Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 980 - Collision : Compromise (2/2)

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Chapter 980 - Collision : Compromise (2/2)

While Space continued to fragment around them, Vahn expanded both hands as he stored away his [Khryselakatos]. His domain, which had been contending against the One-Eyed Black Dragon's aura from the very beginning, now began to glow with a golden resplendence that caused the previously overbearing Dragon's aura to diminish in an instant. Since [Enkidu] could even seal away Divinity, restraining the aura of a Dragon was a simple feat while even the Spatial cracks began to stabilize as a result of Vahn 'locking' down the area. This ended up being an exceptionally helpful occurrence as Ais had just used [Shundo] into an area where Space had destabilized, causing her organs to shift slightly as a result. She ended up coughing up a bit of blood but was quickly regenerating under the influence of Vahn's mana and the support of her [Pactio].
Feeling the power of its roar suddenly drop, the One-Eyed Black Dragon felt a seething rage even greater than when Albert had blinded her right eye in the past. As if to overcome the effect of [Enkidu] through raw power, she twisted her colossal body around chaotically, destroying the walls, ceiling, and floor of the Dungeon, all while attempting to crush Vahn and Ais. Instead of focusing directly on Vahn, the One-Eyed Black Dragon was directing most of her attacks towards Ais since she could tell the latter was slightly injured and also knew that Vahn would try to defend her. What she didn't expect, however, was that the suppressive force of [Enkidu] was only the beginning of Vahn's 'attack' as golden chains began to break through the void almost as soon as her rampage began.
Vahn guided [Enkidu] to coil around the One-Eyed Black Dragon's arms, legs, neck, and tail as quickly as he could manage, even though his body was literally jerked around as a result of her thrashing. Though [Enkidu] could certainly restrict the One-Eyed Black Dragon's movements, once it managed to bind her, her strength and size made this difficult to achieve as Vahn's reserves were quickly diminishing in the attempt. She seemed to understand that things would come to an end if he managed to wrap her up in the chains so the One-Eyed Black Dragon was refusing to sit still as the floor below them collapsed, causing them all to fall towards the 74th Floor as a result. In the next moment, a brilliant flash of light shrouded the One-Eyed Black Dragon's body before her size decreased to a mere 153cm as she tore through the air and attempted to impale Vahn with a strange black spear.
Though he saw the attack coming and could have easily dodged it, Vahn grit his teeth hard and opened his arms slightly instead of making any attempt to evade. This had caught the One-Eyed Black Dragon off guard, though not nearly as much as when he suddenly closed his arms around her after she had bored a hole straight through his body. Even before her brows could fully raise in surprise, Vahn had produced two links of [Enkidu] from his palms while transforming into his Qinglong form to grant him greater physical might. Though he wasn't even remotely as strong as the One-Eyed Black Dragon, her reaction was far too slow to the sudden changes as Vahn managed to snake [Enkidu] around her wings, tail, and thighs before she snapped back to her senses. He knew the real reason why she had been so distracted but threw that to the back of his mind for the time being since the One-Eyed Black Dragon, even partially bound, wasn't a foe that could be looked down on...
Vahn felt a sickening nausea pass through his body as the One-Eyed Black Dragon twisted the jagged spear in his stomach before pulling it through the left side of his body, tearing away bone, flesh, and organs in the process. Though Vahn was able to regenerate relatively quickly, causing the already pale One-Eyed Black Dragon to turn stark white, it didn't mean the attack was something he could simply shrug off. Vahn had learned from personal experience that having your guts ripped out was one of the more painful injuries and, no matter how many times it happened, he would never get used to the feeling. As a result, his eyes blazed with an azure light as he glared at the One-Eyed Black Dragon with a visage or wrath clearly plastered across his face. Surprisingly, she flinched as a result of this glare, giving Vahn enough time to snake a link of [Enkidu] around her neck as he pulled the two chains in his hand, causing the golden chains around her legs and tail to tighten greatly as a result.
The One-Eyed Black Dragon was now in full panic-mode as she attempted to use her free hands to pull at the chain around her neck. Though she didn't actually need air to survive, the chains of [Enkidu] was extremely uncomfortable and she could feel their suppressive power quickly sapping away at her own. Her instincts told her that it would spell her end if she was unable to escape quickly but an even more powerful instinct overwhelmed her when Vahn pulled the chains in his hands. She could feel the resplendent golden chains dig into her thighs while the one around her tail caused a shiver to run up her spine, forcing her wings to spread wide in response. For a brief moment, she didn't even try to remove the chains around her neck and, instead, adopted a rather pitiful expression as a gasping m.o.a.n escaped her mouth...
