Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1565 Trepidation

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Chapter 1565 Trepidation

Around the same time that Vahn was stressing out the Grandmaster and her daughter, his other self was walking through the Academy City with a wry smile on his face. The streets actually weren't that populated, as most students attended classes and lectures during the day, so Asuna was able to run around freely. This drew quite a bit of attention from the staff and students earning extra money by working at the various canteens, cafes, and shops that catered to the city's residents. After all, while not particularly rare, it was uncommon to see a 'human' running around the streets of Ariadne. This made her stand out quite a bit, but, a stark contrast to how they were treated when first arriving at Nyandoma, most people viewing Asuna for the first time couldn't help but smile.
Though she never wandered more than a few meters away from Vahn, earning him a considerable amount of teasing from the more mature residents of the city, Asuna fearlessly interacted with even the most 'peculiar' races inhabiting the city. This included a four-meter tall man who looked like a Cyclops, and, surprising even Vahn, a woman with leathery skin, elongated forelimbs, and the facial features of a bat. The woman's smile would have cowed even the more courageous people back on Earth, but, completely undaunted, Asuna politely greeted the woman without a single sign of fear or trepidation.
Seeing how Asuna interacted with others, Vahn couldn't help but feel a little proud, an affectionate smile spreading across his face that earned him a considerable amount of attention. This included the bat-like woman who had gifted Asuna a flower, her smiling taking on a slightly teasing look as she mused in a surprisingly smooth voice, "Your daughter is as courageous as she is cute. It is rare for a human to teach their children to be so tolerant of other species. It might not mean much, but, please, accept my gratitude. I wish everyone could be so kind..."
Not expecting someone's heartfelt gratitude, Vahn was at a momentary loss for words, missing the opportunity to correct the misunderstanding. Asuna, however, immediately shook her head, stating, "Vahn is not my father. He pampers me a lot, but he is the Guardian of Mundus Magicus, the Sage Dragon Emperor. Don't be sad, okay? Vahn will make this world a better place. Believe in him."
Seemingly satisfied with her speech, Asuna showed a modest smile before pulling out a tiny bag of cookies and handing it to the stupefied woman. These were mechanically accepted by the woman, who, much like the others present in the surroundings, showed expressions of confusion. The words Sage Dragon Emperor stood out quite a bit, and, despite being located far from the Capital, rumors of the battle between Jack Rakan and the Sage Dragon Emperor had rapidly spread throughout the Hellas Empire.
Though he could have tried to smooth things over, Vahn adopted a casual smile as he said, "Worry not. As my adorable little companion stated, I am the Guardian of Mundus Magicus. I do not harm the innocent. Your Grandmaster is already aware of my presence, so, please, do not be afraid."
Hearing Vahn's words, the bat-like woman's eyes opened to display a reasonable amount of fear, but, feeling no hostility radiating from the kind-faced man, she forced a smile on her face as she said, "I...I never imagined I would have the opportunity to speak with an Emperor...if I have-"
Shaking his head, Vahn offered a sincere smile as he calmly stated, "There is no need to show fear or obeisance. I am happiest to see good people living their lives peacefully. Though it might not be possible, it would please me if you continue behaving as if I was just a random person enjoying the scenic beauty of your city..."
To emphasize his words, Vahn gazed at his surroundings, marveling at the blend between victorian-style architecture and magical technology. Though not as impressive as the splendor of Ostia or the majesty of the Imperial Palace, Ariadne had a calming atmosphere, and, though subtle, Vahn could detect the smell of books and magical tomes pervading the entire city. It was a place where people dedicated themselves to their studies, some traveling thousands of kilometers just for the chance to improve the quality of their lives after graduation. Though there were some elements that could be improved upon, Vahn felt that Aridane, in some ways, was even better than Ostia...
As that thought crossed his mind, a wry smile spread across Vahn's face as three schoolgirls dressed in matching uniforms flew overhead. They were each riding rather generic straw brooms, a common method of travel within Mundus Magicus, and, due to the fact most female uniforms included skirts as part of the dress-code, those with keener senses were able to behold a rather dangerous sight. If not for the fact 'stripping battles' were part of the culture in Mundus Magicus, making nudity less of an issue than common sense would dictate, Vahn would have had some words for the Grandmaster.
