Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1127: Observation

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After having her injuries healed by Vahn, Kenshin sat beside Nobunaga as the two watched Scathach thrash him, seemingly without end. In a way, it was impressive that any person could tolerate such punishment, even if it was somewhat disturbing at the same time. Since her own fight had lasted only twelve minutes, watching Vahn continue standing back up even after two hours caused Kenshin to adopt a serious expression as she sat in seiza atop the cushion that Vahn had provided. When she saw Scathach vault over Vahn’s charge, skewering him from his right shoulder to his left thigh with a long spear, she couldn’t help flinching slightly. At her side, Nobunaga had an even worse reaction, complaining, "Even though she doesn’t have to put him through such punishment, she always goes too far. Watching this is starting to piss me off..."Though Kenshin wasn’t enjoying the show any more than Nobunaga, she actually shook her head in response before saying, "I will continue to watch. My Master is doing his best without giving up...I can’t just leave when the pain I’m feeling is nothing compared to what he is going through..." Even though she knew Vahn was ’different’ after experiencing the memory link, the fact he had gone out of his way to forge her equipment, help her move in, provide her clothes, and even humor her desire to fight Scathach had elevated his status in Kenshin’s mind. Since he had even shown restraint after she bared herself to him, it was hard not to see him as a worthwhile Lord to serve.Releasing an annoyed groan in response to Kenshin’s words, Nobunaga leaned to the side until she came to rest on the former’s thighs. This brought a wry smile to Kenshin’s face but, instead of having Nobunaga remove her head, she picked out a few strands of black hair from the latter’s face before gently running her fingers through her long hair. As a result, Nobunaga released a relaxed sigh as she complained, "If I had been a man, I would have made you mine a long time ago Ken-chan. All I can do now is leave you to the man who stole my heart...he will be good to you..." After saying this, Nobunaga closed her eyes and did her best to ignore the sounds of fighting in the distance. She had a similar mentality to Kenshin previously but watching Vahn get thrashed every day had caused her to start drinking a lot more than normal. Now, though she would wait for him to finish, Nobunaga didn’t have the heart to watch him get torn apart over and over...Not missing the fact that Nobunaga had just professed her love for Vahn, Kenshin’s smile turned gentle as she continued stroking the head of her time’s greatest Conqueror. She had noticed it since the moment she first laid eyes on Nobunaga but the latter had changed a great deal from the strong and confident woman she knew. Though her habit of teasing was still there, Kenshin noticed that the number of vulnerabilities in her heart and mind had increased greatly. This actually made Nobunaga seem a little ’cute’, something Kenshin wanted to say but ultimately held back on. Regardless, it felt like a small blessing that she and Nobunaga were no longer enemies as, even though they were far from their ’home’, it didn’t seem all that difficult to create one in the present... Follow current on

With one final suplex, planting Vahn in the ground headfirst like a bamboo shoot, Scathach rolled off to the side, regaining her balance as she said, "You are distracted today. I will not punish you this time but expect our next training session to be more intense." As Vahn was still planted in the hard white floor, Scathach grabbed his ankle before dragging him towards the location of Kenshin and Nobunaga. A few of his bone broke as a result of her forcibly pulling him at an awkward angle, but Vahn didn’t really care about much right now as he was simply too tired to even groan. This time around, Scathach had used two serrated hatchets that had an Anti-Divine property, something he had no resistance against. As a result, his regeneration had been significantly reduced while an intense burning sensation had pervaded his entire body by the end of the seven-hour training session.After reaching the location of Kenshin and the now awake Nobunaga, Scathach passed her eyes over the two before saying, "In the future, I will have you train with Vahn. He needs a rival to overcome and you are the only person within the castle that meets this criterion. If you hold back against him, I will not allow you to enter this place in the future." With her words finished, Scathach tossed Vahn towards Kenshin before vanishing from the Sub-Space Orb. She already knew Kenshin would agree as this was the follow-up to their agreement before the duel. Scathach could tell that Kenshin wasn’t someone that Vahn would be able to defeat, at least for a few months, so it would be ther.a.p.eutic for him to have a strong rival that he can eventually overcome. She didn’t care if the two of them had s.e.x, so long as she never caught Kenshin holding back when they were training...Now that it was just the three of them left within the Sub-Space Orb, Nobunaga jumped up to her feet, pointing her middle finger skyward as she screamed, "You are sooooooo f.u.c.k.i.n.g annoying~!" Then, after throwing her hands up in exasperation, Nobunaga looked down at Kenshin cradling Vahn’s body as she said, "Let’s get out of this empty white hell. Come on, we’ll head to your room and get it broken in." Now that Vahn was on his break, Nobunaga wanted to spend some time with him since she needed to do something to ease her tensions after hearing him get beaten for the last couple