Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1210 - Rationale?

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Chapter 1210 - Rationale?

Having learned from past experiences, Vahn knew he would grow increasingly distracted, especially following the births of his children. Though he treated Sakura and Mordred as his actual daughters, they were both at an age where they sought his attention but didn't require it. With their education and training taking up the largest part of their focus, followed by them energetically playing around, he only needed to step in if they were in low spirits. Fortunately, he actually had more time to spend with them than as Sakura would often spend time with the Rin-bound trio while Mordred proactively spent time with her 'Aniue', Nobunaga.
Since he didn't have to worry about his two adorable daughters too much, Vahn knew he needed to shift his focus and take care of his official duties. The problem with this was, even if he spent just a few days in the 'real' world, that would translate to weeks in the Projection. This made it a lot harder to find the conviction to travel outside Avalon as, with this being the first pregnancies of Nobunaga and Rin, he really didn't want to leave them alone in their thoughts. Just the fact Ereshkigal actively sought him out just to spend time together made it hard to focus on other things...
Because he had been thinking about 'efficiency', Vahn had a peculiar inclination to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e most of his current lovers, feeling that is would remove future complications. This served the dual purpose of expanding his family while simultaneously strengthening the bonds of everyone in the castle. As he would be absent often in the future, Vahn felt his lovers and children alike would both be happier if they had companions and siblings. After all, the mothers would undoubtedly help each other out and, with the ages of the children being similar, they could all be raised and educated together.
At the very least, Vahn knew he needed to reach out to Luvia soon as, if her child was significantly younger than its siblings, this would put her in a slightly precarious position. Since she fully intended to have two children, it was important to get a jump start on things. Vahn was even tempted to have those that were currently pregnant stay outside of the Projection until things could be resolved. Not only would this be good for their mental wellness, as having a proper day and night cycle balanced both the body and mind, but it would allow him to establish a 'baseline' of sorts to address things properly.
To that end, it wasn't long before Vahn found himself in his room with Artoria and Gray flanking him, explaining his reasoning in an anxious yet serious tone. As his Empress, Artoria obviously had a say in things and, though she couldn't get pregnant through normal means, he had already come up with several solutions. This caused Artoria's expression to become very serious, albeit with a slight flush to her cheeks. As for Gray, she had made large strides towards regaining her independence and had become something akin to Artoria's 'shadow'. Recently, they were almost always together, even during moments like this when he needed to discuss things 'privately' with his Empress.
With an admittedly heavy bias towards him, Gray's fair skin was colored scarlet as she tightly gripped the edges of her skirt, breathing heavily through her nose as she 'advised' Artoria, "I believe Master's words should not be dismissed so easily, Your Majesty..." Though she had feared having children of her own, at least when other people controlled her fate, Gray had felt a powerful longing when she saw how happy her Master was after learning of Nobunaga's and Rin's pregnancies. She had already entrusted her everything to him so, imagining how happy he would be if she were to bear his child left a deep impression on her heart and mind.
Artoria smiled wryly in response to Gray's words but, rather than outright refuting them, her eyes remained clear and focused as she explained, "I fear that you have overlooked too many matters, Vahn. Though your reasoning seems sound, I do not think it takes into account the future Heroes you will summon. Also, if we are busy raising our children, it would interfere with our ability to help in external affairs. As much as it excites me to imagine having your child, I am already content with raising Mordred and focusing on my other duties..."
Hearing Artoria's words, Vahn blinked a few times, his mind racing to consider things from another perspective. Then, realizing the truth of the matter, Vahn adopted an apologetic smile before giving a curt and understanding nod. As Artoria stated, he was actually going to be summoning several new residents to the castle in the future. This included women like Jeanne, Gareth, and Medea, the latter of which had been 'nominated' by Circe. Though there was a good chance he wouldn't have to worry about Jeanne and Gareth falling for him, unless he pushed them a bit, things would indeed be a little complicated if he had a bunch of children and several prospective lovers.
