Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 2092: Sowing Seeds for the Future

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Chapter 2092: Sowing Seeds for the Future

Staring directly at Vahn, Leticia had a serious expression on her face as she asked, "What do you think about this...?"
Though he had been following the conversation, Vahn still raised his brows, asking, "Pardon...?" in a slightly confused tone of voice. He had an idea of what she was asking, but, for the sake of avoiding a misunderstanding, he would rather she provide a bit of clarification.
Furrowing her brows ever so slightly, a hint of bashfulness crept into Leticia's countenance as she asked, "Are you...are you really okay with this? We've only just met. I can't think of any reason you would go to such lengths my people..."
Ignoring the ambient snickering of Shiroyasha, Vahn explained, "Listen. The truth of the matter is I don't think about things like this. I just do what feels right and help however I can. You're also kind of jumping to conclusions because of this damn imp. If you actually stopped to consider her words, you would realize I don't need to be the one to 'help' your people. You're free to love whoever you want. It doesn't matter if they're a normal human, a demon, or even a beast person. So long as you approve of them, I can convert anyone into a Pure-Blooded Vampire."
Clicking her tongue, Shiroyasha kept her arms crossed as she remarked, "See what I mean? This guy is as dumb as they come."
Furrowing his brows, Vahn was about to retort Shiroyasha's remark when Leticia issued a sonorous, bell-like giggle. Then, with the most expressive smile he had seen on her face thus far, she said, "So it would seem." in a delicate yet audibly playful tone of voice.
Shaking his head, Vahn's expression morphed into a wry smile as he exhaled a sigh and stated, "I'm just trying to be considerate..." in a helpless manner.
Maintaining her smile, Leticia responded by explaining, "Vampires used to be among the strongest and most affluent races in the entire Little Garden. In spite of this, we were still brought to ruin in a relatively short period of time. If we are to rebuild, we would need the backing of powerful allies to avoid a repeat of history. Shiroyasha-sama seems to trust you. For me, that is more than enough to place the fate of my species in your hands..."
Bowing her head, Leticia was about to refer to Vahn as her Master before the latter stopped her, a wry smile on his face as he asked, "Aren't you rushing things a little too quickly? You could at least take a bit of time to think things through. There is literally nothing forcing you to make a decision right this instant..."
"You're mistaken..."
Placing her hands over her chest, a delicate smile developed across Leticia's face as she added, "I'm not rushing into things. I lived my entire life in the Little Garden. As one of the persons responsible for the development of the Floor Master system, I have worked alongside the most powerful beings in existence. When we needed them most, the factions supporting us completely ignored the plight of the Vampire race. The same thing happened to the Moon Rabbits, the race publically recognized as the Aristocrats of the Little Garden. Thus, while it might be impertinent and selfish of me, I would feel a lot more assured if the person backing me was also my husband..."
Though it was very faint, a subtle blush developed across Leticia's face as she looked up at him with her slightly glistening, ruby-red eyes. This was like a javelin straight through his heart. Then, before he could recover his senses, Leticia dealt a killing blow by saying, "I don't mind sharing you with my sister..." in a meek, uncharacteristically bashful tone of voice.
With Shiroyasha failing to inhibit her laughter even with both hands covering her mouth, Vahn sent a pointed look her way before returning his gaze to Leticia. He didn't know if it was because he had a soft spot for Vampires or if it was because he was currently making love to three different women. Either way, her vulnerable and hopeful look managed to penetrate his defenses as if they had never existed in the first place. Thus, despite a wry smile developing across his face, he was sincere when he answered, "I'll do my best...thanks for giving me the opportunity..."
"Is something the matter...?"
Though others might not be able to notice it, Scathach was nearly as perceptive as Fenrir when it came to Vahn. She was one of the few people who could detect when his senses overlapped with hers, and, when they were alone together, even the arrangement of molecules within his body was known to her.
Replying with a light chuckle, Vahn gave Scathach's pert bottom a smack before squeezing it firmly as he mused, "Just the machinations of a mischievous imp..."
Since Vahn didn't want to talk about it, Scathach wasn't going to insist. Instead, she linked her arms around his neck while tensing the muscles in her abdomen to produce an undulating, wavy motion. She could even direct the individual cells flowing through her veins so manipulating the muscles of her body was child's play.
Feeling Scathach tighten around him, her womb practically kissing his glans, a somewhat wolfish smile spread across Vahn's face as he attempted to reverse their positions. She had been straddling him in a relatively tame cowgirl position, and, while it was both relaxing and pleasurable, he knew it would take a lot more than that to get her off.
Adopting a mischievous smile, Scathach reacted to the tensing of Vahn's body by pushing down on his shoulders. There were few things she enjoyed more than being pushed down and forcibly taken by the man she recognized as both her Master and Lover. One of these things was teasing him, so, until he got fed-up enough to take her by force, she intended to do just that.
With Scathach leaning over him, Vahn could feel her hair tickling the sides of his face as she stared down at him, her crimson red irises glistening through the shadows. This gave her a rather terrifying appeal, but, having already grown accustomed to the mature beauty's antics, Vahn's smile widened as his penis inflated inside her body.