of hours. Since it would be the three of them, Nobunaga had a little more confidence about having s.e.x since Vahn wouldn’t be able to focus on ’just’ her...Though it felt a little awkward to carry her unconscious Master in her arms, Kenshin nodded her head in response to Nobunaga’s words before lifting him up like a princess. This caused Vahn, who had been loosely paying attention to what they were talking about, to come back to his senses and say, "You can let me down...I can still walk." In response to this, Nobunaga was the one to answer, "Just let her carry you and focus on recovering..." With that said, Nobunaga vanished from the space, leaving a somewhat troubled Kenshin still holding a wryly smiling Vahn. Since it was easy to see that Nobunaga wasn’t in the best mood, he just weakly laughed, saying, "I’ll leave it to you then..." before resting his head on Kenshin’s shoulder and shrinking his body a bit. This caught her by surprise but she managed to avoid dropping him before nodding her head and answering, "I will not fail...!" in a too serious manner...Fortunately, Kenshin and Vahn encountered none of the Ivory Castle’s few residents on the way back to her room. If they had come across someone like Mordred, Vahn would have felt awkward trying to explain to his daughter why a woman she had never met was carrying him like a bride. Though it had only been a little more than three months, she already looked up to him quite a bit more than either he or Artoria had expected. Whenever she managed to learn something new or performed a task well, Mordred would seek him out to tell him about it. This was time together Vahn had come to appreciate as it made him happy to see her happy, something she seemed to be keenly aware of since there was always a toothy grin on her face even when talking about relatively menial things... Follow current on

Nobunaga was already waiting for them in Kenshin’s room, this time wearing blood-red silk lingerie with a black pattern that looked like thorns. There was even a small skull on the front of her panties, set over a black ribbon, small rubies where its eyes would have been. This made her intentions very apparent, causing Kenshin to produce a wry smile as she carried Vahn over to the sofa and sat him down. It was only at this moment that Nobunaga noticed he was actually shorter than she was, reduced from his normal 185cm down to a mere 160cm to make it easier for Kenshin to carry him. This caused Nobunaga’s eyes to glimmer but, before she could get a word in, Vahn plainly stated, "I’m not going to do anything that would make it weird for Kenshin. If you want to ’play’ around, leave that for the future."Hearing Vahn’s words, Nobunaga reached out with her hands and tried to pinch his cheeks but he managed to catch her wrists before pulling her forward. She could have avoided it, especially in Vahn’s weakened state, but Nobunaga let herself be pulled atop Vahn as he had been laying down. His body steadily increased in size, expanding from being a small figure that she could wrap in her embrace to a wide and firm chest that she could lean against like a stable rock. At the same time, however, Nobunaga was ’determined’ to have Vahn shrink his body down in the future as it would be ’nice’ if their roles were reversed for once. She felt like it might be possible for her to get an advantage against him if she was in her most matured form while he was in a shrunken state...Though others might feel awkward or apprehensive witnessing two people suddenly making out, Kenshin just sat at the side with her cheek resting against her knee as she watched the scene with a casual smile on her face. There were exceptions but, unless she was on the battlefield, Kenshin never really understood why humans, even those as powerful and Nobunaga and Vahn, acted the way they did. Unlike other people, she rarely felt any significant emotions and, other than a few regrets, things like hatred, anger, sadness, and even love had always escaped her. Though there sometimes be soft stirrings in her heart, the only time she had wept was over the death of Shingen while the one time she felt like a ’woman’ was laying in the bed of Nobunaga. It was for reasons like this that Kenshin didn’t really mind if Vahn used her as he pleased as, seeing the changes in Nobunaga, she was curious if he would be able to awaken her slumbering emotions as well.Several minutes after Vahn and Nobunaga had started making out with each other, the latter pulled her lips free, hot breaths escaping her lips as she whispered, "We shouldn’t leave Kenshin alone..." As she was the ’most’ aware of what kind of person Kenshin was, Nobunaga was equally as hopeful that Vahn would be able to ’change’ the unshakeable warrior woman into something more homely. It was Kenshin’s peculiar lack of emotions that had caused Nobunaga to push her down in both their past and present lives. This was also why Nobunaga had told Vahn that Kenshin needed a ’good f.u.c.k.i.n.g’ as, if he couldn’t reach her heart, it was likely that nobody else would be able to either. Since she wanted a ’companion’ on her descent into a more demure lifestyle, Nobunaga had decided there was none better than a woman who only showed real emotion on the battlefield.After coming to a seated position with Nobunaga at his side, Vahn looked over at Kenshin to see the latter just absentmindedly watching them with a smile that never seemed to quite reach her eyes. He had noticed this peculiar trait of her’s from the very beginning and, after witnessing her memories, Vahn knew that Kenshin’s emotions had died around the same time she stood in front of that mirror as a little girl. Though she had a significantly ’easier’ life than some of the more tragic girls he had met, the fact she had killed her own emotions when she was only seven years old was a tragedy all its own. Even now, he could tell that Kenshin didn’t really care about having s.e.x and, even if he asked her to do something ’strange’, she would undoubtedly agree without any real resistance... Follow current on

