Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1749: Intentions

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With the festivities gradually dying down, Vahn had Phae and Gandr helped everyone back to their rooms while he used his Telekinesis to make short work of the mess that left behind. Then, with a tired sigh, he fell backward onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling for several seconds before slowly closing his eyes.As the version of him outside entered a state of shallow meditation, the version of Vahn within the Little Garden promptly opened his eyes. He still needed to deal with Rachel, and, though she would likely remain in the Little Garden until they reached the 20th Floor, Vahn wanted to see how Fenrir's training of Hoh and Grey was going.Fortunately, though Grey had been killed by Hoh, Vahn wasn't inexperienced with resurrecting the dead. He had even saved the members of the Artemis Familia nearly three-hundred-years prior, so, while it left her with some emotional scars, Vahn had been able to heal Grey's body before binding her Ego back into its original vessel. Since then, she had been recuperating within the Little Garden, benefitting greatly from the serene atmosphere and Fenrir's guidance.Reaching the small cottage located on the central island, a region that now experienced time at a rate of 1:1, Vahn opened the door to find Rachel sitting near a window, staring out towards nothing in particular.Without turning back to ascertain who had entered the room, a tired sigh escaped Rachel's lips as she asked, "What are you going to do with me? Does Baam know where I am right now...?"Rather than immediately answer the girl's question, Vahn waited until Rachel turned toward him before saying, "I would normally give you numerous options, providing you with the opportunity to turn your life around and better yourself. However, given the nature of the Tower and the weight of your crimes, allowing you to continue climbing is impossible. Fortunately for you, Baam has made a strong case in your defense...with that in mind, I have decided to grant your wish. I will take you to a Realm beyond the Tower, a place where you can view the stars at your leisure."Failing to anticipate such an outcome, Rachel exhibited one of the few genuine expressions she had ever shown, staring back at Vahn in utter stupefaction. Before she could celebrate or ask questions, however, Vahn brought her back down to earth by stating, "You will be provided a place to live and a caretaker to help acclimate you to your new environment. They will watch over you for a month, teaching you everything you need to know about your new world. How you choose to live beyond that point is ultimately up to you. In exchange for this freedom, you will be expected to periodically meet with Baam. What the two you do during these visits is ultimately your own business. However, it would behoove you to remember why you have been given this opportunity. Any questions...?" Follow current on

Though she had quite a number of questions, Rachel only stopped to consider for a few moments before shaking her head and answering, "No...thank you..." in a subdued tone.As transferring Rachel required him to descend into his Realm, Vahn took the time to go visit with his family and friends while another version of himself followed up on his original intent to check up on Fenrir, Hoh, and Grey. They lived in a series of small cottages that were located on the Little Garden's third ring.Unsurprisingly, Vahn found Fenrir wearing some scholarly-looking robes that didn't quite suit her as she lectured Hoh and Grey on the basics of magical theory and its applications with Shinsu. She had them seated at the type of desks you would traditionally see in an anime, and, though it was a little strange, considering they were in the middle of a forest clearing, both were attired in similar school uniforms...Sensing her Master teleport nearby, Fenrir's ears immediately perked up, the atmosphere around her become bubbly as she spontaneously ceased her lesson and said, "Go practice in your rooms and grab a bite to eat. We'll gather together in two hours for some practical lessons."Since this wasn't the first time Vahn had arrived in the middle of a lesson, Hoh and Grey quickly gathered up their books and supplies before turning toward the man who had saved both their lives, bowing respectfully prior to their departure. They knew Fenrir would be in a bad mood if they got in the way of her spending time with Vahn, so, without idling for even a moment, they promptly returned to their respective cottages to enjoy a much-needed rest.With her students hastily departing, the atmosphere around Fenrir became progressively giddier, building like the energy in a compressed spring before exploding forth in the form of a pounce. In response, Vahn allowed himself to effectively be tackled to the ground, his body sliding backward along the grass as Fenrir nestled into his chest.Chuckling in response to his ever-affectionate companion's antics, Vahn roughly fondled Fenrir's ears, his thumbs sinking into the plush white fur on the interior in order to more efficiently massage them. This caused Fenrir to momentarily tense up, but, almost immediately after, she began to lick his neck and jawline in a 'very' affectionate manner. Fortunately, since he was currently in his Realm manifestation, Vahn simply teleported them someplace more private, free from prying eyes...After an impromptu three-day vacation, Vahn lazily awoke back in Evankhell's Resort, a wistful look in his eyes as he was adapting to his much smaller 'container'. He still hadn't gotten used to the drastic difference between his Realm Manifestation and his Record Manifestation; It always made him feel like he was compressing a literal cosmos into a teenie-tiny vessel. Follow current on

