Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1080 - Duty

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Chapter 1080 - Duty

As he had decided to afford Lakshmibai a similar amount of time as Nobunaga, Vahn had shown up fully intending to spend more than two hours with the dark-skinned beauty. It turned out that he had once again overestimated her stamina as, even faster than the last time they were together, Lakshmibai actually started crying midway through as she clung tightly to his body. Since he was certain she wasn't in any pain, Vahn had been caught off guard by her reaction, leading him to fretfully ask, "What's wrong...?" while gently stroking her head. In response to this, Lakshmibai only cried even harder before surprising Vahn even further when she whimpered, "I don't want to become a weird girl...I don't want to..." in a pitiful tone of voice.
No longer in the mood to continue, Vahn ended up spending nearly twenty minutes consoling Lakshmibai as she sobbed in his arms. This was a first, even for him, so he could only do his best to comfort her, gently stroking her hair while whispering, "It's're not going to become a weird're an amazing woman..." He was saying anything that came to his mind, trying to console a woman that most people would have thought was serious and resolute if they interacted with her under normal circ.u.mstances. Though she had been behaving demurely over the last couple of days, Vahn hadn't expected her to have an emotional breakdown in the middle of having s.e.x...
When Lakshmibai had finally calmed down to the point she was just laying in his arms, Vahn picked a few strands of her sandy white hair from her face before wiping her cheek with his thumb and asking, "Are you feeling better now...?" In response to this, Lakshmibai nodded her head, even as she tried to avert her eyes so they weren't staring directly at each other. Then, in a voice that sounded like the buildup to another sobbing fit, Lakshmibai muttered, "I'm sorry..." This made Vahn feel even more guilty as he didn't really understand why she had such a drastic reaction. Since she obviously wasn't accustomed to the act, he had been especially gentle and delicate with her so that it would be easier for her to tolerate. Seeing her like this, he felt as if he had done something wrong by coming to her in such high spirits...
Contrary to any of the expectations he had formed, Lakshmibai shook Vahn to the core when she spontaneously explained in a voice that barely reached his ears, "This is supposed to just be another one of my duties...but...even if I tell myself that, I can't help but feel there is more to it. I feel like...I feel..." This was relatively tame, something well within Vahn's expectations, but it was when Lakshmibai added, "I feel like I want you to treat me roughly..." that all of the blocks fell into place. She apparently wasn't content with leaving things vague either, adding, "I keep telling myself not to want even more, but I just can't help it...I feel something burning deep within my body every time you treat me gently. I want more and the point that my brain feels fuzzy just thinking about it..."
With Lakshmibai's admission, Vahn realized that all the times she kept whimpering, 'No more...' weren't directed at him...she had been talking to herself. The reason she had kept moving, even while saying such things, was due to the fact she was craving something more intense but trying to keep the urge buried deep within her heart. With this realization, a new thought emerged within Vahn's mind and, given how 'open' Lakshmibai was being right now, he couldn't help but ask, "Could it actually really like having s.e.x...?" Though Vahn had nearly asked if she was afraid of becoming a nymphomaniac, he felt like this word would have been like setting off a landmine within Lakshmibai's mind...
Without looking at his face, Lakshmibai's body began to steadily tremble before she ultimately nodded her head in affirmation. Then, in an even quieter voice than before, she whispered, "I don't want to become a weird woman...but my heart aches when we're together, Master..." Towards the end of her words, Vahn was forced to swallow audibly as Lakshmibai slowly reached out her hands and gingerly poked his slumbering dragon with her fingers. Not wanting to disappoint, Vahn let himself immediately become erect, eliciting a small yelp from Lakshmibai as she turned away from it in shock.
Since she would struggle on her own, Vahn decided to take matters into his own hands as he ran his fingers through Lakshmibai's hair before putting in a bit of effort to have her face him. Her pale-pink eyes were already covered in a fresh mist but, instead of being afraid he had done something wrong, Vahn smiled as he whispered, "So long as you do not become addicted, there is nothing wrong with enjoying s.e.x. When we're together like this, you don't have to hold yourself matter what happens, I won't think of you as a 'weird' woman. If you knew half the things I've done with my other lovers, you would probably look at me as If I'm the strange one...."
