Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1065: Suppor

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Seeing Nobunaga's unexpectedly pained state, Vahn had instantly activated his [Eyes of Truth] before quickly appearing at her side in support. Fortunately, she didn't lash out at him a second time as she understood he was only trying to help her tide through whatever was happening. From what Vahn was able to discern, it seemed like Nobunaga was experiencing something similar to what would happen whenever he had sex with girls like Riveria, Ryuu, and Lefiya. Her body had 'activated' in response to the presence of his semen as it desperately tried to process the higher tiered energy. Since a Servant's body was comprised entirely of magical energy, one of the most efficient methods to 'upkeep' them was through the willful, or forceful, intake of a Magus' semen.Due to the nature of Laws within the Nasuverse, the efficacy of semen as a mana container was almost ridiculous. Since Vahn's Source Energy was always interpreted by the Record as the 'highest form' of energy available, this meant that Nobunaga's body was trying to process something that was essentially near the peak of Tier 5. Though his blood wasn't all that dissimilar, possessing an adequate amount of Source Energy in its own right, the 'nature' of semen was fundamentally different. Ingesting small amounts of blood over a few minutes was enough to greatly empower his Servants but, now that he had emptied an arguably ridiculous load into Nobunaga's body, it was using a star to power a lightbulb...Understanding the problem, Vahn placed his hand on Nobunaga's lower back and began to guide the energy contained within semen through her body, helping her process it much faster than she seemed capable of herself. This caused her face to become beet red but, as it also provided an extreme amount of relief, Nobunaga focused on her labored breathing as Vahn eased the energy into her body. Ultimately, Vahn ended up using his [Hands of Nirvana] to massage Nobunaga's tense body until the Source Energy, previously existing in a condensed form that caused her extreme pain and discomfort, had spread through her entire body. Now, though it was likely only temporary, there was a subtle rainbow hue to the energy within Nobunaga's surprisingly mature body. She had grown beyond her previous 'maximum' height of 161cm tall, now appearing closer to 165cm as both her breasts and butt had grown considerably...Opening her now glowing red eyes, Nobunaga struggled to lift her body until Vahn helped support her. She could see that her black hair now had a red sheen to it as it poured around her shoulders like a voluminous waterfall. At the same time, she saw her breasts dangling considerably more than they 'ought' to, almost as if they were on the cusp of reaching sizeable D's. This caused Nobunaga to produce a wry smile that slowly turned into a teasing one as she weakly elbowed Vahn and said, "A heads up would have been nice. Seriously, I never thought I'd experience a phenomenon like having my womb struck by lightning. I'm guessing that doesn't normally happen...?" As she had seen Vahn's earlier surprise, now replaced by care and 'understanding', Nobunaga knew he had been caught off guard in much the same way. Now that she had calmed down, she wanted to apologize since Rin would undoubtedly give him hell once she saw the crack that ran the entire length of the wall after she kicked Vahn into it...While running his finger's through Nobunaga's hair, which now seemed to extend to the back of her knees, Vahn softly explained, "Sorry...given the nature of a Heroic Spirit's body, I should have taken such a possibility into consideration...are you okay...?" In response to this Nobunaga just rested her forehead against Vahn's chest while exhaling a tired sigh. She was honestly 'better' than okay but, even though it was just the two of them, Nobunaga couldn't openly say how pleasant the 'aftertaste' of Vahn's actions was. It currently felt as if her body was radiating far more magical power than she should normally have access to, giving Nobunaga a strong desire to battle opponents she would have otherwise avoided... Follow current on

