Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1528: Karma : Fate

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Leaving Vahn slackjawed, Sis went on to explain that the primary use of Karma, outside of simply acting as a balancing factor, was to determine whether or not the Soul would receive any benefits during their reincarnation. This ranged from relatively simple things, such as being born into wealth and status, to more complex things, such as receiving actual wishes. She even revealed that, under certain conditions, the value of a person’s Karma could qualify them to receive a system not all that dissimilar to The Path.Though The Path was a one-of-a-kind artifact that transcended the Tier System completely, it was far from the only system in existence. The only truly unique aspect of The Path was that it provided the user access to Source Energy, and, under the right conditions, could freely evolve. Depending on the desires of its user, it could even unlock the functions of other systems, or, more shockingly, alter the nature of a Record.As Vahn had already learned, every Record had its unique qualities, be it the Falna from Danmachi or the Prana from the Nasuverse. Though they used the same set of Laws as a foundation, the way said Laws manifested within the Record was in accordance with the restrictions placed upon it. In a way, it was almost like the Laws were the Source Code of all realities, but, depending on the whims of their Creators, the Records could take various shapes.With enough Karma, it was possible to alter the restrictions of a Record, basically forcing it to obey a certain system. This basically meant, so long as you had enough Karma, you could superimpose new restrictions onto an existing Record. In the most extreme cases, you could even turn a Record with a complex set of rules into a ’game’ where you were the only player. It was even possible to implement things like Leveling in a world where such concepts never existed, quantifying reality itself to make it easier for the user to grow stronger...Vahn wasn’t quite sure what to think when he heard this, but, seemingly unconcerned about the fact she had already blown his mind, Sis went on to add, (*Three of the most powerful uses for Karma, at least at your current Soul Tier, include subsuming the fate of others, altering causality to prevent any Overseer-Class entities from detecting you, and, perhaps most powerful of all, deciding the ’reason’ behind your entry into the Record. This is basically choosing a Main Quest from the start, one which will irreversibly alter the Flow of Fate within a Record. In your case, it can be something as simple as finding Eva, or, if you really want to push your limits, you can even choose something along the lines of ’saving the world’.*)Hearing Sis’ explanation, Vahn couldn’t help but smile wryly as he asked, "Is that why so many stories about transmigration include the Protagonist being summoned as a Hero to defeat something like a Demon King?"Though she didn’t have a body, Vahn could imagine Sis shrugging her shoulders as she answered, (*I cannot say for certain, but I believe that to be the case. Technically speaking, all Records have a fixed Fate, a predetermined route from the moment of their creation to the inevitable cessation of Time. If not for the existence of The Path, you would also be bound by this same restriction, living countless lives, many without ever knowing the purpose your existence serves...*)Not expecting Sis to say something so ’serious’, Vahn was mildly surprised, but, after thinking about it, he just shook his head and sighed. Truthfully, he didn’t like the ’structure’ of reality, especially after being a singularity among an infinite number of Records. Because of his perspective, he knew there was no such thing as good and evil, only the transient state of being a Soul experienced at a specific point in Space and Time. In essence, the cruelest and most irredeemable murderer could, depending on the circumstances, reincarnate into an actual Saint in another life. Since Time didn’t actually exist, they could be on their trillionth reincarnation, never knowing the stimulus their Soul had experience in the vast stream of Eternity... Follow current on

Worried that Vahn might be entering a depressive state, Sis tried to cheer him up, saying, (*Even if that is the case, there is intrinsic value in existence itself. The Soul cannot be blamed for wanting to experience new stimuli, as, without this most basic desire, reality itself would cease to be. Instead of worrying about such things, you should focus on your goals. I need not remind you of the purpose you have found in your own existence, do I...?*)Understanding Sis was worried about him, Vahn issued a lighthearted laugh while looking at the tiny blue sphere orbiting around him. Her words were right, of course, and, no matter what the true form of reality was, he had plenty of reason to continue forward. He was determined to save Eva, increase his Soul Tier, link the Records, and, one day, reunite with his mother. If it was possible, he would also like to thank Klyscha, and, though it might not really matter, understand the truth of his origin...Feeling more motivating, Vahn asked, "I understand the part about choosing a Main Quest, but how exactly does subsuming someone else’s Fate work? Do I become them, or does my existent prevent them from being born? I’m not sure I would be comfortable with stealing someone else’s identity..."Vahn had no problem with living his own life and shaping the world around him in accordance with his actions, but, if it really came down to it, he wouldn’t take over as the main character of a Record. He would rather live alongside them and lend a hand, even if it meant becoming responsible for the Fate of the Record itself, much like in Danmachi.Fortunately, Sis readily explained, (*As you have seen for yourself, there are certain entities within a Record that are directly tied to its Fate. Under normal circumstances, the Record will attempt to try and maintain its structure by manipulating events to ensure a certain outcome. If you subsume the Fate of another, you would inherit their significance to the Record, not their identity. In other words, depending on their circumstances, they may live a completely normal life or suffer a tragic fate. It all depends on the time period in which you enter the Record and the actions you take throughout your life.