Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1564: Reception

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After being escorted to the Imperial Academy's private dock, Arika skillfully piloted the Airfish into one of the hundreds of individualized hangars. This was an area only accessible to the wealthy and affluent, so, as could be expected, everything was exceptionally high-end. Not only was the security stronger than a commercial Fishport, but, if you could afford it, there were teams of exceptionally skilled mechanics and engineers that could help maintain, or even customize, private Airfish.While waiting for the Princess to get changed, Vahn stood on the upper deck with Fenrir at his side, smiling in amusement at the amount of attention directed toward them. Though it was normal for a foreign dignitary to bring an entourage for protection, his casual dress, combined with Fenrir's wild style, made them stand out quite a bit. Even the trio he assumed to be the highest-ranking officials in Ariadne had a look of visible skepticism in their eyes, especially the fat man whom Vahn assumed to be the 'Arch-Dean' elected by the Empire.Fortunately, even if the man radiated an aura of incompetence, he had enough wherewithal to not offend the escort of the Ostian Royal Family. There were a number of arrogant and prideful people in both the Empire and Confederacy, but, compared to the prestige of the Ostian Royal Family, even the Emperor and members of the Consulate could not match up. They were the lineage responsible for the formation of Mundus Magicus itself, and, due to their wise leadership over the millennia, the Ostian Royal Family enjoyed unparalleled public support. If you were to somehow offend a member of the Ostian Royal Family, or, heavens forbid, be caught conspiring against them, even the citizens of the Confederacy would turn against you.Ignoring the urge to hop down and mess with the trio, Vahn waited patiently for Arika to appear in a strapless white dress, which, surprisingly, showed off a generous amount of cleavage. To complete the outfit, she had on a peculiar mantle that left the shoulders exposed but covered her clavicle and neck like a sweater. As for the fabric, it was just as pure white as the rest of her dress, creating quite the contrast as it, like her hair, extended past her knees.Seeing Arika at 'full power', Vahn couldn't help but admire her a bit. She was only fifteen, but, if he converted that into years back on Earth, she was well over twenty-eight. She also radiated an aura of dignity that elevated her beauty from world-class to 'godly', making her feel untouchable despite the fact she was standing right next to him. It was quite the contrast to how she generally behaved in private, reminding him that she was more than just a taciturn beauty who was weak to teasing and had an uncommon obsession with 'unique' Airfish...As could be expected, nearly everyone present gave a slight bow the moment Arika appeared on the upper deck. She might not be a Princess of the Empire, but she was indisputably the highest-born Aristocrat of the Magical World. Her family had been the shepherds of Mundus Magicus since its inception, and, whenever tensions erupted into conflict, they were often the ones who suing for peace and providing aid to the beaten, downtrodden, and displaced. If the members of the Ostian Royal Family were undeserving of respect, none within the Magical World would be found worthy. Follow current on

Without requiring a chant, Arika effortlessly levitated from the deck before landing gracefully near the trio using her flight magic. Then, in a voice that was both soothing yet commanding, she gave a very slight bow of her own before saying, "Thank you for your consideration. I understand how my sudden arrival might have inconvenienced you. For that, please accept my apology."Holding the highest standing among the trio, though the Arch-Dean would certainly argue against it, Sidra adopted a polite smile as she said, "It is our honor to host a Princess of Vespertatia. Unless the Princess is in a hurry, please allow us to demonstrate the hospitality of Ariadne. I have asked the staff to arrange a room, and, should it suit Your Highness' fancy, our most talented Chefs have been gathered to prepare a feast."Though she had never left the palace, Arika was well-versed in the subtleties of politics and polite speech. She understood the woman, who she assumed to be the Grandmaster, was demonstrating her goodwill while also indirectly inquiring about the purpose behind her sudden arrival. Thus, after a polite nod, Arika answered, "I have heard great things about Ariadne and its hospitality. Though I fear it will be an inconvenience to your staff, I would lament the missed opportunity to experience their prestigious skills."Smiling wider in response to Arika's words, Sidra nodded her head, stating, "I will see to it that Your Highness is completely satisfied. Now, please forgive my late introduction. I am, as Your Highness has no doubt suspected, the Grandmaster of Ariadne, Sidra Avenarius. This young lady to my