Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1194 - Measures

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Chapter 1194 - Measures

Before restarting his treatment of the Homunculi, as there weren't any in danger of breaking down any time soon, Vahn decided to spend the rest of the day cycle alongside the girls who had been away from the castle. He also needed to discuss Luvia's plans and, if she needed to return to London, he would be the one to escort her. To that end, Vahn needed to come up with a method to protect her when he wasn't around, even though she wasn't exactly a soft target. In the past, they had even discussed summoning a Goddess into her body, both as a means of nourishing her soul while also allowing her to fight against most enemies that would target her.
It could be the result of her rivalry with Rin, but Luvia it was easy to see that Luvia also had ties to a Goddess, either through her lineage or, more likely, the result of the Nasuverse's creator giving her a parallel with another important character. Vahn didn't know exactly who the central characters of the Nasuverse were but, with the auras of fate lingering around them, it was clear that Artoria was one of the most important. As for Rin, she also had a discernible aura while Luvia, Gray, and Sakura all had subtle auras that were only visible if looking closely. Curiously, even though they were two powerful individuals, Merlin and Scáthatch completely lacked a 'fate' while entities like Alaya and ORT were simply beyond his ability to discern.
Before she made her decision, Luvia wanted to learn more about Astraea but, as she also believed in gaining strength for herself, the chance of her following through with the idea would depend almost entirely on any difficulties she faced in the near future. She believed her own power and intelligence was enough to let her navigate most situations, especially with the authority and finances of her family. So long as she didn't do anything like charge into enemy territory on her own, there weren't too many enemies who could endanger her life.
Even Magi specialized in assassination would be hard-pressed to target her as, like all exceptional Magi, Luvia was extremely perceptive to negative intentions and curses. The moment they began conspiring to take action against her, she would be able to sense it intuitively and, unless they were an unbelievably powerful foe, there weren't many enemies that could even get close to her. This was a skill possessed by most powerful Magi, especially those belonging to families with a long history. If not for this, they would have long been eliminated by their other enemies as, unless you already had an absolute level of power, schemes and trickery could even lay low Emperors and Demigods...
Though Luvia was confident in her own capabilities, Vahn couldn't help being worried about her as, if it were someone on his level, it wouldn't matter what kind of defenses she had prepared. All it would take was a single resolute enemy to completely cripple the Edelfelt family, albeit at the cost of being made an enemy of most major factions. People got nervous when others started flexing their power without consideration for propriety and restraint. This would generally stir the more powerful forces in the world to take action, often bringing out the 'old monsters' who supported each faction.
While individual might could take you a long way, especially when you reached certain extremes of power, that didn't mean you were impervious to the efforts of others. Large-scale ritual magic could even wipe entire countries off the map in an instant and, with the justification that they were acting in response to a genuine threat, there were few extremes the stirred powers wouldn't go to. During times of war, especially during the First and Second World Wars, there were examples of individual Magi wiping out entire battalions of enemies while, using the chaos to their benefit, the Holy Church often carried out large-scale purges. It was usually when the 'old monsters' came out to play that the conflict would be brought to an end, generally resulting in a cease-fire agreement such as the one that currently existed between the Mage's Association and the Holy Church.
Vahn knew that Luvia's Grandmother was actually stronger than she had appeared during their brief scuffle as, in that instance, she wasn't actually trying to kill him. She even had a nickname like 'Gandr Goddess', the result of her using the relatively basic spell to wipe out entire battalions and fortresses with considerable ease. If she had gone all out from the start, the surrounding mountains would have ceased to exist in short order. However, as he would have inevitably emerged victorious, Vahn knew that there were enemies she simply couldn't stand against. She was the type of Magus that was suited to guerilla warfare, targetting supply lines and facilities indirectly rather than facing strong foes head-on. Against someone like Solon, the odds of her lasting for even a few minutes were infinitesimally small.
With that in mind, Vahn felt that Luvia needed someone to protect her when he wasn't around, even though he couldn't think of anyone suited to the position. The best candidate was Siegfried who, if he were asked, would undoubtedly agree to protect Luvia on his behalf. While this seemed like the simplest solution, the thought of sending Siegfried into the political world to act as a shield made Vahn feel guilty. The man had already lived a life where he had dedicated his everything to others and, now that he finally found peace in the solitude of Avalon, it almost seemed 'wrong' to send him into the proverbial pit of snakes. He also had an easily exploited weakness which might not matter against most opponents but, against established Magus families, it wouldn't take them much effort to realize his identity and plan countermeasures...
Though he could cover it with a thin cloth, Siegfried had the same weakness as Fafnir, being that his power was restricted the moment his weak spot was protected. Compared to Fafnir's, the spot was only around the size of a palm but, with some attacks capable of reaching light speeds, a barrage to Siegfried's exposed back would be enough to take him out. Thus, even if Vahn decided to entrust the task to the man who had slowly become a close friend to him, it would be necessary to send another to protect him. The 'obvious' solution was to allow a Companion to accompany him, allow them to slowly expose the existence of the rather adorable creatures while also 'field testing' them.