Vahn's eyes widened in response to the unexpected reaction from the One-Eyed Black Dragon but, remembering how Terra would behave in similar circ.u.mstances, realization dawned upon him in an instant. He had noticed the look the One-Eyed Black Dragon gave him when he assumed his Qinglong form but had buried it away at the time since there were more pressing matters to attend. Now that he had almost completely bound her, however, Vahn was very aware of the rather 'devious' methods he had been using to subjugate an enemy that should have been one of the more powerful he had ever faced. This caused a light blush to creep up his face as even Ais, who was surrounded by a veritable hurricane of Spiritual Winds at this point, averted her eyes as an even deeper shade of red touched her cheeks...
The final straw was when the One-Eyed Black Dragon swallowed hard before looking directly at Vahn with her one remaining eye and said, "You...very well then..." As if she had come to a realization of her own, the One-Eyed Black Dragon stopped resisting against [Enkidu], causing the chains to dig deeply into her flesh and neck as she brought one hand to rest on her abdomen while the other found its way to a slightly glistening spot that Vahn had been doing his best to ignore. This caused him to feel a small amount of panic as he held up his hands to try and refute the One-Eyed Black Dragon's assumption, even though it would have been simpler to just kill her while she was bound...
As a result of his actions, Vahn caused [Enkidu] to tighten even further, forcing the One-Eyed Black Dragon to twitch with enough force to cause a small droplet to free itself from her body, miraculously making its way to a spot just under Vahn's left eye. He felt like he had just been struck by lightning as the One-Eyed Black Dragon slightly parted her eye before musing, "You are still weak, but I will recognize your desires...come..." Then, even with [Enkidu] supposedly restraining her movement, the One-Eyed Black Dragon slightly parted her legs as her stone-faced expression gained an almost indistinguishable shade of red.
Even without all the physical signs, Vahn knew he had 'triggered' the One-Eyed Black Dragon's instincts since her aura, which had previously been burning like a small sun, was now a vibrant pinkish-red that was coiling around his body in an extremely possessive manner. His mind had completely blanked at this point as he robotically turned his head to view the now scarlet-faced Ais. She caught his glance out of the corner of her eye and, though she didn't say anything, Vahn felt like Ais wanted to call him a pervert. Things had suddenly developed from a serious fight to the death to the One-Eyed Black Dragon seemingly misconstruing that he was trying to court her. Vahn didn't know what to think of this situation at all and, for what felt like the umpteenth time, lamented the 'instincts' of True Dragons...
Seemingly growing impatient, the One-Eyed Black Dragon furrowed her brows in response to Vahn's blank expression as she asked, "Are you trying to tease me...?" These words snapped Vahn out of his thoughts but he was still unable to find any words for several seconds before finally asking, "If I loosen the chains, are you going to attack us...?" Though the One-Eyed Black Dragon had seemingly stopped fighting back, Vahn needed to be sure that she wouldn't attack them if he decided to release her. Since the pride of True Dragons made it almost impossible for them to lie, he knew he would be able to trust her word but a part of him wished she would refute his words and insist on continuing the fight...
Releasing a snort that produced a small wisp of blue flames, the One-Eyed Black Dragon stated in a matter-of-fact tone, "Don't worry, pup, I won't try to kill you anymore. Even if you're still weak, I will groom you to become a suitable mate for me. You will stay here with me for a few hundred years and I'll take care of you until you are strong enough to court my true self. Be grateful, pup, as you are the first this one has ever decided to treat as an equal..." Each word spoken by the One-Eyed Black Dragon held an extreme amount of confidence, leaning on borderline arrogance, almost as if there were absolutely no room for refusal. Even with [Enkidu] binding her, she didn't show any real concern and, knowing this wasn't her true body, Vahn could understand where her confidence came from.
