Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 861 - Prowess...

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Chapter 861 - Prowess...

Though the tryst between Vahn and Rethusa hadn't taken up the full hour, Vahn had made a slight oversight, forgetting the 'recovery' time. As a result of helping Rethusa return to a state where she could walk without support, they ended up being a few minutes late to the celebration. Based on how everyone was looking at them, it was very obvious their antics hadn't gone unnoticed and, considering he didn't do much for soundproofing the stone corridors, there was a chance some sounds had echoed. This realization caused Rethusa to turn scarlet red as she was 'whisked' away by some of the other girls for details while Vahn was seated between Artemis and Lante for the celebration.
During the celebration, Vahn wasn't free from pestering and, as if all the words he had spoken earlier no longer had any relevance, the girls weren't shy about approaching him anymore. It seemed that, while he was away with Rethusa, the girls had done more than just prepare the feast. Artemis, who Vahn learned now had Divinities related to the Moon, Family, Wilderness, and Love, had talked things over in greater detail with her Familia. She talked about the world they wanted to create and how amazing the City of Orario had become under the influence of the Alliance. As a result, she wanted the Artemis Familia to support the Alliance as its 'arrow', going to places outside of the City where Vahn's influence couldn't reach so easily.
With her newfound Divinities, Artemis no longer had any thoughts about restricting her children from finding people to fall in love with. As for how they should act around Vahn, she gave them her support but also emphasized the fact that they shouldn't unfairly harbor expectations towards him. She understood there was a fair chance Vahn would show his favor to the majority of them if they expressed an interest and worked hard to support his dream but, in order to protect the family he had already built, she asked that everyone show propriety and understanding once they arrived in the City. What she neglected to do, however, was reign them in during the celebration and things quickly began to spiral out of control...
Though he had already taken a bath earlier, Vahn was dragged away by the veritable horde of girls and they all squeezed together in the relatively large bath he had made. For many of the girls, this was somewhat curiously their first time seeing a n.a.k.e.d man. As a result, Vahn became an even bigger point of interest than before and he nearly had flashbacks about being in a lab back on Earth. Artemis, instead of helping him out directly, knew he wasn't wholly against the idea and, having only seen Vahn n.a.k.e.d during a rather precarious situation, she also showed more than a little curiosity. What followed the bath was an event Vahn would never be able to speak about in public, even though he also felt a small amount of pride after the fact...
Before his tryst with Rethusa had even started, she had already become his subordinate and, with how curious the girls were about the 'benefits' involved, Vahn had her help with a demonstration. This had not only surprised Rethusa and the girls but Vahn as well, being that he received a barrage of subordinate requests from nearly the entire Familia. Being their benefactor, and the only man many of them had ever been close to, Vahn's image had already firmly rooted itself in the hearts and minds of nearly every Artemis Familia member.
After their discussion with Artemis, they were already determined to follow him so, knowing there were such 'premium' benefits to have, none of the girls had problems become official subordinates. As a result, Vahn had to spend the better part of two hours helping 'customize' the girls. The only exception to this was Lante, who actually had a much greater affection for Artemis and ended up becoming his retainer instead. She was also 'very' satisfied with her current body and was the only girl that didn't have any real requests for his 'modify'.
Once the modification party was done, a very strange 'phenomenon' occurred where Vahn ended up surrounded by nearly n.a.k.e.d women who were observing the changes in each other's bodies. His presence was certainly not ignored by them, but they didn't seem to treat him as if he were a wolf among sheep, as would be the occasion if almost any other man had been amongst them. Instead, it was almost as if he were a delicate lamb surrounded by carnivorous women and, once they smelled blood, it was already too late for him to escape.
When morning came, even though it was nearly 11 AM by then, Vahn felt like a true Sage as he sat amongst sixteen n.a.k.e.d women with the rather adorable Kaeko seated in his embrace, completely passed out by still instinctually licking his shoulder. Though they weren't as prominent as the other marks he had, Vahn now how three new bite scars on his body, belonging to the Cat Persons, Kaeko, Kaia, and, the Leopard Person, Kisara. He wasn't surprised when they had bitten him and, after a momentary inner conflict, decided to let the bites remain unless any of the girls back at the Manor complained...
Almost as if she knew everything was over, and Vahn was very aware that this was likely the case, Artemis poked her head into the tent, a smile on her face as she looked around at her 'defeated' Familia. This time, Vahn didn't restrain his sigh, resulting in Artemis giggling as she asked, "Do you regret it, Vahn...?" Even though she knew the answer, Artemis felt like teasing him a bit since her own Divinity had caused her to feel fluttery throughout the night. She had stayed with Lante, Rethusa, Shadie, and the only underaged member of her Familia, Lana. Lante wanted her first time to be when Artemis had her first while Rethusa stepped back out of consideration for the other girls. As for Shadie, she wasn't in the right state of mind for such activities and even had trouble speaking, much less doing something so 'extreme'. She ended up being looked after by Lana, the rather adorable girl from the Ursa tribe...
