Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1010 - Wall

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Chapter 1010 - Wall

With labored breaths, Vahn crawled out from an abyssal crevasse more than a kilometer deep. After failing to find his footing, he instead took to the air, disappearing from the area like a phantom as a massive tail, nearly 50m in diameter, swept by his previous location. The owner of the tail craned its head towards Vahn's emergence point, sending a black-hued laser that blotted out the sky towards his new location. As this wasn't the first time such an attack came his way, Vahn had already crossed his arms in a defensive posture as the black laser crashed into his body, fragmenting into several smaller beams that cut through the surroundings like a hot knife through butter. When the beam began to shrink in size, the rapidly regenerating figure of Vahn could be seen as he pulled out a pure black spear and threw it towards the mountain-sized monster's maw.
Instead of facing the tiny projectile directly, the beast tucked in its neck while using one of its six massive wings to protect its head. It had already made the mistake of underestimating Vahn's attacks and wasn't willing to pay the price of hubris. This ended up being the correct decision as, upon contacting the monster's wing, the spear exploded into a sphere of similarly black light that it quickly deflected while dodging to the side. With its size, complete evasion was impossible but it was still better than taking the attack directly. As a result, a large section of the Dungeon simply disappeared upon contact with the sphere's black light, taking several meters of the monster's scales along with it.
Seeing his attack fail to make purchase, Vahn clicked his tongue before feeding another 10,000,000 OP into the system to purchase a second pure black spear. The reason why he chose this particular weapon, compared to all others, was the fact that it shared a similar name to one of his most reliable tools, the [Yi] arrows. Vahn needed 'something' to deal lasting damage to the creature Vahn had dubbed Achron, the Mountain Dragon. With its size dwarfing actual mountains, Vahn felt it was a suitable name for the Guardian of the 98th Floor. Unfortunately, it was that same size, combined with its impossible regeneration, that was currently the bane of Vahn's existence...
After having failed to deal lasting damage to each other, Vahn and Achron both came to a standstill, separated by nearly a hundred kilometers. Both were capable of dealing almost instantaneous damage at shorter distances and, combined with Achron's body being more than 5km long, it was one of the only ways in which Vahn could take in the entirety of its figure. It also didn't seem to have any trouble seeing him as it's ten massive eyes held only Vahn in their focus. At this point, their battle had been doing on for forty hours and, though he wasn't far from exhaustion, Vahn was beginning to grow battle-weary after spending eight days to clear the previous six Floors. Though there were many other reasons leading to his fatigue this, many taking place outside of the Dungeon, Vahn was beginning to feel the limits of his current power...
With neither side willing to reinitiate combat, Vahn sat on the void itself as he propped the newly purchased [Yi's Judgment] on his lap. For a whopping ten-million OP, the single-use projectile could create a gravitational well that dwarfed the malformed four-star [Yi] arrow by several orders of magnitude. Not only did it leave a 300m wide expanse of 'nothingness' where it had struck the Dungeon's Floor, but the surrounding area had been twisted to the point that the mountains that dotted the landscape of the 98th Floor were no longer recognizable. Some had been leveled to the point that nothing remained while others were missing huge circular sections of their peaks after a stray beam fired from Achron's mouth. Their battle had not been kind to the surroundings but, unlike the previous Floors, there weren't any random Juggernauts appearing to prick at his side...
For nearly an hour, there wasn't much movement between Vahn and Achron until the latter began to lift its colossal wings, covering a large section of the horizon from view. Vahn released a heavy sigh upon seeing this before transforming into his Qinglong form and disappearing from his resting place within the void. This happened just as a torrential wind assaulted the area, twisting the landscape with air pressure that would have even torn Ais to shreds. On the low end, Vahn had estimated the wind to be moving at close to 37,000 kilometers per hour. Though this was slow, compared to the speeds he could achieve, it was an irresistible force if he tried to take it head-on. It was this same attack that had caused most of the surrounding mountains to slowly dissolve into flat plateaus...