Siegfried might not be able to cover his own weakness, but that didn't mean others couldn't watch his back and protect him. This had been a 'loophole' that Vahn had discovered back in the Record of Danmachi as, while even the use of barrier magic would stun Fafnir, this mechanism didn't activate if he was proactively shielded by another. If someone like Jeanne had flown around with Fafnir, they would have been a truly unstoppable pair against anyone lacking a monstrous comprehension of Sword, Spear, or other Martial Laws. Thus, even though Vahn felt it was cruel to send Siegfried out of Avalon, that didn't stop him from considering it...
It might seem selfish on the surface, but Vahn actually had a number of reasons to expose Siegfried to the outside world. Though there were areas in the world where extreme poverty ran rampant, a place like London could be an eye-opening experience for the stoic Knight. Vahn wanted him to see the modern world and experience how much things have changed since the time he wandered the land as a Hero. At the same time, his existence would 'expose' the fact that the Empire had the ability to summon 'Heroic Spirits' freely, something that might stir some to action but would give others a very convincing reason to cease hostilities.
Siegfried's presence alone would be a deterrent force that represented the unknown power of the Empire. Having a Companion at his side would further stir speculation about the Empire capabilities while also improving their image amongst 'common' Magi once their capabilities were made known. With these factors, it wasn't hard to imagine their enemies spending months, or even years, planning the 'best' course of action. Since Vahn wouldn't be idling in that time, there was a chance they would be able to keep the momentum, denying their enemies the opportunity to act decisively in response.
With these factors in mind, it wasn't long before Vahn found himself in the company of Siegfried and Susu, the latter of which was curled up on the stoic Knight's broad shoulders, purring contentedly. As for Siegfried, he listened patiently during Vahn's explanation, his expression never fluctuating in the slightest. By the time Vahn had finished, he didn't delay his response at all, stating in a resolute tone, "I will do it. Though these peaceful days have done much to heal my soul, a Knight is nothing if not the extension of his Lord's will. You have allowed me to experience a kinship I had never known in my previous life. If it means protecting the things you care about, I would not hesitate to face down your enemies."
Though Siegfried's reaction wasn't beyond his expectations, Vahn couldn't help feeling a little guilty. A part of him had wanted Siegfried to refuse, even if he knew it would be 'better' for the man to get out and experience the world. Since it wasn't difficult to imagine Siegfried contentedly living on a small piece of land, surrounded by animals as he peacefully lived out the rest of his days, having him become a shield against his enemies wasn't an easy decision to make. If not for the realization that it would be even more selfish to just keep Siegfried around to be his 'friend', Vahn wouldn't have been able to broach the subject.
Sensing Vahn's apprehensions, Siegfried's expression softened a bit and, though it seemed like he had almost reached out to pat his head, his hand deviated to rest on the former's shoulder. Then, in a gentle yet equally resolute tone as before, he stated, "This is something I do willingly, not simply because you asked it of me. Though my training has not lessened in its intensity, I feel that idling about in this peaceful land has dulled my senses. I desire the power to protect this paradise from any who would intend to bring it to ruin. If I can be the shield that prevents our enemies from reaching Avalon, I will do it without hesitation."
Hearing Siegfried's words, Vahn released a profound sigh, filled with guilt that was suppressed by his overwhelming feeling of gratification. Then, staring into his friend's deep blue eyes, Vahn adopted a sincere smile as he stated, "You have my gratitude. I am blessed to have someone like you to call my friend...I..." Before Vahn was able to continue any further, Siegfried put a bit of strength into the hand he had rested on the former's shoulder, plainly stating, "Words could never express my gratitude for being allowed the opportunity to befriend you. Let us not speak of such things. Come, though the twilight has yet to give way to the day, let us drink and make merry." With that said, Vahn shared a toast with Siegfried, burying words of gratitude and replacing them with a lighthearted celebration of brotherhood...
After making a few preparations, it was only a few hours later, projection time, that Vahn was in the transfer room alongside Luvia, Siegfried, Susu, and Skoll V2.1. Luvia had been quite surprised when Vahn explained that Siegfried would become her bodyguard in the future, commenting, "You'll not hear me complain, but I worry that he might draw even more attention to me. He cuts quite a figure compared to normal men...some may even make scandalous remarks." Since she was very aware of who Siegfried was, Luvia had already memorized a report detailing his entire history. Though he had only done so at the behest of his Lord, it was a doc.u.mented fact that he had been involved in a tryst that eventually cost him to sacrifice his own life. When others learned of his identity, combined with the fact that she was engaged to Vahn, it wouldn't even take an hour before the other families began making baseless accusations to tarnish her reputation and slander both Vahn and Siegfried.
When he heard Luvia's concerns, Vahn barely resisted the urge to laugh before holding Luvia by the waist and remarking, "I have confidence that you wouldn't leave for the middling drivel that aristocrats are so fond of, I don't give a damn what they think. If they choose to resort to such petty methods to protect their pride, it will only blow up in their faces once the truth is exposed. When the time comes, it is an inevitability that many families will come to us seeking an accord. Instead, we will give them an accounting before having them accept responsibility for their petulance." To punctuate his words, Vahn denied Luvia's response by sealing her lips with his own.