*)Though it wasn’t the most straightforward explanation, Vahn could somewhat understand what Sis was trying to convey. Put simply, he could subsume the fate of a Record’s protagonist, meaning he would have an ability similar to the [Child of Destiny] Innate. This would essentially grant him the protection of Fate itself, likely issuing him Quests in accordance with his ’destiny’. It was somewhat similar to choosing a Main Quest directly, but, instead of knowing his final objective, he would be susceptible to the whims of Fate to ensure the Record’s stability.Vahn wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of basically following a script, so, at least for the time being, he had absolutely no interest in subsuming someone else’s fate. The protection of the Record would be like receiving the designation of Type Omega all over again, ultimately restricting his growth to what the Record decided. The only real benefit seemed to be entering a Record where the Protagonist was fated to obtain some incomprehensibly powerful treasure...Like a sudden epiphany, Vahn imagined entering a Tier 7 Record where the Protagonist was fated to go from a relatively weak mortal to the absolute pinnacle of their respective Omniverse. This would all but guarantee he reached Tier 7, but, in exchange, he would be walking someone else’s path, one with untold difficulties that were bound to arise as a result of the decisions he made.Shaking his head, Vahn decided it was better to walk his own path, living the life he had chosen, not someone else’s. After all, he was the manifestation of The Path itself, a singularity that embodied the infinite possibilities inherent in reality itself. There were no shortcuts to true power, and, if he started now, he might become something unrecognizable from the man he aspired to be. Follow current on

Though he had already made up his mind, Vahn decided to ask, "What happens if I decide not to use my Karma at all? With The Path, there are already no limits to my growth. While it would certainly be interesting to superimpose game mechanics onto a fantasy world, there are downsides to being able to quantify power. Besides, I’ve always been able to hit above my weight class...not knowing where I stand in relation to others seems interesting..."After experiencing two complex systems, Vahn was starting to feel as though simple systems, such as those that appear in One Piece and Dragon Ball, were infinitely better. He would rather see his Power Level than be able to measure all of his parameters and attributes individually. It was also somewhat stressful to systematically raise things like Skills, Magic, and Development Abilities. Having them at a low rank just felt ’wrong’, compelling him to try and increase each of them. This wasn’t a problem at lower levels, but, as his strength increased, there were hundreds of different things that required his focus.Understanding his thoughts, Sis’ laughter echoed in Vahn’s mind before she explained, (*This was actually your saving grace in the Nasuverse. It was because you didn’t use your Karma that you came into contact with Akasha and were designated as Type Omega. This seems to be a failsafe of sorts to account for benevolent individuals who have no wishes they want granting. In essence, it guarantees you experience fortunate encounters that ensure you are able to live a relatively peaceful life.*)Hearing Sis’ words, the smile on Vahn’s face completely froze as what she had just explained settled in his mind. He had always felt things had gone ’too smoothly’ from the moment he first entered the Nasuverse. Though it had been very stressful, he ended up encountering a powerful entity who not only provided him with a slue of powerful abilities but, during a time when he was confused, he had even been given an objective to focus on. Now, he learned this was the direct result of his careless action, a failsafe to prevent him from getting eliminated in an instant.After releasing the most profound sigh he had ever mustered, Vahn fell back onto the stone dais, his eyes reflecting the infinite nothingness above as he muttered, "Now I feel like a complete idiot...I was so worried over the last ninety-five years, even though I was basically living life on easy mode..."Seemingly to alleviate his self-admonishment, Sis interrupted Vahn’s thoughts, stating, (*The Path is always taking your desires into consideration. Even if you are uncertain, it will help you find a way to obtain what your heart truly desires. In the case of the Nasuverse, you were lonely after separating from your family so you ended up in a situation where the hole in your heart could be filled. You also wanted to prove yourself as an Emperor, so, through your own actions, you managed to eventually dominate an entire planet. Towards the very end, you even extended your reach beyond the bounds of the Sol System...don’t discredit your own accomplishments, Vahn. You might have been given an exceptionally powerful designation, but, compared to how ’easy’ things could have been, you chose an incomprehensibly more difficult path...*)With the smile returning to his face, Vahn rolled to a seated position, saying, "You’re right. Even in the end, I never really followed the path Akasha wanted for me. I even ignored a Zennith-level Main Quest, choosing my own way forward. Now, even though I’m still Tier 4, I even have a nascent Realm inside of my Soul, one capable of sealing even powerful Tier 5 beings...hahahahaha~"Realizing how ’broken’ he had become as a result of his paranoia, Vahn couldn’t help but laugh out loud. As Sis had sated, he could have taken advantage of his designation as Type Omega, becoming a powerhouse that commanded the very planets and stars. Instead, he set his sights on shaping the world in accordance with his vision, an endeavor that had taken years of concerted effort. He might not have been able to reach Tier 5, but he was now 95 years wiser and infinitely more experienced.In the grand scheme of things, knowledge, experience, and comprehension of the Laws were the most important factors behind a person’s strength. Soul Tier was more of a classification of their potential than anything else. It effectively determined the pinnacle a person could reach, not how strong they were. Because of this, Fenrir was able to fight against some Tier 4 entities when she had barely reached Tier 3. Now, even though he would have to remake his body and train from scratch, it wouldn’t take him long at all to reach even greater heights... Follow current on