Fortunately, so long as everything went as planned, it wouldn't be long before he became an actual Tier 5 being. That should make the transition between the two a lot smoother, and, by the time he reached Tier 6, there shouldn't be any discomfort at all. Rather, by then, he might be able to create a Realm for each of his current selves, forming a literal multiverse with his separated Egos...While imagining what it would be like to create 'Thematic Realms', emulating the structure of the Virtual World, Vahn was unsurprised to hear a soft 'pitta pon' echo throughout his room. The main reason he had sent everyone back to their own rooms was actually in preparation for this particular guest, so, after taking a few moments to organize his thoughts, Vahn rose from his bed in order to manually trigger the door's opening mechanism.Since she had no way of predicting Vahn's actions, Hwa Ryun was more than a little surprised by the fact her God was standing right in front of her. She had nearly even walked directly into him due to her habit of directly entering rooms without hesitating.After quickly calming herself, Hwa Ryun attempted to perform a polite bow, but, before she could lower herself completely, Vahn stepped to the side and said, "Enter. I will hear what you have to say before explaining my own plans..."Before Vahn had even could finish speaking, Hwa Ryun immediately followed his order to enter the room, bypassing him without any hesitation before promptly taking a seat on the ground. This left Vahn shaking his head, but, as this was already the seventh time she had visited his room around 2 AM, he was no longer surprised by her 'boldness'.Though he wasn't particularly fond of sitting 'above' people, Vahn allowed Hwa Ryun to continue sitting on the floor as he took a seat on his bed. Then, after manifesting tea and cookies in front of her, he asked, "So, what news do you bring from your 'superiors' in FUG? Now that they no longer have Rachel under their thumb, controlling Baam is no longer an option. Even if they intend to try and target his friends, the most they will accomplish is antagonizing me..."Seemingly amused by his words, Hwa Ryun issued a light chuckle before clarifying, "I am no longer affiliated with FUG. You said I would accompany you up the Tower so I have already withdrawn from their employ with consent from my former superior, Ha Jinsung. He has also agreed to convey your words to the Elders. Since their ultimate goal is to depose Jahad and the Ten Great Families, there is a chance they will abide by your terms so long as it doesn't directly conflict with their objectives."Nodding his head in understanding, Vahn took a few moments to stroke his beard before saying, "It seems FUG sent someone pretty competent to deal with this matter...Ha Jingsung...since I doubt the Ten Great Families would allow others to use their names, it is safe to assume he is related to the Ha Family. Seems like things are going to get interesting in the future..." Follow current on

Seeing her God smile, Hwa Ryun felt compelled to do the same as anticipation swelled within her chest. From her perspective, the man seated before her had a greater form of 'omniscience' than even Jahad. It was like he could see through everything, casually dispatching all of their plans while simultaneously dealing with a member of RED. He had even managed to steal the Bowl containing a fragment of Enryu's Thorn, one of the weapons that were 'fated' to fall into the hands of Baam, all without leaving behind a single trace.Unaware of the thoughts dancing around in Hwa Ryun's mind, Vahn's smile gradually faded away as he said, "Though I may have other orders for you in the future, your primary responsibility will be to serve as the Guide for Team Wolf Pack. To that end, I will offer you the same choice..."Following his statement, Vahn went on to explain the 'true' nature of his existence, and, like the rest of Team Wolf Pack, he gave Hwa Ryun the option of joining his Familia. As could be expected, she did not hesitate for even a moment. Rather, after learning he was an 'actual' God, Hwa Ryun's Belief shot up by more than 400 points, culminating in the rather substantial total of 4,382. Then, perhaps having read her own path, she promptly wriggled out of her hoodie before removing the black vest and white blouse she wore underneath.Though he wasn't particularly surprised by Hwa Ryun's actions, Vahn fell silent for a moment as he just stared back at the topless woman kneeling before him. He could see the unfettered devotion contained within her ruby-like eye, and, though they had hardly interacted with each other, Vahn knew Hwa Ryun wouldn't hesitate to execute his orders...Likely misconstruing his silence as something else entirely, as was often the case whenever Belief was concerned, Hwa Ryun tilted her head slightly to the side before cupping her modest yet full breasts and asking, "Do you find my body to your liking...?"Withholding an answer, Vahn restrained a sigh before rising to his feet, pulling out a chair as he said, "Sit with your back facing me. It will take around ten minutes to apply the Familia Crest. After that, you will return to your room and make ready for our departure."Though it didn't show on her face, Hwa Ryun felt an uncomfortable 'emptiness' in her chest due to her God's apparent disregard for her figure. She wasn't a vain woman, but, from a purely objective point of view, she was easily the most beautiful woman in the current batch of Regulars. Only Phae eclipsed her in beauty, but, considering she was both an Irregular and a Goddess, Hwa Ryun felt it would be foolish to compare herself to such an entity.Masking her disappointment almost flawlessly, the only tell being her aura, Hwa Ryun dutifully sat with her back facing Vahn. This gave the latter the opportunity to run his hand through his hair, a tired smile spreading across his face as he noticed Hwa Ryun's aura become like a weak flame. She was clearly pessimistic because of his previous words, and, thanks to her similarities to Hephaestus, Vahn couldn't help feeling slightly apologetic...Despite knowing his words would serve as the seed for future developments, Vahn didn't have it in him to ignore the people who sincerely respected or admired him. Hwa Ryun literally viewed him as her God, and, though this was a decision she had made on her own, he had already accepted her as an official Believer. This made him feel a form of obligation toward the woman, so, after pricking his finger and drawing a crimson line down her spine, he lightly muttered, "There is nothing wrong with your body. You are a very beautiful woman, Ryun...I simply lack the desire to further our relationship in such a manner...for now, let's focus on climbing the Tower and completing our other objectives..."Hearing her Master's words, relief washed over Hwa Ryun's body like a warm shower after a tiring day. She had been called beautiful many times, but, hearing it from her God's mouth, she couldn't help but feel a little vindicated. She also noticed an incongruency in his words, specifically when he mentioned having no desire to further their relationship. Though it wasn't an overt lie, she could tell it wasn't the whole truth either, a notion that made her extremely sensitive of the fact her God was currently touching her naked flesh...(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'YEET~!','(OwO)? What's this~?','Like a house of cards in a hurricane...')(A/N: As an aside, I may not be posting in the days to come. Hurricane Laura is about to fuck my shit up so I need to make preparations. The last time a hurricane hit my region, I was without power for nearly two weeks so wish me luck (u ^ u)...)
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