Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1773 Overwatch

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Chapter 1773 Overwatch

Even at a casual pace, Team Wolf Pack was capable of covering ground much faster than the average team of Regulars. As a result, it wasn't until the sky started to darken that another party, consisting of seven Regulars, appeared. Unfortunately, they also had plans for the central supply station, so, rather than seek a dialogue, they confirmed the bounties of the two 'brats' guarding the entrance before attempting to pick them off with their Spear Bearer, a burly man with curved horns and four muscular arms.
Despite noticing the dark green spear cutting through the air, Gandr just issued a bored yawn while his counterpart, Anak, batted the projectile aside with a snort. Then, leaning forward like a sprinter, the muscles in her legs tensed, her body turning into a blur as she took off with even greater speed than the spear was thrown. This was enough to surprise the group of seven, but, rather than try and flee, they immediately got into a battle formation.
Since the 3rd Floor grouped everyone into Parties and forced them to cohabitate with each other, it wasn't surprising to see Regulars on the 4th Floor working together. Unfortunately, even with three Fishermen on their team, the group of would-be hunters quickly became the hunted. They had seen the remarkable bounties on both Gandr's and Anak's heads, but, rather than immediately run away, they deluded themselves into thinking they could easily pick off the child-like duo. As a result, Anak ended up severely beating the entire Party, not even sparing the two women, one Lightbearer and one Scout, from her wrath.
Walking over to the petite Princess' side, Gandr habitually stroked Anak's head as he said, "Good work. You're getting better at holding back."
Though it used to bother her, having her head pat, Anak made no attempt to prevent Gandr from doing so. Instead, she intoned a curt, 'Nn...', allowing him to continue caressing her head for a few seconds before batting it stepping aside and asking, "What should we do with them?"
Shrugging his shoulders, Gandr replied, "It's hard to say. The Administrator didn't explain how we could collect another person's bounty without killing them. We could always tie them up and ask, but I doubt they would be willing to explain unless we tortured them. That's isn't exactly how we do things, though, so I say we just leave them be. If they attack us again, we can always just beat them up a second time. The highest bounty outside of our Team is only two-thousand Points higher than Nare's, so we're not likely to encounter any real threats on this Floor."
Having developed a habit of deferring to Gandr, Anak nodded her head in response to his words before returning to her position near the entrance of the supply station. There were two cushions flanking a small table filled with tea and treats, so, after plopping down on her own, Anak picked up an animal-shaped cookie, absentmindedly nibbling on it with a lazy expression on her face. As for Gandr, he made sure none of the injured Regulars were at risk of dying before returning to his own spot, a contented sigh escaping his mouth as he savored the black tea in his cup...
From the highest point of the 200m tall pylon, Vahn could be seen with a lazy smile on his face as he and Phae observed Gandr and Anak from within her invisible Lighthouse. They had been omitted from the guard rotation, for obvious reasons, so, after providing a few basic supplies, Vahn decided to let Team Wolf Pack struggle through the rest of the Survival Test without support. He would only step in if there was interference from the Administration, but, considering they were still within the first twenty Floors, considered by many to be the Tower's 'Tutorial', this wasn't particularly likely.
Fortunately, even if he didn't have much to do for the next thirty days, there were plenty of ways for Vahn to pass the time. Thus, with Phae keeping a watchful eye over Team Wolf Pack, Vahn spent the majority of his time attempting to comprehend the Mantra of Eternity. As for the rest, he used it to either idle about in the Little Garden, spending a considerable amount of time with Fenrir, Yoruichi, Hinata, and Mirajane, or training alongside Goku, Madara, Roger, and Ichigo.
For obvious reasons, Vahn 'really' enjoyed the time he spent with the four girls in their love nest. It was strangely reassuring to be able to spend time with some of the women who had impacted him during the most trying time of his life. Being around them made him feel calm, and, though he was quite fond of their sexual exploits, the majority of their time together was spent just relaxing about, reading manga, watching anime, or just enjoying a nice, long, nap.
Ever since he had decided to stop holding himself back, Vahn had been a lot more relaxed than he ever thought possible. This was in spite of the fact that he also trained alongside battle maniacs like Goku, Madara, Roger, and Ichigo. After all, even though they had a penchant for beating each other to a bloody pulp, there were no hard feelings between them. Rather, similar to his relationship with Hinata, Yoruichi, and Mira, Vahn had a lot of fun just hanging out with the four male Templates. He got along well with Roger, Ichigo, and Goku, and, though Madara wasn't particularly sociable, they could enjoy a few drinks together while sitting on the veranda of his Japanese-style manor.
Despite 'letting go', Vahn felt like he had more control over his life these past few months than he had during the hundreds of years preceding them. Even Eva didn't seem to mind his 'gallivanting', stating she didn't really care what he did so long as he didn't try to force her into doing anything she wasn't comfortable with. Since he would obviously never do such a thing, Eva was surprisingly content spending most of her time within the Inner Sanctum's Library, casually reading the books inside while using Karin as a body pillow.
With even Eva supporting his decision, Vahn felt like there was nothing preventing him from just doing as he pleased. The only real restriction on him was that he didn't overcomplicate things by arbitrarily introducing a plethora of women into the Realm. Their support was predicated on the fact that he was using his abilities to either be happy or expedite the completion of his objective, so, as much as possible, Vahn made sure to consider these two factors when he was choosing his Templates...
