back. Vahn thought it was suitable until he noticed there wasn’t actually an opening for their tails and he got the briefest glimpses of the undergarments contained within.Since the twins had matching figures, only one of them needed to record their measurements which left Maemi to be the first girl to get her Status Board checked. She was also the girl that casually flashed her panties to Vahn before she sat down on the stool in front of him. He could see her tail slowly move from side to side and she was very obviously trying to appeal to him. Since Vahn decided not to get wrapped up in the momentum of girls so easily, before Hestia could say anything to reprimand Maemi, Vahn reached out his index finger and touched around four inches above Maemi’s tail.Maemi reacted like she had been shocked and jumped off of the stool while giving everyone behind her a full view of the contents of the little black dress. She looked back with a confused expression and Vahn explained with a casual smile, "I appreciate your efforts, but this isn’t the time or place for that kind of thing. There is plenty of time in the future to worry about things like that and you only recently arrived in the Manor. Relax and spend some time with your sister, you both had a rough time until now."Maemi rubbed the area on her back where Vahn had shocked her before nodding her head and saying, "Yes Vahn-sama...I’ll behave from now on." She then sat down on the stool in a somewhat dejected manner before feeling a warm and comforting feeling on the top of her head. Though she was confused for a moment, Maemi realized what was happening and nearly ’purred’ instinctually before Vahn removed his hand and said, "That is an adorable reaction...let’s go ahead and begin. You might feel a little discomfort, but it should pass within five to ten minutes."Hestia gave Vahn a strange look but he just sent her a wink that made her blush slightly and hold the edge of her short dress. Vahn was curious about her behavior and intended to ask what was wrong in detail after checking everyone’s Status Boards. To push matters along, Vahn dripped a bit of his blood on Maemi’s back while both Haruhime and Hestia watched his actions with interest. Ever since he had teased Maemi earlier, Haruhime had started to feel a little more excited and wondered if she could get Vahn to tease her in a similar manner in the near future. It seemed very exciting and she also wanted to be pet afterward if at all possible...[[STATUS]] Follow current on

Name: Maemi RainRace: Snow LeopardLV. 1POW: I28END: I33DEX: I13AGI: I51MAG: I18Skill: [Gemini: Innate(sealed)]Magic: -Development Skill: -Vahn’s brows raised because he hadn’t actually expected to see that Maemi had an Innate ability. It was also his first time seeing her last name so he asked, "Your last name is Rain?" Maemi seemed to be happy about his curiosity and explained, "Nnn, in the Northern Tundra, the most common tribe names are Snow, Ice, Rain, Storm, and Sleet. My sister and I were born into the Rain tribe whose territory was usually subject to rainstorms every few days." Vahn nodded his head thoughtfully and said, "It is a unique name and I think it suits you. Thanks for letting me check your Status Board Maemi." Maemi showed a happy smile before bowing politely which made Vahn smile wrly since the thin fabric of the dress hung off her body and revealed her uncovered b.r.e.a.s.ts. He wasn’t sure if it was an oversight on her part or if she hadn’t given up her earlier attempts.Seemingly unaware of the mishap, Maemi exited the room in a chipper mood while Haruhime began laughing like a bell to Vahn’s left. He turned over and saw her green eyes shining a bit as she said, "Everyone here is so interesting~!" Before Vahn could ask what Haruhime meant, Hestia exclaimed, "More like everyone wants to take advantage of Vahn’s kindness. Even when he clearly stated that she should act more reserved, she couldn’t help but sneak in one final attempt to get Vahn excited. She could have worn ’tape’ under the dress if she wasn’t intentionally trying to appeal to Vahn even further. I’ll bet that sister of her’s tries the exact same thing while attempting to pass it off as being polite~!"Haruhime laughed at Hestia’s words and said, "It’s it wonderful though~? If Vahn wasn’t such a capable person, he wouldn’t be able to draw people to him like this. Even Preasia, who seemed like she might never open up to anyone, has been watching him with a ’jiiiiiiii’ like gaze