With a heavy sigh, Vahn began to loosen up [Enkidu] but still refuted, "I will not stay here, much less become your mate. Honestly, the reason we sought after you was to get revenge for Ais' parents and the millions you have killed during your rampages. However, since I can tell you are a sentient creature that can be reasoned with, I see no purpose in continuing this fight..." Vahn didn't want to alert the One-Eyed Black Dragon to the fact that he knew about her main body so he deflected a bit in an attempt to distract her. She seemed to fall for it as, right after hearing Vahn refuse to stay with her, the One-Eyed Black Dragon showed a face of wrathful scorn as she lunged forward and punched him in the diaphragm. There wasn't any lethal force behind the blow but it still sent Vahn flying nearly thirty meters as his body tore through the hard bedrock of the Dungeon's floor.
Instead of continuing the assault, the One-Eyed Black Dragon exclaimed, "You do all of this and still try to pretend you aren't trying to make this one yours...!?" Since her body was already in an excited state, the One-Eyed Black Dragon felt as if her thoughts were extremely jumbled as she recalled the instance of Vahn 'pelting' her delicate areas before her overbearingly tried to bind her body. With her enhanced instincts, she understood that Vahn hadn't been trying to kill her from the start so the only 'logical' conclusion she could come to was the fact that he had become enamored with her and wanted to make her his own. Though she had thought little of him at first, her opinion changed the moment her aura was beaten back by his domain and he revealed his Qinglong form, causing her body to practically ignite with a passion she had never experienced before...
Vahn slowly crawled out of the ditch his body had carved before staring at the One-Eyed Black Dragon with an incredulous expression. He couldn't really find the words to explain things as he was the most aware of how 'odd' his actions had been during their fight. Part of him even knew that the One-Eyed Black Dragon wasn't exactly to blame for the havoc it had caused in the past as it was simply the nature of True Dragons to slaughter others to establish dominance. The fact that it had been 'slumbering' for nearly a thousand years showed that it wasn't just going about wantonly destroying everything and, based on the relatively 'pure' aura coming off its body, it was highly likely that many of its most historical displays of power were the result of other people antagonizing it...
At this point, Ais seemed to have understood that things had taken a strange turn so she was about to step in to try and support Vahn. This immediately caught the attention of the One-Eyed Black Dragon, however, as the latter's nostrils suddenly twitched before her expression became even more fierce. She could smell the scent of Vahn coming from Ais and, even though they didn't actually have a relationship, the One-Eyed Black Dragon felt as if he had betrayed her somehow as her rage instantly boiled over. Though she had said she wouldn't kill Vahn, this protection didn't extend to Ais at all so the One-Eyed Black Dragon didn't hesitate as she produced another black spear before hurling it towards her with lethal momentum.
Though she had been caught by surprise, Ais managed to easily evade the spear with [Shundo] before having to dodge several more times when similar spears tore through the void in an attempt to skewer her abdomen. Ais noticed the trajectory of the spears were a little 'low', causing her to feel a little panicky as she continued to move around with greater speed. The spears were moving faster and with greater accuracy so Ais was forced to increase her own speed to avoid a rather tragic outcome. Fortunately, the assault didn't last too long before Vahn appeared, blocking the One-Eyed Black Dragon's continued assault by spreading his arms wide and shouting, "Stop, now...!"
Still in his Qinglong form, Vahn's voice rumbled with an intensity that would even cause thunder to pale in comparison as his words caused the void to ripple and fracture in response. Being a True Dragon that had a similar alignment to Vahn's Qinglong form, the One-Eyed Black Dragon felt her heart palpitate a few times as she quickly threw aside her most recently conjured spear before sheepishly lowering her head while intoning a quiet 'Nn'. This caused Vahn to nearly blank once again but, sensing the hostility that was still directed toward Ais, he managed to keep his wits as he said, "We are from two different worlds, you and I, and I can't abandon everything I've built just because of a decision you've made. I understand that my actions have-"
Vahn was unable to continue his words as, instead of listening obediently, the One-Eyed Black Dragon's ears twitched slightly in response before she suddenly pushed him down. Her one remaining eye was glowing with a fierce light as she loudly exclaimed, "You, you, you, you...!" With each utterance of the word, the One-Eyed Black Dragon punched towards Vahn's face with a carefully restrained amount of force that was slowly increasing as she began to understand the threshold of his defenses. As for why she was acting out in such a way, it was due to the fact that the One-Eyed Black Dragon knew that Vahn was trying to say everything was a misunderstanding, causing her to feel emotions she didn't really understand. The only thing she knew was that, over the last sixty-thousand years, she had never found someone that even came close to meeting her standards in a mate and, now that she finally found one, he was trying to avoid responsibility by using words to pacify her...