Appearing near the base of one of Achron's wings, Vahn pulled his [Longinus] out of his Inventory before attempting to sever the troublesome appendage for what felt like the hundredth time. As the golden blade cut through the dense and muscular flesh, Vahn released a discontented sigh before vanishing from his location as a veritable tide of destructive mana washed over the area. His attack had only cut through eighteen meters of the thirty that would be necessary to actually separate the wing from Achron's body. By the time the mana tide had disappeared from the region, the gaping wound that had been left in his spear's wake had already healed...
Having exhausted his options several times at this point, including the vast majority of 'Stars' within his Inventory, Vahn was beginning to feel numb in the face of his constant failures. One of the only things he hadn't tried at this point was calling Fenrir to his side and allowing her to try and bore into Achron's body, destroying him from the inside. If not for the fact that a 'shroud' of mana, strong enough to even dissolve items with the [Durandal] trait, Vahn very well might have called her on the first day. Now, he was left trying to break through the limits of his mortality as, with everything else failing, Vahn felt like the purpose of Achron within the Dungeon was to serve as the final threshold that separated mortals and gods...
Without affording Vahn much time to think, Achron used its tail like a whip, moving much faster than the colossal beast itself could manage. Vahn had tried, and failed, to cut it off previously so he simply evaded the attack at a minimal distance while ignoring the wind pressure that had accompanied it. Then, using the small gap created by its movements, Vahn coated his hand in azure lightning before shouting, "Fixate. Seize. Load Magic, Azure Dragon's Wrath...!" in a voice that shook the surrounding void. In an instant, his Qinglong form had partially fused with his [Magia Erebea], allowing Vahn to seemingly move outside the constraints of time as he flew forward and slammed his previously purchased [Yi's Judgment] into Achron's eye. His own body had started to fragment apart but Vahn was able to teleport away by the time the spear had exploded into a black sphere of immense gravitational pressure.
Coughing up a mouthful of golden blood, Vahn collapsed atop a shattered mountain as he watched the devastation of his last attack with dull eyes. When the sphere finally faded into nothingness, Vahn saw that a large chunk of Achron's head was missing but, instead of turning to dust, it almost seemed as if time was reversing as millions of tons of flesh quickly came into existence to replace what it had lost. Vahn issued forth a burst of dry laughter as he watched this process before downing a [Max Ether] to replenish half of his reserves. By the time twenty seconds had passed, Achron was back in full health as its ten eyes glared towards him with endless menace. Each individual pupils shrunk to a house-sized point before ten black lasers, this time giving off a subtle red glow, tore towards Vahn at the speed of light.
Having already started to evade from the very moment Achron's pupils began to contract, Vahn managed to evade eight of the beams, losing a section of his left calf and right abdomen in the process. Much like Achron, Vahn's wounds healed almost instantly as he charged towards the massive monstrosity with a momentum that wouldn't lose out to the impossibly large creature. The charge was never completed, however, as Vahn was forced to teleport a short distance to the side as the lasers had doubled back, attempting the skewer him once again. Fortunately, or perhaps not, Acheron wasn't foolish enough to think it could continue relying on the lasers as it craned its head towards Vahn and released a sonic wave attack in the form of a roar.
With a fresh hole in his chest, courtesy of one of Achron's lasers, Vahn failed to inhale before releasing a shout of his own, this one less reliant on size and more on the power of his Innates. Vahn was still in his Qinglong form, giving his roar far greater power than it had any right to possess as it collided against the literal pillar of hypersonic sound created by Achron's bellow. The void around them shattered like glass but, without any hesitation at all, Vahn threw himself into it before appearing above Achron's open snout. It had been forced back by the collision of the two sound waves, causing its flesh to peel and fragment as it lacked the same resistances Vahn had to the gravitational forces contained within the collapsing void. Though this ultimately didn't matter, as the wounds were healing just as quickly as the formed, Vahn summoned a single link of [Enkidu] from the center of his palm before striking down with as much force as he could manage.