Turning his attention back to the bat-like woman, Vahn's smile returned to normal as he extended his hand towards Asuna and said, "Come, Asuna. We shouldn't cause these good people any more stress than we already have."
Hearing Vahn's words, Asuna adopted a slightly saddened expression as she asked, "Did I do a bad thing?"
Though she already felt slightly guilty after hearing Vahn's words, the bat-like woman showed an expression of remorse when she heard Asuna's tone. She wasn't the only one either, but, being the 'cause' of the disturbance, the bat-like woman beat Vahn to the punch, answering, "You have done absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. People are just scared of things they do not is obvious the Sage Dragon Emperor is a kind person. Once we get to know him better, I'm certain we can all live happily alongside one another~!"
Turning back toward the bat-like woman, Asuna stared into her face for several tense moments, her heterochromatic eyes seemingly looking straight through her. This was a rather unnerving thing to be on the receiving end of, but, before things got too bad, a small smile spread across Asuna's face as she bobbed her head and stated, "You're right. Understanding is the key to living in harmony. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."
Following her apology, Asuna gave a polite bow towards the bat-like woman before repeating the action a number of times toward the surroundings. Afterward, she scampered over to Vahn's side, grabbing his outstretched hand. In the next moment, surprising everyone present, the peculiar duo vanished into thin air, almost as if they had never existed. There wasn't even a single sign of a magic circle, an incomprehensible display that all but confirmed his identity...
Feeling the tensions rapidly draining from her body, the bat-like woman sat down in a nearby chair as other females students and faculty members gathered around her. Most people generally gave her a wide berth, but, as someone who had directly interacted with the Sage Dragon Emperor, she suddenly became the center of attention as everyone began gossiping about the newest arrival to the Academy City...
As a circular city with a diameter of only 33km, Vahn could easily traverse all of Ariadne within a few seconds. His domain had already grown to near 5km, so, even without using teleportation, he could effectively appear anywhere in the city using a few seamless [Shundo]. This was considerably more cost-efficient than forcibly tearing through Space, so, with Asuna in tow, Vahn's figure could be seen flickering through the air before coming to a stop at the ledge of a massive clocktower.
Compared to Mundus Ventus, Earth, the buildings in Mundus Magicus was truly monstrous. Most of the buildings he had seen had ceilings greater than 5m in height. As for the clocktower, one of four massive structures that dominated the four cardinal districts of Ariadne, it stood a majestic 430m in height and 60m from face-to-face. It was a true marvel of engineering, and, without Magic, it would have collapsed under the strain of its own weight. After all, unlike the reinforced superstructure of a skyscraper, using rebar and concrete to bear tremendous loads, landmarks like the clocktower were almost completely comprised of heavy metals and marble...
Since there was still twenty minutes until the clocktower released a thunderous chime that echoed throughout all of Ariadne, Vahn placed Asuna on the ledge before taking a seat. Asuna, as could be expected, showed absolutely no sign of fear as she emulated this action. She even began to dangle her feet off the ledge while staring out over the rather scenic cityscape, falling silent for several long moments before asking, "Is it normal for people to be scared of things they don't understand? I can tell people just want to live peaceful lives, so I don't understand why they don't make more effort to get along with each other...if everyone understood each other, wouldn't all conflicts cease...?"
This wasn't the first time Asuna had asked him some rather difficult questions, so, rather than show any kind of surprise, Vahn adopted a thoughtful expression as he explained, "In a perfect world, that might be the case. Unfortunately, to ensure stability, the Universe must exist in a state of balance. It is possible to increase the understanding between people, but, so long as they have personal wants, desires, and interests, there will always be conflict. It is our burden, as people who desire a better future for all, to endeavor. So long as you are happier to see people smile, our battle will never be in vain. The moment those with power turn a blind eye to suffering, those who seek to gain through the exploitation and suffering of others will not hesitate to act..."
Despite her age, Asuna seemed to understand the deeper meaning behind Vahn's words, nodding her head with a look of thoughtful contemplation on her doll-like face. She was very mature for her age, and, though cut from a different mold than someone like Sophia, it was clear that Asuna was a startlingly intelligent young lady. This placed a heavy burden on Vahn's heart and mind, as, if he led her astray, there was no way of knowing what kind of impact Asuna would have on the world over a small misunderstanding...