With a thoughtful expression on his face, Vahn muttered, "I know Luvia and Circe both want children in the near future...". Then, considering the matter of Kenshin, who wanted to wait until he could win against her in a legitimate duel, Vahn realized he been imposing. He knew she wouldn't oppose his decision on the matter, similar to Lakshmibai, but neither girl was that dedicated to the thought of children. Lakshmibai had already born a child in the past and, though she had made strides of her own, these were all towards cementing her place at his side, not building a family of her own. She had a deeply rooted trauma related to the death of her infant son so it wouldn't be fair to impose on her until she sought a child of her own...
Though she knew Vahn was lost in his thoughts, Artoria gingerly placed her hand on his shoulder, a supportive smile on her face as she stated, "I understand you get excited at the thought of children. I won't blame you for wanting to be a father...but these things shouldn't be forced. I have no intention of ever dying or leaving your side...even if I have to wait until you abdicate the throne and travel to a new world, I will continue to follow at your side. I would rather be a good mother to Mordred and the other children of the castle than complicate matters..."
To punctuate her words, Artoria gave Vahn a small kiss on the cheek, causing her blush to deepen marginally as a light shade of red also colored his cheeks. He looked back at her with a serious expression on his face while internally remarking, ("I'm always blessed to be surrounded by amazing women..."). Then, before he could come up with an answer, Gray seemed to have made a resolution of her own, lightly tugging his sleeve as she added, "I will also follow Master...if you want me to bear your child, I am always willing...but, the thing I care about the most is Master's happiness."
Hearing Gray's words, combined with how she adorably looked up at him, Vahn couldn't help but release a contented laugh. Then, startling both women, he wrapped them up in his embrace, a gratified smile on his face as he exclaimed, "You said it now!" Following this, Vahn made sure to express his appreciation to both girls. He felt truly blessed to have them at his side and, though it was impossible to know what the future would hold, he chose to believe in their words. Thus, while he might not have the intention to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e them any longer, that didn't mean he couldn't carve his love into their bodies while drowning in their affection...
As a result of his discussion, Vahn determined that he would indeed just go with the flow of things, albeit after contacting Luvia and updating her on the situation. He also needed to discuss things with Da Vinci as, with a Skill like [Fertile Body: EX], it was obvious she had such matters on her mind. She was the type that wanted to try new things and, having never born a child, it was obvious this was on her 'to do' list. Vahn was admittedly a little afraid about what kind of child they would produce as, with his Source Energy generally creating a 'clone' of the mother, albeit with some deviation due to his 'refining' effect, it was hard to imagine their child wouldn't be phenomenally intelligent. Though he would care about them deeply, all the same, having another Omnipotent Genius around, one that couldn't really be controlled, was a terrifying thought...
Regardless of his inhibitions, Vahn was still more excited at the prospect than concerned as, after the time he had spent with Ina and Erika, he was quite fond of having intelligent children. Just imagining a toddler running around in a small mech of their own design both worried and excited him so, after leaving Artoria and Gray snuggled up in each other's arms, he made his way toward the Armory of Camelot before entering his and Da Vinci's shared Workshop. As was often the case, he found what she now referred to as her 'chibi' form hard at work, this time working on a prototype rifle for both Nobunaga and Lakshmibai.
Though it wasn't directly copied from Nobunaga's [Demon King], Da Vinci's [Physique Shift] used the aforementioned Skill as a template. Thus, after being called out on the matter by Nobunaga, she had ultimately agreed to develop an upgraded version of Nobunaga's Noble Phantasm. She didn't treat it as a throwaway project either as, regardless of whether or not it was a project she had engineered herself, Da Vinci had the 'pride' of an Omnipotent Genius and Innovator. During the last iteration she had produced, it was already capable of shooting beams of Magical Energy that were capable of leaving small holes in the durable white stone of the Training Orb, something Nobunaga could only manage if she was going all out...
As was always the case when he stepped into the Workshop recently, Vahn felt like he had walked through a thin membrane that, upon breaching, filled his olfactory receptors with a fragrant aroma that washed over his mind like warm water. He had to take a few seconds to adjust and focus his mind as, even with his [Will of the Emperor], a powerful urge to push Da Vinci down in the middle of the Workshop always threatened to overwhelm him. This was always exacerbated when Da Vinci put down her tools, looking up at him with her sapphire eyes that seemed as expansive and beautiful as the night sky...