Since he couldn't feel any malicious intent behind the strikes, Vahn was surprised to find that his body didn't even try to protect itself. He had been training to the point that most of his actions were almost entirely based on instinct, as there wasn't always time to think in a fight, so this was a new experience outside of his expectations. Until the One-Eyed Black Dragon had taken the initiative to stop punching him in the face, Vahn had been left on the receiving end of her fists without being able to do much other than twist his h.i.p.s to avoid the tail that attempted to snake its way between his thighs. Even in her rage, the One-Eyed Black Dragon was trying to get him excited so she had been grinding her tail against his lower body in an attempt to 'take' what she wanted...
Realizing the futility of her actions, the One-Eyed Black Dragon took a few deep breaths to try and calm down before her icy voice reached Vahn's ears as she asked, "Are you impotent...?" Though she didn't know much about the surface races, the One-Eyed Black Dragon knew that it should have been the 'instinct' of any creature to want to procreate if it felt threatened while being stimulated. She even thought that Vahn's twisting about was to avoid revealing an opening but, feeling the 'softness' beneath her tail, the One-Eyed Black Dragon knew the truth of the matter. She suddenly felt like her most precious treasure had been taken away and, depending on Vahn's words, well, she didn't know what she would do...
Vahn, very briefly, humored the thought, ("I was not prepared for today...") as he rubbed some of the sore spots on his face and answered, "I am perfectly capable of doing the deed, but only with the people I care about. You can't force me to have s.e.x with you, even if you tried using all your might..." Though the peculiar exoticness of the One-Eyed Black Dragon certainly interested him, at least a little, Vahn knew there were a few girls that would never forgive him if he suddenly added such a troublesome existence to his already expansive harem. Chief amongst them would be Alexa, closely followed by Terra, as the former would likely grow to resent him while the latter would probably outright kill the One-Eyed Black Dragon for encroaching on her 'territory'. Though Terra was able to take a step back for the girls within the Manor, Vahn knew it would be a very different story if another female True Dragon stood up to compete against her...
The One-Eyed Black Dragon couldn't sense any lies in Vahn's words so she honed in on the words he had said about only being able to have s.e.x with people he cared about. Though she didn't really understand what they meant, she knew they were very important since it was the 'key' to getting what she wanted without having to awaken her main body and taking it by force. Since the latter action would likely result in Vahn's death, guaranteeing she would likely never find a suitable mate, the One-Eyed Black Dragon was extremely hesitant to take such drastic steps. She was also at a very important phase of her development so awakening over such a matter wasn't worth the risk, at least for the time being...
Without any other options available to her, the One-Eyed Black Dragon's eye moved around rapidly for a few seconds as thoughts raced through her mind. Eventually, it settled on Vahn's own before her pupil shrank into a fine line as she tightly gripped his tunic and asked, "How can I become important to you...?" There was a great deal of frustration contained within her voice while an almost imperceptible plea had found its way into the final few words. Vahn had always been perceptive to such things and, with the One-Eyed Black Dragon's Affection constantly ringing notifications within his mind, he felt a little guilty knowing he had seeded even a small amount of desperation in her. It almost felt cruel, telling her there was no way they could be together, so Vahn eventually sighed before saying, "If you follow me and behave, there will perhaps come a time when you become someone important to me..."
Though it annoyed her quite a bit, as it sounded like Vahn was telling her to become submissive to him, the One-Eyed Black Dragon still nodded her head in response. Since she had her main body, she wasn't that worried he would do anything to the 'fragment' she had left to serve as an anchor within the Dungeon. For the time being, she had decided to observe this 'pup' and see how he had lived before taking further action. He was different from any True Dragon she had ever met so she was also a little curious about what kind of environment had produced such an 'abnormal' existence. Since there were also several scents lingering on his body, following him would also allow her to identify the competition and, if the opportunity presented itself, eliminate or, at the very least, subjugate it...
//[Nameless] Wishes to Become Your Subordinate: (Y/N?)//
(A/N: These are the only two chapters since I decided to take the advice of the comment's section and take the full day off to recover from travel fatigue. I was originally only going to write one but it ended up being nearly 4.8k words so I just wrote two (nearly 6.5k words), instead.)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: '[Enkidu] must have been produced by the can literally be used for everything, even taming True Dragons!?','Take responsibility, baka...!','Are all female True Dragons this sneaky...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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