Though his words hadn't been enough to convince her, Luvia dismissed her errant thoughts the moment Vahn began kissing her. He even sneakily took advantage of the situation, cupping her butt firmly and letting his fingers mold her flesh through her sapphire blue dress. This made Luvia's heart flutter quite a bit and, as she was quite fond of when Vahn acted forward with her, she dismissed her own inhibitions and simply enjoyed the moment. Fortunately, this conversation took place shortly before they moved to the transfer room as, even if he was rather audacious at times, Vahn would rarely behave this way in front of others...
Giving Luvia enough time to settle down after the fact, Vahn escorted her to the transfer room before having Alaya transport them into the undergound 'vault' of the Edelfelt Mansion. After that, he ultimately returned back to Avalon, understanding Luvia had her own matters to focus on while his own free time was rather precious at the moment. Though he could tell that Luvia had taken a small hit to her confidence after removing herself from contention as his Empress, it wouldn't be long before she recovered. Rin even compared her tenacity to a c.o.c.kroach and, once she was able to return to managing her businesses and 'bullying' other aristocrats, she would be back to her usual haughty and confident self...
Upon returning to Avalon, Vahn spent a few minutes gathering his thoughts before making his way toward Nobunaga and Kenshin. He had been meaning to spend time with them after their return and, knowing they had some important matters to discuss, Vahn decided it was best to address them sooner, rather than later. It had already been brought to his attention that he may be required to sire an entire 'generation' of children in the near future, as a means of extending the Imperial Family and strengthening the foundation of the Empire. The larger and more unified the Imperial Family was, without having to rely on 'outside' strength, the more stable his governance would be.
Though it was a matter for the far future, and he would never force a political marriage, Vahn knew it would also strengthen the bonds between him and the families his Heroic allies would build in the future. After discussing the 'flaws' that had been pointed out by Luvia, Da Vinci had made a number of changes to her plans for the future. Now, she had divided up each continent into territories based on existing Leylines and Mana Veins, meaning they would eventually have to 'seize' those lands from the existing factions. These placed would become the future territories of the Heroes he summoned to aid against Angra Mainyu and strength his Empire.
After considering it seriously, Vahn knew it was considerably selfish of him to summon heroes from their original timelines, even if he didn't intend to 'exploit' them. However, just by calling them into this world, using their nature and the circ.u.mstances to compel them into obeying him, it couldn't be denied that he was taking advantage of them. Thus, just as the Holy Grail War had enticed Heroic Spirits by promising to fulfill their wishes, Vahn would do his best to provide the same terms. So long as it was not a destructive wish, he would do his best to fulfill the desires of those he called into this world, granting them the happiness they deserved in exchange for their loyal service.
Unsurprisingly, most Heroes had suffered tragic ends so, by researching their history and properly understanding their character, it wasn't that difficult to answer their wishes. After all, even someone as monstrously powerful as Heracles, with his almost legendary pride, would willingly bend the knee if it meant he could be reunited with his family. As for Demigods like Karna, if Merlin's word could be trusted, he was even easier to convince. His only desire was to loyally serve a Master who sought to better the world and protect the people that were unable to protect themselves. Simply by doing his best as an Emperor, he could guarantee the loyalty of someone like Karna without much difficulty.
The only types of people Vahn needed to avoid summoning were those that had arrogant, prideful, and conquest-driven natures. Though he could pacify them by promising them territory and letting them build their own seat of power, it would only be a matter of time before conflict broke out. To prevent this, even though it seemed like an inevitability, Vahn could pick and choose from amongst history's most powerful and reliable figures. They would become the protectors of the Leylines and the peacekeepers within their territory, serving as an extension of the Empire before they began to expand toward the stars.
Though Vahn was slightly annoyed just thinking about it, he knew it was only a matter of time before his children began seeking their own happiness outside of the castle's ivory walls. By association, the most likely candidates for their partners would be from amongst the families of Empire's allies, with the sons and daughters of Heroes being amongst the most suitable. This was due to the simple fact that 'normal' people wouldn't be able to keep up with the momentum of those possessing higher Soul Tiers. Though love could still develop between them, this wasn't likely to last as, unless they were able to gain power on their own, anyone elevated to power as a result of their relationship had a high chance of being corrupted...
Vahn intended to respect his children's choice, allowing them to love freely without ever having to worry that their choices would bring shame upon themselves and the Empire. At the same time, however, anyone they chose would be under heavy scrutiny and, if they were ever exposed for any devious thoughts, it wouldn't be long before they were dealt with. Though this could drive a wedge between him and some of his children, Vahn believed that, so long as they were educated properly, they would always see reason if presented with the facts. Even though love could make people do some pretty 'crazy' things, Vahn was willing to bear their ire if it meant protecting their lives and preventing greater tragedy...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fate be wonky','Siegfried is a Tier 9 bro','RIP Vahn's children's lovers...') <-(p.atreon link)
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