Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1189 - Symbols

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Chapter 1189 - Symbols

As much as he was annoyed with Merlin's behavior at times, Vahn knew he couldn't continue to idle on the matters of the Empire if he one day wanted to expand its influence. Though it was possible to use forceful means to have people follow his policies, such methods were to be saved for uprisings and insurrections. Since Artoria had placed her confidence in him in the past, likely the very reason he had even been able to claim Camelot, Vahn wanted to keep his promise with her for as long as possible. Fortunately, though it would undoubtedly take a number of years, potentially even two or more generations, Vahn knew it was possible to bring about the change they wanted to see through the efforts of Luvia and Da Vinci.
With that in mind, Vahn asked Da Vinci to help him alter the layout of the Throne Room, removing the thirteen thrones, his own included. Since it was supposed to be his literal seat of power, Vahn wanted to have a hand in producing his own. Though there was considerable historical significance to the wooden throne that had been occupied by Artoria, Vahn was not her, nor was he a King that intended to sacrifice himself for others. His creed as a ruler was to pave the way forward, opening the path for others to follow rather than pandering to and pacifying his subjects. It was always his intention to create a system that allowed people to elevate themselves through effort and, though this certainly had its flaws, Vahn considered it infinitely better than systems that treated people as nothing more than a resource to be exploited.
Though Vahn was rather fond of eastern designs, the cathedral-like structure of the Ivory Castle made it impossible to incorporate such elements without making them seem considerably out of place. This didn't mean he couldn't draw inspiration from such designs, however, especially as one of his primary Innates, [Rakshasa Body], seemed to embody several aspects of Chinese culture. Thus, in order to create a Throne that symbolized the unification of all cultures, while showing his willingness to break away from established ideologies, Vahn did something that no Emperor before would have done. Instead of elevating his Throne atop a series of platforms, Vahn spent a few days reshaping the Throne Room to make it descend downward several levels, each representing a Soul Tier.
Vahn wanted to emphasize the idea that, while he held absolute power, it wasn't to place himself above everyone. Instead, it showed his capacity to support everything, including the heavens above if necessary. As his Soul Tier gradually increased, so too did his responsibilities, even if he himself wasn't the most responsible individual. Just by virtue of being a God, or whatever lay beyond, he would have become a pillar supporting the entire world's fate. At higher Tiers, even entire Records would only exist as a result of his will, with everything within being an extension of the decisions he had made. It wasn't an exaggeration to say even simple words uttered by him would be able to shape reality as, when you moved up in Tiers, language itself was represented by powerful Laws.
While it was different than the Language of Gods within Danmachi, Vahn had been able to make a bit of progress in the Nasuverse's 'Divine Words' by 'studying' with Ishtar, Ereshkigal, and Circe. They were all capable of using Divine Words with limited success, something Vahn had found rather odd with Ishtar and Ereshkigal being actual Goddesses. According to them, though they were capable of understanding the entire language, the words they could use were restricted, both by their Divinity and 'authority'.
As Divine Words were the language of creation itself, only Creation and Sky Gods were typically able to use them freely and, as a result of their Divinity giving them Sovereignty over other Gods, they could determine to what degree most Gods were able to use Divine Words. As for Demigods like Circe, who had considerably less authority than an actual God, she was able to reach her level of understanding through study and devotion to her ancestral Goddess, Hecate. However, though she was surprisingly able to use more words than both Ishtar and Ereshkigal combined, the power in each individual word was significantly weaker by comparison.
Ereshkigal, for example, could use her authority over Death itself to simply 'decree death' to anything within her perception and, if they lacked the mental strength or Od to resist, they would literally die on the spot. Circe, however, would have to link 'death' together with other words, forming them into a complex chant that, more or less, served as an 'argument' against the world, an attempt to convince it that her words were the 'truth'. Success largely depended on whether or not she could make a sound argument, something that could be outright refuted if the target was strong enough. In a way, clashes between individuals that were capable of using Divine Words were a clash of wills, each trying to convince the opposite party, and the world itself, that they were correct.
Vahn hadn't been too surprised by these revelations as, much like the Laws themselves, the power a person was able to manifest largely depending on their comprehension and 'belief'. What he was more interested in was the language 'above' Divine Words which, based on what he had learned from Eva and observed through Akasha, seemed to revolve almost entirely around Symbology and Runes. Simply by 'giving' power to a specific shape, using it to represent a powerful concept, it could serve as a powerful catalyst that could greatly enhance a spell. A good example of this was how the symbols for alchemy were used in their magic circles while, allowing them to function even though they were just arbitrarily decided upon by famous Alchemists. The best example was how the Holy Church could use a simple crucifix to even suppress powerful demons, using a simple piece of wood to manifest 'miracles'.
It was this heavy emphasis on Symbology and Runes that gave power to most Magic Circles, Wards, and Formations. Thus, upon reaching Tier 5, you would be able to exercise an extreme amount of power just by 'giving' power to a specific shape. Even something as simple as a circle, if given greater meaning, would have the power to seal away Gods. Though this was rarely the case, as the shapes of runes were generally made complicated so they could not be emulated, it was still an important part of the puzzle to one day reaching Tier 5. It was for this reason that Vahn focused on comprehending Scáthach's [Primordial Runes] while simultaneously trying to make sense of the mysterious runes that manifested with his own Innates.
