Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1213 - Lakeside

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Chapter 1213 - Lakeside

After a long training session with Scáthach, Vahn found himself lounging in one of the smaller and more homely rooms of the castle. Other than the light from the fireplace, the room was otherwise dark as he sat flanked by two women, Nobunaga and Ereshkigal, with a contented smile on his face. They were just watching the flickering of the fire and listening to the periodic crackles and pops as Vahn had the two women reclining against him as he gently stroked their abdomens. He liked to spend his free time in this manner and, despite the fact she would antagonize him on occasion, it was a time enjoyed by Nobunaga as well.
Among the three of them, however, it was Ereshkigal who enjoyed the quiet moments like this the most as, with her head nestled against his shoulders, she had a subtle smile on her face as her maroon eyes reflected deep emotions. She had her left hand overlapped with Vahn's as he gently rubbed her belly and, every now and then, she would look up at him with a hazy moisture covering her eyes. At times like this, Vahn would return an affectionate smile to her and, as if to remind her that she wasn't dreaming, he would give her a gentle peck on the lips. Even Nobunaga knew better than to make a fuss while Ereshkigal was around as, if she attempted to tease Vahn even a little, the blond-haired Goddess would practically erupt as a result.
Since they obviously had the right to know, Vahn eventually broke the long silence, explaining in a subdued tone, "Da Vinci is also pregnant now...there is a good chance Circe and Luvia will follow..." This comment only elicited a thoughtful glance from Ereshkigal but Nobunaga followed it up by giving him a sly smile, her blood-red eyes reflecting his image in the low light of the room. Rather than complain, however, she poked him in the side with her index finger, musing, "You really don't know restraint. Don't tell me you intend to knock up everyone now? Did I start a trend~?" Though she was only teasing him, Nobunaga didn't miss the subtle change in Vahn's expression, causing her to laugh uninhibitedly for a few seconds, continuing until Ereshkigal's ice-cold maroon eyes caught her attention.
Though she would never admit it, Nobunaga was more than a little intimidated to be glared at by a Goddess of Death but, rather than show it, she adopted a dauntless smile as she stated, "You are too overprotective. Have more confidence in our man..." This remark caused Ereshkigal's brows to furrow as her nose scrunched up in a manner Vahn found adorable. Since Ereshkigal was very inexperienced when it came to socializing, she didn't fully understand when people were just joking. Thus, before she could show any hostility, Vahn brought his hands from the two's stomachs before pulling their heads to rest against his chest. Then, to dismiss the matter, he stated in a firm tone, "Don't fight..." before kissing the tops of their heads.
From their resting place against Vahn's chest, Nobunaga and Ereshkigal were only a few centimeters away from each other. This caused Nobunaga to cheekily poke her tongue out towards the pouting Goddess but, not wanting to upset Vahn, Ereshkigal just closed her eyes and lightly snorted through her nostrils. Nobunaga also knew better than to antagonize her any further, causing her to trace her fingers around Vahn's abdomen as she asked in a somewhat serious tone, "What are you planning?"
For Vahn to have the thought of impregnating everyone all at once, Nobunaga knew he must be up to something else.
In response to Nobunaga's inquiry, Vahn spent a few moments collecting his thoughts, staring into the flickering orange flames of the fireplace. When he finally spoke, Vahn's expression had become serious, his brows furrowed as he answered, "I feel that it is a mistake to spend all of our time inside of the Projection. It feels like we are becoming detached from the rest of the world..." Then, holding the two women a little tighter, Vahn released a sigh as he added, "I enjoy moments like this more than anything...but I can't shake the feeling our enemies are doing whatever they please while I just sit here and idle about..."
