Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1350 - Bear Witness

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Chapter 1350 - Bear Witness

Having heard Alexander's remark, Vahn was at a momentary loss as, from a certain perspective, it wasn't far from the truth. Fortunately, this didn't show on his face so, without missing a beat, Vahn released a chuckle of his own before explaining, "I called you here for two reasons, each uniquely important to the world, and Empire, at large. Your first will be defending the Oceanic Supercolony, a massive settlement that will host more than a hundred million residents of various different species. As for your second task, I have chosen you to serve as one of the representatives of the coming generations. The youth will need someone to rally behind and, with your charisma and capabilities, you will set the example for billions to follow."
In response to Vahn's rather bold claims, Alexander raised his brows slightly, disbelief apparent on his face as he mused, "Wow, you must be quite the character to throw around words like that. Well, I guess I'll find out for myself whether or not you're speaking the truth. Now, as much as I'd like to be some idol for the next generation of brats, what am I to expect in exchange for playing my part? You can't expect me to do all of these things for you without compensation, eh, Your Majesty?"
Since he had already expected Alexander to ask about his reward, Vahn was already prepared with a preliminary offer. He had learned from Artoria that the 'wish' of the original Iskandar was to obtain a new body, one that rivaled his original self in power. Using it, he intended to start his conquest over from the beginning, building an Empire that would span from the 'western coasts', meaning Europe, all the way to Oceanus, the modern-day East China Sea.
This was one of the reasons Vahn had decided to charge Alexander with the defense of Oceania as it was fulfilling one of his life-long dreams. As for the rest of his reward, Vahn offered, "Once all seven Supercolonies have been constructed, you will be provided with a body of flesh and blood. Though I cannot allow you to freely move about conquering lands, I'm certain the alternative is something that will make your blood boil..."
Hearing Vahn's baiting tone, Alexander crossed his arms with a slightly intrigued smile on his face as he asked, "Oh? Consider my curiosity piqued, Your Majesty. Tell me, what could possibly make these restless bones of mine contended if not the thrill of conquest?"
Seeing that Alexander was willing to play along, Vahn's smile curled up at the edges as he explained, "I want you to become a Fleet Commander in the Interstellar Armada I plan to build. Though you will undoubtedly enjoy exploring the Earth, I'm certain you will find greater purpose in exploring stars and planets, place humans have dreamed about visiting since they first looked up at the night sky..."
Even before he had finished his words, Vahn could tell he had hooked Alexander completely as the young Hero's eyes had started to burn with the fires of passion. Unlike other rulers, he didn't even try to hide his enthusiasm and, after a moment of uproarious laughter, he adopted a visage similar to a General ready to lead his final charge, exclaiming, "You really know how to entice people, don't you!? Well, you can count me in, Your Majesty! However, I demand the right to be the first man to venture forth to other worlds! I won't allow another to take the opportunity from me!"
Since Nobunaga didn't particularly care about being the 'first', Vahn had no qualms about nodding his head and readily agreeing to Alexander's demand. One of the man's greatest ambitions had been to see the ocean so, with the temptation of an entire ocean of stars calling out to him, there was no way he could refuse. Rather, now that Vahn had planted the idea in his mind, Alexander would do everything in his power to extend his reach to the stars, nay, even further beyond...
With the young Emperor convinced, Vahn had him stand at the side with everyone else, albeit after making quick introductions. This resulted in Alexander teasing Artoria and Da Vinci a bit but, upon learning that the latter would be responsible for making his new dream a reality, he changed tune almost immediately. As for Merlin, Attila, Lancelot, and Bedivere, he didn't particularly care about the three men; even if Merlin gave him a dangerous vibe. Rather, upon learning that Attila was another Conqueror, he seemed to view her in a new light, immediately challenging her to a duel as the King of Conquerors...
Fortunately, before Attila could accept, Artoria nipped the idea in the bud, saying there would be plenty of time for such contests later on. To prevent Alexander from arguing, she even challenged him directly, goading the young Emperor by plainly stating there were many people in the Empire that were stronger than him. This seemed to excite Alexander quite a bit so, at least for the time being, he was willing to behave as Vahn summoned the final member of the current batch, Nero; yet another Emperor.
After entering the Throne for the eighth time in a single setting, Vahn spent a moment to massage his temples. Then, dragging his feet over to the familiar terminal, he began adjusting the columns until they reflected Nero's information. Here, he had a pretty big decision to make as, if he really wanted to, Vahn could undoubtedly find a male version of Nero from a different timeline. He also had a lot of options in regard to their Parameters, Skills, and other abilities due to the fact that Nero qualified for nearly every Servant Class, including Ruler.
Class selection wasn't all that important if he used the [Transmigrator] perk but, as a Heroic Spirit, it literally determined what the summoned was capable of. Though he could summon the actual Nero, liberating her from the rather tragic fate known to History, every recent Servant he summoned had been as a Heroic Spirit. If he made an exception for her, it could easily be misconstrued as favoritism, both by other residents and Nero herself...
Feeling that he was stressing over something that wasn't actually an issue, Vahn ultimately shook his head as he selected the Ruler Class, nearly hitting the Lily Class in the process. This caused a snort to escape his nose, scoffing at Fate's attempt to pull a Merlin on him. Fortunately, his Dexterity wasn't a wasteful Parameter and, as he always made sure to double and triple-check things after making past mistakes, Vahn was able to confirm his selection without any 'accidents' occurring.
Just like previous instances, Vahn found himself outside immediately after confirming his selection. Then, alongside a deadpan Artoria and a crowd that now excluded Merlin, he watched as the liquid ether quickly formed the shape of a familiar, albeit slightly shorter woman...