With this in mind, Vahn made it so that the highest level of the Throne Room, representing Soul Tier 1, was made from simple clay. Though it was heavily embellished, almost gaudily so, it didn't clash against the solemnity of the cathedral-like chamber as, while most weaker humans sought wealth and luxury in the pursuit of happiness, they were also capable of blending in with their environment to avoid hardship and survive. As for the second level, it was comprised almost entirely of precious metals, such as silver and gold, while an ornate pattern of gemstones formed into constellations that encircled the lower levels. This represented an even greater focus on wealth as a form of power as, upon reaching Tier 2, people began to break free from the constraints of normalcy and often began to consolidate wealth while lording over others...
If you were to look closely at the second level, you would find several small cracks that had been left as intentional design flaws, representing that power gained through the consolidation of wealth created an unstable foundation. Depending on the actions of those at the first level, it was possible for this foundation to shatter completely, something that periodically occurred throughout history, both in Danmachi and the Nasuverse. As for what the constellations embodied, they represented the propensity for some that had obtained power to look towards the heavens, seeking something far greater than the material wealth they had consolidated. This is what often led to the advancement of civilization, allowing knowledge, ideologies, and wisdom to slowly become more valuable than the material...
Even lower, representing Soul Tier 3, the foundation was formed of marble and, instead of precious jewels and valuable metals, the surface was adorned with reliefs depicting heroic men and women overcoming trials and leading humanity towards their version of a brighter future. Looking closely, you would be able to see that most of these heroic figures were faceless, causing their weapons, armor, crowns, and other artifacts to stand out. There were also several panels that depicted scenes of brutal conquest as, depending on which side of the conflict you were on, one country's Heroes could be another's Demons. What the more observant would notice was, behind each Heroic figure, there were often men and women with their faces shrouded, some fading into the background while others stood like pillars that seemed to elevate the figures in the foreground...
Contrasting the rather plain materials used in the third level's construction, the foundation of the fourth level, representing Soul Tier 4, was comprised of pale gold. Though it would undoubtedly be labeled as heresy by the Holy Church, Vahn had separated the fourth level into eight sections, much like how Heaven had been divided in Danmachi. He filled the panels with masterful representations of a myriad of different Gods, Fae, Spirits, Elementals, and Divine Beasts, representing no particular God and instead focusing on the Divinity they represented. Then, to make this level seem even more impactful, Vahn separated the third and fourth level with passages written in Divine Words that also extended into the three prior levels, emphasizing the influence of the Gods in the Mortal World, even if they themselves were unaware of it.
The fifth and final layer, as the Nasuverse was only a Tier 5 Record, was where Vahn's Throne existed. Though he wasn't at Tier 5 himself, it represented the 'pinnacle' and, as this is the goal he had set for himself, Vahn felt it was rather appropriate. As for the Throne's construction, it was relatively plain, made of simple black stone that, if you looked closely, was adorned with a pattern of complex runes. When the 'true' Emperor sat upon the Throne, it would shimmer with blue light which, much like the Divine Words of the fourth layer, would extend across each preceding surface. Though the majority of the light was focused towards the center, even the outer periphery of the first level was within the scope of the Fifth Tier's power...
Though it wouldn't make sense to most people, Vahn also separated the fifth level into eight parts, offset from the sections of the fourth level so that the dividing lines parted through the center of each major panel. Within each of these sections, he carved the same runes that were visible within the empty black void occupied by the Four Sacred Beasts represented by his [Rakshasa Body]. Then, at the top of his Throne, Vahn carved the visage of two eyes which, when he sat down, would glow with a subtle divine light that could seemingly peer through all things. This represented his [Eyes of Truth] and, though it was less prevalent than the eight trigrams pattern spread around him, they would be the thing most people focused on when looking upon the Throne, representing the fact that it, in turn, was observing them...
With two more Innates making up the basis of his power, Vahn chose to represent his [Keeper of the Akashic Tome] by literally keeping a thick bound book at his side. Though it was only meant to be a symbol, he used high-quality materials in its construction, hand-binding the pages together after investing several million OP. Then, deciding to use it as a record to log the status of each member of the Imperial Court, Vahn wrote down the names of everyone residing in the castle. Later, he intended to have Scáthach or Merlin help him enchant it so that, instead of just writing the names down and filling the pages, the words would be stored as Magical Energy, leaving the pages blank unless the information was requested. In the future, the status and title of every member of the Imperial Court would be recorded in this book, meaning you would be unable to claim any form of nobility without having your name inscribed...
After constructing his bastardized version of the [Akashic Tome], Vahn had officially completed his restructuring of the Throne Room. There was no need to have anything represent his [Will of the Emperor] as that was the purpose of the Throne Room, the Ivory Castle, and his presence itself. As for his 'authority', which was something he would have to give to his Herald and anyone sent to represent him, this took on the form of a seal that had his crest carved into its surface. Since he had even used an Imperial Seal back in his previous life, Vahn intended to do the same in the Nasuverse. This seal would represent himself when he sent out emissaries in the future, giving whoever held it the same level of authority he enjoyed...
