Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1489: Relapse

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Musashi was an exceptionally beautiful woman, and, perhaps as a result of her nature as a Greater Divine Spirit, her body could only be described as ’flawless’. Her skin was without a single blemish, possessing a healthy glow that was noticeable no matter how well her body was lit. This, combined with her mature physique, complete with large, perfectly shaped breasts, full hips, a toned butt, and some of the most tantalizing thighs Vahn had ever seen made it exceptionally difficult not to push her down. Rather, matching his previous statement, Vahn would regret it quite a bit if he refused her ’invitation’...Contrary to his inner thoughts, Vahn quickly regained his composure, tearing his eyes away from the two plush mountains crested with pale-pink cherry blossoms. He found Musashi staring at him with a considerable amount of expectation in her eyes, but, despite a strong urge to flit the immaculate woman away, Vahn firmly stated, "There is no going back beyond this point, Musashi...I don’t sleep with women casually. You are a beautiful woman, and, though I would regret it immensely if things-"Without covering her breasts, Musashi fixed her seated posture, clicking her tongue before stating, "I expected as’re kind of an asshole, you know that? Do you really think I’m a loose woman or something? I mean, I know you don’t think that, but your words are pretty inconsiderate. I don’t really understand things like love all that well, but I wouldn’t just sleep with someone I didn’t like..."Though she maintained a calm countenance, Musashi’s voice became noticeably hoarse toward the end of her statement. She was telling the truth when she said she didn’t understand things like love, but, despite their relatively ’peculiar’ relationship, she had grown fond of Vahn. He was a little scary at times, but, for a thrillseeker who had journeyed through hundreds of worlds, such things were the spice of life. There were very few people that made her feel truly ’alive’, so it was surprisingly painful to hear Vahn trying to dissuade her from a decision she already struggled with immensely...Seeing the look in Musashi’s eyes, Vahn took a deep breath while internally remarking, ("I wonder how many times I’ll need to see a scene like this before I learn my lesson? Haaa...")Shaking his head, Vahn adopted a gentle and soothing tone as he muttered, "I’m just worried about you...even if I hold myself back...well..."Hearing Vahn’s words, Musashi gave him a look of blame before wiping away a nascent tear and saying, "You’re an idiot. The only reason I’m going forward with this is to help make up my mind. It is normal for people to make mistakes. Even if I end up getting in over my head, that is a problem I can work through after the fact. You’re a good man, Vahn Mason. I know you won’t just leave me alone if I’m struggling...besides, you’re not the only one who would regret it if things ended here..."As if to prove her point, Musashi shamelessly maneuvered her hand beneath her skirt-like kimono, pulling it out to reveal a thread of viscous liquid. This stopped any response Vahn had been forming in its tracks, his mouth gaping slightly as he saw the thread hold for several seconds before breaking into shimmering particulates. Follow current on

Vahn’s Divinity had made him very aware of Musashi’s state, but, there was a big difference between ’sensing’ something and seeing the proof with your own eyes. He suddenly became hyper-aware of Musashi, noticing the light blush coloring her cheeks and the small amount of trepidation visible in her beautiful, gem-like eyes. With the exception of Da Vinci, she had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, so, after seeing the uncertainty contained within, Vahn’s guilt swelled up before falling to the wayside, replaced by a rising conviction...After rising to his feet, Vahn extended his hand to the slightly startled Musashi, causing her a small amount of confusion before the ultimately smiled and accepted his outstretched hand. At the same time, due to her obi having loosened completely, her kimono opened to reveal, not just her breasts, but her immaculate figure in all its glory. This caused Vahn’s eyes to widen slightly, earning a light chuckle from Sis when he internally remarked, ("I almost made a big mistake...").Capitalizing on the rising tensions, Vahn pulled an entire cottage out of his Inventory. He was able to store objects up to 1,000m³, larger than most mansions, so he always kept a few ’portable’ domiciles in storage. While he didn’t mind having sex in the open, he wasn’t really an exhibitionist, so, unless it was a unique circumstance, retiring to a comfortable bed was always preferable.Despite seeing a Japanese-style cottage appear out of thin air, Musashi wasn’t really surprised. When it came to Vahn, discarding common sense was the norm. If you tried to understand his sensibilities, you would probably lose your mind, so, rather than display a surprised reaction, Musashi just stated, "Well, that’s convenient," before laughing as he led the way inside.As it was meant to be a place where he could relax and enjoy a bit of privacy, the cottage had high defensive capabilities, a built-in stealth function, powerful soundproofing, an expansive wardrobe full of ’unique’ garments, and, most importantly, a resilient bed and large bath. It