Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1533: Intentions

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Unable to decide the fate of an ’Emperor’ on her own, Jagoda had the Imperial Guards prepare one of the suites typically reserved for housing foreign dignitaries. These were well-furnished rooms that were dutifully attended by the Imperial Palace’s service staff. They were also equipped with powerful defensive spells that made it very difficult to break in, and out, of the room’s interior. This effectively made the rooms very lavish cells, ensuring foreign dignitaries weren’t saboteurs and spies.Fortunately, Vahn was very compliant with their demands, even agreeing to allow members of the Sealing Corps to place a powerful barrier around the room. He didn’t seem to particularly care what methods they used to try and keep him contained, so long as they didn’t tarnish his dignity. Rather, much to the chagrin of Jagoda and the Imperial Guard, he seemed to find their efforts ’amusing’, his face fixed in a perpetual smile that radiated confidence. It was almost as if he believed nothing could harm him, frustrating quite a number of people...Several hours after requesting an audience, Jagoda found herself bowing low reverentially before a man with a sturdy figure, a kind smile, a mane of golden hair, and, most notably, two blazing golden eyes. He was a veteran of hundreds of battles, granting him an inherent ferocity that belied the great wisdom he had accumulated over nearly three hundred years as Emperor. This was none other than the Four Emperor of the Hellas Empire, Michael Bashireia Herasu De Vesuperisujimia, the man known to many as the Great Lion of the South.Having heard Jagoda’s report, Michael, simply known as Mike or Leo to his friends, had a thoughtful look on his face as he asked, "So, you’re telling me the man that mysteriously appeared in the room of my daughter is the Emperor of an Empire we have never heard of? How certain are you...?"With her head still bowed low, Jagoda unhesitantly answered, "I had Magister Orlich to analyze the [Jurist Scale] to ensure it hadn’t been tampered with. Based on his analysis, there is reason to believe that man, Vahn Aldrnari Mason, is telling the truth."Hearing Jagoda’s response, Michael issued a low ’hooo...’ before leaning to the side and using his hand to support his chin. He didn’t doubt the veracity of Jagoda’s claims, but, based on the title that was associated with Vahn, things could become troublesome. It could just be something arbitrarily made up, much like his own ’Great Lion of the South’, but, considering it included his status as an Emperor, it was dangerous to make assumptions. Terms like ’Sage’ and ’Dragon’ weren’t things that couldn’t be overlooked, with the former belonging to a very rare classification of Alchemists and the latter belonging to one of the most powerful species in Mundus Magicus.In the Magical World, the majority of Magical Creature, including Demihumans, possessed the ability to transition between a humanoid form and a bestial form. Generally speaking, the stronger an entity was, the more convincing it’s ’human’ transformation was. This had always been a contentious issue for the more ’zealous’ factions among the Demihumans, but, when it came to classifying the power of Dragons, Demons, and Spirits, their ability to disguise as humans often directly represented their overall power. This held true even for their Guardian Spirit, who, every now and then, manifested as a kindly old man to hand out candy to children in the streets. Follow current on

Though it wasn’t likely, there was a non-negligible chance that Vahn, who seemingly appeared out of thin air, was a type of Dragon. They had a very strong connection to the Spirits, more so than even the High Elves of Elfenhof. Since it was reported that Vahn was able to manifest items and freely use magic, even in a cell designed to inhibit its use, it was obvious he had a very powerful connection to the Spirits. This was something that could be overlooked, as, during the reign of his father, Michael had witnessed a coastal city completely flattened by the Greater Elemental Spirit, Gnome. From then onward, he never underestimated the might of Spirit Magic, even going so far as to issue research grants to ensure their most brilliant minds were constantly making breakthroughs in its usage...After organizing his thoughts, Michael turned his gaze back to Jagoda, asking, "You said he is willing to accept responsibility for his crimes...what do you make of this?"Realizing what her Emperor was asking, Jagoda paused for a brief moment before saying, "I believe he wants to test himself...there is an aura of supreme confidence that permeates the air around him, almost as if he fears nothing. If my speculation is correct...I believe he is trying to test for what his true purpose is, I cannot say. All I know for certain is that my instincts are screaming at me to not underestimate him..."As one of the most powerful combatants within his Empire, Michael had also felt the terrifying aura that was released when Vahn summoned Laev-tan. He had even convened an emergency council to discuss the matter prior to Jagoda’s arrival, ultimately culminating in his daughter being taken away to a safe location. The fact Vahn had appeared in her room was enough of a reason to temporarily remove her from the Palace, as, due to her rather ’spirited’ nature, there was a very real chance she might sneak into the dungeon to visit her would-be assassin.Restraining a sigh, Michael looked toward the direction of the Coliseum, lamenting the fact that Jack had recently departed to subdue a rampaging sea monster near the coast. He was still young, but, if they were to go all-out against each