Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1168 - Belief

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Chapter 1168 - Belief

So as not to give Olga a panic attack, Vahn ultimately pulled out a second sofa from his Inventory, placing it across from her as he and Lakshmibai sat down. Based on how nervous she was, Olga had clearly been thinking too much about how she needed to behave around him. However, after seeing Vahn pull out an object from thin air, she was briefly reminded of her deceased Governess, asking in a subdued tone, "You have the Imaginary Number Element...?" Though she had already assumed as much due to the existence of the Projection, Olga was still a little surprised by the fact that he could just whisk items from a space with such precision that she couldn't even sense subtle fluctuations in the surrounding mana.
Mildly surprised that Olga was the first to break the building tension, Vahn's impression that she was the type that could get distracted by the things that interested her seemed to be accurate. With this in mind, he gained a slightly amused smile, answering, "My specializations are Creation, Space, Time, Forging, and Destruction. What Magi refer to as the Imaginary Number Element is simply one aspect of Space Laws, something you will come to learn more about in the coming days. Though the world is filled with infinite complexities, one thing you will soon understand is that, so long as you pursue a specific Law to its extremes, there is limitless potential, not only in the Thaumaturgical schools but in abstract and seemingly arbitrary concepts as well. Even the Astronomy your family has studied, there is an infinite potential that has yet to be untapped, for no other reason than the perspective your family had adopted in relation to the Stars and their significance..."
Though she knew Vahn wasn't insulting her family's work, it was never easy to hear someone explain that the basic premise of their research was misguided. Due to their status difference, Olga decided against trying to argue, instead, asking, "How can you be so certain? What are these 'Laws' you keep mentioning...?"
With Olga actively participating in the conversation, Vahn knew he already had her hooked, even if she also seemed mildly offended. He kept the same smile on his face, answering in a calm and polite tone, "There is a reason why, after all this time, only five people have been able to reach the Root. It is because, from the very beginning, the basic principle most Magi operated under was flawed. Even your own family believes that, by pursuing a specific Thaumaturgical principle to the extreme, you would be able to gain access to the Root, correct...?"
As Vahn's question struck at the heart of the matter, Olga furrowed her brows, answering, "Yes...we have been continuing with that ideal for hundreds of years..." Though it was obvious that Olga was trying to defend her family's work, Vahn gave a curt nod in response to her words before adding, "And others have been doing similar work for thousands of years. Still, despite their efforts, they are no closer to reaching the Root. Do you not think this is strange?"
Hearing Vahn's question, Olga's frown deepened further as, by reflex, she answered, "This is due to the stagnation of mana within the atmosphere and the limited availability of resources. As we shift further away from the Age of Gods, it becomes progressively more difficult to reach the Root..."
With a progressively more amused smile, which was beginning to irk Olga a great deal, Vahn simply asked, "If reaching the Root represents the pinnacle of developing a specific ideal, why were Gods and other Spiritual creatures unable to reach the Root? If mana was denser in the Age of Gods, when Mystery was still present throughout the world, why is it that most of the Magi that have reached the Root existed in the Age of Man? Why is it that, Gods who literally represent specific principles such as Life and Death were unable to reach the Root, even though they governed these principles during their reign...?"
This time, Olga felt less certain in her answer but, as she had studied the curriculum of the Clock Tower, she still managed to answer, "Because Gods are Divine Spirits that are associated with Nature. The only way to reach the Root is by going against the natural order and pushing an ideal beyond the scope of the natural world..." As one of the foundational principles of Thaumaturgy was that it existed as a representation of humanity's beliefs, Gods and other Spiritual lifeforms were unable to reach the Root as, instead of pushing their Mystery to greater heights, they simply 'existed' as a representation of that Mystery. Humans were creatures that the World itself was proactively trying to eliminate and, by always seeking greater understanding, they were even able to overcome the Gods themselves and reach the Root, the origin of all things...
Almost as soon as Olga had given her answer, Vahn immediately rebutted, asking, "Then why are so many people, including the more influential families in the Mage's Association, obsessed with trying to understand Mystery and the Magecraft from the Age of Gods? If the only way to reach the Root is by breaking free from the natural world and pushing an idea to its extreme, why do all established families research theories and Thaumaturgical principles from a Bygone Age? Why is it that older forms of Magecraft are intrinsically more powerful while the Holy Sacrament of the Church is the most established and stable form of Thaumaturgy in the entire World...?"
Hearing Vahn continually ask her difficult to answer questions, Olga's expression had become rather dour as, anything she said, felt like it would simply be rebuffed by him. She knew he was trying to help her reach the conclusion herself but, as it felt like she was being lectured, Olga was beginning to get upset. Even so, she felt there wasn't much room for her to remain silent so, after sorting her thoughts, Olga answered, "It is the beliefs of people that empower Thaumaturgical principles...the reason my own family had been on the decline is due to the existence of Physics and humanity's errant belief that it is slowly removing the Mystery contained within the Universe..." As she said this, Olga felt a bit of resentment in her heart, blaming modern media and Physicists for her family's struggles...