Vahn still had a Sagely look on his face as he gently separated himself from Naeko and let her lay against the large futon shared by the other girls. She released a 'mnyaaa~' when he plopped out of her, causing Artemis to giggle lightly before saying, "Lunch will be ready soon..." Vahn nodded his head, watching as she disappeared from the tent flap before looking around at the havoc his pride had wrought. By the time the first girl had managed to break through his defenses, it was already too late for him to back down and retreat. As a result, Vahn went all out for the first time since he had been rather heavily outnumbered. In the end, his worries about their numbers had been completely unnecessary and only the Amazonesses had proved 'troublesome', though only for a few minutes longer...
After making sure Naeko was properly covered, Vahn used an area of effect 'cleaning magic' to absorb all the sweat and blood present within the room so the girls could sleep comfortably. They had exerted themselves quite a bit and, after experiencing his [Hands of Nirvana], made even more effective by the fact they had all experienced 'Nirvana Rebirth', it would be a while before they were ready to move. For the time being, he just decided to join Artemis and the other four girls for lunch and enjoy a nice 'cooldown'. The look Lana had given him was rather penetrating but Vahn still managed to enjoy the meal and make some polite conversation...
While Vahn had been involved in one of the longest conquests of his life, losing out only to his first time with Fenrir, he had also been rather busy back on the 50th Floor of the Dungeon. There were feelings of guilt involved but, after explaining how the events had been resolved, Vahn went to seek Rufina and Shakti. He ended up earning a rather heavy slap from Rufina when he brought up the subject, not being she was offended by the prospect, but because he had admitted to being actively engaged in intercourse back on the Dark Continent. Even so, after 'forcing' him to coax her a bit, Vahn ended up another precarious situation. Not only did he have to contend with the two mature women, but Tina had been very aware of what was going on and he had actually missed her birthday during the time his main body had been in a deep meditative state...
Vahn managed to convince Tina to wait until they returned to the surface, promising to take her with him the moment Terra established the teleportation ward. To convince her, he promised to take her to a 'secret' location with just the two of them, even though he didn't currently have any ideas in mind. After that, he ended up in a room with Rufina, Shakti, and, though she hadn't been part of the original plan, Haruhime. She had become very close with the two over the last few months and was there to 'coach' them and provide moral support. Vahn didn't think it was necessary but Rufina and Shakti surprisingly agreed to it rather quickly, almost as if they had been planning this day in advance...
Almost as soon as the soundproofing was activated within the room, Rufina suddenly stammered, "There is s-s-something you need to know, Vahn...!" Turning to face the suddenly beet-red Rufina, Vahn smiled slightly and said, "Please, tell me..." In response to this, Shakti and Rufina held hands with each other, both seemingly very nervous as the latter closed her eyes tightly and shouted, "I think I like women more than men...okay!?" As this wasn't really new to him, Vahn's expression didn't change much, at least until Shakti also blushed slightly and said, "I may be because Ganesha-sama was always pestering me, but I've always had my defenses up against men..."
With a small nod, Vahn's smile grew slightly as he said, "Yes, I have been aware of your mutual attraction to each other...for a while...?" This remark caused both girls to turn scarlet as Haruhime began giggling from the side, clearly amused by the little 'play' that was occurring. Rufina balled her free hand into a fist, clenching her teeth in as she embarrassedly said, "F.u.c.k, you should have just joined us then and idiot...nnnuuhuuu!" In what a manner that made Vahn's heart flutter, he watched as Rufina stamped her feet in frustration, almost as if she were blaming him for the feelings she and Shakti shared.
As if to clear up a misunderstanding, Shakti took in a deep breath and admitted, "That time...we did that to intentionally try and get you to take action...we never intended for things to develop like this..." This comment by Shakti explained a great deal and Vahn was suddenly hit by a wave of clarity as to why Rufina had been so frustrated after that day. Essentially, by 'refusing' to join them on that day, the two had awakened something within themselves and Rufina, at the very least, blamed him for what had happened. This gave him a slight urge to laugh, especially since he knew their feelings for him weren't fake...essentially, they had become bis.e.x.u.a.l as a result of his indecisiveness on that fateful day...
At this moment, Haruhime raised her hand and suddenly added, "Because they were worried about what to do, I have been helping to 'teach' Rufina and Shakti how to properly deal with men. Make sure to praise them lots and lots so they know they are doing a good job, okay, Vahn~?" As a result of developing a physical relationship with each other, and enjoying intimacy they hadn't quite planned, Rufina and Shakti had lost confidence in themselves. Rufina, especially, thought that Vahn simply didn't like her and it had hurt her pride a great deal, similar to how Asfi had felt on the day he purchased the Hermes Familia. Vahn realized he had a strange influence on the self-worth some women felt, especially if they were the smart, intelligent, and prideful types...