other, Michael wasn’t sure he could win without wasting some of the Empire’s trump cards. The youth had even picked a fight with their Guardian Spirit as part of his request for securing a hundred victories in the Coliseum. In the end, neither had been able to get an advantage against the other, but, as a result of that encounter, Jack had become another one of the Empire’s Guardians.Remembering the battle between Jack and Vrixho, a smile spread across Michael’s face. He had quite a bit of fondness for the rather barbaric youth, even allowing his youngest daughter to treat him like an older brother. If not for Jack being half-human, making it impossible for the Aristocracy to accept him, he might have even engaged the two once his daughter matured. Unfortunately, even if he was to make an exception, Jack would die of old age long before the time of their actual wedding...Shaking his head, Michael looked back at Jagoda, stating, "I believe your speculation is correct. There is a fair chance this Sage Dragon Emperor comes from a world beyond Mundus Magicus. At the very least, we can be relatively certain he holds no ill-will towards my daughter. If he is as powerful as the reports make him out to be, I fear she would have already been taken or killed. For now, we will test his capabilities by having him fight in the Coliseum. I am tempted to pardon him, but, based on your account, I believe he ’wants’ to fight. This would imply he has some knowledge of our laws, so, until we can ascertain exactly how dangerous he is, it is best to simply observe. Once Jack returns from his subjugation, we will see how he matches up against the reigning Champion..."Hearing her Emperor mention Jack’s name, Jagoda had to restrain a sigh of her own as she recalled the man barging into the Palace several times over the last few years. There was almost nothing they could do about him, as, even after offending some of the more ’troublesome’ factions, he had come out unscathed. The Second Prince has even hired an Assassin graded as an S-Rank threat, but, three days after accepting the commission, the Assassin ended up crucified in the central courtyard of the Second Prince’s estate. Follow current on

If she were being honest, Jagoda felt Jack was one of the greatest threats to the Empire, but, in spite of this, the Emperor and the Third Princess seemed fond of him. Jack would even call the Emperor by his nickname, and, on one occasion, he even helped the Third Princess sneak out to go view matches in the Coliseum. He was a completely unfettered individual who simply did as he pleased, a veritable nightmare for those who were tasked with upholding the law. After all, even if they pinned crimes on him, he would simply regain his freedom by battling in the Coliseum...Ignoring her own apprehensions, Jagoda lowed her head even further, saying, "Your will be done." in a respectful tone. Then, after being granted permission to leave, she slowly rose to her feet, keeping her head bowed and taking nine steps back before turning around. She now had her orders, so, even if Vahn was an Emperor, she would carry out the will of her own. As for her personal feelings toward Jack, they meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. His power had removed quite a number of threats to the Empire and its people, so, even if his mere presence infuriated her, she was able to tolerate him for the sake of the Empire...Much like when he had first entered the Nasuverse, Vahn had some difficulty trying to sense certain areas with his domain. Unlike the Nasuverse, however, it didn’t take long for him to probe such areas with his intent, even entering the most secure regions of the Imperial Palace without notice. Even if it was an area protected by powerful ancient wards, completely separating the interior space form the outside, he was able to send his intent forward all the same.When it came to gathering information or spying on people, Vahn had reached a level that would horrify anyone with secrets to keep. He could even spy on Tier 5 deities like the Olympians, so, when it came time for Jagoda to meet with the Emperor, Vahn’s intent was right there alongside her. As a result, his casual smile had turned into an excited grin after hearing the Emperor’s orders regarding his treatment.Though it wouldn’t take much effort for him to simply leave and track down someone like Jack using his own means, Vahn didn’t want to be labeled as a criminal just yet. He would rather be feared and discussed behind the scenes rather than have an international bounty placed on his head. While this might not matter in the long run, the Great Magic War was less than two years away. Many powerful figures would appear during that time, and, at one point, one of the most legendary groups to ever grace the Magical World would be formed, Ala Rubra.While history never specifically stated when the battle would occur, Vahn knew that Ala Rubra would be in direct contention to the group backed by the Mage of the Beginning, Cosmo Entelecheia. If he timed things correctly, dealing with the Mage of the Beginning might change from a difficult feat to a relatively simple matter. Thus, while he had no intention to join Ala Rubra directly, Vahn believed it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to befriend them. This was, of course, assuming he didn’t meet up with Eva early on and increase his power to monstrous levels...As it stood, Vahn didn’t have the intention of being directly affiliated with any nation. However, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t become involved with them during his travels. He had always possessed a fondness for so-called Demi-humans, and, at some point, he was bound to come across injustices he simply couldn’t ignore. Even