Since Nobunaga chose to remain silent, Vahn held her gently in his embrace and just continued to comb his fingers through her hair in a calming gesture. Curiously, they were both having a similar thought around this time, Vahn's thoughts bringing a bit of anxiety while Nobunaga was considering whether or not she should tease him. After all, once Scáthach found out the 'side-effects' of taking in Vahn's semen, there was no way she would allow him to withhold it. It would inarguably bring them an advantage in future battles and, unless Vahn 'refused' through the use of a Command Spell, she was likely to be very insistent on the matter. At the same time, causing Nobunaga to laugh like a madman inside, she could see Scáthach using forceful means to convince Lakshmibai and, even more hilariously, Astolfo to ingest it. With what she knew of Vahn, he would probably have a small mental breakdown at the prospect, even if it was inarguably true that it would greatly empower them...Though not going down the same tangent as Nobunaga, Vahn felt a cold sweat when he thought about Scáthach eyeing his lower body with her cold and emotionless eyes after one of their training sessions. She would probably continue to use the potential reward of sex as a means to motivate him but, even without using her lower mouth to take in the energy-rich supplement, that wouldn't stop her from using her mouth. Just imagining Scáthach bobbing her head up and down his member as she used the ridiculous suction she often used on his fingers caused Vahn's brain to buzz. She undoubtedly had 'knowledge' of every technique, past, present, and future, potentially to the point of being able to treat the affair like a 'skill' that was pushed to an A-Rank level of mastery...After sitting in silence for the better part of ten minutes, Nobunaga seemed to have collected herself enough as she suddenly pushed against his chest. Vahn thought she just wanted to separate from him but, almost as soon as he released her from his embrace, Nobunaga put more force into her movement so that his back ended up against the mattress. Then, with her eyes blazing with a subtle red light, Nobunaga licked her lips seductively as she said, "From now on, I'll be on top. If I leave things to you, I may become a corrupted existence...seriously, you were a lot better than I could have imagined. Good job, Vahn..." As she spoke, Nobunaga mounted herself on Vahn's hips before playfully bouncing on his abdomen with her plump butt. Then, without much more discussion, Vahn and Nobunaga both tested the limits of how much energy a Servant's body could hold... By the time the sun had risen, nearly two hours had passed since the time Vahn and Nobunaga had first arrived in the guest bedroom. At this point, her hair was almost blood-red in color while her eyes were vibrant enough to be slightly discernable, even with her lids veiling them. Most notably, at least from the perspective of Vahn, Nobunaga's earlier bravado had completely vanished as she allowed him to support her from behind as he continued to slowly piston into her body. Her mind had effectively shut off more than an hour prior as a perpetual blush and glazed eyes were now the most prominent features of her face. Even her height had continued to change, now reaching 171cm while her breasts, waist, and hips had all changed noticeably in size, shape, and feel...Knowing their time was quickly coming to an end, Vahn left another dark red hickey on Nobunaga's neck as she leaned her head back without making any effort to support it. At the same time, his right hand sunk into her left breast, now measuring a sizeable 89cm if considering cup size. She didn't have much response to his movements around her chest but, down below, a very different story was transpiring as a veritable flood of steaming hot nectar flowed from Nobunaga's body every time he gently caressed the deepest part of her inside with the tip of his glans. Then, though her body had been in a perpetual climax for a while now, her back and hips began to tremble considerably as Vahn released another 'unbelievable' load into her body. No matter how many times they had gone at it, there was functionally no difference in his output due to the influence of [Magia Erebea], a truth that had been carved deeply into Nobunaga's body...Unlike her first reaction, Nobunaga seemed to have acclimated herself to the sudden and intense wave of pleasure that accompanied the sudden and overwhelming surge of energy. At the same time, Vahn had already 'connected' that pathways in Nobunaga's body to her womb, allowing the Source Energy to quickly permeate through her body as, in a strange display, his semen seemed to 'evaporate' as a result. By the time the energy had pervading throughout her entire body, Vahn could feel an almost imperceptible increase in the softness of Nobunaga's skin, even if she hadn't changed much appearance-wise. With this, Vahn felt they had already been going at it long enough, even if he was still good to go for days, if necessary... Follow current on

