Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1686: Cycle

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Though there were only a few hours remaining until they were scheduled to attend the wedding, this gave Vahn and Eva more than a week to ’cool down’. As a result, the former had a distant look in his eyes and a contented smile on his face as he absentmindedly stroked the body of the woman straddling him in the bath.Enjoying the feeling of warmth, the mild numbing sensation, and the pleasant tightness perpetually writhing around his lower body, Vahn couldn’t help but release a contented sigh. This earned him a light chuckle from Eva, who, finished with her meal, retracted her teeth from his neck, a lustful look in her eyes as she licked the remaining blood from her lips.Following the loss of her virginity, Eva had subsequently removed the seal placed upon her body, once again becoming a Shinso Vampire. She had actually missed sucking his blood quite a bit, so, now that her body would no longer revert back to its virginal state, Eva didn’t mind embracing the vampiric traits she had once disdained. Many of her fondest memories were sucking Vahn’s blood, and, though it felt a little less meaningful now that she was no longer her ’chibi’ self, Eva could now enjoy the extremely intimate interaction in a number of ways...Though she was tempted to accept his kiss, Eva dodged Vahn’s lips, playfully giggling as she leaned away from him. The water they were in easily reached their chests, so, by leaning back, she could let her body float lazily, arms sprawled out as she flexed her abdominal muscles, effectively ’anchoring’ herself in place. This earned her an accusatory look from her husband, but, rather than complain, Vahn decided to take advantage of the situation, leaning forward to pepper her chest and abdomen with delicate, ticklish, kisses.Unable to contain her laughter, Eva began giggling in response to Vahn’s antics, her hand moving to habitually stroke his head. One of her favorite things about her husband was that, regardless of her own actions, he always knew just how to push her buttons. She was allowed to tease him freely, and, in exchange, he would shower her with love, affection, and, most importantly, understanding...Feeling Vahn’s teeth lightly tug at her nipple, a sonorous moan escaped Eva’s throat as she lightly smacked the top of his head and said, "Bad boy..." in a playfully chiding tone. Then, in spite of her own words, she wrapped her arms around his head, effectively pulling them beneath the surface of the water as she enjoyed having him suckle her breasts. At the same time, she could feel his penis expanding and contracting inside of her, it’s size, shape, and length constantly changing despite the fact he wasn’t moving his hips. Then, around the same time that she exhaled all the air in her lungs, an exceptionally warm and energy-rich liquid invaded her body from the inside, expanding through her body and causing the surroundings to ice over in an instant... Follow current on

Finished with their three-hour-long bath, Vahn was helping Eva brush her hair as the woman in question enjoyed a short nap. They had hardly slept over the last forty-three days, and, though it wouldn’t really affect her physically, she still needed to rest in order to recover from the mental and spiritual strain their ’exertions’ had caused. As for Vahn, he didn’t suffer from any detrimental effects at all, the boon of being an ’Overseer’ level entity within his own Realm.Since he wanted to give her plenty of time to recuperate, Vahn was extremely slow and methodical with each of his actions. He treated Eva like a precious and fragile treasure, never shaking or stirring her body in despite the fact he was brushing her hair. As a result, it took him more than four hours to complete the relatively simple task, plenty of time for Eva to recuperate while another version of himself prepared their meals.Finished with his task, Vahn set aside one of the twenty-three combs he used to brush Eva’s hair before lifting the sleeping beauty into a princess carry. This immediately resulted in her staring at him with a half-lidded expression, her smile becoming slightly more prominent as she nestled her head into his chest. She enjoyed being spoiled quite a bit, and, so long as she didn’t go overboard, Vahn had no problems treating Eva like his personal, somewhat lewd, princess...Rather than carry Eva to the dining room, Vahn opted to settle down in the living room, holding the scantily clad beauty in his arms as he brought out several dishes from his Inventory. This caused Eva to lick her lips slightly before parting them, clearly expecting to be fed as she continued nuzzling