even had self-repairing capabilities, as, after experiencing numerous ’climactic’ battles, Vahn had learned the necessity of such a function...Though she had little to say about the existence of the cottage itself, Musashi was more than a little surprised by its interior structure. It was actually much larger inside, reminding her of the structure of the Yokai District. This was for good reason, too, as, despite spending a considerable amount of time just lounging about, Vahn had seriously researched the Spatial anomalies associated with buildings within the Yokai District. The cottage was actually a miniaturized version of the Enma-tei, albeit in the form of a cottage instead of a ryokan.Before Musashi could start asking any questions, Vahn brought her into a room with a large futon that was nearly 30cm thick. A softer bed was not necessarily the best choice when it came to more ’intense’ activities, so, taking Musashi’s heritage into account, he selected something she would be comfortable with. He actually had a number of different cottages within his Inventory, including a few that were specifically reserved for certain women...With the bed in sight, Musashi tensed up for a brief moment, allowing Vahn to surprise her quite a bit when he suddenly lifted her into a princess carry. This brought her back to her senses, a teasing smile developing across her face as she said, "You seem pretty excited...should I be worried?"While carrying her over to the futon, Vahn couldn’t help but laugh in response to Musashi’s remark. A strong desire to tease her began to well up inside his heart, but, after upsetting her previously, he decided to leave that kind of behavior until later. For now, he was determined to make amends for his past mistake, ensuring she got the most out of this experience. He intended to pamper her until she was the one to push him down, knowing it would be more meaningful for Musashi if she felt she was able to ’get even’ with him... Follow current on

Unaware of Vahn’s schemes, Musashi soon found herself on the surprisingly comfortable futon. It was much thicker than normal, but, despite feeling soft to the touch, it didn’t sink much due to her weight. Rather, it was hardly indented at all, a strange phenomenon that could only be found in A-Rank bedding. Had she known it was essentially on the level of a Noble Phantasm, even Musashi wouldn’t have been able to conceal her incredulity...Without bothering with the true nature of the futon, Musashi leaned backward, supporting herself with her elbows in a half-hearted attempt to seduce Vahn. She couldn’t help but feel curious about his reactions, so, seeing his eyes briefly flicker towards her inner thighs, Musashi smiled somewhat mischievously as she closed her legs shut.Rolling his eyes, Vahn went out of his way to manually remove his tunic and undershirt, revealing an athletic physique that, when tensed, allowed nearly every muscle in his upper body to be visible. As a result, Musashi found herself at a momentary loss for words, admiring the form she hadn’t been able to properly appreciate during their battles. She was, honestly, a little surprised about how perfect his figure was, her heart palpitating like a maiden in spite of her age and experience...Taking advantage of Musashi’s stupor, Vahn adopted a calm demeanor as a professional aura began to pervade the atmosphere surrounding him. This left Musashi even more confused, causing her to pause when he suddenly said, "Remove your kimono and roll onto your stomach. You wanted me to help convince you, so allow me to show you why I’m called the Godhand..."Musashi wanted to retort Vahn’s sudden bout of confidence, but, as curiosity had always been one of her biggest weaknesses, she ultimately rolled onto her stomach as directed. It was a little exciting to have her back to him, and, though she couldn’t see his face, Musashi could feel his gaze wander across her body. Everywhere he looked, she would feel an exciting tingle, causing her body to tense up slightly whenever he fixed his intent on her butt and her already glistening garden...Feeling Vahn approach, Musashi’s pert butt became even more prominent as she tensed up, flexing her awe-inspiringly perfect glutes. Her expectations then began to run wild, but, just as she imagined Vahn trying to grope her buttocks, Musashi was surprised to feel his hand on the small of her back, a small surge of ’electricity’ running through her body as he began to carefully trace the crease of her spine. This caused a contented sigh to escape Musashi’s lips, further surprising her by how quickly his touch was able to relax her body...Before Musashi could inquire about his intentions, Vahn adopted a guiding tone as he said, "This is something highly coveted, even within Avalon. Don’t worry, the time inside the place flows at a rate of seven to one. We have plenty of time to do more strenuous deeds...for now, just relax and enjoy the moment. Trust me, you won’t regret it..."Punctuating his words, Vahn began to gently massage a few of Musashi’s pressure points, finding her skin paradoxically soft yet resilient. She actually had a considerable amount of tensions built up in her body, surprising him a bit since she always carried herself in a lackadaisical manner. He hadn’t expected her to have accumulated so much stress, causing him to wonder what the Heroes Faction had been up to when he wasn’t looking...Though she was tempted to retort that a massage was ’boring’, Musashi found herself unwilling to make such a statement when an extremely relaxing pulse began to enter her pressure points, much like an electric massager. She couldn’t help but wonder what kind of control someone must have to be able to cause their internal energy to ’vibrate’ in a rhythmic manner. Rather than ask, however, she decided to take Vahn’s advice, accepting the butterfly-shaped cushion he had provided so that she wasn’t crushing her ample bosom while laying face-down... Follow current on

