Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1690: Peculiarities

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Having already made his decision to transition into the next Record, Vahn spent his final few hours accompanying Artoria and Eva for tea while Karin and Grey, both wearing the attire of the Imperial Maid Battalion, stood off to the side.Despite feeling a little listless about the future, Vahn had a relaxed smile on his face as he simply listened to two of the most important women in his life converse. They got along exceptionally well with each other due to the fact that Eva had grown up listening to tales of King Arthur in her youth. She was very interested in everything Artoria had to say, so, while the latter had never been one for discussing her escapades, she answered most of Eva’s questions with a kind smile.Noticing the look on their husband’s face, the expressions of the two women softened as Eva asked, "Is it time?"Nodding his head, Vahn softly replied, "Indeed...the longer I stay here, the less motivated I feel to do anything outside. Don’t worry, from the perspective of everyone within the Realm, I will only be gone for a few hours at a time..."Understanding it would be impossible to keep the truth hidden, Vahn ultimately informed his wives about his decision to effectively reverse the usual time dilation. This had made more than a few them uncomfortable, but, after hearing his reasons, they gradually came to support his decision. In exchange, he revealed to them his prototype Noble Phantasm, a skill that effectively superimposed his Realm onto the outside world.Knowing they would be able to battle alongside him in the future helped to put a lot of people’s hearts and minds at ease. Many even started training again, forming small groups that helped to polish each others’ skills in preparation for future battles. Their devotion, quite literally, gave Vahn strength, so, while he couldn’t help but feel worried about the future, he still looked forward to the day where he could overwhelm his enemies with the people he cared about fighting alongside him.Not missing the glimmer in Vahn’s eye, Artoria and Eva sent a glance toward each other, knowing smiles appearing on their faces for a brief moment before the former said, "Then we shall see you in a few hours. Now, go...and never forget, our hearts are always with you..."Though he was intending to stick around for a few minutes longer, Vahn felt it was best to leave on a high note. In response to Artoria’s words, he issued a light chuckle, downing the final few drops of tea before rising to his feet and saying, "I’ll be back by dinner time..."Opening his eyes, Vahn found himself in a familiar-yet-strange space, the stone dais that effectively served as his ’origin’.Looking around the area, Vahn noticed it hadn’t changed all that much since his last visitation, but, if he focused his mind, both Gaia and Silva came into view. In fact, he could view everything within his realm while atop the dais, something that brought a gentle smile to Vahn’s face. Follow current on

Finished with his admiration of the two sapphire blue planets, Vahn attempted a few experiments that Da Vinci had asked him to perform. Unfortunately, despite feeling more power atop the stone dais than anywhere else, Vahn wasn’t able to do much. The dais was a place transcending the scope of the Laws, so, other than simply ’exist’, it didn’t seem like much else was possible.Deciding not to dally for too long, Vahn ultimately ceased his efforts to comprehend the nature of the dais. The next time he returned, he would be a Tier 7 entity, so, while he might not be able to understand its nature in the present, the future held infinite possibilities. To that end, Vahn fell back onto the stone dais, his arms and legs sprawled out as he gazed up in the infinite emptiness above and said, "I’ll leave the destination to The Path...transfer me when you’re ready..."Though she had yet to manifest externally, Sis nodded her head within the observation room of Vahn’s mind before typing in a few variables into a light-formed terminal. Then, without taking a look at the constrained search results, she pressed a small button that, due to Vahn’s desires, had the ability to randomly select a Record among the list. After that, the observation room went dark for a very brief moment before gradually lighting up as Vahn opened his eyes in another world...Before Vahn could even open his eyes to gather his bearings, he was surprised by a voice asking, " are you?"Staring at the entity who had just addressed him, a peculiar white humanoid that resembled some kind of rabbit, Vahn answered, "I am Vahn Aldrnari Mason, the Sage Dragon Emperor..."Scanning the peculiar rabbit earing a purple suit adorned with gemstones in the form of a cross, Vahn was surprised to find he couldn’t sense ’anything’ from the man. His entire presence seemed to come from the staff in his hands, a golden staff adorned with two watery spheres on either end.Shifting his gaze away from the rabbit for a brief moment, Vahn inspected the other people present within the large chamber, an inordinately beautiful woman with a long ponytail, a short man with peculiar silver hair that glistened similarly to metal, and, most notably, a young boy holding a thin black sword that gave off a similar impression to the rabbit-like entity’s staff.Though Vahn had just given her a simple glance, the woman felt like her entire existence had just been seen through by him, the