up against him. Since this was pretty normal, Vahn happily obliged, and, in exchange for his service, the vixen vampire used her free hands to fondle and stroke his exposed member.Ever since their wedding night, neither Vahn nor Eva had bothered to wear ’proper’ attire. Instead, they spent most of their days completely nude, and, even when he was cooking food, the only thing Vahn bothered wearing was an apron. As for Eva, she had tried on several hundred ’sexy’ outfits, her favorites being a ’sexy maid’ costume, her wedding dress, and a ’riding’ outfit that consisted of a leather bodice, tight leather panties, strung-leather stockings, and a small harness that attached to the hips.Though Eva was far more sadistic than masochistic, she knew Vahn wasn’t really interested in being dominated. To that end, she created her own version of her favorite outfit, and, depending on her mood, she used it to either ’ride’ or be ’ridden’. She had a harness with attached reins that wrapped around his shoulders, but, more often than not, Vahn was ’allowed’ to use the smaller harnesses like handholds, literally taking Eva for a ride and preventing her from ’escaping’...Eva might not be a masochist, but she really got into whatever role she was playing whenever they roleplayed together. She enjoyed more ’forceful’ plays, but, the moment you managed to break her guard or catch her by surprise, she became exceptionally docile. Simply put, she was very proactive and exceptional on the attack, but, whenever the positions were reversed, she could become ’very’ obedient. This was the reason why the maid outfit had become one of her favorites, as, whenever he played the part of her ’Master’, Eva always enjoyed it a lot more than she would ever admit... Follow current on

With their long luncheon coming to an end, Eva spent a few more minutes just resting in Vahn’s arms, a distant look on her face as she absentmindedly stroked his penis. Even now, she couldn’t believe such a thing was able to fit inside of her, but, the moment that thought crossed her mind, so too did an inclination to take it inside once again. Since she no longer had to hold herself back, this was an impulse Eva gave into without a second thought, so, without even needing to explain her intentions, she adjusted her position, arms wrapping around Vahn’s neck as he dutifully angled his glans to probe her perpetually tight entrance. Then, as their lips overlapped, Eva skillfully and intently wiggled her hips until he was completely inside of her, a place he had become intimately familiar with due to their seemingly never-ending intercourse...Though she always had a stonefaced expression whenever she was around him, Karin, despite her Master’s initial protests, had ultimately become Vahn’s attendant. Her Cherubic nature gave her a strong compulsion to serve, so, with her Master wanting them to be equals, Karin ’forced’ herself to serve the closest proxy, her Master’s husband. As a result, she typically shadowed Vahn throughout the day, and, though he had never accepted her ’offer’, there were even times when she asked if he was in need of her ’services’.Fortunately, despite fifty days passing since his departure with Eva, less than a day had passed back on the central island. As a result, Vahn didn’t have to put up with Karin’s antics for too long without Eva’s presence. This was a blessing in disguise, as, despite her behavior around him, Vahn knew that Karin wasn’t actually ’forcing’ herself to attend him. Rather, ever since he had treated her body and withstood the punishment of Heaven, she had been proactively offering prayers to him before bed and after waking up.Karin had always been a very devout woman, so, after learning that Vahn was a God and witnessing his power within the Little Garden, her mentality towards him had changed completely. She viewed him in much the same way as Jeanne, but, due to her love and devotion towards Eva, she continued to put on a front. In her mind, Eva was the most important part of her existence, the person she had dedicated her everything to. Thus, even if she saw him as her God, this was secondary compared to her feelings towards Eva.Still, that didn’t mean that Karin wasn’t earnestly trying to serve him, so, when it came time for him to prepare for his wedding, she was there alongside the Chacha sisters to help him get dressed. This was, of course, completely unnecessary, but, as it was a special occasion, Vahn allowed them to help out. The Chacha sisters seemed to genuinely enjoy serving others, and, though Karin could be more than a little annoying at times, Vahn couldn’t hate someone who loved and cherished Eva nearly as much as he did...Unaware of her Master-by-proxy’s thoughts, Karin