After remaining silent for more than a minute, Asuna raised her head, staring directly at him as she asked, "Is that why you wish to become a deterrent? Are you trying to alleviate the burden on good people...?"
Hearing the unexpected query, Vahn found himself at a loss for words before recovering his senses and releasing a light chuckle as he answered, "That was certainly one of my intentions, but the true reason is a lot simpler. My primary reason for coming to this world was to save a single person, and, once I accomplish that goal, I want to do my best to make her happy. Me becoming a deterrent and supporting good people is just a method to ensure I have plenty of time to spend with the people I care about. Though I will never turn a blind eye to suffering, I have come to realize that I cannot be personally responsible for every world I visit. Thus, rather than do everything myself, I have come to the conclusion that it is better to support kind and caring people like you and your cousin. It is my hope that, when the time comes for my departure from this world, there-"
Without waiting for him to finish, Asuna showed an expression of shock and consternation as she tightly gripped the fabric of Vahn's tunic and exclaimed, "You can't leave! I don't want you to go!"
Surprised by Asuna's sudden outburst, Vahn was caught with his mouth slightly open as he stared into her blue-green eyes. Though she didn't tear up, a visible layer of moisture had started to form across their surface. He could see a vehement refusal contained within their depths, and, though it was ultimately futile, Vahn could feel the flow of fate around Asuna surging into him, seemingly in an attempt to compel him to stay.
Though it had only been a few weeks since their meeting, Vahn knew Asuna had imprinted on him quite a bit. This was largely his own fault, but, as he simply didn't have the heart to ignore her after witnessing the type of environment she grew up in, this kind of outcome was inevitable. He had also resolved to protect her from Cosmo Entelecheia, so, even if she hadn't been entrusted to him by Vesperina, Vahn would have watched over her from the shadows.
Feeling like her tiny hands had gripped around his heart like a vice, Vahn adopted an affectionate smile as he pulled Asuna into his embrace and whispered, "Now, now, there is no need for that. It isn't as though I'll be leaving this world any time soon, Asuna. In fact, I might stay for hundreds of years before departing. You don't have to worry about me ever disappearing into thin air, okay...?"
Hearing Vahn's words, combined with the calming energy surging through her body, Asuna was able to breathe a sigh of relief before issuing a subdued 'Nn...'. Despite this, she didn't let go of his tunic, clinging tightly to the fabric as she rested her head against his chest...
Experiencing the same scene with all of his bodies, the version of Vahn guarding the Airfish released a tired sigh as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through Medusa's hair. He wasn't exactly upset by Asuna's behavior, but, due to his past experiences, Vahn felt like a few dangerous flags had already been raised. The matter with Arika was troubling enough, so, before things could get further out of hand, Vahn decided to accelerate his plans to enroll Asuna into school. He would need to get her to interact with children her own age before her training began, as, from that moment onward, it was like rolling a snowball down a freshly powdered slope...
Though age differences might not matter too much in the vast flow of eternity, Vahn always had a hard time returning the affections of girls he had basically watched grow up. He was aware of the concept of 'grooming', and, though he never acted with such intentions in mind, Vahn always felt a considerable amount of guilt whenever familial love evolved into desire and longing. Though Asuna clearly didn't see him as a father figure based on her words to the bat-like woman, that didn't make it any less worrisome. There were few things more disconcerting than an intelligent yet precocious child, especially when they had a powerful fate and could use Magic...
As thoughts of the future began to dance across his mind, Vahn briefly considered whether or not it would be prudent of him to further his relationship with Vesperina. Unfortunately, as he had learned in every Record he had visited thus far, this wasn't likely to be a solution. Rather, if he had chosen to stay within the Sun Palace, Vahn had the distinct impression he might become more than just 'close friends' of the Ostian Royal Family...
Remembering the figures of the two inordinately beautiful women in the bath, Vahn released a sigh that was slightly tinged with warmth. Then, after staring up at the ceiling for several minutes with a distant look in his eyes, he internally mused, ("I need to hurry and find Eva...")
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Asuna be like, "Not the Papa...!"','The burden of being a good person','Vahn is a riajuu that only gets stronger when he explodes...') <-(p.atreon link)
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