whenever they’re in the same room together. I think it’s very natural for a hero to have many girls chasing him." As if she genuinely believed her words, Haruhime had a pleased expression on her face as she emulated a prayer gesture while looking into the distance toward something only she could see.Against expectations, the next girl to enter the room was actually Mikoto. She wore the same magenta kimono with a dark red obi around her waist. The only difference is, instead of wearing a sarashi, Mikoto had removed the bandages and let her growing b.r.e.a.s.ts hang freely. Even though she was currently only 14, her b.r.e.a.s.ts were approaching the mid-range of a C-cup. Without any hesitation, Mikoto bowed slightly before looking over at Haruhime for a brief moment. Turning her back to Vahn, she loosened her kimono and revealed her bare back as she sat on the stool and remained silent.Since she hadn’t said anything, Vahn immediately began the procedure after commenting that it might feel slightly uncomfortable. Mikoto nodded her head in response and continued to remain silent as Vahn dripped his blood on her back and began checking her Status Board. Every Status Board he had checked had an Innate ability so far, and Vahn was curious to see how long the trend would last.[[STATUS]]Name: Yamato MikotoRace: HumanLV. 2 Follow current on

POW: I75END: I70DEX: H132AGI: H119MAG: I50Skill: [Yatanokurogarasu:C]Magic: [Futsunomitama:B], [Apocalypse: Innate(sealed)]Development Skill: [Abnormal Resistance:C][Yatonakurogarasu]Rank: CUse: Enemy search within effect range, also reveals hidden enemies. Effect is exclusive for monsters and only works on monsters that the user has encountered before. Active Trigger (30S Cooldown)Use: Familia member search within effect range. Only works on those in the same Familia. (6M Cooldown)[Futsunomitama]Rank: BUse: Created a projection of space and amplifies gravity in a given area.Chant: I respectfully speak to you, my War God that can break through anything, lead me from the precious heaven. Give my petty body divine power of your grand body. Rescue them light of purification, sword of crushing evil. Sweep sword of suppression, sacred sword of conquest. It arrives here now by my order. Descend from heaven, rule the earth - shinbu tousei[Abnormal Resistance]Rank: CUse: Nullifies abnormal status effects such as poison under the given rank.Once again, Vahn confirmed that Mikoto also had an Innate ability alongside a few other useful skills. He had never heard of gravity magic, so he was somewhat interested to see how useful it was for combat in the future. The thing he found odd was how low her stats were even though she was a proficient swordswoman. Vahn wondered what kind of training regimen she had undergone with Takemikazuchi and figured it was likely due to the fact she focused more on training than actually slaying monsters that attributed to the lower parameters. Follow current on

After thanking Mikoto for her time, she fixed her kimono before bowing politely and saying, "If you’ll excuse me Vahn, I’d like to observe the proceedings from the side." Since he already allowed Haruhime to observe, Vahn nodded his head and said, "Please, it isn’t a problem if its just watching." Mikoto showed a polite smile before bowing again and then sitting next to Haruhime in a seated position known as ’seiza’. Since she hadn’t let the next person know to come in, Hestia bounded to her feet to go inform the person waiting while Mikoto’s eyes widened a bit at her own blunder. When she tried to get up, Vahn waved his hand and laughed, "Don’t worry about it, Hestia already got up and is taking care of it. If you try to stop her, it’ll just make matters awkward."Mikoto furrowed her brows a bit but stayed seated as Vahn suggested. Haruhime giggled gently from her side and whispered, "You don’t have to be so tense Mikoto, Vahn isn’t the type to be overly concerned about things like manners and etiquette. Even if he is your ’Captain’, you should treat him in a more friendly manner if you want to display your loyalty~!" Since Mikoto always had a very serious expression on her face, to the point where her eyebrows were always angled at forty-degrees, she didn’t seem to take too much from Haruhime’s words and just nodded before remaining silent and with her back straight.Since Ryuu wanted to get her Status Board checked in private later, the next girl to enter alongside Hestia was Emiru in a similar black dress as her sister. Hestia