With Vahn looked at her, Kenshin raised her head and sat in a more proper manner as she asked, "Is it my turn now? I may be inexperienced, but I will do my best. Please teach me well, Master." At the end of her statement, Kenshin gave a polite and respectful bow, similar to how a student would greet their teacher. It bothered Vahn to see anyone acting like this but, after viewing Kenshin’s memories, he at least had some perspective to explain why she behaved in this manner. With that in mind, Vahn didn’t hold it against her in the slightest and just replied, "I will be in your care a lot from now on, Kenshin. Do not hesitate to tell me if you are uncomfortable with something, regardless of the difference in our status. If you can’t easily set that aside, consider it my order as your Lord..."Understanding that Vahn was worried about her, a curious thing that she didn’t really understand all that well, Kenshin nodded her head and answered, "I understand, Master. If there is anything, I will be sure to speak up." With that said, she rose to her feet and began to process of removing her armor as, unlike Nobunaga, she couldn’t just change outfits with a thought. As for Vahn, he watched her for a few moments, something Kenshin had taken notice of as she moved in a way that made it easy for him to see anywhere his eyes wandered. Vahn wanted to remark that it was ’not’ being able to see things clearly that made a strip-tease tantalizing but it was too soon for Kenshin to learn such things. The moment he started actually ’teaching’ her things, Kenshin would undoubtedly take his words very seriously as, in her current state, she was more malleable than soft clay...As he didn’t really know what to do in order to stir Kenshin’s heart, Vahn decided to try something a little different than normal. Though it was her first time, Vahn could tell that her h.y.m.e.n had partially torn and atrophied, likely due to overtraining, so she wouldn’t be in much pain from the start. With that in mind, a strange thought crossed his mind as he stopped watching Kenshin undress, moving to the corner of the room instead. This caused Nobunaga to ask, "What the hell are you doing?" while Kenshin only watched him for a brief moment before continuing to undress. She interpreted Vahn’s reaction as her failure to please him but, as he didn’t seem upset, Kenshin continued to undress since he hadn’t told her to stop.With Nobunaga following close behind with an annoyed expression on her face, Vahn just shook his head before pulling out a large full-body mirror. This only added to Nobunaga’s confusion until Vahn grabbed her wrist and brought her to stand in front of him before wrapping his hands around her waist and looking over her shoulder. Nobunaga could see him staring into her eyes through the mirror, causing her heart to begin thumping powerfully in her chest as he began tracing his fingers up her abdomen. Though the sensation wasn’t different than what she was used to experiencing, she felt far more sensitive than normal as she could now see what Vahn was doing to her. What made matters significantly worse was that Nobunaga could see her own expression, causing her to quickly escape from Vahn’s clutches with a redder face than normal. She didn’t have to ask what he had in mind any longer and instead ’fled’ to the sofa to observe for the time being...Kenshin had watched the interaction between Vahn and Nobunaga with curious eyes, blinking in surprise when she saw how quickly the latter became fl.u.s.tered. Then, when Vahn gestured for her to come over, Kenshin felt a small fluctuation in her heart as she watched Nobunaga plop down on the sofa with a red face. This didn’t stop her from walking over to Vahn’s side, however, even though she was still wearing her top, shorts, and underwear. Vahn guided her to stand in front of him, allowing Kenshin to see her own reflection in the mirror while he stood behind her with a small smile on his face. Though it was a little strange to have someone stand so close to her while looking into a mirror, Kenshin didn’t understand Nobunaga’s reaction. Instead, she looked back at Vahn through the mirror, asking, "Should I continue undressing...?"Shaking his head in response, Vahn placed his hands on Kenshin’s waist and said, "Until I tell you to look away, I want you to silently stare into the mirror. You can watch my hands if you want but avoid looking into my face or eyes until I give you permission..." Even before he had finished his words, Kenshin stopped looking into his eyes and simply nodded her in response. Following this, Vahn began to lightly stroke Kenshin’s sides, using only his understanding of ’Petting Laws’ since it would defeat the purpose of his experiment if he used something like [Hands of Nirvana]. Since Kenshin had killed her emotions through a mirror, one of the most ancient tools used in Magecraft, Vahn felt like it would be possible to ’awaken’ her using a similar method. There were many cultures that claimed a mirror was a gateway that allowed a person to view their true selves as, with people being unable to visualize how others viewed them, the false reflection in the mirror was the ’truth’ to the observer...(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’*Tosses Emperor like loose garbage*’,’Kenshin low-key sociopath o3o’,’What do you see...?’)
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