pupils in her red eyes contracting slightly as she asked, "Don’t tell me...are you also an Irregular?"Unsure of what an Irregular was supposed to be, Vahn just offered a smile in response, his voice deep and resonating as he answered, "Such terms are foreign to me. Now, mind telling me what’s going on here...?"As Vahn asked his question, he turned his attention to a metal gate that, against all logic, seemed to prevent a large body of water from escaping between its bars. Within that water, which shone with a mystical blue light, a massive eel-like creature was staring at everyone gathered within the room, a fair amount of drool pooling within its bottom jaw despite the fact it was surrounded by a liquid...In response to his question, it was the rabbit-like entity who stroked his non-existent chin before answering, "Allow me to introduce myself, Vahn Aldrnari Mason. I am Headon, Guardian of the 1st Floor, and Administrator in charge of selecting candidates to climb the Tower. The woman next to me is known as Ha Yuri Jahad, Princess of the Jahad Empire, and one of the few High Rankers that exist within the Tower." Follow current on

Taking advantage of the fact that she had already been introduced, Yuri sized up the man standing before her. He had short brown hair that was neatly combed backward, and, though he had a bit of peppering in his sideburns and beard, he radiated the aura filled with vitality. If she were to try and describe him to someone else, she would readily call him ’handsome’, but, despite age having very little relevance within the Tower, Yuri had always preferred younger boys with pretty faces.Shifting her gaze away from the self-proclaimed Emperor, Yuri looked at the other Irregular who had appeared, a young boy named The 25th Baam. Unlike Vahn, he gave off a fragile and innocent vibe, someone who had never harmed a single person in their entire life. He was nothing like all of the other Irregulars who had entered the Tower, monsters who brought about great changes in the wake of their meteoric rise.Scrunching up her nose slightly, Yuri placed her hands on her hips as she looked to the silver-haired man standing at her right, asking, "Evan, what do you...see?"Yuri had been curious about Vahn’s power and potential, but, seeing the abject terror visible on her Guide’s face, she immediately shifted her focus back to the smiling man.Ignoring the woman’s guarded posture, Vahn gave a polite nod, saying, "It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of another Empire’s Princess. If time allows, I would be honored if you would join me for a cup of tea. There are many questions I’d like to have answered...chief among them being the one I previously asked..."Noticing the impatience of the boy holding the black sword, Vahn couldn’t help but frown as he saw the youth eyeing the twenty-meter long monster floating within the peculiar water. It seemed like he was on the verge of charging directly into the cage, but, based on the presence he gave off, it was hard to imagine him defeating the creature. The sword in his hand seemed very powerful, but it was currently in a sealed state. Given the power of everyone else present, it was pretty obvious he had stepped into an event related to the original timeline, and, based on the insurmountable odds before him, Vahn could guess the frail-looking youth was the protagonist of this Record.Understanding most protagonists were forced to experience great hardships, Vahn had to resist the urge to frown as he interrupted any potential responses, stating, "Boy...explain to me what is going on here. If these people are putting you in danger, I will do my best to help you."Hearing the intimidating man suddenly address him, the short-haired youth nearly dropped the sword in his hands, his golden eyes wavering as he tightened his grip on its hilt and answered, "It isn’t like that...Mr. Headon gave me a Test and Ms. Yuri decided to help me. It was my decision to go up the Tower...there...there is someone important I must follow after...!"Though he appeared to be surprised by the boy’s outburst, the thing that caused Vahn’s brows to raise was the fact that the ’fate’ around the youth seemed to spontaneously grow stronger. Then, as if to prove his conviction, he spun around on his heels, running into the cage containing a creature he virtually no hope of defeating.Noticing Baam’s actions, Yuri couldn’t help but cry out, "Wait a second you dumbass! There are still a lot of important things we need to discuss...!"For a brief moment, it seemed like Yuri was about to snatch up the boy named Baam by the back of his neck, but, before she was able to, a powerful force spread from Headon as he plainly stated, "If you interfere with a Test, the boy will be disqualified and ejected from the Tower. Since you allowed him to borrow the Black March, have faith in the boy..." Follow current on