Ignoring the negative emotions flickering in the depths of Olga's eyes, Vahn c.o.c.ked his brow, asking, "If belief is what powers Thaumaturgy, how do you benefit by 'believing' the beliefs of others is what is weakening your family's Magecraft? You have just stated that the only way to reach the Root is by going against the natural order and pushing an ideal to the extreme. How can that be possible if the beliefs of others have anything to do with it? Humans have a propensity to desire for themselves while simultaneously wishing that others are not able to accomplish what they themselves are unable to do. If this is part of our nature, how could anyone possibly reach the Root if they are concerned with how other people view them and their research? Why is it that geniuses like Da Vinci are unable to reach the Root, even though they can use S-Rank Magecraft of every Thaumaturgical school with greater versatility than families that have existed for thousands of years...?"
Listening to Vahn's words, Olga's eyes began darting around in their sockets as, no matter how she thought about it, there was no way for her to answer. The way he worded things made her earlier statements sound more like the excuses of the ignorant instead of the 'truths' that were believed by most modern Magi, including those in established families. However, even though this was the truth accepted and propagated within the Magus community, it was also an irrefutable truth that only five people in History had been able to reach True Magic.
Though it seemed like an easy argument to make, pointing out that the only reason others hadn't reached the Root is due to their failure to reach the 'pinnacle', this wasn't exactly substantiated by real-world evidence. People only had the very limited accounts of those who had reached the Root to go by to draw their conclusions. However, as there was no way for others to follow the same route to reach the Root, so long as the previous user of True Magic still existed, the only thing most families could do was pursue a new route, believing there was no other way...
With Olga failing to answer his question after several tense and awkward minutes, Vahn gave a small nod before explaining, "All things within the multiverse originate from the Root, existing as part a self-contained system that is governed by a strict set of Laws. It isn't by developing Thaumaturgy to the extreme that you are able to reach the Root, but by doing nearly the opposite. You must seek the 'origin' of the concept itself and, by gaining proper comprehension of the Laws that govern that form of Thaumaturgy, you are able to reach the Root. This is why, even though the Second and Fifth Magics are both associated with Time and Space, they are able to take completely different forms solely due to their user's understanding of the Laws involved..."
Seeing that Olga was paying close attention to what he was saying, Vahn adopted an approving expression as he added, "The thing referred to as Mystery by the Mage's Association is the very same thing as the Laws themselves. What they fail to realize is that, instead of seeking the Mystery itself, looking into the past for answers, they should be pursuing the Laws as they exist in the Age of Man. From the very beginning, the Laws have not changed and, though there is significantly less mana in the Current Era, the Laws have never required mana to function. Mana only exists because there are Laws to govern it, not the other way around. By convincing yourself that certain things are necessary, you, and almost all modern Magi, have been limiting yourself. Only by letting go of your misconceptions, clearing your mind and focusing solely on the Laws themselves, would you be able to reach the Root..."
Vahn allowed his words to trail at the end, giving Olga ample time to take them in before smiling in amus.e.m.e.nt as he continued, explaining, "However, once you reach that point, gaining access to the Root becomes a moot point. By comprehending the Laws, you are already at the level of being able to use True Magic. Reaching the Root at that point would only become another limiter as, instead of continuing your pursuit further, most people would become overwhelmed by the 'truth' contained in such power. Even without reaching the Root, it is possible to become an existence beyond the level of the Gods...tell me, what use is borrowed power at that point?"
Hearing Vahn explain that reaching the Root was fundamentally pointless, Olga's face morphed into a dour expression. However, when she thought about his words from a logical perspective, she could see the reasoning. Even going by the current understanding of the Magus community, there would be nothing to stand in your way if you truly reached the 'pinnacle' of any school of Thaumaturgy. The only reason people truly cared about reaching the Root is that it was the same as receiving 'verification' that you had managed to reach that point. At that point, just as Vahn said, there was 'theoretically' nothing as, at the pinnacle, how much further could you go? If the power you gained access to came from the Root itself, how could you ever possibly become 'stronger' than something that comprises one of the foundational principles that govern the World itself...?
Olga felt extremely confused and, with no way to make sense of what Vahn had explained to her, she simply asked, "How do you know all of this...?" As Olga asked this question, she was briefly reminded of her first encounter with Luvia, Rin, and Sakura. Their interaction seemed to imply that Vahn was capable of using True Magic and, with his earlier admission of specializing in various Laws, Olga felt as if his silhouette had suddenly grown larger. It was almost like sitting at the foot of a mountain that had impossibly steep walls, feeling pressured just by being in its presence...