With his Throne Room completed, an arduous task that would have been impossible to accomplish expediently without his Space-Time Orbs and memory fragments, Vahn decided it was nearing time for him to hold Court for the first time. The whole reason for the renovation was to better represent the fact that, rather than sitting upon the Throne of Camelot, it had now become the Throne of the Aldrnari Empire. When the representatives of the four Fairy factions arrived, this Throne Room would convey his ideologies much better than a simple wooden chair flanked by twelve other thrones. He was, after all, a fundamentally different ruler than Artoria, both in terms of status and the ambitions he possessed...
Though it wouldn't require much for him to visit the domains that Merlin had assigned to the four factions, this would be considered an extreme breach of etiquette. He needed to earn the respect of the Fairies but, if he lowered himself to appealing directly to them, the odds of them doing as they pleased in the future increased exponentially. Thus, instead of going to them, Vahn knew he would need to have them attend his Court and, if they could not come to an accord, he would banish them from Avalon. After all, while this place was meant to be a sanctuary to the various races threatened by the existence of mankind, it was not their playground. If they could not live peacefully alongside others, they were better off living in their secluded homelands until he could make an agreement with their Queens directly.
Before he could invite others to attend his Court, Vahn needed to get his personal affairs in order as, while sitting in the Throne Room alone would undoubtedly increase the impact of his presence, it would also make him appear to be a Tyrant that kept all power for himself. Though there were many kinds of Emperors, the most capable ones were always surrounded by capable Ministers, often with an Imperial Court that was comprised of thousands of members.
The greater the number of followers at his side, especially if they wielded immense power, the higher his own status would be in the eyes of others. After all, if he was surrounded by a hundred different Gods, each lowering their heads to him, most people wouldn't even be able to enter without feeling an oppressive and suffocating aura. Since there was enough space for more than a thousand people to occupy without any discomfort, the only thing he would accomplish by having the room emptied was making it feel solemn and cold. This could be useful in some circ.u.mstances but, if he was trying to reach an accord with future allies, showing them the allies they stood to gain by acquiescing to his rules would hasten the process of their submission.
Fortunately, though she was no longer King, Artoria was rather beloved amongst the Faires as, with her own existence bordering on that of a Divine Spirit, she had an even higher status than a Queen of Fairies. In the past, it was the blessing of the Fairies that caused her body to cease aging and, even though they did not aid her in battle, as the Fae never fought in human conflicts, their assistance had been paramount in the construction of Avalon, the production of the Round Table, and the creation of the various Noble Phantasms used by both Artoria and her Knights. Even Caliburn and Excalibur were both created by the Fairies, enchanted with powerful magics that far exceeded the Magecraft used by most modern Magi.
If Vahn could win over the Fae to his side, it was the same as ensuring prosperity for Avalon as, with more Fairies coming to reside here, the greater the presence of the Laws they represented. As it was possible for a group of Water Sprites to convert a section of the desert into a large oasis, there were endless benefits to having a good balance of various different Fae in his lands. Not only would the land always be fertile, the waters bountiful, and the air crisp and clean, but even the weather would be within his ability to control. He could determine if it was sunny, rainy, or even snowy, all with a simple request to the Sylphs that resided in the skies above.
Better still was the fact that, while they were likely far from the skill possessed by Hephaestus and other forging Gods, the Dwarves and Vulcanae would still be able to construct entire fortresses and even produce Noble Phantasms without much difficulty. The only thing they needed was materials, some of which were purely conceptual while others simply couldn't exist. This, however, mattered very little to the Dwarves as, with their understanding of Laws related to forging and crafting, there were some among their ranks who could weave moonlight into silk, harvest the flames of passion in a human's heart, and even bottle up the fear of death in liquid form. For this reason, Dwarves were one of the most sought-after types of Fae, to the point that established Magus families would even go to war with each other to obtain 'ownership' of a young Dwarf...
In the future, Vahn intended to liberate all Spiritual creatures that had been mistreated and exploited by not only the Mage's Association, but all the factions present within the world. For now, however, he needed to focus on his own affairs and, when the time was ripe, win the respect of the Dwarves by displaying his own forging skills. Though he didn't doubt their Masters were able to best him in a contest, Vahn doubted that Queen Effe had sent her most skilled craftsman in the batch that now occupied the cave system beneath the castle town. This gave him the confidence to challenge them directly and, even if he lost, Vahn knew he could still earn their respect by producing masterpieces that could at least pass muster. Then, by providing them with rich and potent alcohols, Vahn knew it wouldn't be long before he had a large Dwarven community living beneath the island...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Words are powerful, but symbols can represent thousands of words','Imagine what it would be like to experience entering a Throne Room, finding yourself looking down upon an Emperor, unaware of the fact you are standing on the level that represents the weakest amount of power...','Conquering the Dwarves through competition and alcohol xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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