now, he was able to detect some of the Palace staff walking around with slave collars on their necks, and, like every country, there seemed to be a mind-numbing amount of shady dealings taking place beneath the surface.Even if he didn’t plan to settle in a specific location, part of being a Vagrant Hero was being a busy-body that was hated by the Aristocracy and loved by the people. So long as his power and mobility transcended their ability to deal with, he could basically do whatever he wanted. He already had the intention of pretty much freeing most slaves he encountered, and, if he discovered them, it was all but guaranteed he would bury any ’disreputable’ organizations. This would undoubtedly undermine the balance within nations, creating a power vacuum that would be readily filled by other criminals, but, if he kept it up, even the vilest individuals would begin to lay low. Follow current on

With Eva being famous enough that mothers used her name to scare their children into obedience, Vahn was intended to become a name that caused criminals, including Nobles, to tremble. He might even dabble in ’replacing’ world leaders with dangerous mentalities, preventing the coming war, or, at the very least, stopping it from reaching the point of becoming ’Great’. He already planned to visit Ostia, the so-called ’Holy Land’ of the Magical World, once he finished acclimating to the Record. If he took action early on, he would be able to prevent the country’s destruction, avoiding the loss of millions of lives and the forceful enslavement of tens-of-millions of innocents.Most historians still debated what exactly transpired to trigger the onset of the Great Magic War, but none of them argued which nation had suffered the most. Ostia was currently the most scenic nation in the entire Magical World, and, though its technology suffered behind some of the more ’forward-thinking’ nations, its magical might was second to none. It was considered by many to be the literal heart of Mundus Magicus, representing the oldest nation in existence, Vespertatia. Their Royal Family were the only wielders of Royal and Ancient Magic in the entire world, and, according to speculation, they were descended directly from the ’Life Maker’, one of many aliases belonging to the Mage of the Beginning.Even if his primary goal was to find, save, and protect Eva, that didn’t mean Vahn would turn a blind eye to everything else. He wouldn’t just let some ’evil organization’ do whatever they wanted behind the scenes, especially if it involved the sacrifice of literal millions of people. Rather, unless he wanted to go picking fights with the Greater Elementals and Guardian Spirits, battling against the members of Cosmo Entelecheia was the best possible way to polish his skill. This would also set back the plans of the Mage of the Beginning, an enemy he would undoubtedly have to face in the future. Eva would not simply abandon the Record until she had her revenge, and, after making a promise, Vahn would go to extreme lengths to keep it...With a light knock sounding from the reinforced wooden door of his ’suite’, Vahn retracted his intent and said, "You may enter..." in a calm tone. He already knew who had arrived so he wasn’t phased in the slightest when Jagoda, accompanied by two relatively powerful people, entered the room.Without beating around the bush, Jagoda stated in the firmest tone she could manage, "After careful deliberation, your sentence has been decided. In accordance with Title 8, Chapter 38, sub-sections 10 and 23, you have been sentenced to gladiatorial service for a period not exceeding two years. During that time, so long as you are able to secure one-hundred consecutive victories, you will be pardoned of all wrong-doing, your record expunged, and your name cleared. Do you have any questions?"Rather than answer immediately, Vahn rose from the edge of his bed, causing the rather brutish man behind Jagoda to place his hand on the hilt of his sword. He looked like the type of person that had lived his entire life on the battlefield, his bronzed body covered in dozens of scars as a rather potent killing intent permeated through his aura. As for the other man, he had the appearance of an elderly scholar, but, of the two, Vahn knew the latter was far more dangerous.Ignoring the glare he was receiving from the 213cm tall man, Vahn returned a casual smile and said, "Very well. As I stated previously, I am willing to be held accountable for my wrongdoings. However, I also remember stating you should not forget my status..."With SSS-Rank [Shundo], Vahn appeared behind the trio before his original body showed any signs of dispersing, adding, "Addressing an Emperor as ’you’ isn’t exactly appropriate...I will overlook it in this instance, but you would do well to remember basic propriety in the future..."Without waiting for Jagoda’s response, Vahn departed the open door, causing the waiting platoon of Imperial Guards to form a phalanx-like formation as they slowly backed away from him. They would not attack until instructed, but, when a loud metallic sound echoed in the surroundings, some of the less disciplined men nearly fired their paralyzing beams on impulse. After all, it wasn’t every day you saw the Commander of the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Court Mage collapse in an instant...As if he hadn’t just knocked out two of the most powerful people in the Hellas Empire, Vahn held out his wrists to the encirclement, a smile on his face as he asked, "Shall we depart...?"(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’There is no contest between a Dragon and a Lion~’,’Vahn about to rain on the parade of so many people xD...’,’Bullying is not okay...!!’)
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