Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1204 - Abroad

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Chapter 1204 - Abroad

Though the Mage's Association had three primary branches, it was actually comprised of several other factions and affiliated families. While two of the three branches were located in Europe, with the Atlas Temple being located in Egypt, they had branches of influence spread throughout the entire world. After all, it would be impossible to form a united front of they left the Holy Church to plant its roots in a region uncontested. As a result, though the mana density was much lower than places like Africa, Europe, and Asia, the Mage's Association had several affiliates within the Americas.
Due to its low mana density, the United States was not a highly contested ground for any of the major factions. Though the Holy Church had its usual influence, this was a land where the greatest powers were Science and Capitalism. As a result, there were only three major factions present, with several hundred smaller groups affiliated with them. These were the Stonemasons, the Illuminati, and the Templars, each representing the Mage's Association, Dead Apostles, and the Holy Church. In fact, as a result of the Americas being relatively unpilfered lands, the largest majority of the Dead Apostle Ancestors were located in North and South America, primarily as a result of their boredom.
Among these factions, the Stonemasons had spread throughout most of North America with their Headquarters located within New York City, New York. They were heavily involved with the politics and governance of the United States, consolidating great wealth to compensate for their lacking Magical Power. Though their Director, Christina Scarlett was considered an extremely powerful Magus, she couldn't even be considered within the top 50 most powerful individuals in the world.
Despite her losing out against her contemporaries, the type of Magecraft practiced by Stonemasons was extremely 'efficient', with her being one of the few that could exercise her full power. She also more than made up for her lack of power by having one of the largest factions in the world, losing out only to the Jade Temple and Bodhisattva Faction in China and India respectively. Since her faction had also been present during the formation of the United States, they had extremely deep roots and, even compared to the three Monarchal Families, their wealth and physical assets were without equal, albeit allocated very broadly across all fifty States.
With the Mage's Association consolidating most of its power in and around Europe, they were able to exercise greater control over the surrounding factions. At the same time, even if thousands of nuclear warheads were to rain down atop London, it would remain relatively unscathed. Even the architecture of the city itself was part of a larger magic circle which, when activated, would allow them to even withstand extinction-level events such as a meteor strike. Inversely, as they had their power spread thin across many States, there was very little magical infrastructure within the United States.
Though Magi couldn't use their full power on US soil, this didn't stop numerous young Magi from visiting the so-called 'Land of the Free'. Since the entertainment industry in the US was one of the most well-developed in the entire world, it was a popular tourist destination for anyone that simply wanted to cut loose. As most incidents would be quickly covered up by the CIA and FBI, there were thousands of incidents of young Magi wreaking havoc all throughout the country. The most popular places, as could be expected, were Hollywood, California, Seatle, Washington, Las Vegas, Nevada and Orlando, Florida.
Hollywood was considered a 'playground' of sorts to many as, with a few clever uses of Magecraft, it was easy to mingle amongst celebrities. Though you had to avoid stepping too far out of line, there were numerous Magi who would return to the Clock Tower each year, sharing rather inappropriate pictures that they had taken after hypnotizing and modifying the memories of various celebrities. So long as they were not protected, A-List Actors, it wasn't hard to sneak into the party of an up-and-coming Actor or Actress, turning them into your pet for a few nights. In fact, if you made the proper arrangements, many of these celebrities would be sold out by their own Producers as gaining the favor of a Magus associated with the Clock Tower was a very lucrative business.
Understanding the rampant corruption in the US, as Luvia actually had nearly thirty percent of her assets located in North America, she had flown all the way to Hollywood, California to make the necessary arrangements to keep Astolfo out of trouble. Though the Production and Talent Company she owned would be able to protect him from most threats, Astolfo's nature, combined with the extremely manipulative and petty individuals that made up the celebrity population, she needed to have extra insurance.