Seemingly confused, Lakshmibai blinked a few times before surprising Vahn a little when she asked, "Eh? Do you consider me your lover...?" She seemed genuinely confused by this admission, causing Vahn to produce a wry smile before answering her question with a sudden kiss. Though it was only a gentle peck, Lakshmibai's face became dark red as she began to stammer, "I...I...I don't...I..." Before she could fumble any further, Vahn made Lakshmibai look into his eyes again before plainly stating, "I would never sleep with a woman simply out of 'duty'. If I didn't believe you were a good woman that I could shower in affection, there isn't anything you could do to make me sleep with you. The moment I pushed you down that night, you already became my lover..."
Lakshmibai's expression after hearing Vahn's words could only be described as comical as, not only were her eyes as round as saucers, her mouth was floundering like a fish starved for water. Though he could have given her more time to think of a reply, Vahn decided to cement his claim by showing her exactly what he meant. Since she was already laying against him, it only took Vahn rolling to his side a bit to have Lakshmibai laying against the bed as he lumbered over her from above. Then, as her already chaotic mind struggled to process what was going on, Lakshmibai suddenly arched back as Vahn slowly buried himself inside of her. She began to breathe rapidly with shock and confusion on her face until Vahn, without moving his h.i.p.s further, gently cradled her face with his hands before saying, "If you only want to have s.e.x with me out of duty, tell me right now...if that is the case, I have other ways of making sure you have mana. I won't lay with a woman that does not desire to lay with me..."
Though she didn't answer immediately, Lakshmibai slowly got her breathing under control as the conflict in her gaze slowly melted away with the rising heat of her body. Then, after swallowing the knot in her throat, she sheepishly muttered, "I want it...I want to be your lover...Master..." With those few words, Vahn's inhibitions were gone and, instead of the gentle love he had bestowed upon her previously, Lakshmibai was able to fully experience what Vahn was capable of. It wasn't until five hours later, an amount of time that had even surprised Vahn, that he finally liberated her from the endless wave of pleasure. At the very end, after lightly tapping Lakshmibai's face to draw her focus, Vahn asked, "Any regrets...?" only for Lakshmibai to gingerly lick his hand in response...
By the time Vahn had left Lakshmibai's room, even he was feeling a little fatigued, at least mentally. He originally had around fifteen hours to 'make preparations' but, after dealing with Nobunaga and Lakshmibai, he was already down to seven. Though he could keep going without any real difficulty, Vahn felt awkward having to think about 'rushing' through the process. Scáthach would be easy to deal with but Fenrir and the combined Rin, Ishtar, and Ereshkigal would easily eat up seven hours worth of time. Even if the 'Holy Rinity' didn't really benefit from the act, Vahn knew Rin herself would be upset if he decided to leave her out, especially since he was forcing her to stay behind. This meant he would need to deal with Saber in a shorter period of time than he would have liked, or else he would have to make Fenrir wait until he returned...
Deciding that brooding over the matter was an even bigger waste of time, Vahn made his way to Fenrir's room only to find that she actually wasn't alone. He hadn't been using his domain actively whenever he was in the lakeside residence as it was a little awkward to know what the others were doing whenever he was having s.e.x with someone else. That didn't mean he was unable to sense the presence of people when he was in close proximity to them, especially since both girls on the other side of the door had a 'closer' connection to him than normal. Because of this, even without Vahn having to knock, Fenrir had opened the door before he had even reached it, a smile on her face as she said, "Come in, Master~!"
Without refusing the offer, Vahn roughly stroked the top of Fenrir's head in passing before taking a seat on the floor at a distance that made the room's other occupant flinch as she greeted, "Welcome, Master..." in a demure tone. In response to this, Vahn smiled in the most casual manner he could manage before greeting, "Good evening, Artoria...tell me, what brings you to Fenrir's room at this time...?" Though he already had numerous guesses in his mind, Vahn wanted to see how Artoria would answer his question. At the same time, he gave an appreciative nod while looking over the matching outfits the two girls were wearing. Though it covered their figures, seeing two adorable girls wearing frilly one-piece pajamas was quite the sight to behold...
