Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1948: Forward

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After reaching his own quarters, Vahn promptly decided that his time on the 44th Floor was nearing its end. There had been more and more people arriving with the intent of seeking him out as of late, so, now that he had 'dealt' with Maschenny, the only real person of interest left was Pram. This, however, presented a number of unique issues, so, rather than overcomplicating things and causing trouble for himself, Vahn decided he would leave the woman with a message asserting they would meet again on the 50th Floor.Though he had no personal interest in the facility, the 50th Floor was home to one of the Lo Po Bia Family's fortresses, a multi-layered labyrinthine structure known as the Nest. As the name implied, the Nest's primary function was to serve as a breeding facility for Shinheuh. Its secondary purpose, however, was to serve as a 'cold storage' of sorts for various items that the Jahad Empire had either wanted to preserve or keep hidden. This included quite a number of dangerous artifacts, but, more importantly, it served as the sealing grounds for none other than Eurasia Enne Jahad.Having promised both Garam and Yuri that he would rescue the notorious 'Mad Princess', Vahn had little choice but to invade the Lo Po Bia Family's Nest in order to make good on his promise. Rather than relying on force to breach their walls, he was going to use the same method he had employed with the research team: diplomacy. The odds of this actually working were rather slim, but, with the Leader of the Lo Po Bia Family having taken an interest in both him and his Pokemon, Vahn wanted to at least try resolving things peacefully.To this end, there was still one place that Vahn 'needed' to visit prior to departing the 44th Floor. If he ignored her any longer, she might do something drastic to garner his attention, so, shortly after hacking Pram's Pocket to send his message, Vahn departed the Last Station, his destination one of the larger Suspend Ships that had been loitering a few hundred kilometers away. There, he waited patiently within the confines of a rather luxirious room until its owner, a disgruntled-looking woman with long black hair tied in a side-ponytail, inevitably entered.Surprising said person quite a bit, Vahn rolled to a seated position atop their bed before raising his hand in an overly casual manner and saying, "Yo. Long time no see, Princess."Realizing her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, the woman, none other than Ha Yuri, immediately balled her hand into a fist, her expression darkening as she walked forward and muttered, "I you do remember me. Good...good...good...NOT! What the fuck took you so long you god-damned asshole!?" Follow current on

To punctuate her words, Yuri threw a rather fierce-looking right hook towards Vahn's smiling face. Fortunately, she hadn't actually infused any Shinsu into the attack, so, other than creating a loud 'pa' sound and generating a small shockwave, there were no other sequelae from the attack. This left Vahn feeling even more apologetic, as, despite her apparent fury, he could sense that Yuri was actually very worried about him.Grasping the wrist of the fist that was still buried in his face, Vahn pulled Yuri's hand into his own as he said, "Sorry...I won't make excuses. Just tell me what I need to do to make you know I hate seeing you upset..."Despite snorting through her nose and adopting a somewhat haughty expression, Yuri promptly sat down next to Vahn, her fingers linking with his as she leaned against his shoulder and said, "Just tell me what you've been doing these last couple of months aboard the Hell Train...depending on what you have to say, I'll decide whether or not to forgive you..."Though he felt as though he was being invited to navigate a mine field filled with nukes, Vahn did his best to recount things in a way that would satisfy Yuri's intrigue. Fortunately, he had access to Memory Projection Spheres, so, whenever he reached a point in the story that involved fighting, he could replay the memory at Yuri's request. This included the battle on the 40th Floor, and, though she had started off by demonstrating a considerable amount of concern for his wellbeing, Yuri was cackling like a hyena upon seeing him getting one-sidedly thrashed by the enraged Adori...As she had never been the type to waste time brooding over matters of the past, Yuri's mood had improved considerably by the time Vahn had finished his recounting of events. Unfortunately, just as he was thinking he was in the clear, she left him speechless by asking, "So, how many new girls have you slept with since our last meeting? I know about that so-called research team put together by that nerdy woman belonging to the Tu Perie Family. You fucked them, right?"Despite a friendly smile adorning her face, the glowing of Yuri's ruby-red eyes made it obvious she hadn't completely forgiven him. This had less to do with the past, however, and more to do with her womanly intuition giving her the impression he was keeping secrets. More specifically, there were a few things he had glossed over, and, while she generally wasn't one to pry, Yuri was disoncerted by the fact he felt the need to keep things from her.Though she would probably go with the flow if he decided to drop the matter, Vahn had never felt comfortable with lying, even to his enemies. Thus, after several seconds of tense silence, a tired sigh escaped his lips as he went on to recount his 'exploits' over the last three or so years. This included events that had taken place in Actualized Worlds, and, most recently, his encounter and subsequent interactions with Pram, the members of the research team, and Maschenny... Follow current on