Though she wanted to argue against Headon’s words, Yuri knew better than most that the peculiar rabbit wasn’t someone just anyone could mess with. He was the oldest Guardian in the Tower, and, though he might not be the most powerful, he had the authority to remove all the blessings people had received from the other Guardians. This would leave most people powerless, a fate worse than death for those who called the Tower home.Helping to calm the woman’s frustrations, the inordinately short silver-haired man seemed to come to his senses as he noticed the scene playing out within the cage. A peculiar light flashed across his silver eyes, something Vahn was keenly aware of due to the fact that he could see an illusory flow of fate shift around the man like a series of meandering paths. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before, as, prior to entering this Record, Vahn had only ever seen static flows, the single exception being when he influenced events...Following the eyes of everyone else present, Vahn watched as the boy named Baam dropped his guard, seemingly accepting death. This immediately brought a frown to his face, but, noticing the fate ’solidify’ around the youth, he decided not to intervene. Instead, he focused on extending his domain, surprised by the ’resistance’ present within the surrounding Space. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced, but, while it seemed to limit the spread of his domain, Vahn was hardly able to contain a smile as he felt the power and potential contained within the mysterious energy...Determined to follow after the person that meant more to him than his own life, Baam closed his eyes and allowed the monster known as a White Steel Eel to devour him. By offering no resistance, the creature had completely lowered its guard, so, once he was inside its massive and unbelievably foul-smelling mouth, he didn’t hesitate to use the ’needle’ in hand to stab both its tongue and the roof of its mouth over and over again.Feeling a sensation akin to electricity running through its body, followed by intense pain, the White Steel Eel couldn’t even cry out as it fell to the ground, mouth dangling open as a massive amount of blood flowed from within. At the same time, Baam emerged from the interior, his face and body covered in blood that wasn’t his. Then, with a loud cry intended to muster up all his strength, he charged towards a transparent black ball located at the back of the cage.In order to climb the Tower, Baam had been tasked with popping the black ball using the sword he had borrowed from Yuri. It was a legendary weapon known as the Black March, one of the Thirteen Month Series that was generally restricted to only Princesses of Zahard. There were few weapons in the entire Tower that could match its penetrative power and might, yet, in spite of this, Baam felt a sharp pain in his hands as he attempted to pop the thin black membrane of the ball.Though he noticed his palms were bleeding, Baam didn’t stop to despair for a single moment, even as he heard Yuri shouting something from behind. Instead, he pulled out the knife he had brought with him while following after Rachel, a small cleaver-like weapon with a dull edge. Despite this, it had a bit of heft to it, so, with all the power he could muster, Baam began hammering at the handle of the Black March, forcing the tip further into the interior but ultimately failing to pop it.With sweat pouring down his face and the White Steel Eel slowly recovering from its paralysis, Baam abruptly considered the possibility that he had been set up by the Guardian of the First Floor. For a very brief moment, he nearly surrendered to the urge to collapse, but, from behind, a sudden voice cried out, "Hey, kid! Ask the Black March to help you! If you can get her to ignite, there is a chance you can still complete the Test!"Hearing the voice of the man who had introduced himself as Evan Edrok, Baam took a few deep breaths, hands on his knees as he asked, "What do you mean? How do I talk to the Black March?"Skipping a detailed explanation, Evan nearly ran to the edge of the cage as he shouted, "Just do it! If you keep thinking and hesitating, you’re going to die! Grab the Black March and focus your mind on the blade! It’s your only chance!"Though he was more than a little confused, Baam still managed to muster the strength to grip the handle of the Black March, his head lowering almost as if he was in prayer. This was an intriguing turn of events from Vahn’s perspective, as, without a tremendous amount of practice, it was often very difficult for people to infuse their intent into a blade. Despite this, he could sense a shift in the boy’s aura as the weapon known as the Black March began to emanate an aura powerful enough to distort the surrounding space.With golden electricity dancing across the surface of the blade and diffusing into the surroundings with destructive force, Baam inevitably succeeded in destroying the ball. To the surprise of everyone but Vahn and Headon, however, the ball quickly expanded to create a peculiar spacial membrane, a liquid mass that seemed to possess the ability to transport and protect entities moving through the void.Moments before Baam vanished from view, a petite woman with golden hair, golden eyes, and a red dress had appeared. She gave off a ’very’ similar impression to a Zanpakuto Spirit, so, while her presence seemed to surprise Yuri quite a bit, Vahn had an intrigued smile on his face as he briefly made eye contact with the entity embracing Baam’s body. She seemed slightly surprised when their eyes overlapped, but, with the black ball consuming both her and Baam, there was no time for small talk. Baam ended up completely enveloped by the black sphere, and, like a black hole collapsing in on itself, the peculiar black substance vanished from view in an instant...(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Everywhere I go, I carry my Empire within my heart...’,’A Record where Fate is constantly shifting about like waves in a tumultuous sea...’,’Om nom nom nom’)
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