Fortunately, though Astolfo might be a little airheaded, he wasn't a complete idiot who couldn't protect himself. Since the body he had was produced by Vahn, something Luvia still had trouble wrapping her head around, he had an extremely strong resistance to poisons, toxins, narcotics, and alcohol. Thus, so long as he didn't go out of control, Astolfo would be able to avoid becoming the victim of most ploys. Thus, so long as she dealt with other Production Companies and the various Gangs that had taken root in Hollywood, it wasn't that difficult to keep Astolfo and Tristana safe.
With that in mind, Luvia, accompanied by Siegfried and several other bodyguards, had been making the rounds and lining the pockets of a few key figures. As a result of her status and wealth, earning her the title of 'Golden Goddess' within private circles, there were very few people who would refuse a meeting with her, regardless of how busy they were. This allowed Luvia to walk uninhibited, albeit with a number of pedestrians and tourists trying to snap pictures of her. Since she always dressed in a way that stood out, many thought she was some Heiress or an up and coming Actress, completely unaware of the truth hidden right in front of their eyes.
Though she was quite fond of attention, Luvia rarely visited places like Hollywood as, a stark contrast to the 'polite' nature of people around London and Finland, the 'attention' she received from most Americans left a bad taste in her mouth. Most harbored powerful delusions, believing they were just one opportunity away from being just as rich and famous as people who put in a genuine effort. As a result, there were a number of people who tried to solicit her while, feeling they were 'immune' to any kind of repercussions, some would even catcall her and make snide remarks when she ignored them.
During her stay, Luvia had even crushed a rival Production Company over the last week as, during negotiations, the other party had let his eyes wander a bit too much. Towards the end, he had even asked if she wanted to have dinner with him, an action that resulted in him ending up in the hospital, all of his memories since the time of his birth completely wiped. While she was used to men gawking at her beauty, and even trying to woo her, Luvia always did her research prior to any negotiation. He was the type of man who only allowed Actresses to succeed if they were willing to sell their bodies for favors behind the scenes.
While this was nothing new, as the same issue ran rampant in almost every country with a thriving celebrity population, Luvia knew some of the man's victims included rising child and teen stars. She had already intended to run him out of business at some point so, having him try to solicit her was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. This also served as a warning everyone else she would negotiate with, smoothing things over considerably as most people were too nervous to even make eye contact with her...
Even the man sitting across from her, who was known to be a major player in the underground of Hollywood, owning one of the most influential music production companies, kept his eyes focused on Siegfried. As it wasn't just movie stars and their Producers who made up the backbone of the movie industry, Luvia was dealing with various Music Producers and Labels. Compared to most Actors and Actresses, who remained relatively low-profile in most situations, Pop, Rock, and Rap stars were rather notorious for causing trouble. Many rose up through various gangs and only reached their status through favors and connections, making them some of the most dangerous individuals within the industry.
As she was intending to promote Astolfo as a Transgender Idol, as the current political climate of the US was focused on exploiting such ideals, Luvia wanted to make sure everyone kept their people in line. She didn't plan to reveal Astolfo's actual gender and, though the scripts were still being worked on, he was meant to play both Hero and Heroine roles in three different productions. The last thing she needed was some arrogant upstart in the Music Industry, famous for their lack of accountability, to s.e.x.u.a.lly assault Astolfo. Regardless of the fact that their actions would likely result in them being thrown through a wall, Luvia wanted to do her best to nip the problem in the bud before it could bear fruit.
To that end, she had a cold and professional smile on her face as she asked, "I trust you understand my intentions~?" This caused the man, who was almost triple Luvia's weight, to give a solemn nod as he answered, "Don't worry, Miss Edelfelt. Our boys won't trouble your new star. I'll personally see to it that their careers have an early end if they try anything." As nearly every producer had an extreme amount of dirt on their employees, the man was serious in his claims of ruining his own talents. It was simply impossible to rise up without ingratiating yourself to the company or label you wanted to promote yourself through. This meant every artist in the industry was a criminal who, upon stepping out of line, could easily be dealt with, both above board and below.