Biting her bottom lip, the ruddy complexion of Scathach's face become marginally more prominent as she whispered, "That's cheating..."
Without losing his smile, Vahn spread her butt with his hands, stating, "I'm just getting started..." as another version of himself manifested behind her...
While numerous versions of himself were committing various licentious acts, another version of Vahn was lounging about at the Cafe called Inumimi Paradise. The owner, a woman with Doberman traits named Silica, had already closed the shop for the day so he and Siegfried were just relaxing as dog girls of various shapes and sizes cuddled up next to them.
"So? What do you think? I told you this place was paradise..."
With his hands caressing the face of one woman and the head of another, Vahn felt as though his heart was being healed with each passing moment. As for Siegfried, he had a somewhat conflicted expression on his face, but, at the same time, he couldn't help caressing the heads and ears of the girls that had flocked around him.
"It's very pleasant..."
Though he felt like his wives would either kill him or dress up as dogs the moment they found out about this little liaison, Siegfried couldn't help himself. He had always been weak against cute and adorable creatures. Vahn had also lent him a Gift related to petting, so, much like the former when he was first comprehending the wonders of Petting Laws, Siegfried was captivated by the different ways in which each woman reacted.
Nodding his head like a teacher witnessing his student's growth, Vahn was about to scratch near the base of a girl's ears when he felt a bit of moisture on his left thigh. He had previously inhibited his sense of smell to block out the veritable atmosphere of pheromones, but that apparently wasn't enough. One of the girls, possessing brown hair, droopy ears, and a bushy tail, had removed her panties in preparation for her turn and was now sneakily grinding against his leg with a completely innocent-looking smile on her face.
For a brief moment, Vahn considered gently chastising the girl and informing Silica he hadn't come here for this kind of service. Instead, he began to bounce his knee like someone with restless leg syndrome, surprising the mischievous brunette quite a bit. This was immediately noticed by pretty much every other girl present, and, as a result, the already tense and steamy atmosphere became noticeably warmer in an instant.
Feeling the body temperature of the girls around him steadily increasing, Siegfried's smile became wry as he said, "I should probably get going."
Though the girls around Siegfried visibly deflated, Vahn nodded his head in understanding, saying, "Next time around, we'll go out for drinks. Who knows? Maybe I'll invite the others as well? It's been a while since we did anything together."
While giving each of the girls around him one final caress, Siegfried's expression softened as he said, "I'll let them know. I'll also have a talk with my wives. If they know about it in advance, they probably won't mind if I accompanied you until the end..."
Laughing in response to Siegfried's words, Vahn allowed the man to disappear without reclaiming the Gift related to petting. He was curious to learn whether or not it would work inside his personal Realm, and, depending on how he used it, Siegfried's wives might actually come and thank him the next time he visited Avalon.
As that thought crossed his mind, an amused smile developed across Vahn's face as the eyes of twenty-three dog girls focused solely on him. This might have intimidated others, but, as a God of Sex, he could create a resonate aura that affected each of the girls present. He could also create additional copies of himself, but, fearing they would become even more ravenous if they learned about such a capability, he decided to deal with the entire group on his own...
Staring at himself in a mirror, Sigurd was genuinely surprised to see how much his appearance had changed after his encounter with Vahn. He had literally grown from 168cm to a moderate 192cm in height. This, alone, would have been a drastic change, but, as if he had been transformed into an entirely different person, even his previously red hair had been converted to a rich and creamy dark brown.
"Odin's beard...what the hell did that man do to me...?"
With Gyda in a complete daze as she admired the musculature of her brother's back, it was Ragna who answered, "Who knows? That man completely defies logic. We don't even know if he's really a Pure-Blooded Dragon. I filed a request with the Central Network but the only information they have is that he arrived in the Divine Realm less than a month ago. There has never been an instance of a Pure-Blooded Dragon arriving from a lower realm so there is clearly something else going on."
After admiring his 88cm biceps in the mirror, a smile developed across Sigurd's face as he looked back at his sisters and said, "Either way, we should attempt to make contact with him. Now that we lost one of their assets, I can't imagine the Alliance being too pleased with us. We might not be able to forge an alliance with him but we can at least cut a deal. With his strength, it's only a matter of time before he attempts to spread his influence into the lower-digit gates. If we affiliate ourselves with him early on, we might be able to ride along."
Though she was a little peeved about being done in by her own technique, Ragna had always been the type to respect the strong. If her brother wanted to join hands with the Sage Dragon's Hearth, she wasn't going to be the one to interject. Instead, she shifted her attention to Gyda, worried that the latter would let her previous humiliation sway her decision. To her surprise, Gyda didn't seem to be all that bothered. Rather, there was even a slight smile on her face as she stared directly at their brother's abs...
"This girl is helpless..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Leticia ain't gonna let Vahn get away that easily xD...','Crimson eyes peering through the darkness...','Vahn can be a real bro at times (UwU)...')
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