walked next to her with an anticipatory look and reached out to place her hand on Emiru’s forehead when she tried to bow in front of Vahn. With a victorious expression on her face, Hestia said, "Eeii~! Your sister already gave away your little trick! Just sit on the stool so we can finish things up quickly." Emiru gave Hestia a pitiable look which made her continue, "Don’t look at me like that, you can get Vahn to pet you if you behave properly."As if she had just heard a magical spell, Emiru’s stood up straight and sat on the stool quietly with her hands elegantly folded in her lap. Vahn couldn’t help but laugh out a bit as he said, "This might be a little uncomfortable, but it’ll pass quickly." Emiru nodded her head and said, "Yes, please make it quick Vahn-sama!" Though he couldn’t see her face, Vahn imagined tiny flames in Emiru’s eyes as he dripped a drop of blood on her back and checked her Status Board. Though he had a slight expectation that they would have some slight differences, Emiru’s stats were completely identical to her twin sister’s. Vahn assumed it likely had something to do with their shared Innate and began thinking about how to trigger it in the future.[[STATUS]]Name: Emiru RainRace: Snow LeopardLV. 1POW: I28END: I33DEX: I13AGI: I51MAG: I18Skill: [Gemini: Innate(sealed)]Magic: -Development Skill: -After confirming her status, Vahn kept true to Hestia’s word and used [Hands of Nirvana] to gently stroke Emiru’s head and ears for a few seconds before sending her away with a happy expression on her face. When she was gone, Mikoto stood up and bowed politely as she said, "Thank you for allowing me to witness things for myself Vahn. I know it wasn’t my place to make such a request so I’m grateful that you accepted my selfishness." Vahn stared at her actions before shaking his head and stating in a firm tone, "Mikoto, that type of thing isn’t necessary. From now on, we’re members of the same Familia, and I treat my Familia as if they were my actual family. Unless it’s a secret I need to keep, you don’t have to worry about overstepping your boundaries too much. I’ll let you know if the matter is important, so just relax and enjoy your time with Haruhime."Though she had listened attentively to his words, Mikoto seemed to interpret them in a slightly different manner as she kneeled down on one knee and bowed her head for a few seconds. Vahn had read several books on the Far East and knew this was a way that warrior showed loyalty to their ’leige’ within clans. Vahn sighed a bit in his mind because he thought the honorable and serious nature of Mikoto would make her life more difficult in the future. However, unless it was a situation like with the Anubis Familia, Vahn understood such ceremonies were important to those with a warrior’s spirit.From the side, Haruhime covered her mouth with the sleeve of her kimono and laughed elegantly before saying, "Everything here is so interesting~! I can’t wait to see what happens in the future."Her words caused Mikoto to end her small ceremony and then she nodded to Vahn before making her way out of the door. Vahn could see that Mikoto was heading toward the training area, likely to continue polishing her skills and train her swordsmanship. Haruhime also gave an elegant bow and followed after her while leaving Vahn and Hestia in the room alone.Vahn had a wry smile and just shook his head because he also agreed that things were actually quite interesting. However, there was another matter on his mind besides worrying about Mikoto, so Vahn turned to Hestia and asked, "Is something wrong Hestia? You seem to be behaving strangely ever since lunch." As he had stated, Hestia had been acting very reservedly and seemed to have something on her mind as she blankly stared into empty space with a gentle smile on her face when not engaged in conversation. Hearing Vahn’s words, Hestia looked up at him and laughed in an awkward manner before saying, "Loki is coming over tonight..."(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Baby got back~?’,’Mikoto is surprisingly weak’,’Author Style: Cliff-Summoning Jutsu~!’)(A/N: This is actually the last chapter for the night, so sorry for making it a cliff. Tomorrow’s chapter will take a bit of effort, so look forward to them (O,...,O)~!)If you’d like to support me as a writer so I can write even more stories in the future, please follow the ******* link below (O,...,O)~! Stay beautiful
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