Producing an elegant and amused giggle in response, Luvia answered, "I will trust your discretion, Mr. Bennet. Perhaps our companies may have some association in the future." With that said, Luvia rose to her feet, refusing the man's offer to guide her out as Siegfried stood stoically at her side. As she left the building and entered her private car, Luvia tapped the intercom's terminal, asking, "How did it go?" In response, a gruff man's voice came over the intercom, answering, "We were able to install the monitoring equipment without any issues, Lady Edelfelt."
As negotiations that were not beneficial for both parties often caused tension, Luvia wasn't foolish enough to think her threats would always be taken at face value. American's were rather famous for their arrogance, the members of the Stonemasons included. Even though they were the weakest regions in regard to Magecraft, they led the world in military spending and scientific research. This allowed them to bully other countries publically, even though they often had to get permission from the Mage's Association before they were even allowed to take action. Despite the facts, their culture had reached the point that even average citizens were egocentric, to the point that some were even extremely vocal and even prideful of their bigotry.
Because of these factors, Luvia had her security teams plant both magical and electronic monitoring devices. She had teams monitoring every major production company and the primary locations they were known to frequent. Though the electronics would be discovered relatively quickly, as sweeper teams often cleaned out the buildings on a weekly basis, there were few Magi qualified enough to detect the magical formations her team had placed. Unless they hired a Magus proficient in tracking and detection Magecraft, which would cost a small fortune, the odds of discovery were negligible. This was due to the fact that the formation was invisible and produced virtually no magical signal, to the point that even a competent Magus might sit right on top of it without realizing they were being spied on...
Having full confidence in her security forces, Luvia gave an approving nod before saying, "Very well. Take us to the Hotel, please." With the driver answering in the affirmative, Luvia leaned back against her seat cushion before casting a glance towards Siegfried. He was seated across from her and, if not for the fact the interior of the vehicle was rather spacious, his head would be touching the roof due to how rigidly he sat. She had tried to get him to relax in the past but, being a very dutiful Knight, Siegfried had politely refused. He rarely even talked to others, despite the fact he was 'very' popular amongst the female members of the Edelfelt Security Forces.
Deciding to try and make conversation, as it was a forty-minute drive to their destination, Luvia adopted a polite smile as she asked, "I'm curious, Sir Siegfried...what do you think of America~?" In response to this, Siegfried opened his eyes, his expression a perfect mask of stoicism as he answered in a voice that could be described as both deep and raspy, without being abrasive in the least, "I do not know enough to answer with confidence. However, from what I have seen, it seems to be a land of opportunists. Though there are many awe-inspiring sights to observe, there is a foul smell in the air, both as a result of the pollution and the corruption that seems to have deeply ingrained itself into this society..."
Hearing Siegfried's response, Luvia gave an understanding nod before muttering, "Compared to a mystical place like Avalon, I'm certain the outside world seems rather dreary..." Though it was a little unfair to compare a modern city to what was essentially a kingdom ripped out of a fantasy novel, the fact that even the most picturesque streets were adorned with trash and disreputable people made even the most scenic areas of Hollywood reak of waste and stagnation. Many of the people living here, even compared to most Americans, lived a life completely enamored with their delusions. Even a completely average Barrista in a public Cafe, working for minimum wage, carried themselves with a profound sense of entitlement. Some even believed the only reason for their lack of success was that others 'stole' the opportunities they 'deserved'.
With Luvia mentioning Avalon for what felt like the twentieth time today, Siegfried gave a knowing smile as he stated, "I'm certain His Majesty would be willing to retrieve you for the evening. If you will it, I can contact him on your behalf..." As this wasn't the first time he had offered, Luvia waved her hand dismissively as she stated, "I need to stay focused for the next couple of days. That man doesn't know the meaning of the word holding back..." Though the last half of her statement was barely a whisper, it was still able to reach Siegfried's sensitive ears. She had the same habit as Rin, being that she would often speak her mind in a small voice when she was around people she could trust.