Coughing to cover her embarrassment, Artoria quickly explained, "I heard that Lady Fenrir was your oldest and closest companion. Since we are going to be...together from now on, I wanted to try and get to know her better." In response to this, Fenrir snickered before unhesitantly sitting down in her Master's lap and adding, "She wanted to know about Master before coming to this world so I've been telling her all the stories of how amazing Master is~." Since Fenrir could 'sense' that Artoria was one of Vahn's subordinates, she had already been preparing to get along with her as well. After talking with Artoria for a short period of time, however, Fenrir quickly started seeing her in a positive light. This was a combination of Artoria's 'non-threatening' vibe and her high [Charisma], something Fenrir might have been immune to if not for the fact she already recognized her as an ally.
Though Artoria seemed a little troubled by Fenrir's behavior and words, Vahn shot down any complaints she might have by musing, "That outfit suits you, Artoria. It's much better than the plain clothing you wore previously. Maybe I should have you always wear the same outfits as Fenrir..." This caused her to immediately shake her head before stammering, "Thank you for the compliment, but I believe Lady Fenrir and I have different styles. Though I will do my best to wear less plain clothing, I am more comfortable when my appearance is neat and proper. It helps me stay calm..."
While listening to Artoria's words, Vahn was stroking the white hairs on the inside of Fenrir's ears as she happily wiggled around in his lap. When she finished speaking, he casually commented, "Then I suppose I will have to enjoy the final few hours of our wager..." With this said, Vahn looked directly at Artoria and, without clarifying his meaning, asked, "Have you prepared yourself...?" Though it may not have been Artoria's intentions when she came to Fenrir's room, the fact she lingered around and was even wearing a nightgown was enough for Vahn to understand her intentions. Even so, he felt the need to ask since, depending on her answer, things could become more interesting than he had originally anticipated...
In response to Vahn's words, Artoria took in a deep breath before ultimately nodding her head without asking for the meaning behind his words. Using that as the starting signal, Vahn nestled his face between Fenrir's large ears before focusing on their shared link. Though her brows furrowed for a brief moment, Fenrir instantly decided to become her Master's accomplice as she wiggled out of his lap before laughing in a 'mischevious' manner as she pulled a confused Artoria to her feet. Then, after standing a little bit away from Artoria, Fenrir stood with her arms akimbo, a prideful smile on her face as she said, "If you are going to follow Master, you must be more confident in your body! He doesn't care if you have big b.r.e.a.s.ts or anything like that. So long as you take care of yourself and exercise your butt, Master will treat you well~!"
Hearing Fenrir's words, Artoria wasn't the only one confused as Vahn also had an awkward smile on his face as he wondered what she was up to. This confusion didn't last long, however, as Fenrir gave a curt nod in response to her own words before saying, "Do as I do, okay? Master will not just have s.e.x with any girl that wants him. You must convince him you are serious...!" With that said, Fenrir raised her pseudo-paws high, striking a pose similar to the one used by Tiona as her outfit burst apart in magical light before revealing a pair of pumpkin pants and a thin camisole with, of all things, a small cartoonish version of his face sewn into the chest.
Even if she had trouble following Fenrir's momentum, Artoria knew what she meant when she clearly stated, 'Do as I do'. What had her heart racing, however, was the fact that Fenrir was implying that she needed to 'seduce' Vahn before he would give her mana. When she turned toward him, seeking confirmation, Artoria saw that Vahn wasn't even paying attention to her as he looked towards Fenrir with an affectionate smile on his face. Then, as if she were growing impatient, Fenrir stepped close enough that their b.r.e.a.s.ts bumped together, a serious expression on her face as she said, "You are supposed to wear what I'm wearing. Come, do as I do..."