Lowering Nobunaga's somewhat limply to the bed, Vahn couldn't help but allow a moderately licentious smile to adorn his lips as her now shapely butt was raised up while her torso was leaning into the mattress. For a moment, he was tempted to give Nobunaga a light spanking but ultimately decided against it as he gently rolled her body onto its side. If he teased her now, while she was on a journey of self-discovery, Vahn knew she would be more than a little upset. He would rather things end on a high note with Nobunaga slowly coming back to her senses on her own than through any action on his part. With that in mind, Vahn lay his own body behind Nobunaga's before hugging her firmly in his embrace so they could snuggle until it was time to clean up and return to the Orb.To Nobunaga's credit, she returned to her senses after a short seven minutes, less than half the time Vahn had expected for the echo in her body to fade. When she came back to awareness, however, Nobunaga kept silent for several minutes longer before finally saying, "You are a danger to any woman foolish enough to lay with you. I can't even remember clearly what happened over the last half body, though, it remembers almost too clearly..." To this, Vahn lightly chuckled before kissing the back of Nobunaga's head and saying, "If I couldn't do this much, I would have never been able to manage my admittedly oversized harem..."Hearing Vahn's words, Nobunaga managed a laugh of her own before breaking free from his embrace and stretching her simultaneously tired and energetic body. When he sat up next to her, she asked, "Does this make me one of your Imperial Concubines...? Can't say I'm fond of the title, but the treatment isn't all that bad, ufuuu..." As she spoke, Nobunaga was inspecting the current state of her body with mild shock visible in her eyes. She had never been this 'developed', even during her actual life, so it almost felt as if she was in the body of another. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel as if Vahn had 'shaped' her to his preferences, especially with how tender and plump her thighs and butt felt...Though he knew she was only joking, Vahn decided to play along with Nobunaga's words, showing a thoughtful expression as he added, "Since you had the title of Demon King, I believe it would be more accurate to say you were an Imperial Consort. Don't worry though, I won't force you to call me Highness or 'Darling'..." The last word seemed particularly effective against Nobunaga as she almost instinctually elbowed him with a dour expression on her face. After what she had experienced, she felt that giving Vahn any leeway would lead her down a path where she wouldn't even know what happened before she was already 'affectionately' calling him Master. Thus, to put their relationship into perspective, Nobunaga's expression became serious as she said, "Unless you become an actual Emperor in this world, never talk down to me, even in jest. I've already given you more leeway than I ever should have...don't push it too far..."Raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, Vahn kept any further comments to himself before scooting to the side of the bed and using cleaning magic to cleanse his body. Nobunaga dealt with her own disheveled state by simply returning to her Spirit form before reappearing a few seconds later, now fully clothed. With her matured appearance, she actually looked far more intimidating than before, especially with her blood-colored hair and 'vicious' glowing eyes. Vahn couldn't help but give an approving nod that caused Nobunaga to smile haughtily as she commented, "Oh~? See something you like, Vahn...?'Now fully clothed, Vahn returned a smile to Nobunaga before saying, "I won't deny it. Even if your aura feels a little bloody, you're able to pull it off..." This caused Nobunaga to laugh loudly as she walked by him, giving Vahn's butt a firm pinch in passing while winking with her right eye. After that, Nobunaga vanished into a slightly rainbow-hued mist as her words reached his mind, saying, ("I'm going to go give the others a surprise. I would suggest you prepare yourself for having to deal with that purple monster, ufufufu~.") With that said, the connection between Nobunaga and Vahn was severed, leaving the latter behind with a slightly dull expression on his face... Follow current on