At precisely 150cm in height, 4cm shorter than even the perpetually fourteen Artoria, Nero could be seen standing with her chest puffed out and arms akimbo. This wasn't an exaggeration, either, as, despite having nearly the exact same facial structure, Nero's breasts made Artoria's comparable to a washboard in size. In fact, at a glance, they were at least 10cm larger, a quality shared by her hips as, even without seeing her from behind, the balance of Nero's body gave it away...
The thing that made these aspects really stand out was the fact that, rather than wearing clothes to hide her figure, Nero's seemed designed for the express purpose of showing it off. Not only was her dress cut in a way that showed off an ample amount of cleavage but, if you were to look behind her, a literal 'window' that showed off the line of her back merging into her butt could be seen. To further lend to the incredulity of everyone present, the vast majority of her outfit, besides the actual spots that needed to be hidden, was completely transparent; giving Nero a distinctly lewd yet artistic style due to the fact that her dress was reminiscent of a wedding gown...
As if she knew everyone was looking, Nero had a proud expression on her face as she puffed out her chest a bit more and hummed an 'Umu' before stating, "It is a credit to your intellect that you saw fit to summon this Empress~!" Then, looking back at the 'peanut gallery', Nero's smile only increased in size as she added, " would seem you are actually a little lacking? Well, it matters not! Even if my arrival was delayed, the sense to summon me shows you are not beyond salvation, my Master!"
Since she had been summoned as a Ruler Class, Nero, by default, already held Vahn in higher regard than a normal Heroic Spirit. Even without this, however, her nature had always been to act without restraint so, while 'complimenting' him, she walked over and, as if to express he had done a good job, began patting him on the shoulder. From there, without waiting for any kind of response, she looked over at Artoria, her emerald-green eyes flashing with a curious light as she bypassed Vahn to inspect her 'doppelganger'...
Having already expected Nero to be a little difficult to deal with, Vahn followed her departure with his eyes, discovering the 'window' present on her backside. This caused his words to momentarily get caught in his throat but, while it was certainly distracting, there were more important things to consider at the moment. With this in mind, he spoke in a stern yet calm voice, "Nero, do you not have any questions to ask? I summoned you-"
Literally waving away Vahn's words with her hand, Nero partially turned around, staring over her shoulder with a confident expression on her face as she stated, "Your reason for summoning me is unimportant, my Master. Umu, all that matters is that I am here now. Everything else will fall into place without suspense. Unless there is a matter that requires my immediate attention, I would like to learn more about this curious world. Umu, for now, busy yourself with admiring my form. There is no shame in appreciating my beauty, you know?"
With her words finished, Nero turned back to face Artoria, once again without waiting for an actual response as she brought her hand to her chin and mused, "I see history has done its best to emulate my beauty. Umu, it is very well done. If you diet properly and put in a bit of effort, you may approach the level of perfection I have achieved in the future. Umu, never give up...!"
Though it didn't show in her expression or demeanor, Vahn could feel Artoria's anger begin to boil over as her aura became somewhat wispy and chaotic. Had her former Knights not been present, she would have had some choice words to share with Emperor Nero but, unwilling to lower herself to a petty exchange of barbs, she simply smiled and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Emperor Nero. I think you for your compliments but, contrary to your expectations, I am more than satisfied with my current appearance. Now, I believe it is rather inappropriate for someone of your standing to behave in such an uncouth manner. My husband had information to share with you; please cease your rude behavior and listen properly."
Rather than refute Artoria's words, Nero crossed her arms under her breasts, accenting them even more as she nodded her head and issued an affirmative 'Umu'. Then, without sparing another word to Artoria, she turned her back on the mildly-frustrated Empress, allowing the gathered group to bear witness to the 'window' sewn into her gown. Seeing this caused Artoria to deadpan while, at the side, Alexander began laughing uninhibitedly before remarking, "Very nice! Now that's what I call a woman, hahahaha!"
Without turning to address Alexander's remark, Nero just puffed out her chest and raised her chin slightly until she, once again, found herself standing in front of Vahn. Then, pulling up the sides of her gown, she performed a flawless curtsy and said, "It seems my behavior does not match modern etiquette. Umu, if I offended you in any way, please feel free to administer a punishment you deem appropriate. You'll find that, despite being an Empress, I'm quite skilled in all manners, not least of which is the relations between men and women. As my Master, you have-"
This time, it was Vahn's turn to interrupt, his hand moving like a blur as he lifted it to bring a stop to Nero's rather 'open' propositioning. In response, she just blinked in surprise before adopting a rather lackadaisical stance, standing at a three-quarters angle with one hand on her hip as she remarked, "If you are inexperienced, I can teach you. Umu, fret not, my Master-"
With his hand still gesturing for Nero's previous silence, Vahn's expression became somewhat sharp as he firmly stated, "Enough. I understand you have much to learn about the modern world and its sensibilities. As the one to call you into the present, I will not blame you for your behavior thus far. In exchange, I will have you listen properly to the explanation I have prepared for you. I have never had to use a Command Spell before, Nero, do not force my hand..."
As Vahn was speaking, Nero remained in the same pose from before, her expression showing no real signs she had even heard him, much less taken him seriously. Despite this, she unhesitantly nodded her head in response to his words, issuing another 'Umu' before standing properly and turning her eyes up at him, seemingly intent to listen. The 35cm difference between their height required Nero to crane her head quite a bit but, realizing she may have offended her new Master, she elected to at least hear him out before expressing her opinion on the matter...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Umu...','Umu, umu?','Umu...!?') <-(p.atreon link)
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