With Musashi being surprisingly obedient, Vahn began a long massage session, starting off with just his Petting Laws and raw skill. As she grew gradually more relaxed, he began stimulating parts of her body with his [Hands of Nirvana]. He had grown considerably more skilled compared to his past self, so, rather than forcing people into a ’compromising’ state, Vahn could skillfully manipulate them to prevent an adverse reaction. Now, he could build anticipation and expectation in the recipient body, causing Musashi to feel paradoxically relaxed, despite a growing frustration...At first, Musashi was surprised that Vahn’s massage technique had nearly caused her to climax, but, after nearly an hour of being near the ’brink’, a small urge to cut him into ribbons began to spread in the back of her mind. She had the distinct impression he was teasing her, but, with how comfortable her body felt, she didn’t have the heart to interrupt the massage. All she knew was, if he didn’t ’hurry’ things up, she would have to take matters into her own hands...Against expectations, Musashi actually managed to last far beyond the tolerance threshold of most people. Vahn had anticipated her losing patience when he began to perform a deep tissue massage on her thighs, but, showing inhuman tolerance, Musashi persisted. She seemed to be waiting for him to take the initiative, leaving Vahn in a relatively awkward position since he already made the mental preparations to let her take charge. He wouldn’t have any problems with taking the lead, but, after his experience with women like Tsubaki and Nobunaga, Vahn knew it would be more meaningful if their first time wasn’t completely one-sided...In an attempt to push her over the brink, Vahn hesitated for a brief moment before saying, "Turn over. I’ll massage your front side next..."Hearing Vahn’s words, Musashi’s mental processes slowed to a crawl. It had been nearly two hours, and, though it was a very pleasant two hours, there was no way she could continue waiting. Though she ultimately rolled over, removing the cushion sandwiched between her breasts, Musashi didn’t lay on her back. Instead, she looked at Vahn with a slight frown marring her beautiful face, an expression that could serve as an artistic representation of ’impassioned frustration’...After staring at Vahn for a few seconds with nothing more than heavy breathing to break the silence, Musashi adopted a borderline pouting expression as she said, "You’re messing with me..."Fearing she had misunderstood his intentions, Vahn shook his head, but, before he could explain, the ’expected’ outcome occurred. Musashi had been completely triggered, a determined expression on her ruddy face as she somewhat forcibly pushed him onto the futon. Then, with a slightly dangerous smile on her face, she said, "You’ve got a lot of nerve..." as her eyes began to glimmer with mesmeric light.Not expecting Musashi to use suddenly use her [Empyrean Eyes], Vahn was at a momentary loss as a surprising amount of pleasure suddenly enveloped his lower body. She had actually used her ability to realize a ’desired result’, manipulating causality in a way that made it so that they were already having sex. He could have ’countered’ this if he had been prepared, but, with no measures taken to prevent it, Musashi had ensured the inevitability of their intercourse...With a pleasant tremble running through her body, Musashi released a sigh of profound relief as she leaned over Vahn’s body, pressing her chest against his. She actually felt a little guilty, but, after two hours on the ’brink’, it was impossible to wait any further. Though it felt like her insides were being stretched beyond their limits, she experienced an emotion akin to relieving an agonizing, impossible to reach, itch. This caused her to fall into an absentminded state, enjoying the chaotic reverberations of a powerful orgasm as she lay limply against Vahn’s body...Though things had developed a little differently than he had anticipated, Vahn didn’t particularly mind Musashi’s rather forceful methods. Rather, he had already prepared himself for an ’attack’, so, a stark contrast to how he would normally react in such a situation, he found himself enjoying it. Her insides were cooler than expected, but, likely as a result of the exceptionally long period of foreplay, her stimulating folds eagerly writhed around his member, greedily accepting his full length. He was also enjoying the feeling of her impossibly soft breasts pressed against him, so, while waiting for her to make a partial recovery, Vahn began to fantasize about how he would play with them in the near future...(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Don’t underestimate a woman’s convictions, especially if they have been alive for thousands of years...’,’Vahn has become adept at scheming...’,’Musashi, "I am inevitable..."’)
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