right is my beloved daughter and Headmistress of the Imperial Academy, Seras. As for the esteemed and incomparably patient Lord to my left, he is none other than His Imperial Majesty's chosen delegate, the Arch-Dean of Ariadne, Hugo Bolek."Hearing Sidra's introduction of him, Hugo puffed out his barrel-like chest with repletion as a genial smile that didn't quite reach his eyes spread across his uncommonly large lips. He had the general countenance of a pig who had been dressed up in human clothes, but, as if his prestige was as high as the Emperor's himself, Hugo demonstrated a flawless bow before extending his jewel-laden hand with the intention to grasp and kiss the back of Arika's.Though she knew what Hugo was attempting, Arika kept her hands at her sides, offering little more than a slight nod before remarking, "Thank you for your courtesy, but the Ostian Royal Family does not have a tradition that allows casual contact. Please, raise your head, Lord Bolek."As a rather portly individual, Hugo had been struggling to support his lowered posture as Arika was speaking. When he finally raised his head, it was impossible to discern whether or not he was upset or simply exhausted as he pulled out a handkerchief, wiping away a bit of sweat from his ruddy face as he mused, "How unfortunate. It would have been the high point in this lowly middle-aged man's life to receive the courtesy of someone as beautiful as Your Highness. I suppose I will have to settle for simply...making your acquaintance..." Follow current on

Allowing his words to trail off, Hugo, like everyone else present, shifted their attention to the duo that had touched down gracefully next to the Ostian Princess. The man radiated an indescribable aura that made it impossible to see through him despite his relatively casual yet high-quality garb. As for the woman at his side, she wore clothes that weren't exactly suitable to be an attendant or bodyguard of Royalty. Her midriff was completely exposed, and, though it wasn't uncommon, she wore form-fitting shorts that left her milky-white thighs completely visible. This was a little strange, as, a stark contrast to her exposed lower body, she wore a vest-like tunic with long sleeves that covered much of her chest and arms...Fenrir was never fond of being stared at, especially by people like Hugo, but she maintained a calm and dignified countenance as she stood next to her Master. Vahn, however, exhibited a smile that could send shivers through the body of a Devil, staring directly at the fat man as he said, "If you do not restrain yourself, don't blame me for allowing her to rip your eyes out. Your status might allow you to throw your tremendous weight around in the fringe territories of the Empire, but you'll find no quarter from me should you forget yourself."Tearing his eyes away from the delicate line of Fenrir's midriff, Hugo glared at Vahn with a reddened face as he forcibly restrained an outburst, asking through clenched teeth, "Might I inquire as to the identity of this...gentleman...?"Surprising everyone present, Arika turned to Vahn as if asking for permission to speak, waiting for him to nod before turning back and saying, "Allow me to apologize for the misunderstanding. This man is neither my escort nor my bodyguard. He is a personal friend of the Ostian Royal Family, the benefactor of my Royal Mother, and the Guardian of Mundus Magicus: Vahn Aldrnari Mason, the Sage Dragon Emperor."Hearing Arika's introduction, everyone present reacted as if their mental faculties had temporarily stalled. This was further exacerbated when she offered a polite bow towards Vahn before stepping slightly to the side, clearly indicating the difference in their status.Without waiting for the trio to recover, Vahn gave a slight nod toward Arika before turning toward the stupefied group and explaining, "As I have expressed in the past, I have no intention of making an enemy out of the Empire. Your matters only concern me when I am around to observe them. If I find you are unqualified for the title you lord over others, you only have yourselves to blame for the outcome. You will keep that in mind the next time you covet something beyond your reach. There is a foul stench that permeates your very existence, Lord Bolek. If you wish to avoid bringing shame to your Empire, you will remember your place and fulfill your duties responsibly. If this is beyond your capacity, I can assure you there are many others waiting to take your place..."Since he could feel the man's mana begin to surge, Vahn allowed his aura to permeate through the area as he squinted his eyes. This was enough to cause the girthy man to immediately rethink his decision, and, fortunately for him, he was just in time. Had he been a millisecond slower, and had her control slipped even the slightest amount, he would have lost both of his eyes. Instead, Fenrir slowly retracted her claws, nearly grazing the man's pupils due to how much his body was shaking. Follow current on