Rather than refute his words, Nobunaga nodded her head in agreement before extricating herself from Vahn's embrace to address him more seriously. Her expression became serious and, though it was tempered considerably, there was a vicious glint in her eyes as she stated, "Now that I'm like this, I've had a lot of time to consider the future..." As she spoke, Nobunaga lightly stroked her belly without breaking eye contact with Vahn, adding, "I am not afraid of death. Even when I died the first time, I accepted it with a smile on my face. No, what I fear is that our child will grow up in a world filled with individuals who would want nothing more than to exploit or kill them. If you did not take action, I would have taken it upon myself to do so in the future..."
As much as she loved Vahn, Nobunaga felt that, with each passing day, her passion for conquest had awakened once again. Just as she once lifted her blade against the corruption of the Shogunate, all for the benefit of her people, Nobunaga wanted to create a better world for her child. Though she still had the ambition to conquer other planets and star systems, she would never be able to do so without first strengthening the foundation of the Empire.
Understanding Nobunaga's words better than most, as they had very similar natures, Vahn nodded his head with a cold glint in his eyes. What neither woman could see was his system display which, at the present moment, reflected the objectives of his [World Power] Quest. He had already discussed these objectives with Artoria and Da Vinci, as they were the closest things to Advisors that he had, so he had already been given 'permission' to act. To that end, Vahn needed to activate CHALDEAS and, if necessary, disregard the status quo entirely as he worked to shape the world into his vision of the future.
Though it would take a few more pushes before he took more decisive action, Vahn took a deep breath through his nose before stating, "Soon, I may not be able to spend as much time as I'd like with everyone..." Then, shaking his head, Vahn built up a little more conviction as he said, "I need all four of you to be strong in the future. As both Empresses and Mothers, the way you carry yourselves will have a powerful impact on the rest of the castle's residents. I will always do my best to return when I can but, when I'm not here, it will be your strength and guidance that allows our children to grow happily..."
In response to Vahn's words, Nobunaga lightly snorted through her nose before leaning against his body and stating matter-of-factly, "In my era, it wasn't uncommon for warriors and warlords to be away from their territory for months and years at a time. So long as you are doing your best, they will never come to resent you just because you aren't around as often as they'd like. Leave it to the mother's of the household to manage the internal affairs..." With this said, Nobunaga unabashedly hooked her hand around Vahn's head, punctuating her statement by pulling him into a kiss.
Seeing the passion shared between the two, Ereshkigal felt a small bout of jealousy that was quickly swept aside once the two separated. Then, though she wasn't a well-spoken individual, Ereshkigal held Vahn's hand supportively as she stated in a demure tone, "We will support you...leave it to us..." As these words left her lips, Ereshkigal's hair underwent a change and, though they could not keep it up for very long, all three personalities manifested together. Vahn couldn't help but smile when he saw this, earning one from the three girls as they mimicked Nobunaga's actions with a fair amount of fervor...
Though it was still early in the day, Vahn left the comfortable warmth of the small study with a smile on his face and a focused glint in his eyes. He still had a few hours before he was supposed to start his training again so, while greeting the Homunculi he passed in high spirits, Vahn exited the castle before 'flickering' out of existence. The next instant, as it was only a few kilometers away, Vahn had appeared next to the frozen lake containing the underwater castle and shrine. Unlike the majority of Spirits and Fae that had come to reside on Avalon, Vivian had been able to access the Projection from the start. Though it was impossible for her to enter Avalon by her own means, there was little she couldn't do once Merlin had invited her back. After all, though she would lose if they were to genuinely battle it out, Vivian was nearly as skilled as Merlin himself when it came to Magecraft.
Almost immediately after his arrival, a dazzling blue light emerged from the surface of the icy lake before coalescing into the figure of a beautiful, albeit translucent, woman. Today, perhaps as a result of the sunlight, her body was shrouded in a subtle white halo as her eyes glimmered like sapphires that, despite their clarity, seemed to have a depth that rivaled the ocean. She had an elegant smile on her face and, picking up the edges of her watery-dress, Vivian gave a polite curtsey as she bowed her head and stated, "It is our pleasure to welcome His Majesty, the Sage Emperor..." Then, with the corners of her smile curling at the edges, Vivian added, "Please excuse my behavior..." before waving her hand and creating a bubble formed from the water of the atmosphere. Moments later, complex runes, many comprised of the Language of Faeries, formed a very powerful barrier that served as a special Bounded Field to obscure Merlin's attempt to spy on them.