hid her feelings behind an emotionless mask as she straightened the tie around his neck. She even went out of her way to make the tie a little too tight, clearly intending to show her ’disdain’ for him before dutifully fixing it moments later. As for the Chacha sisters, two were inspecting each and every part of Vahn’s body for even the smallest sign of dust or debris while another slowly and methodically styled his hair.Vahn didn’t mind being pampered and attended to, but it was still just as awkward now as it was nearly two-hundred years ago. If not for the fact he also enjoyed attending people helping them get dressed, he wouldn’t have been able to understand their insistence on helping him out. In his case, he simply liked to dote upon his women. Whenever the positions were reversed, however, it always felt ’excessively’ sensual, as, more often than not, the people ’helping’ him weren’t able to hide their surface thoughts and desires... Follow current on

With Karin attempting to adjust his tie for the umpteenth time, Vahn gingerly grasped her wrist, a wry smile on his face as he said, "It is normal for the tie to move a little when I breathe, Karin..."Though her pupils contracted slightly, Karin’s expression ultimately remained unchanged as she allowed Vahn to continue holding her wrist, plainly stating, "Perhaps you should try holding your breath until the ceremony ends..."Releasing the woman’s wrist from his hold, Vahn lightly chuckled as he gestured for the Chacha sisters to give him some space. They had already been ’helping’ him for nearly an hour, so, with less than twenty minutes before the ceremony was set to begin, Vahn was already as ready as he would ever be. Rather, he felt compelled to show up early, his excitement gradually bubbling up to a level that made it hard to sit still. After all, while it was unthinkable to compare them to Eva, the last four years he spent alongside Arika and Theo made it impossible for him not to care for them deeply.Imagining the two golden-haired beauties in their wedding dresses, a smile naturally found its way to Vahn’s face as he looked himself over in the mirror. Then, as if it would speed things up, he gave a curt nod towards the four attending women before teleporting directly to his position at the end of the aisle. Most of the guests had never left, so, while it had been necessary to clean up after the previous wedding, it didn’t take long for everyone to get back into position. This included Yggdrillia, who, after conducting the previous ceremony, ended up getting completely wasted before taking a nap on top of the wooden altar the night before...Seeing the groggy-looking Dragoness with slight bags under her eyes, Vahn gestured toward her to come closer. This caused Yggdrillia to immediately perk up, and, though it caused many of the Elves and Spirits to make a few teasing remarks, Vahn helped cure her hangover by gently caressing her head for the better part of a minute. He hadn’t missed the comments she had made while clinging to a sake bottle nearly as big as her the night prior, and, though he didn’t really harbor any intimacy for her, he was intending to allow her to join the Menagerie at some point in the future.Though he didn’t have the best track record when it came to such things, Vahn had decided to do his best to avoid adding any additional women to his harem. To this end, he had discussed various methods with Da Vinci, so, following his change of Record, Vahn was determined to strengthen his existing relationships rather than building any new ones. There were already plenty of women who wanted to be with him back in the Realm, and, if he truly discarded his reservations, Vahn knew the vast majority of the Elves would happily dedicate themselves to him. Because of this, he wanted to take on several roles in the next Record, but, unless there were some extenuating circumstances, he was determined to avoid arbitrarily increasing the size of his harem.After petting the happily giggling Dragoness for a while longer, Vahn retracted his hand, a gentle smile on his face as he told her to resume her position. This caused Yggdrillia to feel a little sad, but, after pumping her fists in an adorable manner, she quickly returned to her post with renewed vigor. It was these qualities of hers that made it impossible for Vahn not to harbor at least a little affection for her, and, after hearing about the finer details of her past, he knew she was more than deserving of a chance at happiness...(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...’,’Hard not to believe in a God that you can physically touch...’,’Vahn can’t escape the dragon girls xD...’)
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