Though he doubted it was enough to set the man on a more righteous path, Vahn gave a small nod of approval as he added, "The next time you exploit your position, please prepare yourself for the consequences. Depending on the nature of the offense, you will either receive a merciful death or spend the rest of your life as a cripple. You have been warned."Finished speaking to the man, Vahn casually lifted his left hand, forcibly teleporting the man away. It was generally considered 'impossible' to teleport someone with an active magic barrier, but, despite the transition between Records, Vahn's mastery over Space was 97%. He still had to overcome the resistance of their barrier, but, unless they had a reasonable degree of mastery over Space Magic, it didn't require too much effort to teleport others. The Arch-Dean might have been a capable Mage in his youth, but, after decades of decadence and complacency, his skills had atrophied even more than his muscles...Seeing Vahn forcibly teleport the Arch-Dean, Sidra and Seras were both visibly shaken. Though the Arch-Dean wasn't particularly famous as a Mage, he had various artifacts on his body and several anti-magic formations sewn into his clothes. He would literally need to deactivate the barriers on his body in order to make use of a Gateport or Teleportation Ward. This made Vahn's act of 'easily' teleporting him away a terrifying feat, causing Seras to swallow audibly as her mother managed a polite smile, bowing slightly as she said, "It is a great honor to stand in the presence-"Shaking his head, Vahn adopted a more natural smile as he interrupted Sidra, saying, "There is no need for such formalities. I am not your Emperor, nor have I done anything worthy of your respect or obeisance. I can perceive that the two of you are qualified rulers, so you have no need to lower your heads to me. My purpose here is to simply observe and play witness to the events of history as they transpire. I will only act to prevent things like the exploitation of power or the destruction of the environment. At other times, I am generally an agreeable person. Isn't that right, Fenrir, Arika...?"Arika had a lot to say about Vahn's 'interference', but, remembering he had stepped in to prevent Hugo from trying to pressure her with libidinous intent concealed within his countenance, she was currently feeling slightly vindicated. Thus, when prompted, she gave a courteous nod, a slight smile on her face as she mused, "The grace and humility of the Sage Dragon Emperor are as boundless as the Heavens..."Hearing the teasing undertones in Arika's voice, Vahn blinked in surprise, but, before he could say anything, Fenrir exclaimed, "That's right! Master is the most magnanimous and kind person in the entire world! So long as you aren't a bad person or a bully, there are no lengths he wouldn't go to in order to help someone~!"Feeling a very subtle increase in the amount of blood flowing to his face, Vahn habitually stroked his chin as he mused, "See what I mean? Though it would be appropriate to address me as the Sage Dragon Emperor during official proceedings, feel free to simply refer to me as Vahn at other times. I did not come here to put pressure on you and your country. Rather, I am considerably interested in academics and scholarly pursuits. Should the opportunity present itself, I would like to tour some of your facilities and observe the curriculum in effect..."Though she was equally as confused as she was tense, Sidra maintained a polite smile while looking between Vahn, Fenrir, and Arika. Things had developed in an unimaginable way, but, after a lifetime of associating with annoying Nobles, her bearing wasn't easily broken. She could also read between the lines, so, after seeing Vahn step in to deal with Hugo, a number of suspicions played across her mind as nodded her head and answered, "When the time comes, I will personally escort you around our campuses. I am quite proud of our facilities and I am equally as curious about the impression of someone with the title of Sage Dragon Emperor. It is readily apparent we have much to learn from a peaceful association with someone of your esteem, Vahn."Satisfied by Sidra's response, Vahn gave an appreciative nod before looking towards her daughter and doing the same. This caused the young woman to open her mouth as if she was going to say something, but, seemingly unable to find the words, she penultimately remained silent with a light flush coloring her cheeks. Vahn found this rather amusing, as she seemed like the serious type, but, knowing it would only cause problems if he teased her, he just nodded toward Sidra, saying, "I look forward to it..."(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn seems to be more aware of Arika...','A pig coveting swan's meat','Old habits die hard xD...')(A/N: Hey, just a reminder to those who have forgotten. While it might not be pertinent to the plot atm, Vahn is still developing his Realm. He also spends a fair amount of time inside a Sub-Space Orb, so, rather than his perspective 'spontaneously' changing, literal months might be taking place between each chapter from our jank Emperor's perspective.)
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