With Fenrir standing at 153cm tall, compared to Artoria's 154cm, the two were almost the exact same height if you discounted Fenrir's ears. Vahn hadn't expected her to suddenly press herself against Artoria but, when Fenrir began to playfully pose in front of him, that didn't really matter much anymore. Though Fenrir might not have the most mature body, she had a refined exotic appeal and knew exactly how to push his buttons. When she playfully pivoted her h.i.p.s toward him, Fenrir let the very tip of her tail pass across his nose before laughing in a mischevious 'shishishi'. When she finished her little presentation, Fenrir looked towards Artoria with a somewhat fierce expression and asked, "What are you waiting for? If you don't do this now, you will feel guilty when Master treats you gently later on...!"
Hearing Fenrir's words, Artoria was briefly reminded of the 'warnings' that Nobunaga, Lakshmibai, and Rin had given her. She was starting to feel a little worried about what Vahn's 'gentleness' entailed, especially since even Fenrir gave her such a peculiar warning. Since the event was quickly approaching, Artoria tried to calm her heart before giving an understanding nod, even though she really had no idea if this was what she 'should' be doing. By reminding herself of the promise she had made with Vahn during their earlier spar, Artoria managed to keep enough composure to inspect Fenrir's outfit before changing her own to match. She noticed that, almost instantly, Vahn had turned his green eyes toward her, causing a fluttery feeling in her stomach as she stepped forward...
Vahn knew that Artoria would eventually get swept along with Fenrir's momentum, but he was still surprised when she stopped only 20cm from him before taking small and bashful steps as she spun her body around. When her back was facing him, Vahn noticed that Artoria had actually substituted Fenrir's tail with a royal blue ribbon. She obviously didn't have one for herself but that didn't stop the red-faced Artoria from flaring her h.i.p.s almost identically to Fenrir as the blue ribbon gently passed across the tip of his nose. By the time she turned to look back at him, Vahn had a genuine gawking expression on his face as an irrepressible red hue colored his cheeks.
Artoria hadn't expected such an 'innocent' reaction from Vahn, nearly causing her to smile until Fenrir approvingly pat her shoulder and said, "Good job, Artoria. See, if you try hard enough, it is easy to make Master happy. Now, do as I do...!" Having failed to read the mood, Fenrir was starting to feel a little competitive after seeing how her Master reacted to Artoria's ribbon play. Fortunately, she still had a 'trump' card that she was certain Artoria wouldn't be able to pull off without messing up. With that in mind, Fenrir changed into a pair of skin-tone hotpants that weren't even a single palm's length. Covering her modest b.r.e.a.s.ts, she wore a similarly colored piece of fabric but, as if she wasn't wearing a ridiculous outfit, Fenrir raised her chin before gently stroking the [Spirit Choker] around her neck...
Seeing the outfit Fenrir expected her to wear, Artoria's face actually became pale instead of one of the various shades of red. The amount of fabric wasn't the problem, as she had actually seen Rin and Nobunaga wear even more revealing clothing over the last few days. What Artoria couldn't agree with was the fact that the clothes were skin-tone in color. Though she was aware that she and Vahn would be having s.e.x soon, Artoria felt that wearing such clothing was actually 'worse'. This was only the beginning, however, as Fenrir gave what she could only interpret as a laugh before she unceremoniously plopped down in Vahn's lap. As if they had coordinated things from the start, Vahn began to casually play with Fenrir's hair as she leaned against his chest with her legs making an M-shape as she rested her feet on his knees with her tail curled up to cover her privates. This made it look like Fenrir was sitting in Vahn's lap completely n.a.k.e.d as he 'casually' played with her hair, a small and contented smile on his face...
After only thirty seconds, Fenrir eventually hopped up before patting her chest, an excited smile on her face as she remarked, "My heart is beating so fast...! Now, it's your turn, Artoria. Don't worry, you might not be able to compete with me, but Master will still shower you with affection~." With that said, Fenrir moved over before plopping down on her bed and sitting with her feet pressed against each other, another habit she had copied from Tiona. As for Artoria, her face had regained much of its color as she watched Fenrir's 'demonstration' of what she was supposed to do. Now that it had come to this, Artoria clenched her hands into fists as her outfit changed to match Fenrir's, the only difference being that her's was the fair-skinned tone as her own body...
