Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1409 - Debut

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Chapter 1409 - Debut

Despite having the attention of more than a thousand Magi, Bedivere showed an unperturbed smile on his face as he politely bowed to the assembly. Then, in a voice that had soothing quality, despite the firm undertone, he announced, "It is my esteemed privilege to announce the arrival of His and Her Imperial Majesties, the Sage Emperor, Vahn Aldrnari Mason, and his Dragon Empress, Artoria Aldrnari Pendragon."
The moment Bedivere finished his introduction, a massive spatial tear appeared behind him, startling the entire assemblage. From within, Vahn and Artoria appeared, arms linked, the lighting from above reflecting off the metal components of their sleek formal wear. Vahn had been wanting to set a trend where people wore higher quality garments instead of just throwing together tacky, mass-produced outfits. He also wanted to make it 'normal' for people to wear armor and carry around their weapons as, if he were being honest, it bothered him to see people behaving so complacently all the time.
After spending nearly 150 years within the Record of Danmachi, a place where cultures blended together like a hot pot, it had always bothered Vahn to see the hodge-podge 'uniformity' of modern people. Unless you were wealthy, everyone bought mass-produced goods and, while various brands and logos set them apart, everyone wore very similar outfits. If you strayed away from this, people would label you as a freak, ostracize, or even outright bully you. Only the wealthy and the affluent had been able to wear whatever they wanted so, in the future, Vahn wanted to shift the trend so that there was a larger focus on the quality, rather than the quantity, of a person's attire.
Embodying this trend, he wore a sleek black 'napoleon-style' blouse with golden tassels and, if you looked closely, an intricate series of runes could be seen sewn into the embroidery. Though he never really liked clothes that were restrictive around the collar, Vahn tolerated it as it helped to keep his back straight and his head facing forward.
To complete his outfit, Vahn had form-fitting onyx-black gauntlets, which, much like his blouse, were covered in an intricate pattern of runes, nearly indiscernible to the naked eye. These gauntlets, much like his greaves, had been designed to be so thin that, at a glance, you would think he had prosthetic arms and legs. More impressively, however, was the mesh of haptic sensors that ensured virtually no loss in textile sensation and dexterity. They even perfectly adapted to their wearer's biorhythm and internal temperature, simulating warmth and creating an illusion of skin contact...
The final part of Vahn's outfit was a greyish-black silken sash which, much like the rest of his outfit, was covered in a layer of runes. Unlike the rest of his attire, however, these runes stood out quite a bit, blazing with golden light that emulated the embers visible when cloth was set aflame. This was meant to draw the eye and unnerve people slightly as, while it didn't seem as perturbing as his sleek black gauntlets and greaves, the fact it was an S-Rank Artifact gave it an aura that terrified or enticed anyone closely observing it.
When he first stepped out onto the stage, Vahn felt the eyes of everyone in the audience focus on him before, moments later, their gaze shifted, albeit briefly, to Artoria. She, too, was attired in sleek black attire but, unlike Mordred and Sakura, she elected to embrace her femininity for this event. As a result, her main outfit consisted of three distinct parts: a removable sleeved top, a sleek, corset-like bodice, and a three-layered gown that, if you looked closely, vaguely resembled a flower. It extended all the way to her ankles but, as Artoria was used to fighting in a dress, it wouldn't exactly impede her movements in the slightest.
Like Vahn, Artoria also had sleek black gauntlets and greaves but, what really stood out was the fact that, unlike her typical, extremely reserved outfits, the separation between her bodice and top left a small 'window' that showed off her cleavage. Da Vinci had even designed the bodice in a way that 'helped' to accent her rather diminutive assets so, with Artoria's already ethereal beauty, she radiated a slightly more mature aura than usual...
Fortunately, most Magi were generally very sensitive to how others perceived them so, rightly fearing Vahn's ire, none were bold enough to openly gawk. It hadn't been all that long since he silenced an entire crowd prior to the duel between Artoria and Lorelei so it was no secret he was rather 'protective' of the women around him. Since Artoria had been introduced as his Empress, she immediately became a massive landmine within the hearts and minds of everyone gathered below.
To further add to the anxieties of the crowd, Luvia performed a polite bow while, on the stage, Bedivere took a knee before lowering his head. At the same time, most of the Edelfelt security forces lowered their bodies at a steep angle, forcing everyone gathered to make a choice: either lower your head or be left as one of the few people standing tall. This caused bitter feelings in the hearts of the more prideful Magi, but, with 'very' few exceptions, they all bowed low.
As one of the only groups left standing, Solon, Zelretch, Zepia, Sion, and Da Vinci (Professor Alpha), drew a lot of attention. Solon, as the 'leader' of the group, stood out the most as, with their unique attire and emerald-green hair, reaching all the way down to their ankles, they didn't exactly blend in with the surroundings. As a result, Vahn's eyes passed over the group but, instead of forcing them to bow, he surprised the crowd by smiling as he said, "It is good to see you, Solon. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long..."
Though it wasn't a very direct way to do things, Vahn's words made it very clear that his position was higher than Solon's. The casualness in which he greeted one of the most infamous figures within the Association was open to interpretation but, when Solon answered in kind, any doubts were removed as, to the horror of many, Solon politely nodded before replying, "Only a fool would dare to refuse a direct invitation from the Sage Emperor. It is my honor to have Your Imperial Majesty's recognition..."