Without showing any discernible signs of perturbance, Vahn waited for the barrier to form, cutting off even his domain from the outside world. He found this use of Magecraft rather interesting as, if it could actually circ.u.mvent Merlin's voyeuristic nature, Vahn felt it would be worthwhile to learn. Even though he knew the flowery Magus was on his side, that didn't change the fact that it was annoying to be spied upon.
Though she could not read his mind, despite her attempt to do so, Vivan could understand the glint in Vahn's eye as he looked at her barrier. This caused her to giggle from her place atop the icy lake's surface before saying, "If His Majesty is interested, I can teach you the Language of Faeries."
Hearing Vivian's offer, Vahn shook his head, surprising her somewhat when he casually explained, "I am already familiar with the Language of Faeries. In fact, I can speak interpret all languages, even those of Divine origin. Thank you for the offer, Lady Vivian."
Despite her shock at Vahn's claim, Vivian's expression didn't change all that much but, in response to his words, she once again giggled before stating, "His Majesty seems quite capable~." Then, causing Vahn's brows to rise slightly, Vivan walked across the icy surface of the lake, sending gentle ripples through the hardened ice as if it was liquid water. When she stepped on dry land, her delicate steps caused the grass in a three-meter area to frost over, creating a trail of as she walked within an arm's length of Vahn.
Understanding some of the questions he had, Vivian preempted Vahn by asking, "Your Majesty, may I speak freely...?" As he gave her a nod of approval in response, Vivian smiled radiantly for a brief moment before adopting a more serious expression as she explained, "You are an anomaly that should not exist within this world..." Though these words sounded harsh at first, Vivan's expression softened a bit towards the end as she added, "For that, you have my gratitude."
Following her words, Vivian gave a gracious bow, holding it for several seconds before raising her head and explaining, "I believe His Majesty is aware of the fact that Merlin has been sealed away. I do not know how the information circulated, but it seems to be common knowledge that I sealed him away due to his pestering....haaa..." Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Vivian then added, "The truth of the matter is, I have and always will love Merlin. However, once I understood the type of entity he was, I had no choice but to seal him away. I could not tolerate his adherence toward fate and his unwillingness to do anything about it, despite the pain it caused him. I'm certain he even allowed me to seal him away for the same reasons..."
Now, Vivian had a hurt expression on her face and, despite the fact she was made from water, Vahn could tell she was on the verge of tears. He couldn't help but swallow nervously as, if she were one of his own women, he would have embraced her to calm her tumultuous heart. His concern seemed to be conveyed to her, however, causing Vivan to wipe at her eyes with a smile on her face as she commented, "You are a kind man, Your Majesty..." Then, after collecting herself for a bit, Vivian went on to say, "I truly am grateful for your presence. If things had continued along the course that Merlin and I had seen, our paths would have never intersected. It would have taken several impossibilities for us to be together once again but, now that you are here, I believe there is a chance the course of our fate has been altered..."
In response to this, Vahn's expression softened a great deal as he mused, "You really do love him...I hope your paths truly do align in the future..." This remark caused Vivian to smile radiantly yet again, followed by her nodding her head and explaining, "That is why I wanted to meet with Your Majesty as soon as possible. Merlin already explained your ambitions and, while it is hard to even fathom the world you wish to create, know that I will dedicate my everything in support of the Empire. All I ask is that you never stray from the path you have set yourself upon...if you are unable to control the flow of fate around that woman, Merlin's duty will never be complete..."
Though Vahn understood what Vivian was trying to say, he still asked, "And what exactly is his duty? I have some understanding of his nature but there are many things Merlin keeps to himself..."