Like a meteor striking a planet head on, Vahn's attack caused an impact crater atop Achron's head as it dropped, seemingly in slow motion, towards the ground. With gravity being the same as it was on the surface, it would literally take Acheron nearly a minute to fully collapse, not that it was anywhere close to the point of staying down. As strong as Vahn's attack was, especially when aided by the Tier 5 [Enkidu], it wasn't able to restrain the titanic creature. Though a large section of the crater Vahn had formed had yet to heal, the drain on his reserves was ridiculous. This wasn't the first time he had tried using [Enkidu] but, seeing his attack fail yet against caused Vahn to release another sigh as he vanished from the spot, this time retreating back to the 97th Floor...
No longer sensing Vahn's presence, Achron released another earth-shattering roar as it flared out all size of its sky-covering wings in triumph. As a True Dragon itself, it had fought tooth and nail to defend its territory, even if the 'presence' of Vahn's Qinglong form caused its soul to tremble. Being able to defeat such a foe caused its pride to swell up like the tide pulled by the moon, rapidly increasing its power. It was this ability to 'grow' that had been the true bane of Vahn's existence as, every time he seemed to knock the mountain-sized Dragon down, it simply got back up stronger. Though this had also caused his own power to increase exponentially, Vahn felt like he was always one step behind the endlessly evolving True Dragon...
After arriving on the 97th Floor, Vahn made no effort to hold his body up as he allowed the force of gravity to pull him down. Even as his face impacted the hard bedrock of the floor, Vahn didn't particularly care as he was too tired to even move at the moment. This wasn't tiredness derived from a lack of stamina, something Vahn had to spare, but one that seemed to emanate from the deepest recesses of his soul. Knowing he was so close to breaking through the limits of mortality, only to fail at the finish line, was causing Vahn both mental and physical anguish. Fortunately, during the worst moments, Vahn could just allow his mind to 'blank' out as his focus became centered on his main body's antics...
Rubbing his temples to alleviate a bit of his mental strain, Vahn felt a pair of small hands against his back before a soft sensation pressed into him. Immediately following that, a tongue found its way to the lobe of his left ear before the teasing voice of Kali asked, "Having performance issues...?" This caused Vahn to snort through his nose before pulling Kali's wrist and forcing her to the front of his body. She gave a fearless chuckle in response before rolling onto her back with the momentum as the playfully remarked, "Scary, scary. Protect me, Amaterasu-sama~."
In response to Kali's words, a rather tired-looking figure curled up at the side released a light groan as her tails moved to cover her face. With an equally tired voice, Amaterasu muttered, "Let us sleep. Our body isn't as durable as an Amazoness'..." Wearing nothing but a see-through babydoll garment and a pair of pure white panties, Amaterasu wasn't in much of a mood to play after the previous nights 'exertions'. Vahn had been staying with her ever since arriving in the Far East and, though she had planned to put off the event until a bit later, the presence of Kali and Vahn's growing anxieties caused her to lower her guard. After having lost the purity she kept for more than six hundred million years, Amaterasu felt as if her insides were still stuffed as she held her thighs glued shut, even as she refused to leave the bed...
A complete contrast to Amaterasu, Kali was in high spirits as she snuck up to the former's side and pinched the exposed part of her left butt cheek. Amaterasu released a groan before covering the area with one of her tails and complaining, "Don't bully us...we will not tolerate such indiscretions..." Thought he tiredness hadn't faded from her voice, Amaterasu's golden eyes were releasing a subtle light that caused the hair on Kali's neck to stand on end. As a goddess purely aligned with the 'positive' forces within the world, it made Kali's scalp tingle to have Amaterasu directing her gaze towards her. This wasn't enough to scare her away, however, as Kali simply licked her lips in response before extending her hands towards the inside of Amaterasu's thigh this time...