Even Vahn hadn't expected Solon to respond in such an 'agreeable' manner so, for a brief moment, his expression became more genuine as he issued a light chuckle. Then, so as to ease some of the tensions in the room, he raised his hand and stated, "Please, raise your heads. Your respect is noted but, for the time being, we are not your Emperor. Now, so as not to burden our hosts further, allow us to make a few introductions before proceeding with the rest of the gala."
Following Vahn's words, everyone in the assembly raised their heads just in time to see Mordred and Sakura, followed closely by Alexander, Mash, Zoë, and Astrid exit through the spatial rift. The fact it had still been silently looming in the background terrified those who knew of the ridiculous amount of magical energy that would be required to perform such a feat. As for everyone else, they focused intently on the group of children that had exited the portal, waiting with bated breath to learn their identity and status.
With Mordred, Sakura, Mash, Zoë, and Astrid wearing similar outfits, the only thing that set them apart, clothing-wise, were the golden emblems sewn into Mordred's and Sakura's collars. The others had simple gold buttons, imprinted with military rank, while Mordred and Sakura were decorated in what was quickly becoming known as the insignia of the Imperial Family. Since Vahn and Artoria had the same insignia on their clothes, it wasn't difficult to deduce the status of the distinctly different young women.
Matching expectations, Vahn raised his head proudly as he extended his hand toward Mordred. The latter happily accepted and, after pulling her to stand next to him, Vahn announced, "This is the First Imperial Princess, mine and Artoria's beloved daughter, Mordred Aldrnari Pendragon, eldest of the Aldrnari Lineage."
Hearing Mordred's official introduction, various thoughts were running through the Magi gathered within the ballroom. Mordred's name wasn't exactly common and, with her connection Artoria, many made the immediate connection between the proud young woman on stage and the Knight famous for leading the rebellion against King Arthur. Despite this, none had the intention of ever bringing it up as the internal affairs of the Imperial Family weren't worth probing into...
Having been introduced by her Chichue, Mordred gave a Knight's salute to the crowd, her right hand over her heart as her left was neatly tucked behind her back. She had a radiant and charismatic smile on her face and, despite being the center of attention, showed no signs of nervousness as she raised her chin slightly and proudly declared, "I am privileged to serve the Empire as both Imperial Princess and a future member of the Imperial Knights. I pray that our relationships will be amicable and that my blade never finds purchase amongst any that have gathered here this day."
Though Mordred's words were more than a little audacious, the crowd below was compelled to give her an ovation in accordance with prior social norms. She was the daughter of the Emperor and the heir-apparent to the Imperial Throne so, even if her words pricked the dignity of many people, they had little choice but to applaud. After all, rather than a casual threat, there was a certain weight to Mordred's words when you considered just how many people her father had already killed...
Following Mordred's introduction, Vahn had her stand next to Artoria before extending his hand to Sakura. She readily accepted it but, compared to Mordred, it was obvious to everyone how nervous she was. If the opportunity presented itself, many decided it would be better to try and approach the demure brunette as, compared to Mordred, she seemed a lot more 'agreeable'.
With Sakura standing statuesque at his side, Vahn internally sighed before adopting a more serious look, complete with a threatening aura, as he said, "This is the Second Imperial Princess, my beloved daughter, Sakura Aldrnari Mason. She has a kind and caring nature so, should the opportunity arise, please treat her well..."
Though the tone he used was polite, the hidden meaning behind Vahn's words was clear due to the overwhelming pressure affecting nearly everyone; if you messed with his daughter, there would be a very heavy price to pay. His protective nature was well-documented and, according to rumors, it was actually a plot against Vahn's children that triggered 'The Fall'. Thus, if they wanted to try and exploit Sakura's apparent vulnerabilities, a fate worse than those involved in the purge would undoubtedly await them.
Hearing her father's words, Sakura's smile became more natural, even if she couldn't help but feel a little exasperated. She appreciated his care and concern but, as this was supposed to be her debut, part of her wished he had let matters lay. Though she knew her weakness would entice the bolder men and women in the crowd, she wasn't a little girl that couldn't take care of herself. She liked to think she was a sensible young lady and, while her explosive power was leagues beneath Mordred, she had enough reserves to overwhelm the vast majority of Magi in an instant.
Still, Sakura appreciated her father's support so, with a much calmer smile on her face, she saluted in much the same way as Mordred before stating, "I, too, am privileged to serve as both an Imperial Princess and a prospective member of the Imperial Knights. Though I do not like conflict, know that I am not fearful of necessary violence. Please, never give me a reason to strike you down..."
Mordred's words had left quite the impression but, hearing even Sakura basically threaten them, the entire crowd was stunned. The more arrogant amongst them couldn't help but furrow their brows at the 'audaciousness' of Vahn's children but, much like the rest of the crowd, they all applauded. Even if Sakura was just a frail little girl, the fact she had monstrous parents backing her couldn't exactly be ignored. Even if they got the opportunity to teach the girls a 'lesson' in the future, they would never do so unless they could be absolutely certain it wouldn't be traced back to them. Being recognized as an enemy of the Empire all but guaranteed death, a truth emphasized by a body count in the nine digits...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fashion master Vahn bites his thumb at your t-shirt, basketball shorts, and flip flops...','A Tyrannical Emperor's children are also Tyrants~!?','Mess with the cubs and you only have yourself to blame when Mama and Papa find you...') <-(p.atreon link)
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