Nodding her head in understanding, Vivian calmly explained, "Merlin's father was the King of the Incubus species. He was placed in charge of observing the progression of the world and implanting the seeds of ambition by shaping the dreams of people throughout history. However, due to Gaia's hatred for humanity, as a result of their corruptive nature, he became influenced by their negative emotions. Fearing he would be corrupted even further, Merlin's father started devouring only the good and pleasant dreams. This caused humanity's corruption to spread even faster, resulting in Gaia imploring the Moon to punish him for causing her even greater anguish. This resulted in the exile of Merlin's father, forcing him to descend upon Gaia's surface so that she could punish him directly. In order to evade his inevitable end, the former King fled into the dreams of a young woman born in the British Isles..."
As Vivian recounted Merlin's past, Vahn listened attentively as several questions appeared within his mind. He didn't quite agree that humanity was a corruptive force by default but, when he considered the history of the Nasuverse, this actually seemed to be the case. Not only were they slowly killing the planet they inhabited, but their actions often caused an incomprehensible amount of bloodshed, usually for no other reason than a few people wanting to gain benefits for themselves. They also had the responsibility of corrupting the various Spirits as, prior to the emergence of humanity, all Spirits simply carried out their roles in nature without fail. It wasn't until they began to interact with humans that various malicious Spirits, Demons, and Ghosts came into existence...
While thinking about these matters, Vahn began to reflect upon all of the stories and books he had read. He also recalled his past experiences as a lab rat and blood bag in his first life, causing him to frown deeply, at least internally. It certainly seemed to be the case that corruption was widespread in all worlds, including the Records that had come into existence as a result of the dreams of sentient creatures. Since the world needed to exist in a state of balance to function healthily, Vahn began to realize that sapience itself may be the 'source' of corruption. So long as the possibility of benefits existed, regardless of how they might affect others, there would always be people who seek to rise above the norm to elevate themselves above others...
Having nearly completed her recounting of Merlin's past, Vivian wrapped things up by explaining, "Merlin was heavily influenced by his mother who, even knowing his birth would result in her death, willingly sacrificed herself so that he could live. This caused him to develop a self-sacrificial mentality as well, setting him upon a path where he sought the 'best end' for everyone. It was this desire that led to him getting involved with human affairs and, after the birth of Artoria, she became the most instrumental part of his entire plan. Since her fate was far more powerful than normal, he helped to shape her into the 'Perfect King', preparing her for the time when she would usher the world toward a true utopia. Merlin's goal is to create a world where everyone has a chance at happiness, free from the fates that had been assigned to them..."
Understanding this, Vahn nodded his head before stating, "So, our dreams are pretty that end, the success of the Empire is the same as fulfilling his ultimate ambition, In turn, that will free him from the duty he had taken upon himself, allowing him to retire to the Stone Prison where you intend to join that correct?"
In response to Vahn's inquiry, Vivian gave a curt nod before answering, "Unlike humans, we Spirits only ever imprint upon a single person. When I imprisoned Merlin, I also isolated myself in the coldest and most distant part of the ocean as penance. You may think I am a cruel and petty woman but I would not have been able to imprison him at all unless he allowed it. Merlin understands better than most what he had gotten himself into after making a Spirit fall in love with him...please keep that in mind, Your Majesty."
Though it sounded like she was just making excuses, Vahn knew that Vivian was actually trying to warn him. As history made very apparent, Spirits were perfectly fine living lives completely separate from humans but, once they did become involved, they completely dedicated themselves to the role they had adopted. This is what often led to the corruption of said Spirits as, with their nature being fundamentally different from humans, any negative emotions they experience were amplified by several times. They could quickly become vengeful and destructive Spirits due to misunderstandings, sometimes causing small countries to disappear from the map overnight...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Nobu, the trendsetter o3o...','The default state of the world is pure and unblemished. It is the passage of time and the desire for progress that leads to corruption and, ultimately, stagnation through control','Spirits be scary') <-(p.atreon link)
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