Being the ever-perfect Gentleman, Siegfried showed absolutely no signs that he had heard Luvia's remark. Instead, he turned his focus to the outside of the vehicle as it had come to a stop due to the evening rush of people trying to return home. Though he found the design of some vehicles rather interesting, Siegfried had come to disdain them quite a bit after suffering through heavy traffic in several instances. He was genuinely surprised about the number of people in the present world, as even his home country had less than three million total inhabitants. When he learned that the world currently had several 'billion' people, it had come as a genuine surprise to him, especially when he saw how populous metropolitan areas could be...
Staring out the window, Siegfried could see down a back alley where, perhaps due to his high Karma and nature as a Hero, he observed a homeless man being beaten by a group of three youths. With his sharp eyesight, he could see that the man had a military-style jacket, complete with a few medals which, despite their aged appearance, were well polished. This caused his expression to turn sour as, from what he had learned from his colleagues within the security forces, America was notorious for its mistreatment of war veterans. Even though it was the nation that seemed to place the heaviest emphasis on its military, there was a large population of homeless veterans who had been exploited by the very nation they risked their lives to protect...
Seeing the change in Siegfried's expression, Luvia gave a small sigh before saying, "Do not make a scene..." Though it sounded like she was telling him to ignore it, Luvia knew it was pointless to try and stop Siegfried from helping people in duress. So long as he did not cause a larger scene, as he drew quite the crowd just by being present, she didn't mind if he saved a few people. What she did find baffling was the fact that trouble seemed to miraculously appear around him, with this being the seventeenth incident over the last five days.
After bowing in a respectful and gratified manner, Siegfried stepped out of the idle car, ignoring the gazes of pedestrians who turned to see who was dumb enough to step out in the middle of traffic, even if it wasn't moving much. Then, moving with a relatively 'normal' speed, even though it would cause athletic scouts and Olympians to experience a cold sweat, Siegfried entered the alleyway. His arrival obviously drew the attention of the youths, as a 190cm tall man with wild silver hair wasn't exactly something that could be overlooked, but they weren't even afforded the opportunity to say anything.
The first 'man', who seemed to be around nineteen years old, didn't even know what happened before his body was flipped in the air. He crashed hard into the ground, causing a loud cracking sound as a result of his arm bending in the wrong direction beneath his body. Siegfried had to hold back a lot against normal humans so, rather than strike them directly, he allowed gravity and the weight of his targets to take them out of commission. As a result, the second youth, whose face was covered in various tattoos despite the fact he was only around seventeen years old, found himself nursing three broken ribs after Siegfried swept his legs out from under him with a casual kick.
As his two companions had been taken out of commission in less than five seconds, the third man felt like he was having a bad trip, fueled by the mixture of drugs and alcohol. At nearly the exact same moment that he heard the sound of his friend's ribs cracking, Siegfried had already stepped in front of him, causing the man to fall into a stupor as his fight or flight response encouraged him to do the latter. Siegfried didn't even have to take further action as, the moment the youth turned to flee, he immediately tripped before banging his head into the adjacent trash bin. This left him with a rather vicious cut on his forehead but, as it wasn't fatal, Siegfried ignored him as he gave a respectful nod towards the homeless man.
Ignoring the various 'blessings' and the gratitude of the homeless man, Siegfried left the alleyway through the opposite end before traveling two blocks across. This wasn't the first time he had carried out his own form of justice so, to avoid drawing suspicion, Luvia had told him to always move a few blocks away before they would pick him up. As he could easily leap the distance of two city blocks in an instant, this was a comfortable distance that allowed him to avoid having to deal with the police while also allowing him to respond to any unexpected situations. Since Vahn had entrusted him with her protection, Siegfried always kept her as his highest priority, despite his 'bad' habit...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'A place where Capitalism outshines Magic xD...','TFW you have no real power so you overcompensate by spending $520,000,000,000 on your annual military budget...','Siegfried is a True Hero') <-(p.atreon link)
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