Rubbing his brows and temples a few times, Vahn remarked in a slightly heated tone, "Your [Fragrant Aroma] and [Mesmerizing Gaze] will be the end of me...". This elicited an elegant laugh from Da Vinci and, rather than show any concern over the matter at all, she mused in a teasing tone, "I already told you, Master...if it is you, I don't mind if you interrupt my work." As Vahn supported almost everything she did, Da Vinci had already made up her mind that she didn't care that much about efficiency. She was already able to accomplish more in the past few months than the entirety of her past life. Since he had also awakened her body to the pleasure of a woman, she even got excited at the prospect of doing all kinds of 'interesting' things with him...
Feeling an additional wave of heat flow into his body, Vahn released a hot sigh as he made his way over to Da Vinci's side. She had already been a pervert at the time of her summoning and, as their time together often left a deep impression on him, he also had little resistance to her temptation. As a result, he wrapped his arms around her naturally and, though her chibi form was around the same size as Circe and Medusa, Da Vinci's body gradually increased in size as she tiptoed to kiss his lips. Then, for the better part of half an hour, Vahn set Da Vinci against the table, greedily entwining his tongue with her's until she pulled him back so that he was leaning over her body.
Before he gave her what she clearly wanted, Vahn separated from her equally greedy tongue while using his hand to keep her from 'chasing' after his retreating lips. The slight glaze over her eyes faded away in an instant and, without him even needed to say anything, Da Vinci began to breathe a little faster as she wrapped her legs around his h.i.p.s, teasingly stating, "I was wondering how long you would keep me waiting..." As she had been giving Vahn plenty of signs that she wanted a child, outside of simply saying it, Da Vinci was actually a little bothered by the fact he hadn't already taken the initiative. She even developed three EX-Ranked Skills that practically screamed, 'i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e me', and, if he had delayed for much longer, she likely would have made a fourth...
With Da Vinci's body suddenly producing a considerable amount of heat, courtesy of her [Fertile Body] activating, Vahn felt as if his mental restraints were being removed. The pheromones she produced caused his blood to boil and, as Da Vinci had produced a body that could even rival a Goddess like Freya, while also being borderline indestructible, it was hard to hold back. With that in mind, knowing she enjoyed it more when things were 'intense', Vahn gripped the fabric of Da Vinci's blouse, tearing the durable material as if it were paper mache. This caused a heavy flush to spread across her face and, for one of the few times they were together, Da Vinci shifted 'all' of her focus to the present moment...
Though part of the Workshop was destroyed in the aftermath, neither Vahn nor Da Vinci cared in the least as, for what felt like the hundredth consecutive time, a powerful wave of pleasure rocked the latter's body. Rather than an elegant Inventor, her current appearance, with wet hair, a sweat-soaked body, and a complete flush, made her look like an amorous demoness as she tirelessly rocked her h.i.p.s atop his in complex patterns that made it impossible to adapt. The most peculiar part of this entire scene, however, was the fact that a rainbow glow was visible in the areas of soft tissue as Vahn's hands moved across her body, matching her movements with his own.
Despite her seemingly endless endurance and stamina, Da Vinci had reached her limits a long time ago yet, finding it 'impossible' to stop, she continued seeking Vahn out without any thoughts in her mind whatsoever. He was in a similar crazed state and, seeing as how Da Vinci's body was in almost pushed into a state of 'Nirvana Rebirth', Vahn was considerably riled up. Though he couldn't make sense of her internal structure, it felt like Da Vinci was 'adapting' to his energy an her body changed to accept everything he could give. This included making her insides feel so pleasurable that, despite the fact nearly ten hours had passed, Vahn felt that separating from her would fill him with regrets...
With a surprising amount of mana spreading chaotically through the surrounding Workshop, largely produced by Da Vinci leaking it outward, a bluish-white mist had formed. Fortunately, before things could get 'too' out of hand, a small bell began sounding throughout the Workshop, causing both Da Vinci and Vahn to experience a momentary pause. Though this wouldn't be enough to stop them in normal circ.u.mstances, one of Da Vinci's subprocesses seemed to 'remember' something, causing it to become the dominant process as she muttered, "Olga had an appointment..."