Hearing Vahn list off more than twenty names, many of which she had never even heard of, Yuri's smile had gradually made way for a rather grim expression. Despite this, she wasn't actually all that upset by the amount. Rather, she was far more annoyed by the fact that she hadn't been included among them, and, more frustratingly, another member of her family had been among the members of the research team. This made it feel as though she had somehow lost against her own kin, and, should word spread within the family, her prestige and perceived status would take a considerable hit...Waiting until Vahn had finished telling his story, Yuri firmly squeezed his hand in a vice-like grip, her voice noticeably deeper as she said, "I thought I told you not to sleep with another member of my Family before we had a chance to seal the you not care about me at all?"Confused by Yuri's words, Vahn was momentarily at a loss until he realized the misunderstanding and promptly stated, "You're jumping to conclusions. I haven't slept with the members of the Ha, Eurasia, or Po Bidau Families....well, that isn't entirely accurate. I have slept with Ming-Ming, but we didn't have sex. She is more of a human-shaped hug pillow than a harem candidate..."Detecting no falsehoods in Vahn's words, a sigh of extreme relief escaped Yuri's throat as she softly uttered, "At least you have some sense remaining..."Smiling wryling in response to the black-haired woman's musings, Vahn was about to speak out in his defense when she suddenly turned to meet his gaze, her tone uncharacteristically serious as she said, "We're going to do it. Right here and now. I don't care if you want to keep climbing the Tower at your own pace. I refuse to continue waiting around like an idiot as girls you only recently met get added to your harem. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before another Princess sinks her teeth into you. If that happens before we're able to seal the deal, I might not be able to forgive you..."With Yuri still squeezing his hand like a vice, Vahn got the distinct impression she wasn't going to take no for an answer. Fortunately, he had prepared himself for this exact scenario before coming to meet her, so, after a brief yet tense period of silence, he manifested the Little Garden in his free hand, smiling as he said, "I would have to be the biggest fool in the entire Tower to refuse such an invitation..."Returning a smile of her own, the tense aura emanating from Yuri's body completely vanished as she cheekily mused, "Good answer. I was afraid I would need to take matters into my own hands if you continued playing games..." Follow current on

Though her words were spoken with a smile, the severity of Yuri's tone made it clear she wasn't joking around. This caused Vahn's smile to become somewhat wry, but, considering Yuri was both an Ancient Saiyan and a member of the Ha Family, he couldn't exactly blame her for being direct. If anything, he was to blame for forcing her to wait while numerous women, many of which he had far fewer affections for, beat her to the punch. With this in mind, he promptly pulled her into the Ninth Layer, not because they were going to fight, but because he was afraid of the destruction she might cause in an impassioned state...Recognizing her surroundings due to the concentration of Shinsu, a predatory smile developed across Yuri's face as remarked, "Good. At least this way, I won't have to hold anything back. Now, are you going to take off your pants or do I have to do it for you...?"Feeling as though things were starting to get out of hand, Vahn allowed a calming energy to flow through his aura as he approached Yuri and wrapped his arms around her body. This confused her at first, but, after a while, she eventually returned his embrace while muttering, "Sorry...I guess I got a little carried away...hahahaha..."Nodding his head in silent affirmation, Vahn loosened his hold on Yuri's body in order to plant a relatively tame but long-lasting kiss on her lips. Then, just as she had started to genuine relax, he allowed his hands to slowly descend her body until he had her remarkably pert and shapely glutes in his grasp. This caused a sensual chuckle to emit from her throat, and, as a result of her growing passions, the intensity of their kiss increased with the temperature of their bodies...Taking advantage of her growing distraction, Vahn released the clasp of Yuri's red skirt, the fabric falling to the ground and providing him better access to the shapely rump bound in silky smooth tights. In response, Yuri, either with the intent to emulate him or get straight to the point, fumbled at his belt for several seconds before simply tearing it away with her monstrous strength.Resisting the urge to laugh, Vahn manipulated the surroundings to give them a bit of privacy as he invested a startling 90,000,000OP into a brand new bed. Anything beneath S-Rank was bound to be destroyed, so, while it was remarkably expensive, it was a necessary expense in Vahn's opinion. Yuri might not have cared if he pushed her to the ground and took her by force, but, considering it was her first time, he wanted to be as gentle, loving, and methodical as possible. Unfortunately, just as he had pushed her onto the bed, two uninvited guests, appearing as golden and green-haired lolis, decided to make an appearance...Though he was originally intending to ignore them, Yuri quickly became aware of the duo, her face demonstrating a considerable amount of confusion as she asked, "Black March? Green April? What are you two doing here? Don't tell me you want to'll have to wait your turn!"Scoffing in response to Yuri's accusation, the Spirit of the Green April crossed her arms in a haughty manner as she said, "You really are a dumbass. Even if it were possible, do you really think I would choose this philandeering asshole as my partner? We came out here to prevent the two of you from doing something stupid. Isn't that...right...?"Directing her gaze towards the Black March, the Spirit of the Green April found her words trailing as she noticed the rather potent blush on the former's face. Then, contrasting everything she had said, the Spirit of the Black March floated closer to Vahn before whispering in a demure tone, "I wouldn't's been a while..." while nervously fidgeting about. This left the Spirit of the Green April at a complete loss, her small and dainty lips parting slightly as she failed to find words to describe her sister-sword's shamelessness...(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Yo...!','Release your inner Ozaroo...!','Princess can't catch a break xD...')
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