Though Vahn knew this would only make things hard for Artoria, he had a playful smile on his face as he mused, "This reminds me of when you were sitting on the table a few days ago..." This words seemed to go over Artoria's head at first but, remembering the fact that Vahn had already seen her n.a.k.e.d, she actually calmed down a considerable amount. She almost felt 'silly' to harp over wearing clothes like this, as they were already in private and the only people to witness her 'shame' were her two companions. Though she was beginning to feel like that word was beginning to become slightly distorted, Artoria made her way over to Vahn before muttering, "Excuse me..." as she sat down in his lap...
Several thoughts crossed Artoria's mind the moment she sat down, the first amongst them being a feeling of regret. Immediately replacing this, however, she felt Vahn's body heat flowing into her body as she internally remarked, ("I didn't realize how big he was before..."). Since the only man she had ever known was better suited to being called a boy, Artoria never realized how much larger a real man was compared to her. She felt unbelievably small sitting in Vahn's lap, something that had seemed cramped when she watched Fenrir sit earlier. Now, however, it felt like she had a lot of room to move around while, looking up, Artoria could see Vahn looking down at her with a gentle smile that caused her heart to flutter more than she would like to admit...
With Artoria already sitting in his lap, Vahn leaned back a little so that she was reclining against him in the same way that Fenrir had previously. He waited for her to sheepishly maneuver her feet to rest against the side of his knees, something she now realized meant her butt was pressed against a hard and hot object concealed within Vahn's pants. What she didn't know was that he wasn't even erect yet, as that might have genuinely spooked her into hopping out of his lap. Before she could escape, however, Vahn brought his hands to the scruff of Artoria's hair before using his understanding of Petting Laws and the weakest strength [Hands of Nirvana] he could manage. He then began giving her scalp a gentle massage while doing his best to ignore the mellow fragrance wafting up from her slightly perspirating body...
Without realizing it, three minutes had already passed but, just as Artoria was beginning to feel very comfortable, she snapped her thighs closed after seeing Fenrir's face suddenly looking up at her. Fortunately, due to the position her legs had been in, Artoria bringing her knees together didn't impact Fenrir at all as nimbly reached right beneath where the former had just raised her butt. Then, using her teeth, something she would have never been able to manage in the past, Fenrir bit the zipper of her Master's pants before tugging her head a few times to pull it down completely. When she brought her head up to start at Artoria, she tilted her head to the side as if she were confused by the latter's sheepish behavior, saying, "The whole point of this was to make Master excited, not just sit in his lap and enjoy getting your head rubbed all night..."
Hearing Fenrir's words, Artoria's eyes widened in shock as she realized she had actually started to enjoy sitting in Vahn's lap. This realization caused her to feel a bout of panic as the 'warnings' given to her by pretty much everyone else played across her mind. However, she simply wasn't able to take a step back after already 'resolving' herself to the act. Even when Vahn lightly kissed her shoulder, causing her heart to begin racing even faster, Artoria did her best to bear it as she watched Fenrir liberate the hot object that had been pressing against her butt. When it had finally been released, Artoria was momentarily reminded of the spell that Merlin had cast on her to ensure she was able to sire an heir to the throne. However, unlike her rather modest size, Artoria watched with growing trepidation as Vahn's member seemed to expand without limit...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Instant Waifu Status','Artoria is like a kid being forced to play truth or dare for the first high school xD','Merlin's D.i.c.k-Wizardry needs to level up if he wants to compete with 'Dragon Emperor' Vahn')
(A/N: I'll be honest, the original chapter I was writing ended up getting lost when I was at 2900+ words. What it evolved into after the fact is more of a representation of my frustration than anything else. Instead of just writing a normal s.e.x chapter, I decided to make something more 'unique' that would help serve as a basis for future interactions. I hope it turned out better than what I had originally intended as my frustration had faded about halfway through the rewrite. Also, the part with Lakshmibai is actually a shortened version of what happened in the original chapter so don't think I just felt like bullying her in my own frustration xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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