For a brief moment, Vahn felt a great deal of annoyance directed toward Olga but, as soon as this thought entered his mind, he calmed down considerably. Then, even though it felt like Da Vinci's insides and his own member had become a singular existence, Vahn reluctantly extricated himself. He noticed that his proud dragon was suffused with a rainbow glow, much like Da Vinci's insides, but this was something he had experienced previously, both in Danmachi and the Nasuverse. Though it previously only manifested when he was with Ishtar, as she had a Divinity related to S.e.x, Vahn wasn't too surprised that Da Vinci had pushed him to the point of using S.e.x Laws...
Releasing a somewhat mournful 'Aah...' in response to Vahn separating from her, Da Vinci adopted a pitiable look until Vahn stroked her damp hair and kissed her forehead. He knew it wouldn't take too long for her to recover and, fearing she had 'forgotten' the purpose of their antics, he whispered in a heated tone, "Thank you, Da Vinci...I'm looking forward to seeing how brilliant our child will be..."
With a bit of focus replacing the watery haze in her eyes, Da Vinci managed a smile that could send men to war as she stroked her abdomen. She could make her body ovulate whenever she wanted and, even without Vahn's genetic material, it was possible for her to produce a child. The ten hours they had spent together were more of a formality than anything else, albeit one Da Vinci wouldn't have given up for anything. Then, as the bell sounded a second time in the Workshop, she issued her characteristically elegant laugh as she embraced his body, pressing her impossibly soft mounds into his chest as she answered, "Thank you, continually fill my life with meaning..."
After they embraced for a few seconds, Da Vinci rose unsteadily to her feet with Vahn's assistance before causing Vahn to tense slightly when she transformed back into her 'chibi' form. Since she was still n.a.k.e.d, her body covered in a viscous liquid, Vahn felt like his heart was squeezed tightly, causing Da Vinci to giggle mischievously as her fingers danced around. All of the sweat, grime, and 'other' messy fluids began to rise from her body, forming into a small sphere. She had long ago analyzed Vahn's 'cleaning' Magic so, after a few seconds, her appearance had become neat and tidy, complete with adorable renaissance-style clothing.
As if to allay Vahn's concerns, even though she just wanted to tease him, Da Vinci explained, "Do not worry. My w.o.m.b might functions similar to a Bounded Field. Though I don't mind walking around with a big belly for you, I don't want my pregnancy to interfere with my work too much. Besides, you shouldn't get so stressed out over things like my physical appearance. Don't forget, I have memories of your time with Liliruca. I'm certain this is why Nobunaga also teases you over the matter when she feels she can get away with it~."
With Da Vinci's reminder, Vahn released a tired sigh while not knowing whether to laugh, cry, or just accept the reality. Considering Circe would be pregnant soon, he really needed to stop concerning himself with such things. As Da Vinci stated, this would also get Nobunaga to stop teasing him as it was a little stressful when she stood in front of the mirror changing her physical age just to see how pregnant she looked at different stages of development. Though she fortunately never took it too far, Vahn felt like Nobunaga wanted to break down his pointless inhibitions so that they couldn't be used against him in the future...
Leaving Vahn to mull over things, Da Vinci picked up her staff to gather the ambient mana in the room as, if a normal human were to step inside, they would experience Mana Toxicity. Then, with a mischevious glint to her eyes, she sent a command to the Owl outside to allow Olga access to the Workshop. This led to the latter entering with a slightly annoyed look, as she had been forced to stand outside for several minutes after the appointed time. When her golden eyes saw the inside of the Workshop, however, Olga was mildly surprised by the destruction until she saw the person at the very center, her mouth and eyes rounding in an instant.
Feeling a gaze on him, Vahn turned his head to match Olga's gaze and, seeing her eyes briefly flicker down, he inhaled slightly before a fresh set of clothes cover his n.a.k.e.d form. The damage had already been done, however, causing Olga to turn apple red as she covered her eyes and stammered, "I-I-I..." while Da Vinci laughed uninhibitedly at the side...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn is a dumbass xD...','Artoria and Gray are best waifus?','These people need to learn some self-restraint...','RIP Olga. Run before its too late...!') <-(p.atreon link)
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