Feeling excitement begin to well up inside of his chest, a massive grin spread across Vahn’s face as he said, "Use some of my Karma to prevent whatever Overseer that governs Eva’s Record from being able to see me. As for the rest, we’ll let Fate decide! I intend to live without inhibitions in Eva’s world, so I can’t wait to see what kind of things Fate throws my way!"Even if it seemed wasteful, Vahn felt it was better to unlock system functions through his own efforts. He already had some functions he rarely used, so, rather than get some arbitrary function that might influence his decisions, he would rather keep what he already had. He also had no desire to choose a path prior to entering the Record, even if it would make finding Eva a lot easier. The Quest function might very well be one of his most powerful assets, but, when it came to living ’freely’, it was one of the things that restricted him the most.Though she was tempted to make some suggestions, Sis could feel how excited Vahn was to simply ’go with the flow’. His bad habits would undoubtedly act up, compelling him to intervene in things he really shouldn’t, but, at least for now, he was excited about living a free and unfettered life. She was interested to see how far he could take things, so, knowing his Karma would guarantee his life wasn’t too stressful, she dutifully obeyed his instructions before asking, (*Is there anything else you would like to do? You still have six hours and forty-three minutes left before you are forced to leave this place.*)Eager to enter a new Record, Vahn shook his head in response to Sis’ inquiry. He had a bad habit of overthinking things, so, rather than let himself get distracted, he would rather follow through on his convictions. The less he knew about the options available, the more interesting life would be once he finally entered a new Record. Besides, he had already trained in accordance with the magic system of Eva’s Record, so, in a way, he already had a supreme advantage. After all, she was one the strongest beings in her Record, being one of the few S-Rank threats in existence. This put her on the level of an Ancient True Dragon, an existence that could support an Empire for thousands of years due to its monstrous might.Sensing his thoughts, Sis decided not to keep Vahn waiting in suspense. She was the most aware of his bad habits, so, before he could change his mind, she used Eva’s memory fragment as a ’beacon’ to locate her original Record. This reflected as the [Akamatsuverse: 2-5] in Vahn’s view, placing it at around the same level as the Nasuverse. Then, after one final confirmation, darkness replaced their shared perspectives, followed by a familiar passing through various viscous membranes...Though it was his third time experiencing it, Vahn felt like he was going to throw up when he felt his non-existent gut being violently tugged in various directions. His momentum continued to increase until it felt like he was moving much faster than the speed of light, and, though he didn’t have eyes to see, he could ’feel’ various colors pervading his existence. He was starting to believe these were the Laws themselves, as, the more he passed through, the more ’real’ he felt. Towards the very end, it even felt like he could reach out and ’grasp’ the colors directly, but, before he could extend his non-existent hand, he found himself laying on what appeared to be a marbled floor.Vahn had no idea when and where he would be entering the Akamatsuverse. The only thing he knew was that it should be around the time when Eva’s memory fragment was made. He remembered her saying it was around the time of the Great Magic War, so, if his memory served him, which it always did, it should be around 1982 in the Record. As for whether or not he would end up on Earth or the Magical World, Vahn would only know that once he got his bearings.Spreading his domain, Vahn resisted the urge to groan as it had shrunken from around 38km to an almost pitiful 9km. This was still better than when he first entered the Nasuverse, but, after growing strong enough to shatter mountains and cause small earthquakes, Vahn couldn’t help but feel as if he had become even weaker than a normal person. His senses even indicated this was the case, as, within 9km from his position, he could sense tens of thousands of people with more powerful auras than him...As Vahn was trying to make sense of his current situation, he sensed an anomaly in his domain. It was almost like a ’lack’ of presence, similar to when Freya had used her cloak in the past. This sent off alarm bells in his mind as his immediate surroundings looked identical to a bedroom. He also noticed a diorama of sorts sitting on a shelf that looked eerily similar to the orb that had originally contained Eva’s memory fragment. This confirmed he had entered around the time of its forging, but, much to his chagrin, his arrival seemed to be in timing with its activation, not its production...Feeling his body tense up, Vahn turned toward the direction of a rather ornate set of doors, a wry smile on his face as a petite young girl with golden hair and beautiful blue eyes entered the room. At a glance, this might have led some to believe the girl was Eva, but, instead of fair white skin and a perpetually angry expression, the girl that entered the room had bronzed skin, curved horns, and a pair of fur-covered ears sticking out from the sides of her head. Her expression had also been fixed into a mischievous smile, much like a child who had successfully completed a prank, but, once she saw someone was in her room, caution and fear immediately replaced her smile as she shouted, "Guards! Someone! There is an intruder in my room...!!"(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Karma basically lets you buy cheats xD...’,’Subsuming Fate is a ’very’ powerful ability...’,’He has nobody to blame by himself (UmU)...’)
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