After giving Haruhime a small nod, Vahn turned his eyes to the two girls, noticing their interlocked hands were shaking slightly. With as much sincerity as he could manage, Vahn smiled widely before saying, "Shakti, are both beautiful and amazing women. Since you have given me your love, allow me to make up for my mistake on that day...though I will not change how you feel about each other, I will endeavor to make sure you don't regret choosing me as your lover...!" As he spoke, Vahn had moved forward, hugging the waists of both girls and pulling them into his embrace...
Rufina's expression had turned a little complex and Vahn could see the moisture building up in her eyes as she mumbled, "You better...dummy..." As for Shakti, her expression had turned rather calm as she lightly mused, "Ganesha-sama will never shut up once he hears about this...haaa..." Then, wrapping her arm to embrace Vahn in return, Shakti suddenly whispered into his ear, "I want a baby..." This time, Vahn was a little surprised but, after remembering Shakti was already thirty-eight-years-old, it was perfectly understandable. Most women began having children in their early twenties, especially if they were humans like Shakti. The reason why Ganesha had always been pressuring her to find a man is that he was genuinely worried that she wouldn't be able to have children in the future if she didn't hurry...
Without any real hesitation, Vahn surprised Shakti with a short kiss before smiling and saying, "Sure...though you may have to move into the Hearth Manor...well, we can worry about that kind of thing later." Since it looked like she was about to bite him, Vahn leaned over and gave Rufina as kiss as well, this one a bit longer than what he had given Shakti. At the same time, he moved his hand to her rather plump butt, something he had always been curious about, and gave it a firm squeeze. This elicited a slight m.o.a.n from Rufina who promptly grabbed Vahn's wrist with her iron-like grip, an ultimately futile action since his hand had already found its target...
As awkward as it was to 'push down' two women at once, Vahn had acc.u.mulated a great deal of experience with such situations and quickly managed to wrangle the two girls onto the bed. He used his rather 'unfair' hands to lead them along and had been making steady progress when Haruhime suddenly appeared next to him, something Vahn had noted long before she actually arrived. She had a slightly mischevious smile on her face as she hugged Shakti from behind and said, "I will keep Shakti company and explain what is going on...ufufu, please treat Rufina well, Master, she had been a very patient woman..." Being one of the 'support' girls during the times he was with a large number of women, Haruhime was a little too talented at dealing with women and had even gotten compliments from Aki and Loki in the past...
Though he nodded in agreement, as Shakti herself didn't seem against it, Vahn made his left-hand glow with a rainbow hue as he reached out his index finger and, very gently, 'poked' the area above Shakti's w.o.m.b. Her body began to tremble and she was forced to bring her thighs together, slumping over with shaky eyes as she asked, "W-What is this...its too much...!?" Vahn simply smiled in response, winking towards Shakti as he said, "You can't see it, but I created a small ward on the inside of your w.o.m.b while also sending some of my energy into your body. Since you weren't ovulating, I decided to 'help' out while giving you something memorable so you don't feel lonely..."
Right now, there was a gently pulsing 'seed' of source energy that was causing all of the pleasure receptors in Shakti's body to simulate an almost perpetual climax. At the same time, the ward was actually an unnamed spell that existed within Eva's notes, one that she had researched herself to try and 'force ovulation'...when Vahn had seen it, he promised to make her dream come true when he arrived in her record...
Shakti was left trembling, her own hand digging in between her thighs as Haruhime hugged her body from behind and served as her emotional anchor. Rufina had witnessed this and currently had her own legs closed, though this resistance didn't last long as Vahn turned his rather dangerous hands on her next. Though she had a rather high tolerance, it didn't take long at all for Rufina's body to get completely warmed up. Then, amidst a flurry of rather eager kisses from the beautiful red-head, Vahn claimed her v.i.r.g.i.nity for himself. Though she hadn't been a v.i.r.g.i.n when they met, it was one of the 'modifications' Rufina had asked for, as she had no memory of the time she had lost it and wanted to experience giving it to the person she loved...
In this manner, Vahn cycled between the two girls and made sure to pamper them plentily for all the time they had lost. At some point, dragged into the 'fun' by Rufina, Haruhime also ended up getting directly involved. Since Vahn was extremely adept at dealing with three girls at once, they reached a rather interesting equilibrium which, so long as he didn't overuse his [Hands of Nirvana], could probably go on indefinitely. Unfortunately, he had a tendency to get carried away and, during the moment when he intentionally i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed Shaki, the balance was broken when she ended up passing out. After that, Vahn had to hold himself back a bit since the sight of Rufina almost 'begging' for leniency had been rather impactful.
It was fortunate that Haruhime was very adept at dealing with Vahn, or things may have gotten even more out of hand. When everything was said and done, Vahn took a moment to reflect on his actions and knew he needed to show more restraint in the future...though he didn't truly possess a Divinity related to S.e.x, Vahn knew that his 'prowess' had risen a great deal after his melding with Freya. If he wasn't more careful, the chances of him accidentally 'breaking' someone in the future would continue to increase...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn reached the Zenith of Nirvana...', 'Shakti says, "Gimme, gimme..." ', 'Vahn is becoming a dangerous existence...') <-(p.atreon link)
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