Before she could escalate things any further, Vahn placed his hand rather roughly on Kali's head, nearly forcing her into the plush bed below. This caused Amaterasu to give an amused giggle as she tightly hugged her own tails and enjoyed the sounds of Kali's struggle. Eventually, Kali managed to free herself from Vahn's grasp but, instead of lashing out at him, she had a somewhat vicious smile on her face as she said, "Good, you back to normal now...?" In response to this, Vahn gestured to Kali before reclining back as he explained, "I'm fighting against a monster that could probably give the Charybdis a run for its money, at least on land..."
While listening to Vahn's words, Kali climbed onto his body before unhesitantly straddling his h.i.p.s. Unlike Amaterasu, she had never bothered to wear clothes after their nightly activities had ended as, contrary to the v.i.r.g.i.n goddess, she was more than willing to continue where they had left off. Now that Vahn wasn't distracted by what was going on in the Dungeon, she wanted to keep his focus on her for a short while. Thus, while asking, "So you're just going to give up...?", Kali unceremoniously reached between her thighs before grabbing Vahn's member in her hands. Other than inhaling a little through his nose, Vahn didn't stop her frisky hands and instead shook his head as he said, "I wanted to take a break and refresh my mind before returning for round two..."
Hearing this, Kali began to cackle in a way that would have sounded 'wrong' coming from almost any other woman or goddess. Then, after licking her lips, she mused, "I can't let a monster in the Dungeon steal the spotlight, can I? Every time you fail to defeat it from here onwards, you'll have to defeat me at least twice...shishishishisi~." With those words having left her lips, Kali let her h.i.p.s drop as her body trembled in response to the invading object. Though Vahn had 'adapted' its size several times, primarily out of consideration for the girls he often slept with, it was still on the larger end of the spectrum. Though no longer giving Lili's forearm a run for its money, it was far more than someone the size of Kali should have been able to take...
After adjusting her breathing a bit, Kali bit her lower lip before raising her body, a dauntless look in her eyes as she said, "This first one will be our warmup...haaafuuu..." This time, it was Vahn's turn to laugh as he extended his hands out for Kali to keep her balance. The first time they had s.e.x, she tried to use some of her 'dance' techniques against him but, with the 'peculiar' qualities his p.e.n.i.s had obtained after sleeping with Freya, such confidence hadn't lasted long. Though she would never admit it to anyone outside of the room, Kali hadn't been prepared for her first time with Vahn. She had suffered a 'humiliating' defeat after just a few short minutes and it was for this reason that she was prone to teasing Amaterasu. The demure Sun Goddess was the only one to bear witness to her shame and, though Kali had no intentions of killing her, she couldn't simply let the Goddess off without causing her embarrassment greater than her own...
Unaware of Kali's machinations, Amaterasu's grip on her tails tightened as she peaked through the silken furs, golden eyes reflected the carnal act between Vahn and her companion goddess. She could feel her body heating up as her heart, seemingly too large for her chest, began beating rapidly in response. It felt hard to breathe, causing Amaterasu's diminutive chest to heave up and down as she continued watching on without even taking the time to blink. This was all new to her and, though she didn't lack the required knowledge, witnessing Kali's frail and small body atop Vahn's caused her heart to flutter in fear, trepidation, and expectation.
Though she had already had s.e.x with Vahn once, Amaterasu still had no idea how her body had been able to take in something so large. Seeing it 'mercilessly' gouge out Kali's insides caused her lower body to feel ticklish as, under the concealment of her tails, Amaterasu allowed her fingers to sneak past silken white defensive barrier before she stealthily worked to relieve her body's tensions. What she didn't take into account was the fact that Vahn's perception, even after losing the ability to read auras, wasn't something to be looked down upon. This, combined with the fact that her tails had betrayed her, three writhing around against her will, had exposed the truth. After that, though he didn't force her into anything she was against, Vahn ended up giving Amaterasu a heavy petting session later that caused her bond with Kali to further strengthen as, after seeing the puddle of malleable Kitsune Amaterasu had become after Vahn's 'care', Kali had found it in her heart to forgive her...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'BLAAAAAAAAAAAH---!','There must have been a sale on True Dragons','RIP Amaterasu-sama...') <-(p.atreon link)
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