With the standard cooldown of [Keeper of the Akashic Tome] being thirty days, predicated on the fact he didn't mix too many Names, Vahn was prepared to bestow Phae a name by the time Team Wolf Pack had been on the 4th Floor for just over two weeks. To his surprise, however, she refused the opportunity, arguing, "It will be easier for me the protect the Children with complete access to The Path. So long as I receive a name by the 20th Floor, it doesn't really matter when I develop an actual Ego."
Vahn had never really been able to argue against Phae, so, with her mind made up, he turned to the other Templates he had created, specifically Yoruichi and Hinata. He always tried to pay attention to the 'order' of things, so, with both girls being created at the same time, he felt compelled to ask for their opinions.
As could be expected, Hinata willingly ceded the opportunity to Yoruichi, so, after a bit of back and forth regarding her name, they decided to keep things simple by going with her 'actual' name. She didn't even want the name 'Mason' tacked on to the end, arguing that, if he wanted her to have his name, he would need to 'accept responsibility' by marrying her.
Since he knew Yoruichi was likely to refuse his proposal, as there was no 'need' for her to marry him, Vahn decided to shelve the conversation until a later date. Then, with Fenrir, Mirajane, and Hinata as witnesses, he took Yoruichi to the same location where Gandr had received his name before having her kneel in front of him. This elicited a few playful remarks from the bronze-skinned beauty, as she was naked in preparation for the ceremony, but Vahn largely ignored them as he placed his hand atop her had and granted her the True Name: Yoruichi Shihōin...
Name: [Yoruichi Shihōin], Sobriquet: N/A
Age: 305 (Ageless)
Race: Human, Shinigami
Position(s): N/A
Strength: D-Rank Regular
Toughness: D-Rank Regular
Intellect: D-Rank Regular
Agility: E-Rank Ranker
Control: B-Rank Regular
Shinsu Resistance: N/A
Shinsu: [Quality: Lightning, Cat], [Total: 43,800], [Bang: 9], [Myun: 219], [Soo: 219], [Tension: 100:1]
Soul Tier: 4 (Divine Soul)
Karm: (-)
Innate(s): [Sage Dragon Emperor's Pet(Non-Standard): (-)], [Princess of the Shihōin Family(Non-Standard): SS], [Goddess of Lightning(Emission): SS], [Feline Transformation(Body): A]
Skill(s): [Flash War Cry: Thunder Beast Battle Form: Flash God Black Cat Warrior Princess: SSS], [Flash God Super Transformation: SS], [Flash War Cry: Thunder God War Form: S], [Flash War Cry: S], [Flash Step: S], [Hands of Nirvana: SSS], [Swordsman(Divine): C], [Cooking(Master): E], [Unknown Mystic Arts: (-)], [Spatial Control(Ranker): F], [Cutting(Ranker): F], [Lighthouse Control(Regular): C], [Observer Control(Regular): B], [Reverse Flow Control(Ranker): D], [Flow Control(Ranker): C], [Shinsu Enhacement(Regular): C]
After a rather dazzling scene of lightning tearing through the landscape for the better part of five minutes, Yoruichi's naked body was revealed. Unlike her 'normal' form, however, she had two very prominent cat ears, a long black tail, and, most notably, lightning emulating 'fur' across her arms, legs, the tips of her ears, her long ponytail, and her actual feline tail. It was, as could be expected, pretty difficult to discern her features, but, thanks to his [Eyes of Truth], Vahn was able to witness Yoruichi's bombshell body in all it's glory, even as she pounced onto him...
Though she had always been a little clingy, Vahn was more than a little surprised when Yoruichi began to rub her face and body against him, a happy 'Nyaa~' escaping her throat as she nestled into his chest. This wouldn't normally bother him, but, if he hadn't been in his Realm manifestation, Vahn knew he would have suffered quite a bit due to the lightning dancing across Yoruichi's body flowing directly into him. Even her tongue created dazzling arcs of electricity as she affectionately licked his neck, tensing his nerves and sending shivers through his body.
Fortunately, Vahn learned about this ability while he was still in his Realm manifestation so he could easily counteract its effects in the future. For now, however, he ran his hand along Yoruichi's body, enjoying her supple and smooth curves before cupping her plump posterior and asking, "How long are you going to keep pretending? Since you have an Innate like [Sage Dragon Emperor's Pet], does that mean I'll need to discipline you properly when you misbehave...?"
Rather than cease her act, a feline smile spread across Yoruichi's face as she ran her lighting-tongue along his neck, stopping only after licking his earlobe. Then, in an exceptionally seductive tone, she whispered, "I'm a naughty kitty..." as her knee, also covered in lightning, separated his thighs before coming into contact with his slumbering dragon.
Feeling like all the muscles of his lower body had been forcibly tensed, lightning began to dance across Vahn's body as he entered a state similar to his Lightning Emperor Magia Erebea. It didn't take an omnipotent god to understand that Yoruichi was very clearly in the mood, so, in order to consummate her new name, he decided to indulge the mischievous cat until she was completely satisfied...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'You dun' goofed','Realm-baes be like, "Out of sight, out of mind..."','Vahn has an affinity with cat girls...') <-(p.atreon link)
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