Shortly after Nobunaga disappeared, affording Vahn no time to really mull over the problem, Sis took the opportunity to chime in, reminding, (*There really aren't any problems that would arise because of this, Vahn. With your ability to alter the form and function of your cells, you could just as easily 'convert' the blood in your finger into...well, I'm sure you understand my meaning. If you wanted to, you could even make use of that method you had thought of previously and split your body into several cores. By placing your core into their bodies, you could theoretically supply a Servant with limitless Magical Power in exchange for having your focus split. You might not have the mental power to maintain an actual avatar right now, but it shouldn't be an issue if you put yourself into a deep state of unconsciousness after placing your core into their body.")Hearing Sis' words in his mind, Vahn's brows perked up a bit as, was often the case, there was a great deal of truth in what she had said. Though it was a 'peculiar' though, Vahn knew he could freely change the shape of his body, almost without limit. Even something as extreme as extending an artery to the point it poked out of his skin, creating a constant flow of blood, wasn't beyond his means. He could even 'create' entirely new organs that didn't exist in the bodies of others, producing chemicals, minerals, and even elixirs within his body itself. During select times in his previous world, Vahn would even treat his body as a 'factory' of sorts in an effort to cut down on his OP expenditure.While thinking about what it would be like to essentially 'live' inside of one of his Servants, Vahn felt a strange sense of incongruity as it seemed like an action far beyond intimacy. Just the thought of Nobunaga having his core located somewhere in her body caused Vahn's heart to race a bit faster. Sis seemed to pick up on this as she quickly added, (*It is just one potential solution to the problem you're creating for yourself. The simplest solution would be to just store your sperm in a container before handing it over for them to deal with. It might seem 'impersonal', but you don't have to make it into a problem you need to deal with personally, Vahn. If you can't tolerate that idea, you should just stop footing around the issue and have sex with them.*)Vahn was genuinely surprised to hear the 'sterness' contained with Sis' words as, other than when he made a big mistake, she was usually very patient with him. In response to this thought crossing his mind, Sis released a sigh in the back of his mind before saying, (*I'm worried about you, Vahn. I don't want to see you making the same mistakes you did in your previous world but, because of your nature, it is almost guaranteed you will go through the same process anew. In a way, I agree with Scáthach's assessment that you shouldn't place so much emphasis on your feelings. You are a being that will exist so far into the future that you will outlive the creation and destruction of entire Universes. The power you're striving to obtain would put you at a level so far above anything even that woman Akasha would be able to comprehend...haaa...*)Hearing the admonition and borderline 'disappointment' in Sis' words, Vahn suddenly felt very ashamed of himself as he looked toward his feet and remained silent. He knew she was right and, more than anyone else, Sis had been looking after his well-being since before he even entered his first Record. No matter what path he decided upon, she would always do her best to support him in the pursuit of his goals. Since he was constantly diverting from the path due to his own internal conflicts, Vahn couldn't really blame her for using such a tone against him. Thus, like a child that had just received a scolding from their parent, Vahn muttered a silent, "I'm sorry..."As soon as the words left his mouth, Vahn felt a 'warmth' flow through his mind as Sis' voice, now far more gentle than before, whispered, (*Oh, Vahn...I just want you to be happy. Watching you create more problems for yourself...well, if I had a heart, I think it might break...hahahaha...*) These words weighed even heavier on Vahn's heart, causing him to immediately state, ("I may be uncertain about many things, Sis, but I know for certain you have a heart. It may not be a physical construct that can be seen and felt, but I refuse to believe you are some 'heartless' entity that only exists within my mind. Even more so than the heart beating in my chest...I believe this to be true...")In response to his words, Vahn could hear Sis laughing like a bell in the back of his mind, followed by her teasing, (*You should save words like those for other girls. We're already inextricably linked in a way that I imagine would cause Fenrir great envy. You don't have to use fancy words to win over my 'heart', Vahn...*) Though she may not have intended her words to be intimate, Vahn could feel his own heart palpitate a few times in response to Sis' words. This sent her into another bout of playful laughter that resonated through Vahn's mind in a way that not even the [Mantra of Eternity] could manage...(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn mastery of 'Semen Laws' is coming along nicely...xD','Nobunaga fears being tamed (o,...,o)...','Sis is low-key best girl...?')
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