In response to her question, Vahn smiled radiantly, an action that caused Olga to take a sharp breath through her nose as, with his appearance, it was a rather devastating sight for a young woman. Then, while picking up Alaya and holding her out in front of him, he casually explained, "There are many things you will come to understand, in time. The most important thing for you to know, at least in regards to your question, is that I am able to reach the Root and, if you are willing to learn, I can also teach you True Magic. However, what I teach you will make accessing the Root unnecessary as, once you understand the 'purpose' of the Root itself, you will understand that there has never been a point in accessing it from the start..." Vahn wanted to add that, the harder you tried to reach the Root, the more inaccessible it would become. However, as Olga's eyes were swimming, he decided to go easy on her...
Though Vahn's words were hard to believe, the fact he was holding an existence that even users of True Magic feared increased the veracity of his claims. The existence of Alaya, and her partnership with Vahn, had already been clearly explained to her. It was very difficult to believe but, after being transported with extreme ease by the rather adorable blue creature, Olga knew that, at the very least, it was a monstrously powerful entity. Seeing Vahn handle her freely was a rather unnerving sight, even though Olga also had a strong urge to pet Alaya's large ears...
After processing what Vahn had said, even though she was still confused about many things, Olga almost felt like she was making a deal with the devil. His words promised great power but, in her errant thoughts, Olga could only think about was the cost of such power. The most fundamental principle of all Thaumaturgy was that of equivalent exchange; There was nothing that could be obtained for free, especially when it was related to great power. She had come to Avalon with the intent of serving Vahn in an effort to gain his favor, believing it was the only way in which her family would be able to rise beyond its current status. Now that he was dangling something even more tantalizing in front of her, Olga felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest as she considered what he might ask of her in exchange...
Recognizing the tell-tale light in Olga's eyes, Vahn knew her thoughts were beginning to wander in a strange direction. Before she could delude herself completely, he decided to shift the conversation toward a different, but related, subject, explaining, "I'm going to help you set up an Observatory and Workshop. I want to get a better understanding of your current comprehension in order to guide you properly in the future. You may have to work alongside Da Vinci on some of her projects but, if you take her lessons to heart, you will be able to greatly advance your understanding. Once I have been able to get my footing in London, we'll discuss the matter of Chaldea's funding. Until then, you should acclimate yourself to the castle and focus on your research. If you have any questions, there are numerous people who are qualified to answer, myself included."
With that said, Vahn looked toward Lakshmibai, asking with his eyes what she was intending to do. She returned an understanding smile before saying, "I will stay here...I'm partway through a novel and I would like to finish it. I'll likely be here for a few hours before retiring to my room later on..." Though she didn't expressly state her intentions, Vahn knew there was an invitation contained within Lakshmibai's words. He gave her hand a light squeeze in response, eliciting a marginally larger smile from the beautiful brown-skinned woman as she rose to her feet, bowing politely as she said, "If you'll excuse me, Your Majesty..." Then, after receiving a nod from Vahn, Lakshmibai left the room, causing Olga to become increasingly more nervous with each step she took to depart...
After hearing Vahn 'clarify' things, Olga misconstrued his words to mean that he had already decided how to treat her. She suddenly felt as though he had given her a 'time limit' to prove her usefulness and, if she failed to make an impression in that time, the chance she would receive funding became increasingly slim. Since he mentioned being away in London, Olga believed Vahn was 'reminding' her that he wouldn't always be around, meaning she would need to be more proactive if she wanted him to properly consider her. Thus, as Lakshmibai was leaving the room, another thing that seemed to be 'arranged' by them in advance, Olga's heart began pounding as she began feeling a shortness of breath...
Seeing Olga's reaction, Vahn's smile turned slightly wry as he watched her tightly clench the hem of her skirt, seemingly contemplating if she should raise it in an attempt to appeal to him. Her ears and cheeks were completely red while, dancing atop her head, her prominent ahoge was writhing around as a result of her nervousness. Vahn knew he would need to go against Olga's expectations in this instant so that she would be able to behave calmly around him in the future. He still wanted her to develop the habit of seeking praise for her achievements, not her appeals.
With that in mind, causing Olga to flinch as if she had just received a shock, Vahn rose to his feet, saying, "Let's go. I'll let you pick out a Magus Tower for your Observatory and Workshop. You just need to list the supplies you'll need and Da Vinci and I will take care of their acquisition." As he spoke, Vahn made things easier, and simultaneously more difficult, by extending his hand to Olga. For an Emperor to extend his hand to someone, it would be considered 'extremely' rude to refuse and, with her current delusions, Olga had no room for such thoughts. As a result, she lightly bit her lower lip and, with a bit of moisture building in the corner of her eyes, accepted his hand. Then, even though it wasn't Vahn's intention to lead her along, Olga linked arms with him, her face beet red as she averted her eyes to the side...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Welcome to the desert of the real...','Vahn dropping knowledge bombs','Olga is even worse than Risna xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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